14 research outputs found

    Synthesis, part of a Special Feature on Multicriteria Assessment of Food System Sustainability Three perspectives on motivation and multicriteria assessment of organic food systems

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    ABSTRACT. Organic food systems are based on a complex of value criteria that often are not explicitly considered when agents think, communicate, and make decisions concerning organic food. Multicriteria assessment (MCA) refers to a group of tools that help the user to tackle such highly complex issues. The question is how an MCA tool should be designed to facilitate reflections, communication, and decision making in relation to organic food systems. A key issue is motivation. There are several divergent theories of motivation, and the question cannot be adequately answered by using any single theory. We discuss an economic, a psychosocial, and a relational perspective on motivation and MCA. Using the example of a consumer assessing and choosing products in the supermarket, the economic conception of motivation offers a focus on decision-making processes. The psychosocial approach to motivation draws attention to the influence of cognitive structures and experience-based emotional drivers. Finally, the relational approach stresses that motivation is situated in the relations between agents. We discuss how the three perspectives converge and diverge regarding the purpose of using an MCA tool, the scope of the MCA, the strategic focus, and challenges and potentials associated with an MCA tool. Through this multiple-perspective approach, the general idea of MCA is expanded and elaborated to refine the design of an MCA tool for organic food systems

    Book Review & Notice

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    Composition and physical-chemical characteristics of unstable non-acid milk received in a dairy plant of the State of São Paulo, Brazil Composição e características físico-químicas do leite instável não ácido recebido em laticínio do Estado de São Paulo, Brasil

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    The objective of this study was to determine the occurrence, composition, physical-chemical characteristics and somatic cell count of milks identified as unstable non acid received in a dairy plant located in the Northeast region of São Paulo state. The sampling covered all dairy farms that provide milk to the dairy plant, during the rainy season and dry season of 2007. For the identification of unstable non acid milks, it was considered the bulked milk sample from each farm that showed instability to the ethanol test at 72% (v/v) and acidity less than 18o D. From the total samples unstable to ethanol at 72% (v/v), 64.8% were identified as unstable non acid milk. The occurrence of unstable non acid varied according to sampling period, indicating a seasonal influence on the occurrence of this problem in the herds analyzed. In the dry season, the occurrence of unstable non acid was higher, coinciding with the period in which the availability of good quality pasture is reduced due to reduction in the volume of rainfall. Also in the dry period, there were greater levels of fat and somatic cell count, along with a decrease in the concentrations of total protein and lactose. Results of this trial showed that the occurrence of unstable non acid is frequent in the dairy herds of the region studied, is influenced by seasonal variations and is associated to changes in milk composition, which may cause significant losses to the dairy industry and dairy farmers.<br>Neste estudo, objetivou-se determinar a ocorrência, composição, características físico-químicas e contagem de células somáticas de leites identificados como leite instável não ácido recebido em laticínio localizado na região nordeste do Estado de São Paulo. A amostragem abrangeu todas as propriedades leiteiras fornecedoras de leite para o laticínio, e foi realizada nos períodos chuvoso e seco do ano de 2007. Para a identificação de leite instável não ácido, considerou-se a amostra de leite de conjunto de cada propriedade que apresentasse instabilidade à prova do álcool a 72% (v/v) e acidez titulável inferior a 18ºD. Do total de amostras instáveis à prova do álcool a 72% (v/v), 64,8% foram identificadas como leite instável não ácido. A ocorrência de leite instável não ácido variou de acordo com a época da amostragem, o que indica uma influência sazonal sobre a ocorrência desse problema nos rebanhos analisados. No período seco, a ocorrência de leite instável não ácido foi maior, e coincidiu com a época na qual a disponibilidade de forragens de boa qualidade é reduzida devido à redução no volume das chuvas. No período seco observaram-se também maiores níveis de gordura e contagem de células somáticas, paralelamente a uma diminuição nas concentrações de proteína total e lactose. Os resultados evidenciaram que a ocorrência de leite instável não ácido é freqüente nos rebanhos leiteiros da região estudada, sofre influência sazonal e está associada a alterações na composição do leite, o que pode ocasionar perdas significativas à indústria de laticínios e aos produtores de leite