237 research outputs found

    Abacavir methanol 2.5-solvate

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    The structure of abacavir (systematic name: {(1S,4R)-4-[2-amino-6-(cyclo­propyl­amino)-9H-purin-9-yl]cyclo­pent-2-en-1-yl}methanol), C14H18N6O·2.5CH3OH, consists of hydrogen-bonded ribbons which are further held together by additional hydrogen bonds involving the hydroxyl group and two N atoms on an adjacent purine. The asymmetric unit also contains 2.5 mol­ecules of methanol solvate which were grossly disordered and were excluded using SQUEEZE subroutine in PLATON [Spek, (2009 ▶). Acta Cryst. D65, 148–155]

    Impact of irrigation scheduling practices on pesticide leaching at a regional level

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    A modelling approach was used to evaluate the scheduling practices of local farmers and two other irrigation scheduling practices for their potential impact on groundwater pollution in Doña Ana County, New Mexico, USA. The irrigation scheduling practices were: tensiometer-based with the tensiometers placed at 50 or 75% of the root-zone depth and irrigations started when tensiometer readings reached 6 kPa for sandy soils, 23 kPa for sandy loam soils, 44 kPa for loamy soils, and 74 kPa for clay loam soils; and at 50% plant available water depletion (PAWD) level regardless of soil type. The objective was to use irrigation scheduling model IRRSCHM, a volume balance, mixing-cell, type irrigation scheduling and pesticide transport model, to assess and compare the impact of different irrigation scheduling practices on cyanazine and metolachlor concentrations at 180 cm below the soil surface during a 30-year cropping sequence. The region was divided into different soil textural classes to facilitate rapid estimation of soil parameters needed for the model. Very low pesticide concentrations were predicted at 180 cm below the soil surface. However, the predicted pesticide concentrations increased as soil sand fractions increased, regardless of the irrigation scheduling practice. The tensiometer based irrigation scheduling resulted in the highest pesticide concentrations. The lowest concentrations were predicted under the farmer's practices due to deficit irrigation. Dual concentrations at 180 cm depth of the sandy soil class were ~20 times less than the Health Advisory Level under the tensiometer-based irrigation scheduling practices, while the farmer's practices resulted in metolachlor concentrations ~625 times less than the Health Advisory Level. Similarly, the predicted cyanazine concentration in sandy soil class was 3125 times less than the Health Advisory Level under the tensiometer-based irrigation scheduling and ~416 000 times less than the Health Advisory Level under farmer's practices. Simulation results suggested that current farmer's practices do not pose a threat to the area's groundwater quality and result in a 15-40% leaching fraction depending on soil type. Tensiometer-based irrigation scheduling was similar to scheduling irrigations at 50% plant available water depletion and resulted in a 35-50% leaching fraction depending on soil type as long as the tensiometer was placed in the proper root zone depth. The model's calculated leaching fractions using farmer's practices were similar to measured leaching fractions in Doña Ana County, giving credibility to the use of simulation models for assessing and comparing the potential impact of different irrigation scheduling practices on environmental quality at a regional level

    The native architecture of a photosynthetic membrane

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    In photosynthesis, the harvesting of solar energy and its subsequent conversion into a stable charge separation are dependent upon an interconnected macromolecular network of membrane-associated chlorophyll–protein complexes. Although the detailed structure of each complex has been determined, the size and organization of this network are unknown. Here we show the use of atomic force microscopy to directly reveal a native bacterial photosynthetic membrane. This first view of any multi-component membrane shows the relative positions and associations of the photosynthetic complexes and reveals crucial new features of the organization of the network: we found that the membrane is divided into specialized domains each with a different network organization and in which one type of complex predominates. Two types of organization were found for the peripheral light-harvesting LH2 complex. In the first, groups of 10–20 molecules of LH2 form light-capture domains that interconnect linear arrays of dimers of core reaction centre (RC)–light-harvesting 1 (RC–LH1–PufX) complexes; in the second they were found outside these arrays in larger clusters. The LH1 complex is ideally positioned to function as an energy collection hub, temporarily storing it before transfer to the RC where photochemistry occurs: the elegant economy of the photosynthetic membrane is demonstrated by the close packing of these linear arrays, which are often only separated by narrow 'energy conduits' of LH2 just two or three complexes wide

    The structures of a naturally empty cowpea mosaic virus particle and its genome-containing counterpart by cryo-electron microscopy

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    Cowpea mosaic virus (CPMV) is a picorna-like plant virus. As well as an intrinsic interest in CPMV as a plant pathogen, CPMV is of major interest in biotechnology applications such as nanotechnology. Here, we report high resolution cryo electron microscopy (cryo-EM) maps of wild type CPMV containing RNA-2, and of naturally-formed empty CPMV capsids. The resolution of these structures is sufficient to visualise large amino acids. We have refined an atomic model for each map and identified an essential amino acid involved in genome encapsidation. This work has furthered our knowledge of Picornavirales genome encapsidation and will assist further work in the development of CPMV as a biotechnological tool

    Where’s the “Everyday Black Woman”? An intersectional qualitative analysis of Black Women’s decision-making regarding HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) in Mississippi

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    Background: Black cisgender women in the U.S. South bear a disproportionate burden of HIV compared to cisgender women in other racial and ethnic groups and in any other part of the US. Critical to decreasing new HIV infections is the improved delivery of pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) for Black cisgender women as it remains underutilized in 2021. Informed by intersectionality, the study sought to characterize the sociostructural influences on Black cisgender women’s deliberations about PrEP within the context of interlocking systems of oppression including racism, sexism, and classism. Methods: Six focus groups were conducted with 37 Black women residing in Jackson, Mississippi. This sample was purposively recruited to include Black cisgender women who were eligible for PrEP but had never received a PrEP prescription. Results: Six themes were identified as concerns during PrEP deliberation among Black women: 1) limited PrEP awareness, 2) low perceived HIV risk, 3) concerns about side effects, 4) concerns about costs, 5) limited marketing, and 6) distrust in the healthcare system. Three themes were identified as facilitators during PrEP deliberations: 1) women’s empowerment and advocacy, 2) need for increased PrEP-specific education, and 3) the positive influence of PrEP-engaged women’s testimonials. Black women shared a limited awareness of PrEP exacerbated by the lack of Black women-specific marketing. Opportunities to support Black women-specific social marketing could increase awareness and knowledge regarding PrEP’s benefits and costs. Black women also shared their concerns about discrimination in healthcare and distrust, but they felt that these barriers may be addressed by patient testimonials from PrEP-engaged Black women, empowerment strategies, and directly addressing provider biases. Conclusions: An effective response to PrEP implementation among Black women in the South requires developing programs to center the needs of Black women and carry out active strategies that prioritize peer advocacy while reinforcing positive and mitigating negative influences from broader social and historical contexts

    “PrEP’s just to secure you like insurance”: a qualitative study on HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) adherence and retention among black cisgender women in Mississippi

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    Background: Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) has the potential to reduce transmission of HIV among Black cisgender women in the Southern United States (U.S.); however, national data suggests that PrEP initiation is lowest in the South and among Black women compared to other U.S. regions and white women. This study applied intersectionality and PrEP multilevel resilience frameworks to assess how socio-structural and clinical contexts shaped PrEP persistence among Black cisgender women in Mississippi. Methods: Semi-structured interviews were conducted with eight Black cisgender women in Jackson, Mississippi. This sample was purposively recruited to include PrEP-initiated Black cisgender women. Results: Six themes identified that shaped PrEP care among Black cisgender women: (1) internal assets, (2) sole responsibility to HIV prevention, (3) added protection in HIV serodifferent relationships, (4) financial issues, (5) trust and distrust in the medical system, and (6) side effects. Black cisgender women reported that PrEP persistence increased control over their sexual health, reduced anxiety about HIV, and promoted self-care. Black cisgender women also indicated that medication assistance programs increased PrEP affordability resulting in continued persistence. Conclusions: In addition to preventing HIV, PrEP may yield secondary positive impacts on the health and relationships of Black cisgender women. However, very few Black cisgender women in the South are using PrEP given intersectional barriers and thus necessitates adaptive strategies to support PrEP initiation and persistence. Efforts aimed at increasing the coverage of PrEP among Black cisgender women should consider implementation strategies responsive to lived realities of Black women

    Nanoscale Confinement and Fluorescence Effects of Bacterial Light Harvesting Complex LH2 in Mesoporous Silicas

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    Many key chemical and biochemical reactions, particularly in living cells, take place in confined space at the mesoscopic scale. Toward understanding of physicochemical nature of biomacromolecules confined in nanoscale space, in this work we have elucidated fluorescence effects of a light harvesting complex LH2 in nanoscale chemical environments. Mesoporous silicas (SBA-15 family) with different shapes and pore sizes were synthesized and used to create nanoscale biomimetic environments for molecular confinement of LH2. A combination of UV-vis absorption, wide-field fluorescence microscopy, and in situ ellipsometry supports that the LH2 complexes are located inside the silica nanopores. Systematic fluorescence effects were observed and depend on degree of space confinement. In particular, the temperature dependence of the steady-state fluorescence spectra was analyzed in detail using condensed matter band shape theories. Systematic electronic-vibrational coupling differences in the LH2 transitions between the free and confined states are found, most likely responsible for the fluorescence effects experimentally observed

    Community-Centered Responses to Ebola in Urban Liberia: The View from Below

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    The West African Ebola epidemic has demonstrated that the existing range of medical and epidemiological responses to emerging disease outbreaks is insufficient, especially in post-conflict contexts with exceedingly poor healthcare infrastructures. This study provides baseline information on community-based epidemic control priorities and identifies innovative local strategies for containing EVD in Liberia.In this study the authors analyzed data from the 2014 Ebola outbreak in Monrovia and Montserrado County, Liberia. The data were collected for the purposes of program design and evaluation by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Government of Liberia (GOL), in order to identify: (1) local knowledge about EVD, (2) local responses to the outbreak, and (3) community based innovations to contain the virus. At the time of data collection, the international Ebola response had little insight into how much local Liberian communities knew about Ebola, and how communities managed the epidemic when they could not get access to care due to widespread hospital and clinic closures. Methods included 15 focus group discussions with community leaders from areas with active Ebola cases. Participants were asked about best practices and what they were currently doing to manage EVD in their respective communities, with the goal of developing conceptual models of local responses informed by local narratives. Findings reveal that communities responded to the outbreak in numerous ways that both supported and discouraged formal efforts to contain the spread of the disease. This research will inform global health policy for both this, and future, epidemic and pandemic responses

    Landscape history, time lags and drivers of change : urban natural grassland remnants in Potchefstroom, South Africa

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    The history of the landscape directly affects biotic assemblages, resulting in time lags in species response to disturbances. In highly fragmented environments, this phenomenon often causes extinction debts. However, few studies have been carried out in urban settings. To determine if there are time lags in the response of temperate natural grasslands to urbanization. Does it differ for indigenous species and for species indicative of disturbance and between woody and open grasslands? Do these time lags change over time? What are the potential landscape factors driving these changes? What are the corresponding vegetation changes? In 1995 and 2012 vegetation sampling was carried out in 43 urban grassland sites. We calculated six urbanization and landscape measures in a 500 m buffer area surrounding each site for 1938, 1961, 1970, 1994, 1999, 2006, and 2010. We used generalized linear models and model selection to determine which time period best predicted the contemporary species richness patterns. Woody grasslands showed time lags of 20-40 years. Contemporary open grassland communities were, generally, associated with more contemporary landscapes. Altitude and road network density of natural areas were the most frequent predictors of species richness. The importance of the predictors changed between the different models. Species richness, specifically, indigenous herbaceous species, declined from 1995 to 2012. The history of urbanization affects contemporary urban vegetation assemblages. This indicates potential extinction debts, which have important consequences for biodiversity conservation planning and sustainable future scenarios.Peer reviewe