4 research outputs found

    Use of Clopidogrel Post-Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery in Canadian Patients With Acute Coronary Syndromes

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    BACKGROUND: Randomized trials have established the efficacy of clopidogrel in acute coronary syndromes (ACS). The benefit of clopidogrel has also been observed in the subgroup of ACS patients who subsequently undergo coronary artery bypass surgery (CABG); however, this therapy is discontinued preoperatively and the frequency with which clopidogrel is restarted post-CABG is unknown. METHODS: We examined the pattern of clopidogrel use in the Canadian Global Registry of Acute Coronary Events (GRACE), GRACE2, and CANRACE (2003-2008) post-CABG ACS patients. We stratified the patients according to whether they underwent CABG during their index hospitalization for ACS and whether they were prescribed clopidogrel at discharge. RESULTS: Among those patients in whom clopidogrel status at discharge was known, 5904 (60%) of 9841 were discharged from hospital on clopidogrel. Use of clopidogrel at discharge was observed in 2222 (40.8%) of 5443 patients who were medically managed (ie, did not undergo percutaneous coronary intervention [PCI] or CABG) and in 3585 (90.1%) of 3980 patients who underwent in-hospital PCI. Overall, 455 (3.3%) of 13,776 patients underwent CABG during the index hospitalization; 255 (56%) patients were started on clopidogrel during the first 24 hours, and 66 of these patients (25.9%) were discharged on clopidogrel. In contrast, 5681 (61.3%) of the 9262 patients who did not undergo in-hospital CABG were discharged on clopidogrel. CONCLUSIONS: Although current guidelines recommend the use of clopidogrel post-CABG in patients with ACS, our observations suggest that only 1 in 4 or 5 Canadian patients are discharged on this therapy

    Nitrogen Tax and Set-Aside as Greenhouse Gas Abatement Policies Under Global Change Scenarios: A Case Study for Germany

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    The ambitious climate policy objectives of the COP21 agreement require the design and the implementation of effective and efficient policy instruments. The effectiveness and efficiency of agricultural abatement options depend on regional climate and natural conditions, changes in the global economy, global agricultural markets and regional agricultural production. Thus, the assessment of abatement options requires consideration of the global scale, the market scale and the regional producer scale. We investigate two abatement options discussed controversially in literature. Both have been partially applied to reduce environmental pollution from agriculture: a tax on nitrogen and the obligatory set-aside of agricultural land. Our study provides an assessment of the ecological effectiveness and the economic efficiency of both abatement options under different global scenarios. In our policy analysis we combine three applied policy simulation models to develop an integrated economic model framework. This model framework considers the global, the national and the regional scale and consists of the global general equilibrium model DART-BIO, the partial-equilibrium model CAPRI and the regional supply model RAUMIS. In the different global scenarios, the results show that both abatement options create relatively high marginal abatement costs and that the maximally reached abated greenhouse gas emissions represent only 15% of the quantity required to fulfill the policy targets. Compared to the obligatory set-aside option, the nitrogen tax is in both scenarios the more efficient policy. With respect to impacts on production and environment, a nitrogen tax is less forecastable than the obligatory set-aside option. Our study illustrates the relevance of considering global economic and market change in the assessment of producer-targeting environmental policies