35 research outputs found

    Connected to the spirit of the frog: An Internet-based survey on Kambô, the secretion of the Amazonian Giant Maki Frog (Phyllomedusa bicolor): Motivations for use, settings and subjective experiences

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    Background/aim: Kambô is a name for the secretion of the Giant Maki Frog (Phyllomedusa bicolor), which has been used by indigenous cultures from the Amazonas basin and has recently become popular in alternative healing circles in Western countries, with a certain overlap with psychedelic self-exploration. Methods: We carried out an online-based survey in English (54.92%) and German investigating motivations for using Kambô, settings in which rituals take place, and subjective experiences during and after the application. Results: Participants (n = 386, mean age: 38.08 years, (standard deviation = 9.95)) were well-educated individuals with an increased lifetime prevalence of the use of ayahuasca (67.88%). A plethora of motivations for using Kambô was reported, including general healing, detoxification and spiritual growth. Acute effects included severe physical reactions and mild psychoactive effects, most surprisingly, the feeling of being connected to the frog’s spirit (41.97%), whereas predominantly positive persisting psychological effects were reported. Few participants reported long-lasting physical (2.85%) or mental (1.81%) health problems which they attributed to Kambô. Of the participants, 87.31% reported an increase in personal well-being or life satisfaction, and 64.26% considered Kambô to have been at least of ‘very much’ spiritual significance for their lives. Conclusions: The majority of users claimed beneficial effects including more health-orientated behaviors, whereas only very few participants complained about new health problems which they ascribed to Kambô. In retrospect, Kambô was given a high personal and spiritual significance by many participants. Additional research is needed to determine in how far reported effects are modulated by setting and subjective expectations

    Dose-response relationships of LSD-induced subjective experiences in humans

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    Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) is a potent classic serotonergic psychedelic, which facilitates a variety of altered states of consciousness. Here we present the first meta-analysis establishing dose-response relationship estimates of the altered states of consciousness induced by LSD. Data extracted from articles identified by a systematic literature review following PRISMA guidelines were obtained from the Altered States Database. The psychometric data comprised ratings of subjective effects from standardized and validated questionnaires: the Altered States of Consciousness Rating Scale (5D-ASC, 11-ASC) and the Mystical Experience Questionnaire (MEQ30). We performed meta-regression analyses using restricted cubic splines for data from studies with LSD doses of up to 200 μg base. Most scales revealed a sigmoid-like increase of effects, with a plateauing at around 100 μg. The most strongly modulated factors referred to changes in perception and illusory imagination, followed by positively experienced ego-dissolution, while only small effects were found for Anxiety and Dread of Ego Dissolution. The considerable variability observed in most factors and scales points to the role of non-pharmacological factors in shaping subjective experiences. The established dose-response relationships may be used as general references for future experimental and clinical research on LSD to compare observed with expected subjective effects and to elucidate phenomenological differences between psychedelics

    Number and importance of somatic cells in goat’s milk

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    Uzorci kozjeg mlijeka analizirani su na pojavu mastitisa upotrebom California-mastitis testa. Pri tome je 427 analiziranih uzoraka mlijeka (46,82 %) očitovalo pozitivnu reakciju (1-3), dok je u preostalih 485 uzoraka (53,17 %) reakcija mastitis-testa bila negativna i nije upućivala na oboljenje mliječne žlijezde. Broj somatskih stanica utvrđen fluorooptičkom metodom prosječno je iznosio 1,3x106/ml. Usporedba rezultata procjene mastitis-testa (CMT) s brojem somatskih stanica i nalazom uzročnika mastitisa u mlijeku pokazala je da povećani broj somatskih stanica nije isključiva indikacija bolesti mliječne žlijezde koza. Mastitis-testom može se isključiti upala mliječne žlijezde koza, dok svaku pozitivnu reakciju treba potvrditi ili isključiti bakteriološkom pretragom. Na osnovi navedenih rezultata istraživanja utvrdilo se da limit za broj somatskih stanica u kozjem mlijeku može iznositi više od 1 000 000/ml.Goat’s milk samples were examined on mastitis using stable procedure (California-mastitis test). 427 of the examined milk samples (46.82%) had positive reaction from 1 to 3 while other 485 samples (53.18%) had negative reaction on the mastitis test, indicating that no illness of mammary gland occurred. Number of somatic cells, counted using “Fossomatic” counter, was 1.3x106/ml average. By comparing the results of mastitis-test evaluation (CMT) with the number of somatic cells and findings of mastitis agents in milk showed that higher number of somatic cells is not the only indication of goat’s mammary gland illness. Mastitis-test is method that can exclude inflammation of goat’s mammary gland, but every positive reaction should be confirmed or eliminate with bacteriological examination. Based on the results of this research, it has been shown that the limit for somatic cells number in goat\u27s milk can be over 1 000 000/ml

    Effect of various therapeutic doses of complexing agents on clinical and laboratory symptoms of lead poisoning

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    Prikazani su podaci o rezultatima liječenja 19 bolesnika otrovanih olovom s kompleksonom EDTA (Na2Ca EDTA). Bolesnici su liječeni kompleksonom u dozama koje su varirale od 2,4 g pa do 24 g na dan, odnosno od ukupno 6 g pa do cca 150 g. Komplekson se davao u infuziji 5%-glukoze, a ukupna dnevna doza je uvijek dijeljena na dva jednaka dijela: jutarnju i popodnevnu. Izlučivanje olova mokraćom i kretanje nivoa olova u krvi u toku terapije različitim dozama EDTA nije potvrdilo pretpostavku o boljem terapijskom učinku većih doza kompleksona. Sudeći barem po laboratorijskim nalazima, nema potrebe da se EDTA primjenjuje u dnevnim dozama koje su veće od dosad uobičajenih {2,4-4,8 g). Što se· tiče frekvencije doziranja lijeka, dobiveni rezultati govore isto tako u prilog već objavljenim iskustvima, da je najbolje aplicirati EDTA u kurama od 2-3 dana sa stankama od 5-7 dana između pojedinih kura. U saopćenju je obrazložena zbog čega se pokušavala s primjenom velikih doza EDTA i istaknuto je kao značajno stečeno iskustvo·o odsustvu bilo kakvih toksičkih popratnih pojava u toku primijenjene terapije. Pokazalo se čak da i znakovi za postojanje bubrežnih lezija prije početka liječenja - i u uvjetima visokog doziranja lijeka - nisu sami po sebi zapreka da se poduzme liječenje s EDTA.Data are presented on the results of the treatment of 19 lead poisoned patients with the complexing agent EDTA. The preparation Mosatil forte Bayer {Na2Ca EDTA) was used. Daily doses varied from 2.4 to 24 g or from 6 to cca 150 g in total. EDT A was given to all the patients in an infusion of 5% glucose diluted from 0.24 to 2.4 g %, in relation to the amount of each dose. The total daily dose was always divided into two equal parts: a morning and an afternoon dose In the course of therapy, in addition to clinical symptoms, the following factors were analysed: elimination of lead in urine, blood lead level, the count of basophilic stippled cells, and the concentration of coproporphyrin in urine. Special attention was paid to the possible occurrence of nephrotoxic side-effects in connection with the use of complexing agents. With all the doses applied the drug produced a favourable clinical effect by diminishing the symptoms of poisoning. The data obtained on the elimination of lead in urine and the blood lead level are in accord with observations from literature, i. e. that EDT A removes from the body very quickly and that only a small part of the drug is used for the formation of chelates with lead. In view of that there is no need for EDT A to be administered in larger daily doses than those used so far (2.4-4.8 g). As to the administration schedule the results obtained also confirm the reports from literature, viz. that the best way of administering EDTA is a treatment lasting 2-3 days with intervals of 5-7 days between each treatment. The analysis of coproporphyrin in the urine and the number of basophilic stippled cells proved a valuable indicator of the therapeutical effect. The gradual introduction of unusually large doses of EDTA is explained by the favourable experience gained with such large doses in the treatment of a patient with severe lead encephalopathy. Although there is no ground for the need of a larger daily EDTA dose - at least judging by laboratory data on lead elimination and lead blood values - the experience obtained concerning the absence of any toxic side-effects in the course of the applied therapy is of great significance. Moreover, it has been proved that not even the symptoms of the existence of kidney lesions before the beginning of treatment are a contraindication for the administration of EDTA

    Pneumoconiosis due to the inhalation of hard metal dust

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    Prikazana su dva slučaja rijetke i malo poznate profesionalne bolesti, pneumokonioze uzrokovane tvrdim metalom, kod dvije radnice koje su radile na preradi tog metala. Autori daju podatke iz literature, kao i opis tehnološkog procesa i kliničke i radiološke nalaze kod svoje dvije bolesnice, pa te nalaze uspoređuju s podacima iz drugih zemalja.Two cases of hard metal disease are reported in two female workers engaged in the manufacture of hard metal by a process of powder metallurgy from tungsten and carbon with cobalt as a binder. The industrial process is outlined and the literature is reviewed. The clinical and radiographic features of the patients are presented and the findings are compared with those reported from other countries

    Effect of ecological factors on the appearance of toxic porphyria. I. alcoholism and D-DALA

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    Ispitana je aktivnost dehidrataze delta-aminolevulinske kiseline (D¬DALK) kod kroničnih alkoholičara (N = 51) uz paralelno određivanje koncentracije delta-aminolevulinske kiseline (DALK) iz jednokratnog uzorka mokraće. Kod 12 bolesnika s kroničnim oboljenjem jetre, analizirano je u mokraći izlučivanje preteča hema i aktivnost D-DALK u krvi. Rezultati su pokazali, da je kod kroničnih alkoholičara više od 50% ispitanika imalo sniženu D-DALK aktivnost, a izlučivanje DALK je bilo lagano povećana kod 14% ispitanika. U bolesnika s kroničnim bolestima jetre izlučivanje porfirina i njihovih preteča bilo je normalno, a aktivnost D-DALK je bila lagano inhibirana u 6 bolesnika. Iako dobiveni rezultati u grupi kroničnih alkoholičara govore u prilog djelovanja etilnog alkohola na aktivnost D-DALK. ipak se to ne može sa sigurnošću zaključiti, jer nisu isključeni i drugi poznati i potencijalni inhibitori tog enzima. Isto tako da bi se dao konačni sud o inhibiciji D-DALK kod kroničnih bolesti jetre potrebno je ispitati veći broj bolesnika s alkoholnim oštećenjem jetre.The activity of delta-aminolevulinic acid dehydratase (D-DALA) in chronic alcoholics (N = 51) was analysed along with the parallel determination of the concentration of delta-amninolevulinic acid (DALA) in a single urine sample. In 12 patients with the chronic liver lesions the elimination of hem precursors in the urine and the activity of D-DALA in the blood were also analysed. The results have shown that in chronic alcoholics over 500/o of subjects had a reduced D-DALA activity, while the DALA elimination was slightly increased in 14% of subjects. In patients with chronic liver lesions the elimination of porphyrins and their precursors was normal while the activity of D-DALA was slightly inhibited in 6 patients. Although the results obtained in the group of chronic alcoholics speak for the effect of ethyl alcohol on the D-DALA activity, no conclusive statement is possible because some other known potential inhibitors of this enzyme cannot be ruled out. Also, in order to give a definite judgment about the inhibition of D-DALA in chronic liver diseases, it would be necessary to examine a larger number of patients with alcohol-induced liver lesions

    The potential impacts of changes in bear hunting policy for hunting organisations in Croatia

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    The brown bear (Ursus arctos) in Croatia is currently being managed through trophy hunting, with quotas allocated to local hunting organisations. Human-bear conflict is present at a low level, but any losses are compensated by the hunting organisations that benefit from bear hunting. Attitudes towards bears are generally positive, and the bear population appears stable, or even increasing. Croatia's current bear hunting policy relies upon both the ecological sustainability of the quotas and the economic sustainability of the hunting organisations. To address the first of these pillars of current policy, we used a two-sex matrix model of the bear population to investigate the biological sustainability of current hunting levels. The model suggests that if the annual allocated quota were fully realised, the population would suffer a considerable decrease over 10 years. A likely explanation for the mismatch between this result and the observed stability of the population is that the bear population size is underestimated. To address the second pillar, we quantified the current structure, costs and benefits of bear hunting to hunting organisations through an interview survey with hunting managers. We found that bear hunting is a substantial component of hunting organisations' income, supporting the other activities of the organisation. Croatia's recent accession to the EU will require changes in their bear management system, potentially stopping bear trophy hunting. Therefore, we assessed the changes in hunting organisations' budgets in the absence of bear hunting. Our results demonstrate that a loss of bear trophy hunting would result in a substantial loss of income to the hunting organisations. Moving bear hunting and compensation mechanisms from local management and responsibility to a more centralised system without trophy hunting, as suggested by EU legislation, will lead to considerable uncertainties. These include how to make centralised decisions on population targets and offtake levels for population control, given the uncertainty around population estimates, and on compensation payments given the loss of the current system which relies heavily on local income from trophy hunting, local relationships and informal monetary and non-monetary compensation

    Utjecaj toksičnosti metala na reprodukcijsku funkciju u muškaraca

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    A combination of genetic, environmental and lifestyle factors contributes to adverse effects on the reproductive health in men. Metals are pervasive in food, water, air, tobacco smoke, and alcoholic beverages. Experimental studies suggest that many metals have adverse effects on the male reproductive function. However, information about reproductive effects of human exposure to metals is scarce and/or inconsistent. This review summarises the information from epidemiological studies of the effects of metal exposure on reproductive function in men. Factors capable of affecting these relationships were identifi ed and discussed. A particular attention is given to the studies considering influence of concomitant exposure to various metals. These studies have generally confirmed that even moderate- to low-level exposure to lead affects certain reproductive parameters, and that exposure to cadmium affects the prostate function and serum testosterone levels. Adverse effects of mercury, manganese, chromium and arsenic on semen quality and altered serum hormone are less well documented. There is no clear evidence that boron exposure may impair reproductive health in men. Only a few studies have investigated reproductive effects of concomitant exposure to several metals and controlled for potential confounders. Future studies should consider the contribution of combined exposure to various metals and/or other factors that may influence individual susceptibility to reproductive health impairment in men.Postoje indikacije da kombinacija genetskih, okolišnih i čimbenika načina života pridonosi uočenom poremećaju reprodukcijskog zdravlja u muškaraca. Metali su široko rasprostranjeni u čovjekovu okolišu te u hrani, vodi, zraku, cigaretnom dimu i alkoholnim pićima. Rezultati eksperimentalnih istraživanja sugeriraju štetne učinke većine ispitivanih metala na mušku reprodukcijsku funkciju. Međutim, odgovarajuća su istraživanja u ljudi oskudna. Ovaj rad sažima rezultate dosadašnjih epidemioloških istraživanja o učincima izloženosti metalima na mušku reprodukcijsku funkciju. Poseban naglasak dan je istraživanjima koja su razmatrala utjecaj istodobne izloženosti različitim metalima uz čimbenike čovjekova načina života i njihovo međudjelovanje na reprodukcijske učinke. Objavljeni rezultati daju dovoljno dokaza o štetnom djelovanju olova i žive na neke reprodukcijske parametre te kadmija na poremećaj prostate i razinu testosterona u serumu, čak u uvjetima umjerene do niske razine izloženosti. Manje je dokaza o štetnom djelovanju na kvalitetu sjemena i razinu spolnih hormona nađeno za mangan. Podaci koji upućuju na moguće štetno djelovanje arsena ili kroma nisu dosljedni, dok o štetnom djelovanju bora na mušku reprodukcijsku funkciju nema jasnih podataka. Utjecaj potencijalno uzročnih varijabli uzet je u obzir samo u nekoliko radova. Stoga buduća istraživanja poremećaja reprodukcijskog zdravlja u muškaraca trebaju razmatrati doprinos istovremene izloženosti različitim metalima koji u kombinaciji s ostalim čimbenicima mogu utjecati na osobnu (pre)osjetljivost