Number and importance of somatic cells in goat’s milk


Uzorci kozjeg mlijeka analizirani su na pojavu mastitisa upotrebom California-mastitis testa. Pri tome je 427 analiziranih uzoraka mlijeka (46,82 %) očitovalo pozitivnu reakciju (1-3), dok je u preostalih 485 uzoraka (53,17 %) reakcija mastitis-testa bila negativna i nije upućivala na oboljenje mliječne žlijezde. Broj somatskih stanica utvrđen fluorooptičkom metodom prosječno je iznosio 1,3x106/ml. Usporedba rezultata procjene mastitis-testa (CMT) s brojem somatskih stanica i nalazom uzročnika mastitisa u mlijeku pokazala je da povećani broj somatskih stanica nije isključiva indikacija bolesti mliječne žlijezde koza. Mastitis-testom može se isključiti upala mliječne žlijezde koza, dok svaku pozitivnu reakciju treba potvrditi ili isključiti bakteriološkom pretragom. Na osnovi navedenih rezultata istraživanja utvrdilo se da limit za broj somatskih stanica u kozjem mlijeku može iznositi više od 1 000 000/ml.Goat’s milk samples were examined on mastitis using stable procedure (California-mastitis test). 427 of the examined milk samples (46.82%) had positive reaction from 1 to 3 while other 485 samples (53.18%) had negative reaction on the mastitis test, indicating that no illness of mammary gland occurred. Number of somatic cells, counted using “Fossomatic” counter, was 1.3x106/ml average. By comparing the results of mastitis-test evaluation (CMT) with the number of somatic cells and findings of mastitis agents in milk showed that higher number of somatic cells is not the only indication of goat’s mammary gland illness. Mastitis-test is method that can exclude inflammation of goat’s mammary gland, but every positive reaction should be confirmed or eliminate with bacteriological examination. Based on the results of this research, it has been shown that the limit for somatic cells number in goat\u27s milk can be over 1 000 000/ml

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