179 research outputs found

    Morphometry of Glenoid Cavity

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    Objectives: Knowledge of the shape and dimensions of the glenoid are important in the design and fitting of glenoid components for total shoulder arthroplasty. An understanding of variations in normal anatomy of the glenoid is essential while evaluating pathological conditions like osseous Bankart lesions and osteochondral defects. Methods: This study was done on 202 dry, unpaired adult human scapulae of unknown sex belonging to the south Indian population. Three glenoid diameters were measured, the superior-inferior diameter, anterior-posterior diameter of the lower half and the anterior-posterior diameter of the upper half of the glenoid. Based on a notch present on the anterior glenoid rim, variations in the shape of the glenoid cavity were classified as inverted comma shaped, pear shaped and oval. Results: The average superior-inferior diameter on right and the left sides were 33.67±2.82mm and 33.92±2.87mm respectively. The average anterior-posterior diameter of the lower half of the right glenoid was 23.35±2.04mm and that of the left was 23.02±2.30mm. The mean diameter of the upper half of the right glenoid was 16.27±2.01mm and that of the left was 15.77±1.96mm. Conclusion: The dimensions of the glenoid observed in the present study were lesser than those recorded in the studies done on other populations. This fact may be taken into consideration while designing glenoid prostheses for the south Indian population. The current study recorded a higher percentage of glenoid cavities having the glenoid notch as compared to earlier studies. While evaluating defects/lesions of the glenoid, this fact could be useful

    A comparative study to assess the efficacy and safety of bepotastine and cetirizine in allergic rhinitis

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    Background: Pharmacotherapy is the mainstay of allergic rhinitis and many caregivers use over-the-counter antihistamines. Bepotastine is a novel oral second generation non-sedative antihistamine and an effective treatment option for allergic rhinitis. The objectives of the present study were to evaluate the efficacy and safety of bepotastine versus cetirizine an over the counter drug.Methods: A prospective, randomized, open-label, parallel-group study was conducted among 60 patients fulfilling the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Group A (n=30) received tablet cetirizine 10 mg once daily and Group B (n=30) received tablet bepotastine 10 mg once daily. Efficacy was assessed by mean change in total symptom score (TSS) which is the sum of total nasal symptom score and total ocular symptom score at the end of two weeks from baseline.Results: At the end of two weeks of treatment, both groups showed statistically significant (p<0.005) improvements from their baseline TSS. Mean TSS was reduced from12.36±2.12 to 4.2±1.66 in group A and from 13.33±3.039 to 3.033±1.40 in Group B. Significant statistical difference in TSS was seen more in Group B than Group A (p<0.005).Conclusions: Both the groups showed a substantial therapeutic benefit in patients with allergic rhinitis, however bepotastine is more effective.


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    In Ayurveda chikitsa paddhati, Rasa oushadhis has been considered more useful and effective as they are more advantageous due to their unique benefits over the other preparations. Medicines described to manage different diseases in our classical texts contain different sources like plants, marine, animals, minerals and metals. All these are formulated in such a way that it suits well to our body. This clearly states that there were usage of herbomineral preparations in therapeutics which includes for Netrarogas also. These preparations are significant in many chronic and challenging eye disorders of this era which lacks curative rate and has high recurrences.To deal such challenging disorders of the Eye whether chronic or newly existing, essential to review and re-establish the importance of Rasa oushadhis which are explained by our Acharyas pertaining to Netra rogas, with regard to its route of administration and posology. For this Review work, information were compiled from different texts according to Rasadravyas mentioned as Chakshushya and to treat Netra rogas i.e., Maharasa, Uparasa, Sadharanrasa, Dhatu, Ratna, Sudha varga. Further the different Yogas of Netra Roga containing Rasadravyas as one of the ingredients is compiled as an attempt to establish Rasaushadhi - the need of the hour for Netra Rogas


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    Retinitis pigmentosa (RP) is a hereditary group of degenerative eye diseases caused by genetic mutations affecting retina that lead to severe vision loss and blindness. In Ayurveda, the conditions like Kapha vidagdha drushti, Hraswajadya and Dhoomadarshi which has night blindness as the cardinal feature can be simulated to different stages of RP. Certain authenticated therapies are explained in our ancient literature which are time tested such as Tarpana (Nourishing eye bath therapy), Putapaka (eye bath therapy), Anjana (Collyrium), Nasya (Processed liquid instillation through nostrils by drops or powders), Sirodhara (application of continuous stream of oil over the head), Vasti (Medicated enema) etc. through which considerable results are achieved. The drugs and procedures described in Ayurveda have probable mode of action in crossing the blood retinal barrier, a protective measure of cells surrounding the retina. The extent of benefit in alleviating the clinical features of RP happens possibly because of the phytonutrients present in the formulations applied through various procedures crossing the blood retinal barrier. To validate the management protocol explained in classics, a retrospective study was conducted on five patients selected from the OPD/IPD of Dept of Shalakya Tantra of Sri Kalabyraveshwaraswamy Ayurvedic Medical College, Hospital &amp; Research centre, Vijayanagar (SKAMCH &amp; RC). The results assessed statistically proved significant in certain parameters indicating a beneficial effect in reducing the subjective symptoms of Retinitis pigmentosa


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    The electricity component is really a special issue in transformer less grid-connected solar (PV) inverter systems and could cause problems regarding system operation and safety. IEEE standard has defined the limit for electricity component within the grid-side ac power. The electricity component can cause line-frequency power ripple, electricity-link current ripple, along with a further second-order harmonic within the ac current. This paper has suggested a highly effective means to fix minimize the electricity component in three-phase ac power and created a software-based approach to imitate the obstructing capacitors employed for the electricity component minimization, the so-known as virtual capacitor. The suggested method continues to be validated on a ten-kVA experimental prototype, in which the electricity current has been effectively attenuated to become within .5% from the ranked current. The entire harmonic distortion and also the second-order harmonic have been reduced along with the electricity-link current ripple. The “virtual capacitor” is accomplished with the addition of an important from the electricity component in the present feedback path. A technique for accurate extraction ofthe electricity component according to no time at all integral, like a answer to achieve the control, continues to be devised and approved effective even under grid-frequency variation and harmonic conditions. A proportional integral-resonant controller is further made to regulate the dc and line-frequency component in the present loop to supply precise control from the electricity current

    Temperature and blood flow distribution in the human leg during passive heat stress

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    The influence of temperature on the hemodynamic adjustments to direct passive heat stress within the leg’s major arterial and venous vessels and compartments remains unclear. Fifteen healthy young males were tested during exposure to either passive whole-body heat stress to levels approaching thermal tolerance (core temperature, Tc + 2 °C; Study 1; n=8) or single leg heat stress (Tc + 0 °C; Study 2; n=7). Whole-body heat stress increased perfusion and decreased oscillatory shear index in relation to the rise in Tleg in all three major arteries supplying the leg - plateauing in the common and superficial femoral arteries prior to reaching severe heat stress levels. Isolated leg heat stress increased arterial blood flows and shear patterns to a level similar to that obtained during moderate core hyperthermia (Tc + 1°C). Despite modest increases in great saphenous venous blood flow (0.2 l/min), the deep venous system accounted for the majority of returning flow (common femoral vein 0.7l/min) during intense to severe levels of heat stress. Rapid cooling of a single leg during severe whole-body heat stress resulted in an equivalent blood flow reduction in the major artery supplying the thigh deep tissues only - suggesting central temperature-sensitive mechanisms contribute to skin blood flow alone. These findings further our knowledge of leg hemodynamic responses during direct heat stress and provide evidence of potentially beneficial vascular alterations during isolated limb heat stress that are equivalent to those experienced during exposure to moderate levels of whole-body hyperthermia


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    Objective: Recurrent Clostridium difficile infection (CDI) and the emergence of strains with reduced susceptibility to metronidazole and vancomycinwarrants alternative therapy. Hence, we tested the potential efficacy of the natural compound berberine hydrochloride (BBRHCl) against toxigenicC. difficile.Methods: Three representative polymerase chain reaction confirmed, toxin-positive strains were included in the study. Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis(PFGE) profile and antibiogram of the strains were analyzed along with 10 other toxin positive isolates. Efficacy of BBRHCl against toxigenic C. difficilewas determined using agar diffusion by punch well method.Results: PFGE grouped the test strains into three clusters with unique susceptibility pattern toward standard antibiotics. BBRHCl was efficaciousagainst the test strains at a concentration ranging between 6.25 ĂŽÂĽg/ml and 10 mg/ml. BBRHCl's breakpoint point inhibitory zone diameter wasequivalent (p&lt;0.001) to the epidemiological cutoff values for teicoplanin, vancomycin and 2% black seed oil. Although the predicted concentration ofBBRHCl for breakpoint zone diameter equivalent to European Committee on Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing's epidemiological cutoff value formetronidazole was observed to fall outside the tested concentration range; it was still within the safe dosage for humans.Conclusion: The present study is promising in considering BBRHCl as a potent substitute or adjunct not only for metronidazole, vancomycin andteicoplanin but also for natural compounds like 2% black seed oil for managing resistant cases of CDI. Owing to BBRHCl's direct antibacterial and antiinflammatoryaction, further investigations will aid in the proper characterization of the therapeutic effects of similar plant compounds, to developsafe and effective drugs against the epidemiological outbreak of CDI

    A Survey on Extraction of Brain Tumor using Image Processing Techniques

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    Image processing techniques are allowing earlier detection of abnormalities and treatment monitoring, because the time is a very important factor in tumor treatment. Image processing techniques are used for the easy detection of Brain tumor. Brain tumor analysis is made by doctor but its grading gives different conclusions which may vary from one doctor to another. Different types of methods like CT scan, x-ray and MRI can be used. Out of all the available methods, MRI is the most dependable and harmless method that can be used. MRI can be then processed and segmented for detection of tumor. This process includes various techniques which can be put upon. This research considers the use of several techniques proposed by professionals and reappraisal on these methods
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