3,301 research outputs found

    Peranan Auditor Intenal dalam Menunjang Pelaksanaan Good Corporate Governance (Studi Kasus pada PT Dirgantara Indonesia)

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    Good corporate governance is not a concept, but comprehension a lot of misunderstanding. For this because of different estimated, a lot of people need estimated. Auditor internal one of another profession that help improve good corporate governance, in this moment Good corporate governance develop to be the primary component to improve of managing the good corporate. This study aims to determine the role of internal auditor in supporting the implementation of good corporate governance, and whether or not the implementation of good corporate governance in companies.Object of the research is the internal auditor’s role in supporting the implementation of good corporate governance( GCG). This research has been done at PT Dirgantara Indonesia, a company which move in manufacturing aircraft, the company at Padjadjaran No. 154 Bandung.Research method that use is descriptive and analysis method, which collect data through library research and field study interview and questioner. Result of the research analyzed and compare with relevance theory.From the result of the research of questioner, output t- arithmetic 6.893and t-table 2.306, this suggests that the research hypothesis is accepted, which means there is a link between internal auditor role in supporting the implementation of good corporate governance

    (SNP092) Lena Meadows interviewed by Dorothy Noble Smith, transcribed by Peggy C. Bradley

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    Records an interview with Lena Meadows, (née Taylor), who lived near Jollet Hollow, in Page County, Virginia, prior to the advent of Shenandoah National Park. Describes daily life in the mountains, including local agriculture, livestock and food preservation, as well as important cash crops, such as apples, chestnuts, and moonshine. Recalls popular community activities, including storytelling, quilting parties and apple butter boilings.https://commons.lib.jmu.edu/snp/1077/thumbnail.jp

    Rapid speciation in a newly opened postglacial marine environment, the Baltic Sea

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Theory predicts that speciation can be quite rapid. Previous examples comprise a wide range of organisms such as sockeye salmon, polyploid hybrid plants, fruit flies and cichlid fishes. However, few studies have shown natural examples of rapid evolution giving rise to new species in marine environments.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Using microsatellite markers, we show the evolution of a new species of brown macroalga (<it>Fucus radicans</it>) in the Baltic Sea in the last 400 years, well after the formation of this brackish water body ~8–10 thousand years ago. Sympatric individuals of <it>F. radicans </it>and <it>F. vesiculosus </it>(bladder wrack) show significant reproductive isolation. <it>Fucus radicans</it>, which is endemic to the Baltic, is most closely related to Baltic Sea <it>F. vesiculosus </it>among north Atlantic populations, supporting the hypothesis of a recent divergence. <it>Fucus radicans </it>exhibits considerable clonal reproduction, probably induced by the extreme conditions of the Baltic. This reproductive mode is likely to have facilitated the rapid foundation of the new taxon.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This study represents an unparalleled example of rapid speciation in a species-poor open marine ecosystem and highlights the importance of increasing our understanding on the role of these habitats in species formation. This observation also challenges presumptions that rapid speciation takes place only in hybrid plants or in relatively confined geographical places such as postglacial or crater lakes, oceanic islands or rivers.</p

    A Review of High School Level Astronomy Student Research Projects over the last two decades

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    Since the early 1990s with the arrival of a variety of new technologies, the capacity for authentic astronomical research at the high school level has skyrocketed. This potential, however, has not realized the bright-eyed hopes and dreams of the early pioneers who expected to revolutionise science education through the use of telescopes and other astronomical instrumentation in the classroom. In this paper, a general history and analysis of these attempts is presented. We define what we classify as an Astronomy Research in the Classroom (ARiC) project and note the major dimensions on which these projects differ before describing the 22 major student research projects active since the early 1990s. This is followed by a discussion of the major issues identified that affected the success of these projects and provide suggestions for similar attempts in the future.Comment: Accepted for Publication in PASA. 26 page

    Kid Crop Kambing Kacang (Capra Hircus) Di Kabupaten Konawe Utara

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    Salah satu variabel penentu dalam mengukur perkembangan populasi ternak di suatu wilayah adalah jumlah kelahiran anak ternak. Pada ternak kambing dan domba, produktivitas seekor induk dapat diketahui dengan menggunakan indikator nilai panen cempe. Informasi tentang nilai panen cempe, khususnya ternak Kambing Kacang di Kabupaten Konawe Utara masih kurang sehingga perlu dilakukan penelitian untuk memperoleh data tersebut. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui nilai panen cempe Kambing Kacang di Kabupaten Konawe Utara. Lokasi penelitian ditentukan dengan menggunakan dua metode, yaitu metode stratified sampling dan purposive sampling. Sedangkan penentuan responden pada desa terpilih digunakan metode sensus. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nilai rataan panen cempe Kambing Kacang di Kabupaten Konawe Utara adalah 167,71% dengan interval kelahiran sebesar 8,61 bulan dan jumlah anak sekelahiran sebesar 1,36 ekor, sedangkan mortalitasnya mencapai 13,96%. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah produktivitas ternak Kambing Kacang di Kabupaten Konawe Utara masih cukup baik berdasarkan variable nilai panen cempenya

    Pengaruh Struktur Modal Dan Ukuran Perusahaan Terhadap Kinerja Keuangan Pada Perusahaan Tekstil Dan Garmen Yang Terdaftar Di Bursa Efek Indonesia Periode 2010-2014

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    This study aims to understand and analyze the effect of capital structure and firm size on financial performance on textile and garment companies listed in the Indonesia Stock Exchange in the period 2010-2014. Where variable X1 is capital structure which is indicated by Debt to Equity ratio (DER) and Debt to Assets Ratio (DAR), then for independent variable X2 is Company size which is indicated by Logarithm Natural Total Asset. While for the dependent variable is the financial performance that is indicated by ROA (return on assets), ROI (Return on Investment) and ROE (Return on Equity).The data used in this study is secondary data derived from the financial statements of textile and garment companies listed on the Indonesian stock exchanges in the period 2010-2014. Sampling is done by purposive sampling and that meets the criteria of sample selection. The sample used is 6 textile and garment enterprises. Data analysis by using multiple linear analysis with hypothesis test of t test statistic and statistic test f assisted by SPPS 21 software.The result of the research is partial by using statistical test that is done testing of t test hypothesis, capital structure variable there is significant influence to financial performance on textile and garment sector listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange. The result of partial research by using statistical test yaiti tested t test hypothesis, firm size variable there is significant influence to firm value in textile sector and gamren listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange.Keywords; Capital structure (DER & DAR), size, financial performance (ROA, ROI, RO
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