356 research outputs found

    Adhesion and electronic structure of graphene on hexagonal boron nitride substrates

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    We investigate the adsorption of graphene sheets on h-BN substrates by means of first-principles calculations in the framework of adiabatic connection fluctuation-dissipation theory in the random phase approximation. We obtain adhesion energies for different crystallographic stacking configurations and show that the interlayer bonding is due to long-range van der Waals forces. The interplay of elastic and adhesion energies is shown to lead to stacking disorder and moir\'e structures. Band structure calculations reveal substrate induced mass terms in graphene which change their sign with the stacking configuration. The dispersion, absolute band gaps and the real space shape of the low energy electronic states in the moir\'e structures are discussed. We find that the absolute band gaps in the moir\'e structures are at least an order of magnitude smaller than the maximum local values of the mass term. Our results are in agreement with recent STM experiments.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figures, revised and extended version, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Probing of valley polarization in graphene via optical second-harmonic generation

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    Valley polarization in graphene breaks inversion symmetry and therefore leads to second-harmonic generation. We present a complete theory of this effect within a single-particle approximation. It is shown that this may be a sensitive tool to measure the valley polarization created, e.g., by polarized light and, thus, can be used for a development of ultrafast valleytronics in graphene.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Wannier Function Approach to Realistic Coulomb Interactions in Layered Materials and Heterostructures

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    We introduce an approach to derive realistic Coulomb interaction terms in free standing layered materials and vertical heterostructures from ab-initio modelling of the corresponding bulk materials. To this end, we establish a combination of calculations within the framework of the constrained random phase approximation, Wannier function representation of Coulomb matrix elements within some low energy Hilbert space and continuum medium electrostatics, which we call Wannier function continuum electrostatics (WFCE). For monolayer and bilayer graphene we reproduce full ab-initio calculations of the Coulomb matrix elements within an accuracy of 0.20.2eV or better. We show that realistic Coulomb interactions in bilayer graphene can be manipulated on the eV scale by different dielectric and metallic environments. A comparison to electronic phase diagrams derived in [M. M. Scherer et al., Phys. Rev. B 85, 235408 (2012)] suggests that the electronic ground state of bilayer graphene is a layered antiferromagnet and remains surprisingly unaffected by these strong changes in the Coulomb interaction.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figure

    Local impurity effects in superconducting graphene

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    We study the effect of impurities in superconducting graphene and discuss their influence on the local electronic properties. In particular, we consider the case of magnetic and non-magnetic impurities being either strongly localized or acting as a potential averaged over one unit cell. The spin dependent local density of states is calculated and possibilities for visualizing impurities by means of scanning tunneling experiments is pointed out. A possibility of identifying magnetic scatters even by non spin-polarized scanning tunneling spectroscopy is explained.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Internal screening and dielectric engineering in magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene

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    Magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene (MA-tBLG) has appeared as a tunable testing ground to investigate the conspiracy of electronic interactions, band structure, and lattice degrees of freedom to yield exotic quantum many-body ground states in a two-dimensional Dirac material framework. While the impact of external parameters such as doping or magnetic field can be conveniently modified and analyzed, the all-surface nature of the quasi-2D electron gas combined with its intricate internal properties pose a challenging task to characterize the quintessential nature of the different insulating and superconducting states found in experiments. We analyze the interplay of internal screening and dielectric environment on the intrinsic electronic interaction profile of MA-tBLG. We find that interlayer coupling generically enhances the internal screening. The influence of the dielectric environment on the effective interaction strength depends decisively on the electronic state of MA-tBLG. Thus, we propose the experimental tailoring of the dielectric environment, e.g. by varying the capping layer composition and thickness, as a promising pursuit to provide further evidence for resolving the hidden nature of the quantum many-body states in MA-tBLG.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures, supplemental material included (8 figures