313 research outputs found

    Stimulated Raman scattering in an optical parametric oscillator based on periodically poled MgO-doped stoichiometric LiTaO3

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    The evolution versus pump power of the spectrum of a singly resonant optical parametric oscillator based on an MgO-doped periodically poled stoichiometric lithium tantalate crystal is observed. The onset of cascade Raman lasing due to stimulated Raman scattering in the nonlinear crystal is analyzed. Spurious frequency doubling and sum-frequency generation phenomena are observed and understood. A strong reduction of the intracavity Raman scattering is obtained by a careful adjustment of the cavity losses.Comment: 6 figure

    Thermal maps of gases in heterogeneous reactions.

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    More than 85 per cent of all chemical industry products are made using catalysts1,2, the overwhelming majority of which are heterogeneous catalysts2 that function at the gas–solid interface3. Consequently, much effort is invested in optimizing the design of catalytic reactors, usually by modelling4 the coupling between heat transfer, fluid dynamics and surface reaction kinetics. The complexity involved requires a calibration of model approximations against experimental observations5,6, with temperature maps being particularly valuable because temperature control is often essential for optimal operation and because temperature gradients contain information about the energetics of a reaction. However, it is challenging to probe the behaviour of a gas inside a reactor without disturbing its flow, particularly when trying also to map the physical parameters and gradients that dictate heat and mass flow and catalytic efficiency1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9. Although optical techniques10,11,12 and sensors13,14 have been used for that purpose, the former perform poorly in opaque media and the latter perturb the flow. NMR thermometry can measure temperature non-invasively, but traditional approaches applied to gases produce signals that depend only weakly on temperature15,16 are rapidly attenuated by diffusion16,17 or require contrast agents18 that may interfere with reactions. Here we present a new NMR thermometry technique that circumvents these problems by exploiting the inverse relationship between NMR linewidths and temperature caused by motional averaging in a weak magnetic field gradient. We demonstrate the concept by non-invasively mapping gas temperatures during the hydrogenation of propylene in reactors packed with metal nanoparticles and metal–organic framework catalysts, with measurement errors of less than four per cent of the absolute temperature. These results establish our technique as a non-invasive tool for locating hot and cold spots in catalyst-packed gas–solid reactors, with unprecedented capabilities for testing the approximations used in reactor modelling

    Psi-series solutions of the cubic H\'{e}non-Heiles system and their convergence

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    The cubic H\'enon-Heiles system contains parameters, for most values of which, the system is not integrable. In such parameter regimes, the general solution is expressible in formal expansions about arbitrary movable branch points, the so-called psi-series expansions. In this paper, the convergence of known, as well as new, psi-series solutions on real time intervals is proved, thereby establishing that the formal solutions are actual solutions

    Rubisco and carbon-concentrating mechanism co-evolution across chlorophyte and streptophyte green algae.

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    Green algae expressing a carbon-concentrating mechanism (CCM) are usually associated with a Rubisco-containing micro-compartment, the pyrenoid. A link between the small subunit (SSU) of Rubisco and pyrenoid formation in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii has previously suggested that specific RbcS residues could explain pyrenoid occurrence in green algae. A phylogeny of RbcS was used to compare the protein sequence and CCM distribution across the green algae and positive selection in RbcS was estimated. For six streptophyte algae, Rubisco catalytic properties, affinity for CO2 uptake (K0.5 ), carbon isotope discrimination (δ13 C) and pyrenoid morphology were compared. The length of the βA-βB loop in RbcS provided a phylogenetic marker discriminating chlorophyte from streptophyte green algae. Rubisco kinetic properties in streptophyte algae have responded to the extent of inducible CCM activity, as indicated by changes in inorganic carbon uptake affinity, δ13 C and pyrenoid ultrastructure between high and low CO2 conditions for growth. We conclude that the Rubisco catalytic properties found in streptophyte algae have coevolved and reflect the strength of any CCM or degree of pyrenoid leakiness, and limitations to inorganic carbon in the aquatic habitat, whereas Rubisco in extant land plants reflects more recent selective pressures associated with improved diffusive supply of the terrestrial environment.NE/L002507/1, BB/M007693/1, BB/I024518/1 (NERC, BBSRC and NSF). A Cambridge Trust Vice Chancellor’s award and Lucy Cavendish College, Cambridge, for supporting the PhD scholarship of MMMG. DJO and ECS acknowledge support from (BBSRC; grant number BB/I024488/1)

    Constraints on new interactions from neutron scattering experiments

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    Constraints for the constants of hypothetical Yukawa-type corrections to the Newtonian gravitational potential are obtained from analysis of neutron scattering experiments. Restrictions are obtained for the interaction range between 10^{-12} and 10^{-7} cm, where Casimir force experiments and atomic force microscopy are not sensitive. Experimental limits are obtained also for non-electromagnetic inverse power law neutron-nucleus potential. Some possibilities are discussed to strengthen these constraints.Comment: 18 pages, 3 figure

    Stable two-dimensional solitary pulses in linearly coupled dissipative Kadomtsev-Petviashvili equations

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    A two-dimensional (2D) generalization of the stabilized Kuramoto - Sivashinsky (KS) system is presented. It is based on the Kadomtsev-Petviashvili (KP) equation including dissipation of the generic (Newell -- Whitehead -- Segel, NWS) type and gain. The system directly applies to the description of gravity-capillary waves on the surface of a liquid layer flowing down an inclined plane, with a surfactant diffusing along the layer's surface. Actually, the model is quite general, offering a simple way to stabilize nonlinear waves in media combining the weakly-2D dispersion of the KP type with gain and NWS dissipation. Parallel to this, another model is introduced, whose dissipative terms are isotropic, rather than of the NWS type. Both models include an additional linear equation of the advection-diffusion type, linearly coupled to the main KP-NWS equation. The extra equation provides for stability of the zero background in the system, opening a way to the existence of stable localized pulses. The consideration is focused on the case when the dispersive part of the system of the KP-I type, admitting the existence of 2D localized pulses. Treating the dissipation and gain as small perturbations and making use of the balance equation for the field momentum, we find that the equilibrium between the gain and losses may select two 2D solitons, from their continuous family existing in the conservative counterpart of the model (the latter family is found in an exact analytical form). The selected soliton with the larger amplitude is expected to be stable. Direct simulations completely corroborate the analytical predictions.Comment: a latex text file and 16 eps files with figures; Physical Review E, in pres

    On the issue of obtaining platelet-rich plasma

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    Objective: To determine the optimal technological modes for the preparation of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) using standard laboratory equipment.Material and methods: Blood for the research was taken from 25 healthy volunteers. Its centrifugation was performed on a standard CM-6M laboratory centrifuge using various modes and two types of vacuum tubes with lithium heparin containing separation gel and without it. The number of platelets and leukocytes was calculated in the upper, lower and middle layers of the obtained plasma sample.Results: Plasma samples obtained during centrifugation modes from 415 to 1660 g for 10 minutes using test tubes that do not contain separation gel are optimal in terms of the number of platelets. Plasma intake from the lower layer of the obtained sample after centrifugation is always accompanied by the inclusion of leukocytes in its composition, which can lead to undesirable tissue reactions when it is used.Conclusion: To obtain PRP, it is possible to use standard laboratory equipment in the centrifugation mode from 415 to 1660 g for 10 minutes using test tubes that do not contain separation gel. Plasma sampling for clinical use should be carried out from the middle layer of the obtained sample

    Comparative Evaluation of Biomechanical Characteristics of Acellular Dermal Matrix for Hernioplasty

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    Background. With the introduction of synthetic mesh implants into clinical practice, the recurrence rate of postoperative ventral hernias was signifi cantly reduced. The extensive use of synthetic implants led to the development of specifi c complications. The development of biological implants, based on extensively purifi ed decellularized collagen matrix of xenogeneic origin is highly relevant due to the fact that, unlike synthetic analogues, they have a biological origin and biodegrade in a natural way, gradually being replaced with newly formed connective tissue. The use of bioprostheses reduces the risk of complications.Objectives. To conduct a comparative evaluation of the biomechanical characteristics of acellular dermal matrix, obtained by detergent-enzymatic decellularization, and commercially distributed Permacol™ matrix.Methods. Acellular dermal matrix (ADM) was created by using samples of native skin of pig of Landras breed aged 4 months. The dermis was processed by means of detergent-enzymatic method. In order to evaluate and compare the mechanical properties of acellular dermal matrix, the biological samples were divided into 2 groups of 15 samples each. The fi rst group included acellular dermal matrix samples, the second group — native samples of pigs unprocessed dermis. The control group consisted of samples of PermacolTM Surgical Implant, xenotransplant for hernioplasty approved for use in the Russian Federation (Covidien, France). All samples were tested wet using universal testing instrument Instron 1122. MedCalc Statistical Software (Belgium) was used for statistical processing of the study results.Results. In the present study, pig dermis was processed using a detergent-enzymatic method to produce ADM. Routine histological examination confi rmed the removal of all cellular elements, and at the same time it was proven that the native structure of the dermis remained intact during its processing. The mechanical characteristics of xenogenic ADM were further determined. Its tensile strength was 9.1 ± 0.6 MPa (910 N/cm2 ), elongation to break was 21.1 ± 2.3%, and elastic modulus was 50.0 ± 1.6 MPa. These characteristics largely corresponded to the strength characteristics of native pig dermis and far exceeded the necessary physiological parameters. PermacolTM control was tested in two directions (longitudinal and transverse). In the longitudinal direction, the sample had higher mechanical characteristics: strength — 12.0 ± 1.7 MPa, elongation to break — 29.7 ± 2.4%, stiffness modulus — 47.2 ± 6.5 MPa. In the transverse direction, all indicators were 1.5–2 times lower.Conclusion. The developed xenogeneic biological implant in the form of ADM demonstrates rather good characteristics of plasticity, tensile strength and elasticity, to be used as a biological endoprosthesis for plasty of hernia defects of the abdominal wall of any size and shape

    Development of the Acellular Dermal Matrix and Experimental Substantiation of Its Use in the Anterior Abdominal Wall hernia Repair

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    Objective: To develop a biological implant that is an acellular dermal matrix (ADM), evaluate its use as a support material in tensionfree hernioplasty for ventral hernia, and compare it to that of the commercially available implant PermacolTM.   Materials and methods: ADM was derived from the porcine dermis (Landrace breed) decellularized using detergents and enzymes. The quality of devitalization was assessed in vitro. We performed sublay hernioplasty in 4-month-old Landrace pigs using ADM (experimental group) and PermacolTM (control group). The specimens were explanted on day 120 of the experiment for histological and immunohistochemical examination.   Results: All cellular elements were removed by the detergent-enzymatic treatment of the dermis; the native architecture of the dermis was slightly disrupted. The specimens of the commercially available chemically cross-linked biomaterial PermacolTM had better mechanical properties than ADM specimens; however, there were no significant differences in terms of cytotoxicity. The state of the tissues after the explantation (number of fibroblasts and endothelial cells) showed no differences in the result of using ADM and PermacolTM. In 120 days, the materials integrated into the tissues without the formation of adhesions or inflammation.   Conclusions: Our findings show that ADM does not have cytotoxic properties, has adequate biomechanical parameters to effectively reinforce supporting soft tissues, does not cause an inflammatory response during implantation, and integrates fully into tissues. Our study demonstrates the effectiveness and utility of the developed ADM in surgical treatment of anterior abdominal wall defects