94 research outputs found

    Міжнародний досвід теоретичних та практичних аспектів розгляду справ за груповими позовами

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    The article is devoted to the study of international experience of theoretical and practical aspects of proceedings in class actions. This study will present various models of regulation in this area of the Anglo-Saxon and mixed legal families. By analyzing this legal basis, the practice of application will be possible to establish the essence of the class action in civil proceedings by disclosing the main features that are inherent in it and are such that distinguish it from other procedural structures aimed at protecting violated rights and legitimate interests as effective judicial mechanism.The subject of the study is issues related to one of the jurisdictional ways to protect the rights and legitimate interests of large groups of people. The purpose of this work is to publish the results of the study, which was conducted as part of a dissertation study on "Group lawsuit in civil proceedings in Ukraine." During the study, a general scientific dialectical method of use was used, which allowed to comprehensively study the main provisions of class action in foreign procedural law and the possibility of its development in the legislation of Ukraine, and provided an opportunity to reveal the nature of class actions in civil proceedings. stages. The scope of application of the results of the development of the theoretical basis in the field of mechanisms for the protection of the rights and legitimate interests of large groups of persons in order to introduce the appropriate procedure in the civil procedure legislation of Ukraine.Key words: civil proceedings, group lawsuit, initiating plaintiff, numerous groups, litigation proceedings, model "opt-in", "opt-out".Стаття присвячена вивченню міжнародного досвіду теоретичного та практичного аспектів розгляду справ за груповими позовами. У рамках даного дослідження представлятимуться різні моделі нормативного регламентування в означеній сфері країн англосаксонської та змішаної правової сім’ї. За рахунок аналізу вказаного правового базису, практики застосування стане можливим встановити сутність групового позову у цивільному судочинстві через розкриття основних ознак, що йому притаманні та є такими, які дозволяють виокремити його з поміж інших процесуальних конструкції, що направлені на захист порушених прав та законних інтересів як ефективного механізму судового. Предметом дослідження є питання, які стосуються одного із юрисдикційних способів захисту прав та законних інтересів чисельних груп осіб. Метою роботи є оприлюднення результатів дослідження, яке проводилось в рамках проведення дисертаційного дослідження за темою «Груповий позов у цивільному судочинстві України». Під час проведення вивчення застосовувався загальнонауковий діалектичний метод використання, якого дозволило комплексно вивчити основні положення групового позову у зарубіжному процесуальному праві та можливості його розвитку у законодавстві України, а також надав можливість розкрити природу групових позовів у цивільному судочинстві, а також простежить їх прояв на окремих його стадіях. Сферою застосування результатів напрацювання теоретичного базису у сфері механізмів захисту прав та законних інтересів чисельних груп осіб з метою запровадження відповідного порядку у цивільно-процесуальне законодавство України. Ключові слова: цивільне судочинство, ініціюючий позивач, багаточисельна група, позовне провадження, модель «opt-in», «opt-out»

    Міжнародний досвід законодавчого регламентування розгляду справ за груповими позовами

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    Олдак, Т. Міжнародний досвід законодавчого регламентування розгляду справ за груповими позовами / Тетяна Олдак // Підприємництво, господарство і право. - 2019. - № 3. - С. 46-51.Стаття присвячена вивченню міжнародного досвіду законодавчого закріплення порядку розгляду справ за груповими позовами. У рамках цього дослідження представлятимуться різні моделі нормативного регламентування у зазначеній сфері країн англосаксонської правової сім’ї. На підставі аналізу вказаного правового базису автором формулюватимуться власні пропозиції до Цивільного процесуального кодексу України, введення яких забезпечить ефективність захисту прав та законних інтересів численних груп осіб.The article is devoted to the study of the international experience of legislative consolidation of the procedure for consideration of cases on group claims. This study will present various models of regulation in this area of the Anglo-Saxon legal family. Based on the analysis of this legal basis, the author will formulate his own proposals to the Civil Procedure Code of Ukraine, the introduction of which will ensure the effectiveness of protection of the rights and legitimate interests of numerous groups of persons.Статья посвящена изучению международного опыта законодательного закрепления порядка рассмотрения дел по групповым искам. В рамках этого исследования будут представлены различные модели нормативного регламентирования в указанной сфере стран англосаксонской правовой семьи. На основании анализа указанного правового базиса автором формулироваться свои предложения в Гражданский процессуальный кодекс Украины, введение которых обеспечит эффективность защиты прав и законных интересов многочисленных групп лиц

    Flow cytometric enumeration of CD34+ hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells in leukapheresis product and bone marrow for clinical transplantation: a comparison of three methods.

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    Flow cytometric enumeration of CD34+ hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells (HSCs) is widely used for evaluation of graft adequacy of peripheral blood and bone marrow stem cell grafts. In the present study, we review and compare the major counting techniques of stem and progenitor cells. The methods are: the Milan/Mullhouse protocol, two-platform ISHAGE (International Society of Hematotherapy and Graft Engineering) and single-platform ISHAGE analysis system. According to the Milan/Mulhouse protocol, HSCs are identified by CD34 antibody staining and easy gating strategy. The ISHAGE guidelines for detection of CD34+ cells are based on a four-parameter flow cytometry method (CD34PE/CD45PerCP staining, side and forward angle light scatter) thus employing multiparameter gating strategy. With two-platform ISHAGE protocol, an absolute CD34+ count is generated by incorporating the leukocyte count from an automated hematology analyser. The single-platform ISHAGE method to determine the absolute CD34+ count directly from a flow cytometer includes the use of Trucount tubes (Becton Dickinson) with a known number of fluorescent beads. CD34+ cells were quantified in mobilized peripheral blood, collected by leukapheresis, and bone marrow from 42 samples from patients with hematological malignancies. The differences against the means display low disagreement between the Milan/Mulhouse and ISHAGE protocols, with discrepancies of up to 2.5% (two-platform ISHAGE)--2.6% (single-platform ISHAGE) in enumeration of CD34+ cells in leukapheresis product and 4.8% (two-platform ISHAGE)--4.9% (single-platform ISHAGE) in bone marrow. Our results show high correlation among all three methods. Since the three protocols are compatible, choosing the most convenient in terms of costs, simplicity and compliance with clinical results appears to be a logical consequence

    Structural Analysis of a Repetitive Protein Sequence Motif in Strepsirrhine Primate Amelogenin

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    Strepsirrhines are members of a primate suborder that has a distinctive set of features associated with the development of the dentition. Amelogenin (AMEL), the better known of the enamel matrix proteins, forms 90% of the secreted organic matrix during amelogenesis. Although AMEL has been sequenced in numerous mammalian lineages, the only reported strepsirrhine AMEL sequences are those of the ring-tailed lemur and galago, which contain a set of additional proline-rich tandem repeats absent in all other primates species analyzed to date, but present in some non-primate mammals. Here, we first determined that these repeats are present in AMEL from three additional lemur species and thus are likely to be widespread throughout this group. To evaluate the functional relevance of these repeats in strepsirrhines, we engineered a mutated murine amelogenin sequence containing a similar proline-rich sequence to that of Lemur catta. In the monomeric form, the MQP insertions had no influence on the secondary structure or refolding properties, whereas in the assembled form, the insertions increased the hydrodynamic radii. We speculate that increased AMEL nanosphere size may influence enamel formation in strepsirrhine primates

    Amelogenin Nanoparticles in Suspension: Deviations from Spherical Shape and pH-Dependent Aggregation

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    It is well-known that amelogenin self-assembles to form nanoparticles, usually referred to as amelogenin nanospheres, despite the fact that not much is known about their actual shape in solution. In the current paper, we combine SAXS and DLS to study the three-dimensional shape of the recombinant amelogenins rP172 and rM179. Our results show for the first time that amelogenins build oblate nanoparticles in suspension using experimental approaches that do not require the proteins to be in contact with a support material surface. The SAXS studies give evidence for the existence of isolated amelogenin nano-oblates with aspect ratios in the range of 0.45-0.5 at pH values higher than pH 7.2 and show an aggregation of these nano-oblates at lower pH values. The role of the observed oblate shape in the formation of chain-like structures at physiological conditions is discussed as a key factor in the biomineralization of dental enamel

    Amelogenin Supramolecular Assembly in Nanospheres Defined by a Complex Helix-Coil-PPII Helix 3D-Structure

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    Tooth enamel, the hardest material in the human body, is formed within a self-assembled matrix consisting mostly of amelogenin proteins. Here we have determined the complete mouse amelogenin structure under physiological conditions and defined interactions between individual domains. NMR spectroscopy revealed four major amelogenin structural motifs, including an N-terminal assembly of four α-helical segments (S9-V19, T21-P33, Y39-W45, V53-Q56), an elongated random coil region interrupted by two 310 helices (∼P60-Q117), an extended proline-rich PPII-helical region (P118-L165), and a charged hydrophilic C-terminus (L165-D180). HSQC experiments demonstrated ipsilateral interactions between terminal domains of individual amelogenin molecules, i.e. N-terminal interactions with corresponding N-termini and C-terminal interactions with corresponding C-termini, while the central random coil domain did not engage in interactions. Our HSQC spectra of the full-length amelogenin central domain region completely overlapped with spectra of the monomeric Amel-M fragment, suggesting that the central amelogenin coil region did not involve in assembly, even in assembled nanospheres. This finding was confirmed by analytical ultracentrifugation experiments. We conclude that under conditions resembling those found in the developing enamel protein matrix, amelogenin molecules form complex 3D-structures with N-terminal α-helix-like segments and C-terminal PPII-helices, which self-assemble through ipsilateral interactions at the N-terminus of the molecule

    Norovirus infections in children under 5 years of age hospitalized due to the acute viral gastroenteritis in northeastern Poland

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    The primary aim of this study was to evaluate the frequency and seasonality of norovirus infection in hospitalized Polish children under 5 years of age, and a secondary aim was to compare the clinical severity of norovirus and rotavirus disease. The prospective surveillance study was carried out from July 2009 through June 2010. Stool samples from 242 children hospitalized due to acute viral gastroenteritis were tested for rotavirus group A and adenovirus with commercial immunochromatographic test and for norovirus with EIA assay. Single norovirus infection was found in 35/242 (14.5%) patients and in a further 5 (2.1%) children as co-infection with rotavirus. Overall, norovirus was detected in 16.5% of stool specimens. Norovirus infections tended to peak from October to November and again from February to March. In autumn months and in February, the proportion of norovirus gastroenteritis cases was equal or even surpassed those of rotavirus origin. Both norovirus and rotavirus infections most commonly affected children between 12 and 23 months of age. The low-grade or no fever was significantly more common in children infected with norovirus (94.3%) compared to rotavirus cases (52.9%). Overall, norovirus gastroenteritis was less severe than rotavirus disease with regard to 20-point severity scale (p < 0.05). Noroviruses have emerged as a relevant cause of acute gastroenteritis in Polish children. There is a great need for introducing routine norovirus testing of hospitalized children with gastroenteritis

    One-Step Purification of Recombinant Human Amelogenin and Use of Amelogenin as a Fusion Partner

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    Amelogenin is an extracellular protein first identified as a matrix component important for formation of dental enamel during tooth development. Lately, amelogenin has also been found to have positive effects on clinical important areas, such as treatment of periodontal defects, wound healing, and bone regeneration. Here we present a simple method for purification of recombinant human amelogenin expressed in Escherichia coli, based on the solubility properties of amelogenin. The method combines cell lysis with recovery/purification of the protein and generates a >95% pure amelogenin in one step using intact harvested cells as starting material. By using amelogenin as a fusion partner we could further demonstrate that the same method also be can explored to purify other target proteins/peptides in an effective manner. For instance, a fusion between the clinically used protein PTH (parathyroid hormone) and amelogenin was successfully expressed and purified, and the amelogenin part could be removed from PTH by using a site-specific protease