6,433 research outputs found

    Study of permeability characteristics of membranes Quarterly report, 9 May - 9 Aug. 1969

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    Demineralizing gear pump system with mixed bed ion exchange columns for salt and volume transport experimen

    Genome-wide dynamics of Pol II elongation and its interplay with promoter proximal pausing, chromatin, and exons

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    Production of mRNA depends critically on the rate of RNA polymerase II (Pol II) elongation. To dissect Pol II dynamics in mouse ES cells, we inhibited Pol II transcription at either initiation or promoter-proximal pause escape with Triptolide or Flavopiridol, and tracked Pol II kinetically using GRO-seq. Both inhibitors block transcription of more than 95% of genes, showing that pause escape, like initiation, is a ubiquitous and crucial step within the transcription cycle. Moreover, paused Pol II is relatively stable, as evidenced from half-life measurements at ∼3200 genes. Finally, tracking the progression of Pol II after drug treatment establishes Pol II elongation rates at over 1000 genes. Notably, Pol II accelerates dramatically while transcribing through genes, but slows at exons. Furthermore, intergenic variance in elongation rates is substantial, and is influenced by a positive effect of H3K79me2 and negative effects of exon density and CG content within genes.DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.02407.001

    Rentoutumisen vaikutuksia uneen ja koettuun elämänlaatuun masentuneella henkilöllä.

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    Opinnäytetyön tavoitteena on kerätä tietoa rentoutumisesta, unesta ja masennuksesta sekä selvittää rentoutumisen vaikutuksia uneen ja koettuun elämänlaatuun masentuneella henkilöllä. Opinnäytetyön tarkoitus meille tekijöille on syventää tietämystä rentoutumisen vaikutuksista masentuneella henkilöllä, hankkia kokemusta tulevaa työelämää varten sekä verkostoitua tekijöitä kiinnostavalle fysioterapian osa-alueelle. Opinnäytetyön tarkoitus toimeksiantajalle ja fysioterapia-alalle on tuottaa tietoa, jota voidaan hyödyntää masentuneen henkilön fysioterapiassa. Opinnäytetyön toimeksiantaja on Lapin sairaanhoitopiirin psykiatrian klinikka. Opinnäytetyössä vastataan kysymyksiin, millaisia vaikutuksia hengitysrentoutusharjoituksella on masentuneen henkilön uneen sekä millaisia vaikutuksia rentoutumisella on masentuneen henkilön koettuun elämänlaatuun. Tutkimus toteutettiin tapaustutkimuksena viiden viikon rentoutuskurssina keväällä 2015. Tutkimuksessa haettiin vastauksia tutkimusongelmiin määrällisin menetelmin. Mittareina aineiston kokoamisessa toimivat Firstbeat-mittari sekä Sintosen 15D-elämänlaatukysely. Firstbeat-mittarilla mitattiin stressireaktioiden osuutta sekä palautumista unen aikana ja Sintosen 15D-elämänlaatukyselyllä koettua elämänlaatua. Firstbeat-mittaus suoritettiin hengitysrentoutusharjoitusta edeltävänä ja jälkeisenä yönä rentoutuskurssin toisella ja viimeisellä viikolla. Elämänlaatukysely toteutettiin rentoutuskurssin ensimmäisellä ja viimeisellä kerralla. Tutkimus on tapaustutkimus ja tutkimuksen kohteena on yksi masentunut henkilö. Tutkimusaineisto analysoitiin Firstbeat-mittarin tulosten osalta Microsoft Word-taulukoiden avulla. Sintosen 15D-elämänlaatukyselyn tulokset on analysoitu Sintosen kehittelemän valmiin Excel-pohjan, arvotusalgoritmin, avulla. Mittaustulosten perusteella rentoutumisella on positiivisia vaikutuksia stressireaktioiden osuuteen sekä palautumiseen unen aikana ja koettuun elämänlaatuun masentuneella henkilöllä. Tutkimushenkilön stressireaktioiden ja palautumisen osuus sekä palautumisen laatu paranivat hengitysrentoutusharjoituksen jälkeisenä yönä verrattuna edeltävään yöhön. Elämänlaatukyselyn mukaan tutkimushenkilön näkö, kuulo, nukkuminen, puhuminen, henkinen toiminta, vaivat ja oireet, ahdistuneisuus ja sukupuolielämä paranivat tai helpottivat rentoutuskurssin aikana. Tutkimuksessa saatuja tuloksia ei voi yleistää kaikilla masentuneilla, mutta tuloksia voidaan hyödyntää suunniteltaessa masentuneiden fysioterapiaa. Tutkimuksen tulokset houkuttelevat myös suorittamaan erilaisia jatkotutkimuksia.The aim of this thesis is to gather information on relaxation, sleep and depression and to assess how relaxation may affect sleep and quality of life of a person affected by depression. The purpose of this study is to enhance the researchers’ knowledge on the effects of relaxation of a person affected by depression and achieve experience for the future, also creating relations in physiotherapy sector. The purpose of this study, commissioned by The Lapland Hospital District and the Psychiatric clinic, is to produce knowledge useful for planning physiotherapy meant to a person affected by depression. This thesis responds to the research questions: “What are the effects of breathing relaxation for sleep?” and “What are the effects for quality of life of person with depression?" This is a case-study was developed during a five-week relaxation course in the spring of 2015. In this case-study quantitative research methods were used. The indicators are Firstbeat-meter and Sintonen 15D-quality of life-questionnaire. Stress reactions and recovery during sleep were measured by using Firstbeat-meter, and quality of life is measured by using Sintonen 15D-quality of life-Sintonen’s questionnaire. Firstbeat-measurement was administrated during sleep, before and after the breathing relaxation during the second and the last week of the relaxation course. Sintonen’s 15D-quality of life questionnaire was administrated during the first and the last session of the relaxation course. This case-study analyses one person affected by depression. The data was analyzed by using the Microsoft Word-sheet program and the Excel-sheet algorithm made by Sintonen. Based on the results, relaxation has positive effects on stress reactions and recovery during sleep, as well as on the quality of life of a person affected by depression. In comparison to the previous night, stress reactions, part of the recovery, and the quality of the recovery of the person improved after breathing relaxation. Sintonen 15D-life questionnaire shows that vision, hearing, sleeping, speaking, mental functions, discomfort and symptoms anxiety and sexual life improved during the relaxation course. The results of this study cannot be generalized; nevertheless, they can be useful for planning physiotherapy for people affected by depression. The results of the study may also suggest to perform further research on this specific topic

    Improved Bidirectional GAN-Based Approach for Network Intrusion Detection Using One-Class Classifier

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    Existing generative adversarial networks (GANs), primarily used for creating fake image samples from natural images, demand a strong dependence (i.e., the training strategy of the generators and the discriminators require to be in sync) for the generators to produce as realistic fake samples that can “fool” the discriminators. We argue that this strong dependency required for GAN training on images does not necessarily work for GAN models for network intrusion detection tasks. This is because the network intrusion inputs have a simpler feature structure such as relatively low-dimension, discrete feature values, and smaller input size compared to the existing GAN-based anomaly detection tasks proposed on images. To address this issue, we propose a new Bidirectional GAN (Bi-GAN) model that is better equipped for network intrusion detection with reduced overheads involved in excessive training. In our proposed method, the training iteration of the generator (and accordingly the encoder) is increased separate from the training of the discriminator until it satisfies the condition associated with the cross-entropy loss. Our empirical results show that this proposed training strategy greatly improves the performance of both the generator and the discriminator even in the presence of imbalanced classes. In addition, our model offers a new construct of a one-class classifier using the trained encoder–discriminator. The one-class classifier detects anomalous network traffic based on binary classification results instead of calculating expensive and complex anomaly scores (or thresholds). Our experimental result illustrates that our proposed method is highly effective to be used in network intrusion detection tasks and outperforms other similar generative methods on two datasets: NSL-KDD and CIC-DDoS2019 datasets.Publishe

    Spin-density-wave transition of (TMTSF)2_2PF6_6 at high magnetic fields

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    The transverse magnetoresistance of the Bechgaard salt (TMTSF)2_2PF6_6 has been measured for various pressures, with the field up to 24 T parallel to the lowest conductivity direction c^{\ast}. A quadratic behavior is observed in the magnetic field dependence of the spin-density-wave (SDW) transition temperature TSDWT_{\rm {SDW}}. With increasing pressure, TSDWT_{\rm {SDW}} decreases and the coefficient of the quadratic term increases. These results are consistent with the prediction of the mean-field theory based on the nesting of the quasi one-dimensional Fermi surface. Using a mean field theory, TSDWT_{\rm {SDW}} for the perfect nesting case is estimated as about 16 K. This means that even at ambient pressure where TSDWT_{\rm {SDW}} is 12 K, the SDW phase of (TMTSF)2_2PF6_6 is substantially suppressed by the two-dimensionality of the system.Comment: 11pages,6figures(EPS), accepted for publication in PR