450 research outputs found

    Tunneling Spectroscopy of Quasiparticle Bound States in a Spinful Josephson Junction

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    The spectrum of a segment of InAs nanowire, confined between two superconducting leads, was measured as function of gate voltage and superconducting phase difference using a third normal-metal tunnel probe. Sub-gap resonances for odd electron occupancy---interpreted as bound states involving a confined electron and a quasiparticle from the superconducting leads, reminiscent of Yu-Shiba-Rusinov states---evolve into Kondo-related resonances at higher magnetic fields. An additional zero bias peak of unknown origin is observed to coexist with the quasiparticle bound states.Comment: Supplementary information available here: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/1742676/Chang_Sup.pd

    A Semiconductor Nanowire-Based Superconducting Qubit

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    We introduce a hybrid qubit based on a semiconductor nanowire with an epitaxially grown superconductor layer. Josephson energy of the transmon-like device ("gatemon") is controlled by an electrostatic gate that depletes carriers in a semiconducting weak link region. Strong coupling to an on-chip microwave cavity and coherent qubit control via gate voltage pulses is demonstrated, yielding reasonably long relaxation times (0.8 {\mu}s) and dephasing times (1 {\mu}s), exceeding gate operation times by two orders of magnitude, in these first-generation devices. Because qubit control relies on voltages rather than fluxes, dissipation in resistive control lines is reduced, screening reduces crosstalk, and the absence of flux control allows operation in a magnetic field, relevant for topological quantum information

    Parity lifetime of bound states in a proximitized semiconductor nanowire

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    Quasiparticle excitations can compromise the performance of superconducting devices, causing high frequency dissipation, decoherence in Josephson qubits, and braiding errors in proposed Majorana-based topological quantum computers. Quasiparticle dynamics have been studied in detail in metallic superconductors but remain relatively unexplored in semiconductor-superconductor structures, which are now being intensely pursued in the context of topological superconductivity. To this end, we introduce a new physical system comprised of a gate-confined semiconductor nanowire with an epitaxially grown superconductor layer, yielding an isolated, proximitized nanowire segment. We identify Andreev-like bound states in the semiconductor via bias spectroscopy, determine the characteristic temperatures and magnetic fields for quasiparticle excitations, and extract a parity lifetime (poisoning time) of the bound state in the semiconductor exceeding 10 ms.Comment: text and supplementary information combine

    Raman spectroscopy and electrical properties of InAs nanowires with local oxidation enabled by substrate micro-trenches and laser irradiation

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    The thermal gradient along indium-arsenide nanowires was engineered by a combination of fabricated micro- trenches in the supporting substrate and focused laser irradiation. This allowed local control of thermally activated oxidation reactions of the nanowire on the scale of the diffraction limit. The locality of the oxidation was detected by micro-Raman mapping, and the results were found consistent with numerical simulations of the temperature profile. Applying the technique to nanowires in electrical devices the locally oxidized nanowires remained conducting with a lower conductance as expected for an effectively thinner conducting core

    Enhancing the NIR Photocurrent in Single GaAs Nanowires with Radial p-i-n Junctions by Uniaxial Strain

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    III-V compound nanowires have electrical and optical properties suitable for a wide range of applications, including photovoltaics and photodetectors. Furthermore, their elastic nature allows the use of strain engineering to enhance their performance. Here we have investigated the effect of mechanical strain on the photocurrent and the electrical properties of single GaAs nanowires with radial p-i-n junctions, using a nanoprobing setup. A uniaxial tensile strain of 3% resulted in an increase in photocurrent by more than a factor of 4 during NIR illumination. This effect is attributed to a decrease of 0.2 eV in nanowire bandgap energy, revealed by analysis of the current-voltage characteristics as a function of strain. This analysis also shows how other properties are affected by the strain, including the nanowire resistance. Furthermore, electron-beam-induced current maps show that the charge collection efficiency within the nanowire is unaffected by strain measured up to 0.9%

    An STM – SEM setup for characterizing photon and electron induced effects in single photovoltaic nanowires

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    Vertical arrays of semiconductor nanowires show great potential for material-efficient and high-performance solar cells. The characterization and correlation between material structure and properties of the individual nanowires are crucial for the continued performance improvement of such devices. In this work, we developed a method with a scanning tunneling microscope (STM) probe inside a scanning electron microscope (SEM) to enable the studies of single photovoltaic nanowires. The STM probe is used to contact individual nanowires in ensembles. We combine the STM-SEM with an in situ light emitting diode (LED) illumination source to study both the electrical and photovoltaic properties of vertical GaAs nanowires with radial p-i-n junctions. We also illustrate that the local charge separation ability within the nanowires can be studied by electron beam induced current (EBIC) measurements. The in situ SEM setup allows the correlation between properties and nanowire structure. The data show that the quality of the electrical contact to the semiconductor nanowire is crucial to be able to investigate the inherent properties of the nanowires. We have established a procedure to make high-quality ohmic contacts to the nanowires with the STM probe. We also show that the effect of mechanical strain on the electrical properties can be investigated by the STM-SEM setup

    Interference effects in electronic transport through metallic single-wall carbon nanotubes

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    In a recent paper Liang {\it et al.} [Nature {\bf 411}, 665 (2001)] showed experimentally, that metallic nanotubes, strongly coupled to external electrodes, may act as coherent molecular waveguides for electronic transport. The experimental results were supported by theoretical analysis based on the scattering matrix approach. In this paper we analyze theoretically this problem using a real-space approach, which makes it possible to control quality of interface contacts. Electronic structure of the nanotube is taken into account within the tight-binding model. External electrodes and the central part (sample) are assumed to be made of carbon nanotubes, while the contacts between electrodes and the sample are modeled by appropriate on-site (diagonal) and hopping (off-diagonal) parameters. Conductance is calculated by the Green function technique combined with the Landauer formalism. In the plots displaying conductance {\it vs.} bias and gate voltages, we have found typical diamond structure patterns, similar to those observed experimentally. In certain cases, however, we have found new features in the patterns, like a double-diamond sub-structure.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figures. To apear in Phys. Rev.

    Electronic Structures of Quantum Dots and the Ultimate Resolution of Integers

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    The orbital angular momentum L as an integer can be ultimately factorized as a product of prime numbers. We show here a close relation between the resolution of L and the classification of quantum states of an N-electron 2-dimensional system. In this scheme, the states are in essence classified into different types according to the m(k)-accessibility, namely the ability to get access to symmetric geometric configurations. The m(k)-accessibility is an universal concept underlying all kinds of 2-dimensional systems with a center. Numerical calculations have been performed to reveal the electronic structures of the states of the dots with 9 and 19 electrons,respectively. This paper supports the Laughlin wave finction and the composite fermion model from the aspect of symmetry.Comment: Two figure

    The CLEO-III Ring Imaging Cherenkov Detector

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    The CLEO-III Detector upgrade for charged particle identification is discussed. The RICH design uses solid LiF crystal radiators coupled with multi-wire chamber photon detectors, using TEA as the photosensor, and low-noise Viking readout electronics. Results from our beam test at Fermilab are presented.Comment: Invited talk by R.J. Mountain at ``The 3rd International Workshop on Ring Imaging Cherenkov Detectors," a research workshop of the Israel Science Foundation, Ein-Gedi, Dead-Sea, Israel, Nov. 15-20, 1998, 14 pages, 9 figure
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