264 research outputs found

    The Hyper Suprime-Cam SSP Survey: Overview and Survey Design

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    Hyper Suprime-Cam (HSC) is a wide-field imaging camera on the prime focus of the 8.2m Subaru telescope on the summit of Maunakea in Hawaii. A team of scientists from Japan, Taiwan and Princeton University is using HSC to carry out a 300-night multi-band imaging survey of the high-latitude sky. The survey includes three layers: the Wide layer will cover 1400 deg2^2 in five broad bands (grizygrizy), with a 5σ5\,\sigma point-source depth of r26r \approx 26. The Deep layer covers a total of 26~deg2^2 in four fields, going roughly a magnitude fainter, while the UltraDeep layer goes almost a magnitude fainter still in two pointings of HSC (a total of 3.5 deg2^2). Here we describe the instrument, the science goals of the survey, and the survey strategy and data processing. This paper serves as an introduction to a special issue of the Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, which includes a large number of technical and scientific papers describing results from the early phases of this survey.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figures, 5 tables. Corrected for a typo in the coordinates of HSC-Wide spring equatorial field in Table

    Curated genome annotation of Oryza sativa ssp. japonica and comparative genome analysis with Arabidopsis thaliana

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    We present here the annotation of the complete genome of rice Oryza sativa L. ssp. japonica cultivar Nipponbare. All functional annotations for proteins and non-protein-coding RNA (npRNA) candidates were manually curated. Functions were identified or inferred in 19,969 (70%) of the proteins, and 131 possible npRNAs (including 58 antisense transcripts) were found. Almost 5000 annotated protein-coding genes were found to be disrupted in insertional mutant lines, which will accelerate future experimental validation of the annotations. The rice loci were determined by using cDNA sequences obtained from rice and other representative cereals. Our conservative estimate based on these loci and an extrapolation suggested that the gene number of rice is ~32,000, which is smaller than previous estimates. We conducted comparative analyses between rice and Arabidopsis thaliana and found that both genomes possessed several lineage-specific genes, which might account for the observed differences between these species, while they had similar sets of predicted functional domains among the protein sequences. A system to control translational efficiency seems to be conserved across large evolutionary distances. Moreover, the evolutionary process of protein-coding genes was examined. Our results suggest that natural selection may have played a role for duplicated genes in both species, so that duplication was suppressed or favored in a manner that depended on the function of a gene

    HSC Year 1 cosmology results with the minimal bias method: HSC×\timesBOSS galaxy-galaxy weak lensing and BOSS galaxy clustering

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    We present cosmological parameter constraints from a blinded joint analysis of galaxy-galaxy weak lensing, Δ ⁣Σ(R)\Delta\!\Sigma(R), and projected correlation function, wp(R)w_\mathrm{p}(R), measured from the first-year HSC (HSC-Y1) data and SDSS spectroscopic galaxies over 0.15<z<0.70.15<z<0.7. We use luminosity-limited samples as lens samples for Δ ⁣Σ\Delta\!\Sigma and as large-scale structure tracers for wpw_\mathrm{p} in three redshift bins, and use the HSC-Y1 galaxy catalog to define a secure sample of source galaxies at zph>0.75z_\mathrm{ph}>0.75 for the Δ ⁣Σ\Delta\!\Sigma measurements, selected based on their photometric redshifts. For theoretical template, we use the "minimal bias" model for the cosmological clustering observables for the flat Λ\LambdaCDM cosmological model. We compare the model predictions with the measurements in each redshift bin on large scales, R>12R>12 and 8 h1Mpc8~h^{-1}\mathrm{Mpc} for Δ ⁣Σ(R)\Delta\!\Sigma(R) and wp(R)w_\mathrm{p}(R), respectively, where the perturbation theory-inspired model is valid. When we employ weak priors on cosmological parameters, without CMB information, we find S8=0.9360.086+0.092S_8=0.936^{+0.092}_{-0.086}, σ8=0.850.11+0.16\sigma_8=0.85^{+0.16}_{-0.11}, and Ωm=0.2830.035+0.12\Omega_\mathrm{m}=0.283^{+0.12}_{-0.035} for the flat Λ\LambdaCDM model. Although the central value of S8S_8 appears to be larger than those inferred from other cosmological experiments, we find that the difference is consistent with expected differences due to sample variance, and our results are consistent with the other results to within the statistical uncertainties. (abriged)Comment: 24 pages, 19 figures, 4 tables, to be submitted to Phys. Rev.

    A novel RUNX2 missense mutation predicted to disrupt DNA binding causes cleidocranial dysplasia in a large Chinese family with hyperplastic nails

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    Background: Cleidocranial dysplasia (CCD) is a dominantly inherited disease characterized by hypoplastic or absent clavicles, large fontanels, dental dysplasia, and delayed skeletal development. The purpose of this study is to investigate the genetic basis of Chinese family with CCD. Methods: Here, a large Chinese family with CCD and hyperplastic nails was recruited. The clinical features displayed a significant intrafamilial variation. We sequenced the coding region of the RUNX2 gene for the mutation and phenotype analysis. Results: The family carries a c. T407C (p.L136P) mutation in the DNA- and CBF beta-binding Runt domain of RUNX2. Based on the crystal structure, we predict this novel missense mutation is likely to disrupt DNA binding by RUNX2, and at least locally affect the Runt domain structure. Conclusion: A novel missense mutation was identified in a large Chinese family with CCD with hyperplastic nails. This report further extends the mutation spectrum and clinical features of CCD. The identification of this mutation will facilitate prenatal diagnosis and preimplantation genetic diagnosis

    AXY3 encodes a α-xylosidase that impacts the structure and accessibility of the hemicellulose xyloglucan in Arabidopsis plant cell walls

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    Xyloglucan is the most abundant hemicellulose in the walls of dicots such as Arabidopsis. It is part of the load-bearing structure of a plant cell and its metabolism is thought to play a major role in cell elongation. However, the molecular mechanism by which xyloglucan carries out this and other functions in planta is not well understood. We performed a forward genetic screen utilizing xyloglucan oligosaccharide mass profiling on chemically mutagenized Arabidopsis seedlings to identify mutants with altered xyloglucan structures termed axy-mutants. One of the identified mutants, axy3.1, contains xyloglucan with a higher proportion of non-fucosylated xyloglucan subunits. Mapping revealed that axy3.1 contains a point mutation in XYLOSIDASE1 (XYL1) known to encode for an apoplastic glycoside hydrolase releasing xylosyl residues from xyloglucan oligosaccharides at the non-reducing end. The data support the hypothesis that AXY3/XYL1 is an essential component of the apoplastic xyloglucan degradation machinery and as a result of the lack of function in the various axy3-alleles leads not only to an altered xyloglucan structure but also a xyloglucan that is less tightly associated with other wall components. However, the plant can cope with the excess xyloglucan relatively well as the mutant does not display any visible growth or morphological phenotypes with the notable exception of shorter siliques and reduced fitness. Taken together, these results demonstrate that plant apoplastic hydrolases have a larger impact on wall polymer structure and function than previously thought

    Runx1 Loss Minimally Impacts Long-Term Hematopoietic Stem Cells

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    RUNX1 encodes a DNA binding subunit of the core-binding transcription factors and is frequently mutated in acute leukemia, therapy-related leukemia, myelodysplastic syndrome, and chronic myelomonocytic leukemia. Mutations in RUNX1 are thought to confer upon hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) a pre-leukemic state, but the fundamental properties of Runx1 deficient pre-leukemic HSCs are not well defined. Here we show that Runx1 deficiency decreases both apoptosis and proliferation, but only minimally impacts the frequency of long term repopulating HSCs (LT-HSCs). It has been variously reported that Runx1 loss increases LT-HSC numbers, decreases LT-HSC numbers, or causes age-related HSC exhaustion. We attempt to resolve these discrepancies by showing that Runx1 deficiency alters the expression of several key HSC markers, and that the number of functional LT-HSCs varies depending on the criteria used to score them. Finally, we identify genes and pathways, including the cell cycle and p53 pathways that are dysregulated in Runx1 deficient HSCs

    Swimming Exercise Prevents Fibrogenesis in Chronic Kidney Disease by Inhibiting the Myofibroblast Transdifferentiation

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    BACKGROUND: The renal function of chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients may be improved by a number of rehabilitative mechanisms. Swimming exercise training was supposed to be beneficial to its recovery. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Doxorubicin-induced CKD (DRCKD) rat model was performed. Swimming training was programmed three days per week, 30 or 60 min per day for a total period of 11 weeks. Serum biochemical and pathological parameters were examined. In DRCKD, hyperlipidemia was observed. Active mesangial cell activation was evidenced by overexpression of PDGFR, P-PDGFR, MMP-2, MMP-9, α-SMA, and CD34 with a huge amount collagen deposition. Apparent myofibroblast transdifferentiation implicating fibrogenesis in the glomerular mesangium, glomerulonephritis and glomeruloscelorosis was observed with highly elevated proteinuria and urinary BUN excretion. The 60-min swimming exercise but not the 30 min equivalent rescued most of the symptoms. To quantify the effectiveness of exercise training, a physical parameter, i.e. "the strenuosity coefficient" or "the myokine releasing coefficient", was estimated to be 7.154 × 10(-3) pg/mL-J. CONCLUSIONS: The 60-min swimming exercise may ameliorate DRCKD by inhibiting the transdifferentiation of myofibroblasts in the glomerular mesangium. Moreover, rehabilitative exercise training to rescue CKD is a personalized remedy. Benefits depend on the duration and strength of exercise, and more importantly, on the individual physiological condition

    Global Identification and Characterization of Transcriptionally Active Regions in the Rice Genome

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    Genome tiling microarray studies have consistently documented rich transcriptional activity beyond the annotated genes. However, systematic characterization and transcriptional profiling of the putative novel transcripts on the genome scale are still lacking. We report here the identification of 25,352 and 27,744 transcriptionally active regions (TARs) not encoded by annotated exons in the rice (Oryza. sativa) subspecies japonica and indica, respectively. The non-exonic TARs account for approximately two thirds of the total TARs detected by tiling arrays and represent transcripts likely conserved between japonica and indica. Transcription of 21,018 (83%) japonica non-exonic TARs was verified through expression profiling in 10 tissue types using a re-array in which annotated genes and TARs were each represented by five independent probes. Subsequent analyses indicate that about 80% of the japonica TARs that were not assigned to annotated exons can be assigned to various putatively functional or structural elements of the rice genome, including splice variants, uncharacterized portions of incompletely annotated genes, antisense transcripts, duplicated gene fragments, and potential non-coding RNAs. These results provide a systematic characterization of non-exonic transcripts in rice and thus expand the current view of the complexity and dynamics of the rice transcriptome