1,689 research outputs found

    Fiscal policies and car choices in Italy and Norway: A scenario analysis based on a stated-preference survey

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    Norwegian and Italian car drivers make very different car choices. This paper investigates the influence of fiscal policies on car buyers’ choices, using data collected from a stated preference survey conducted in 2021. After estimating a joint random parameter logit model, we simulated the market shares of five car powertrains under three scenarios: “Italian car buyers face the same net purchase car prices and fuel\electricity costs as the Norwegian car drivers and vice versa”, “Italy adopts the Norwegian registration tax”, and “Both Italy and Norway adopt a social cost internalizing registration tax”. The results indicate that Italian car users are reluctant to switch to battery electric cars (BEVs). They would choose BEVs more frequently in the three scenarios envisaged but without reaching the corresponding Norwegian levels. If Italy would adopt the Norwegian registration tax system, BEVs’ market share would gain 5.4 percentage points relative to the baseline scenario, while under the social cost internalizing scenario, BEVs’ market share would improve by 3.4 and PHEVs’ one by 0.2 percentage points. On the contrary, Norwegians are BEV-oriented and would comparatively preserve a high BEV share. In the social cost internalization scenario, the BEV share relative to the baseline scenario would decrease by 7.2 percentage points, petrol cars would gain 1.2, HEVs 2.9, PHEVs 3.4, and diesel cars would lose 0.3 percentage points. In general, there seems to be a lock-in or path dependence effect that limits BEV penetration in Italy and prevents the decline of the BEV share in Norway

    Survey of large circular and octagonal tanks operated at Norwegian commercial smolt and post-smolt sites

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    AbstractA survey was conducted to determine the geometry, operating parameters, and other key features of large circular or octagonal culture tanks used to produce Atlantic salmon smolt and post-smolt at six major Norwegian Atlantic salmon production companies. A total of 55 large tanks were reported at seven land-based hatchery locations, i.e., averaging 7.9 (range of 4–12) large tanks per land-based site. In addition, one 21,000m3 floating fiberglass tank in sea was reported. Culture volume ranged from 500 to 1300m3 for each land-based tank. Most tanks were circular, but one site used octagonal tanks. Land-based tank diameters ranged from 14.5 to 20m diameter, whereas the floating tank was 40m diameter. Maximum tank depths ranged from 3.5 to 4.5m at land-based facilities, which produced diameter-to-average-depth ratios of 3.6:1 to 5.5:1m:m. The floating tank was much deeper at 20m, with a diameter-to-average-depth ratio of only 2.4:1m:m. All land-based tanks had floors sloping at 4.0–6.5% toward the tank center and various pipe configurations that penetrated the culture tank water volume at tank center. These pipes and sloping floors were used to reduce labor when removing dead fish and harvesting fish.Maximum flow ranged from 3 to 19m3/min per land-based tank, with 400m3/min at the floating tank, but tank flow was adjustable at most facilities. Land-based tanks were flushed at a mean hydraulic retention time (HRT) of 35–170min. Maximum feed load on each land-based tank ranged from 525 to 850kg/day, but the floating tank reached 3700kg/day. Almost half of the large tanks reported in this survey were installed or renovated since 2013, including the three tank systems with the highest flow rate per tank (greater than 17.6m3/min). These more recent tanks were operated at more rapid tank HRT’s, i.e., from 34.8 to 52.5min, than the 67–170min HRT typical of the large tanks built before 2013. In addition, flow per unit of feed load in land-based tanks that began operating before 2010 were lower (19–30m3 flow/kg feed) than in tanks that began operating later (33–40m3 flow/kg feed). In comparison, the floating tank operates at a maximum daily tank flow to feed load of 160m3 flow/kg feed, which is the least intensive of all tanks surveyed. Survey results suggest that the recently built tanks have been designed to operate at a reduced metabolic loading per unit of flow, a tendency that would improve water quality throughout the culture tank, all else equal. This trend is possible due to the ever increasing application of water recirculating systems

    Institutional determinants of university spin-off quantity and quality: a longitudinal, multilevel, cross-country study

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    The creation of spin-off firms from universities is seen as an important mechanism for the commercialization of research, and hence the overall contribution from universities to technological development and economic growth. Governments and universities are seeking to develop framework conditions that are conductive to spin-off creation. The most prevalent of such initiatives are legislative changes at national level and the establishment of technology transfer offices at university level. The effectiveness of such initiatives is debated, but empirical evidence is limited. In this paper, we analyze the full population of universities in Italy, Norway, and the UK; three countries adopting differing approaches to framework conditions, to test whether national- and university-level initiatives have an influence on the number of spin-offs created and the quality of these spin-offs. Building on institutional theory and using multilevel analysis, we find that changes in the institutional framework conditions at both national and university levels are conductive to the creation of more spin-offs, but that the increase in quantity is at the expense of the quality of these firms. Hence, the effect of such top–down changes in framework conditions on the economic impact from universities seems to be more symbolic than substantive

    Role of spinal cord glutamate transporter during normal sensory transmission and pathological pain states

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    Glutamate is a neurotransmitter critical for spinal excitatory synaptic transmission and for generation and maintenance of spinal states of pain hypersensitivity via activation of glutamate receptors. Understanding the regulation of synaptically and non-synaptically released glutamate associated with pathological pain is important in exploring novel molecular mechanisms and developing therapeutic strategies of pathological pain. The glutamate transporter system is the primary mechanism for the inactivation of synaptically released glutamate and the maintenance of glutamate homeostasis. Recent studies demonstrated that spinal glutamate transporter inhibition relieved pathological pain, suggesting that the spinal glutamate transporter might serve as a therapeutic target for treatment of pathological pain. However, the exact function of glutamate transporter in pathological pain is not completely understood. This report will review the evidence for the role of the spinal glutamate transporter during normal sensory transmission and pathological pain conditions and discuss potential mechanisms by which spinal glutamate transporter is involved in pathological pain

    Workplace psychosocial resources and risk of cardiovascular disease among employees: a multi-cohort study of 135 669 participants

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    Objective In terms of prevention, it is important to determine effects on cardiovascular disease (CVD) when some workplace psychosocial resources are high while others are low. The aim of the study was to assess the prospective relationship between clustering of workplace psychosocial resources and risk of CVD among employees. Methods We pooled data from three cohort studies of 135 669 employees (65% women, age 18–65 years and free of CVD) from Denmark, Finland and Sweden. Baseline horizontal resources (culture of collaboration and support from colleagues) and vertical resources (leadership quality and procedural justice) were measured using standard questionnaire items. Incident CVD, including coronary heart and cerebrovascular disease, was ascertained using linked electronic health records. We used latent class analysis to assess clustering (latent classes) of workplace psychosocial resources. Cox proportional hazard models were used to examine the association between these clusters and risk of CVD, adjusting for demographic and employment-related factors and pre-existing physical and mental disorders. Results We identified five clusters of workplace psychosocial resources from low on both vertical and horizontal resources (13%) to generally high resources (28%). High horizontal resources were combined with either inter-mediate [hazard ratio (HR) 0.84, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.74–0.95] or high (HR 0.88, 95% CI 0.78–1.00) vertical resources were associated with lower risks of CVD compared to those with generally low resources. The association was most prominent for cerebrovascular disease (eg, general high resources: HR 0.80, 95% CI 0.67–0.96). Conclusions Individuals with high levels of workplace psychosocial resources across horizontal and vertical dimensions have a lower risk of CVD, particularly cerebrovascular disease

    Innovative financing for a gender-equitable first-food system to mitigate greenhouse gas impacts of commercial milk formula: investing in breastfeeding as a carbon offset

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    Women’s contributions to food production and food security are often overlooked, thus perpetuating inequitable and unsustainable globalized commercial food systems. Women’s role as producers in the first-food system, breastfeeding, is largely invisible and underfunded, encouraging the production and consumption of environmentally unsustainable commercial milk formula (CMF). This policy brief highlights opportunities for including and funding interventions enabling breastfeeding under carbon offset schemes such as the United Nations Clean Development Mechanism (CDM). A Green Feeding Tool is being developed to account for the national carbon and water footprints of CMF. The tool will help ensure that women’s contributions to a sustainable first-food system are not ignored by the CDM and other mechanisms funding greenhouse gas emissions reductions

    Community Support Model on Breastfeeding and Complementary Feeding Practices in Remote Areas in Vietnam: Implementation, Cost, and Effectiveness

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    Background Poor access to healthcare facilities and consequently nutrition counseling services hinders the uptake of recommended infant and young child feeding (IYCF) practices. To address these barriers and improve IYCF practices, Alive & Thrive (A&T) initiated community support groups in remote villages across nine provinces in Vietnam. Objective This study examines the effectiveness of the support group model and related project costs for reaching underserved areas to improve IYCF practices. Methods To evaluate the model’s implementation and project costs, we reviewed implementation guidelines, expenditure and coverage reports, monitoring data, and budgets for the nine provinces. To evaluate the model’s effectiveness, we used a 3-stage sampling method to conduct a cross-sectional survey from April to May 2014 in three provinces entailing interviewing mothers of children aged 0–23 months in communes with (intervention; n = 551) and without support groups (comparison; n = 559). Findings Coverage: From November 2011 to November 2014, in partnership with the government, A&T supported training for 1513 facilitators and the establishing 801 IYCF support groups in 267 villages across nine provinces. During this period, facilitators provided ~ 166,000 meeting/support contacts with ~ 33,000 pregnant women and mothers with children aged 0–23 months in intervention villages. Costs: The average project costs for supporting the meetings, compensating village collaborators, and providing supportive supervision through staff in commune health stations were USD 5 per client and USD 1 per contact. After adding expenditures for training, supportive supervision, and additional administrative costs at central and provincial levels, the average project cost was USD 15 per client and USD 3 per contact. Effectiveness: Survey participants in intervention and comparison communes had similar maternal, child, and household characteristics. Multiple logistic regression models showed that living in intervention communes was associated with higher odds of early initiation of breastfeeding (OR: 1.7; 95% CI: 1.1, 2.7), exclusive breastfeeding from 0 to 5 months (OR: 12.5; 95% CI: 6.7, 23.4), no bottle feeding (OR: 2.69; 95% CI: 1.82, 3.99), and minimum acceptable diet (OR: 1.51; 95% CI: 0.98, 2.33) compared to those living in comparison communes. Conclusion The IYCF support group model was effective in reaching populations residing in remote areas and likely contributed to improved IYCF practices. The study suggests that the model could be scaled up to promote equity in breastfeeding support

    The volume and monetary value of human milk produced by the world's breastfeeding mothers: Results from a new tool

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    The Mothers' Milk Tool was developed to make more visible the economic value contributed to society by women's unpaid care work through breastfeeding infants and young children. This manuscript describes the development and display key features of the tool, and reports results for selected countries. For the development, we used five steps: (1) defining the tool by reviewing existing tools and scholarly literature to identify uses, approaches, design features, and required data characteristics for a suitable product; (2) specifying the best open-access data available for measurement and easy updating; (3) analyzing development options; (4) testing predictive models to fill identified breastfeeding data gaps; and (5) validating the tool with prospective users and against previous research. We developed an Excel-based tool that allows working offline, displaying preloaded data, imputing data, and inputting users' data. It calculates annual quantities of milk produced by breastfeeding women for children aged 0–35.9 months, and the quantities lost compared to a defined biologically feasible level. It supports calculations for an individual mother, for countries, and global level. Breastfeeding women globally produce around 35.6 billion liters of milk annually, but 38.2% is currently “lost” due to cultural barriers and structural impediments to breastfeeding. The tool can also attribute a monetary value to the production. In conclusion, the Mothers' Milk Tool shows what is at risk economically if women's important capacity for breastfeeding is not protected, promoted, and supported by effective national policies, programs, and investments. The tool is of value to food and health policymakers, public officials, advocates, researchers, national accountants and statisticians, and individual mother/baby dyads, and will assist consideration of breastfeeding in food balance sheets and economic production statistics. The tool supports the 2015 Call to Action by the Global Breastfeeding Collective by facilitating the tracking of progress on breastfeeding targets
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