29 research outputs found

    Vocational work abroad as a prerequisite successful adaptation and integration of foreign students in russian universities

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    Авторы рассматривают профориентационную работу российских вузов как условие успешной адаптации и интеграции студентов-иностранцев в российских вузах; предлагают меры по повышению эффективности в части набора абитуриентов других стран в вузы России, а также протекания процесса их адаптации в студенческом коллективе.The authors review the professional work of Russian universities as a prerequisite for successful adaptation and integration of foreign students in Russian universities; propose measures to improve efficiency in terms of recruitment of students from other countries in universities of Russia, as well as the process of their adaptation in the student team

    Aberrant post-translational protein modifications in the pathogenesis of alcohol-induced liver injury

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    It is likely that the majority of proteins will undergo post-translational modification, be it enzymatic or non-enzymatic. These modified protein(s) regulate activity, localization and interaction with other cellular molecules thereby maintaining cellular hemostasis. Alcohol exposure significantly alters several of these post-translational modifications leading to impairments of many essential physiological processes. Here, we present new insights into novel modifications following ethanol exposure and their role in the initiation and progression of liver injury. This critical review condenses the proceedings of a symposium at the European Society for the Biomedical Research on Alcoholism Meeting held September 12-15, 2015, in Valencia, Spain