419 research outputs found

    Ecosystems with mutually exclusive interactions self-organize to a state of high diversity

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    Ecological systems comprise an astonishing diversity of species that cooperate or compete with each other forming complex mutual dependencies. The minimum requirements to maintain a large species diversity on long time scales are in general unknown. Using lichen communities as an example, we propose a model for the evolution of mutually excluding organisms that compete for space. We suggest that chain-like or cyclic invasions involving three or more species open for creation of spatially separated sub-populations that subsequently can lead to increased diversity. In contrast to its non-spatial counterpart, our model predicts robust co-existence of a large number of species, in accordance with observations on lichen growth. It is demonstrated that large species diversity can be obtained on evolutionary timescales, provided that interactions between species have spatial constraints. In particular, a phase transition to a sustainable state of high diversity is identified.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Non-Markovian Levy diffusion in nonhomogeneous media

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    We study the diffusion equation with a position-dependent, power-law diffusion coefficient. The equation possesses the Riesz-Weyl fractional operator and includes a memory kernel. It is solved in the diffusion limit of small wave numbers. Two kernels are considered in detail: the exponential kernel, for which the problem resolves itself to the telegrapher's equation, and the power-law one. The resulting distributions have the form of the L\'evy process for any kernel. The renormalized fractional moment is introduced to compare different cases with respect to the diffusion properties of the system.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figure

    A Technique for the Quantitative Estimation of Soil Micro-organisms

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    Contact processes with long-range interactions

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    A class of non-local contact processes is introduced and studied using mean-field approximation and numerical simulations. In these processes particles are created at a rate which decays algebraically with the distance from the nearest particle. It is found that the transition into the absorbing state is continuous and is characterized by continuously varying critical exponents. This model differs from the previously studied non-local directed percolation model, where particles are created by unrestricted Levy flights. It is motivated by recent studies of non-equilibrium wetting indicating that this type of non-local processes play a role in the unbinding transition. Other non-local processes which have been suggested to exist within the context of wetting are considered as well.Comment: Accepted with minor revisions by Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and experiment

    Contact process with long-range interactions: a study in the ensemble of constant particle number

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    We analyze the properties of the contact process with long-range interactions by the use of a kinetic ensemble in which the total number of particles is strictly conserved. In this ensemble, both annihilation and creation processes are replaced by an unique process in which a particle of the system chosen at random leaves its place and jumps to an active site. The present approach is particularly useful for determining the transition point and the nature of the transition, whether continuous or discontinuous, by evaluating the fractal dimension of the cluster at the emergence of the phase transition. We also present another criterion appropriate to identify the phase transition that consists of studying the system in the supercritical regime, where the presence of a "loop" characterizes the first-order transition. All results obtained by the present approach are in full agreement with those obtained by using the constant rate ensemble, supporting that, in the thermodynamic limit the results from distinct ensembles are equivalent

    Field theory of directed percolation with long-range spreading

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    It is well established that the phase transition between survival and extinction in spreading models with short-range interactions is generically associated with the directed percolation (DP) universality class. In many realistic spreading processes, however, interactions are long ranged and well described by L\'{e}vy-flights, i.e., by a probability distribution that decays in dd dimensions with distance rr as r−d−σr^{-d-\sigma}. We employ the powerful methods of renormalized field theory to study DP with such long range, L\'{e}vy-flight spreading in some depth. Our results unambiguously corroborate earlier findings that there are four renormalization group fixed points corresponding to, respectively, short-range Gaussian, L\'{e}vy Gaussian, short-range DP and L\'{e}vy DP, and that there are four lines in the (σ,d)(\sigma, d) plane which separate the stability regions of these fixed points. When the stability line between short-range DP and L\'{e}vy DP is crossed, all critical exponents change continuously. We calculate the exponents describing L\'{e}vy DP to second order in ϵ\epsilon-expansion, and we compare our analytical results to the results of existing numerical simulations. Furthermore, we calculate the leading logarithmic corrections for several dynamical observables.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figure

    Rare Events Statistics in Reaction--Diffusion Systems

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    We develop an efficient method to calculate probabilities of large deviations from the typical behavior (rare events) in reaction--diffusion systems. The method is based on a semiclassical treatment of underlying "quantum" Hamiltonian, encoding the system's evolution. To this end we formulate corresponding canonical dynamical system and investigate its phase portrait. The method is presented for a number of pedagogical examples.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figure

    Electrophysiological correlates of high-level perception during spatial navigation

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    We studied the electrophysiological basis of object recognition by recording scalp\ud electroencephalograms while participants played a virtual-reality taxi driver game.\ud Participants searched for passengers and stores during virtual navigation in simulated\ud towns. We compared oscillatory brain activity in response to store views that were targets or\ud nontargets (during store search) or neutral (during passenger search). Even though store\ud category was solely defined by task context (rather than by sensory cues), frontal ...\ud \u

    Non-equilibrium Phase Transitions with Long-Range Interactions

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    This review article gives an overview of recent progress in the field of non-equilibrium phase transitions into absorbing states with long-range interactions. It focuses on two possible types of long-range interactions. The first one is to replace nearest-neighbor couplings by unrestricted Levy flights with a power-law distribution P(r) ~ r^(-d-sigma) controlled by an exponent sigma. Similarly, the temporal evolution can be modified by introducing waiting times Dt between subsequent moves which are distributed algebraically as P(Dt)~ (Dt)^(-1-kappa). It turns out that such systems with Levy-distributed long-range interactions still exhibit a continuous phase transition with critical exponents varying continuously with sigma and/or kappa in certain ranges of the parameter space. In a field-theoretical framework such algebraically distributed long-range interactions can be accounted for by replacing the differential operators nabla^2 and d/dt with fractional derivatives nabla^sigma and (d/dt)^kappa. As another possibility, one may introduce algebraically decaying long-range interactions which cannot exceed the actual distance to the nearest particle. Such interactions are motivated by studies of non-equilibrium growth processes and may be interpreted as Levy flights cut off at the actual distance to the nearest particle. In the continuum limit such truncated Levy flights can be described to leading order by terms involving fractional powers of the density field while the differential operators remain short-ranged.Comment: LaTeX, 39 pages, 13 figures, minor revision
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