239 research outputs found

    Interdisciplinary Study of Combating Hybrid Threats

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    NPS NRP Executive SummaryOur nation and allies are coming under increased attack by states and non-state actors who seek to exploit our vulnerabilities through employ non-attributable actions below the threshold of war in order to weaken our competitive advantage across all domains, steal intellectual property, or undermine the cohesiveness of our alliances. These hybrid threats can be in the form of hacking networks, cyber-attacks against critical infrastructure, disinformation campaigns, electoral interference, etc. These unconventional actions cannot be responsibly answered with conventional military forces and thus require a new set of response options. This research seeks to answer three broad questions on hybrid threats: what are the current hybrid threat challenges, how should we respond, and what do we need in order to execute such a response? The answers to these questions will achieve the main objectives of this research. First, arrive at a common understanding on the concept of hybrid threats. Second, develop an analytical framework to support designing actions to address and combat hybrid threats. Lastly, identify key issues and capability gaps for further research. The research methodology will begin with understanding the current depth of knowledge on hybrid threats, then developing case states to expand this knowledge, and lastly developing an analytical framework to combat hybrid threats. The analytical framework will help assess the actor, domain(s), methods, and desired intentions and objectives.N7 - Warfighting DevelopmentThis research is supported by funding from the Naval Postgraduate School, Naval Research Program (PE 0605853N/2098). https://nps.edu/nrpChief of Naval Operations (CNO)Approved for public release. Distribution is unlimited.

    Interdisciplinary Study of Combating Hybrid Threats

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    NPS NRP Project PosterOur nation and allies are coming under increased attack by states and non-state actors who seek to exploit our vulnerabilities through employ non-attributable actions below the threshold of war in order to weaken our competitive advantage across all domains, steal intellectual property, or undermine the cohesiveness of our alliances. These hybrid threats can be in the form of hacking networks, cyber-attacks against critical infrastructure, disinformation campaigns, electoral interference, etc. These unconventional actions cannot be responsibly answered with conventional military forces and thus require a new set of response options. This research seeks to answer three broad questions on hybrid threats: what are the current hybrid threat challenges, how should we respond, and what do we need in order to execute such a response? The answers to these questions will achieve the main objectives of this research. First, arrive at a common understanding on the concept of hybrid threats. Second, develop an analytical framework to support designing actions to address and combat hybrid threats. Lastly, identify key issues and capability gaps for further research. The research methodology will begin with understanding the current depth of knowledge on hybrid threats, then developing case states to expand this knowledge, and lastly developing an analytical framework to combat hybrid threats. The analytical framework will help assess the actor, domain(s), methods, and desired intentions and objectives.N7 - Warfighting DevelopmentThis research is supported by funding from the Naval Postgraduate School, Naval Research Program (PE 0605853N/2098). https://nps.edu/nrpChief of Naval Operations (CNO)Approved for public release. Distribution is unlimited.

    Мүгедектігі бар адамдардың әлеуметтік-педагогикалық қолдау

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    This article deals with the problem of socio-pedagogical support for children with disabilities and to assist them in adaptation and rehabilitation in society. The study revealed different approaches of social and pedagogical support for children with intellectual disabilities, raised the problem of developing an individual program of remedial work with children with disabilities, actual problems of inclusive education and gave a detailed description of children with disabilities in health. The article focuses on the need to prepare future teachers to work with children of the above categories. Based on the training of teachers for inclusive education is being promoted Pedagogical University, directed on the development of a ready capacity to correctional and pedagogical activity in the conditions of schoolsБұл мақала мүмкіндігі шектеулі балаларға арналған әлеуметтік-педагогикалық қолдау мәселесімен айналысады және қоғамда бейімдеу және оңалту, оларға кӛмектесу үшін. Зерттеу, интеллектуалды дамуларында бұзылулары бар балаларға арналған әлеуметтік-педагогикалық қолдау түрлі кӛзқарастар анықталды, инклюзивті білім берудің ӛзекті мәселелерін мүмкіндігі шектеулі балалармен түзету жұмыстарын жеке бағдарламасын әзірлеу мәселесін кӛтерді және денсаулық мүмкіндігі шектеулі балаларға егжей-тегжейлі сипаттама берді. Мақала аталған санаттағы балалармен жұмыс болашақ мұғалімдерді дайындау қажеттілігі баса назар аударады. инклюзивті білім беру үшін мұғалімдерді даярлау негізінде педагогикалық университеті, мектеп жағдайында түзеу дайын сыйымдылығы және педагогикалық қызметін дамыту жӛніндегі na¬pravlennaya ықпал жатырВ данной статье рассматривается проблема социально-педагогического сопровождения детей с ограниченными возможностями и оказание им помощи в адаптации и реабилитации в социуме. В исследовании раскрываются различные подходы социально-педагогического сопровождения детей с нарушениями интеллекта, поднимается проблема разработки индивидуальной программы коррекционной работы с детьми с ограниченными возможностями, актуальные проблемы инклюзивного образования, а также дана подробная характеристика детей с отклонениями в здоровье. В статье акцентируется внимание на необходимости подготовки будущих педагогов к работе с вышеназванной категорией детей. На базе Педагогического университета активно внедряется профессиональная подготовка педагогов для инклюзивного образования, направленная на развитие готовности осуществлять коррекционно-педагогическую деятельность в условиях общеобразовательных шко

    Pachydermoperiostosis Masquerading as Acromegaly.

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    Context: Acromegaly usually is suspected on clinical grounds. Biochemical confirmation is required to optimize therapy, but there are other differential diagnoses. Case Description: We describe a 24-year-old Uzbek man who presented with many clinical symptoms and signs of apparent acromegaly. On examination, the patient showed a rugose folding of his scalp, with the formation of tender, painful, rough skin folds in the parietal-occipital region, resembling cerebral gyri (i.e., cutis verticis gyrate). There was also a thickening and enlargement of the eyelids due to cartilaginous hypertrophy, dystrophic changes of the conjunctiva, and atrophy of the Meibomian glands, with the formation of multiple cysts and granulomas. He perspired excessively. There was thickening of the facial skin, with increased oiliness, increased rugosity, and seborrheic dermatitis. The skin over the hands was thick and apparently fixed to the underlying tissues. However, the patient had a low-normal insulin-like growth factor-1 level. More detailed analysis revealed a family history of relatives with similar problems, and certain features were not in keeping with this diagnosis. The disorder pachydermoperiostosis, or pulmonary hypertrophic osteoarthropathy, was suspected, and next-generation screening confirmed that the patient was homozygous for a pathogenic mutation in the SLCO2A1 gene, c.764G>A (p.Gly255Glu). Conclusion: The condition of pachydermoperiostosis may masquerade as acromegaly but is a genetic disorder, usually autosomal recessive, leading to elevated prostaglandin E2 levels. This is an important, albeit rare, differential diagnosis of acromegaly

    Pedagogy of the Privileged: Elite Universities and Dialectical Contradictions in the UK

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    This paper considers the role and function of Left academics within ‘elite’ (i.e. Russell Group) universities within the UK. Deploying Marxist theory and critical realism, it analyses the ‘dialectical contradictions’ experienced in such a role and reflects upon productive strategies for resisting the hegemony of neo-liberalism within those milieu

    Biomolecular characteristics of Yersinia pseudotuberculosis and Yersinia enterocolitica isolated in Siberia and in the Far East

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    A special feature of Y. pseudotuberculosis strains is its biochemical uniformity irrespective of the time and location of the causative agent isolation and the existence of 21 serological variants. Y. enterocolitica is a quite a heterogeneous species and is classified into 6 biochemical types associated with 29 serological variants. 221 Y. pseudotuberculosis and 447 Y. enterocolitica strains in total isolated in Siberia and in the Far East were characterized. Y. pseudotuberculosis genotype dominating in the Siberian and Far Eastern regions is presented by 0:1b serotype of the first genogroup (pYV+, ympA+, HPI-) in two- (47:82 МDa) or single-plasmid (47 МDа) variants. Ribotyping and fingerprinting revealed 8 and 10 Y. pseudotuberculosis genotypes, respectively, that indicated relative heterogeneity of the circulated strains. Regional difference of ribotypes and fingerprints was noted. 401 of447 Y. enterocolitica strains were classified as biotype A1 including 11 serotypes (0:4,32; 0:4,44; 0:5; 0:6,30; 0:6,31; 0;7,8; 0:12,25; 0:13,7; O:19,8; 0:41,43) and 46 strains belonged to biotypes 2-4 of O:3 and O:9 serotypes. Y. enterocolitica strains of biotypes 1A were isolated both from the environments, animals and patient samples as like the representatives of biotypes 2-4. The differentiating tests of fucose and sorbose made it possible to identify two species new for the Russian Federation - Y. mollaretii and Y. bercovierii. Y. enterocolitica biotypes 2-4 carried pYV plasmid and chromosomal ail, ystA virulence genes. These strains were referred to phagotypes X3 (2/0:9) and VIII (4/0:3) and also to phagotype Xz (3/0:3), unique for Russia. Y. enterocolitica biotype 1A containing ystB thermostable toxin gene was confirmed to be an infectious etiological agent

    Comparison of operating costs of reinforced concrete bridges and overpasses with different static schemes

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    The article considers two options for the design of an overpass with a beam-cut and a beam-continuous static scheme. An inspection of the technical condition of beam-cut reinforced concrete bridges in operation in Tashkent built in 1970-90 was conducted. Estimating the maintenance costs of overpasses with different static schemes operating for the last 50 years shows that the continuous reinforced concrete option drastically reduces the cost of repair work in operation. This, in turn, has a cumulative effect on the development of the bridge-building industry in the Republic of Uzbekistan. The predicted operating costs of overpasses with different static schemes during operation for 50 years showed that in a continuous reinforced concrete option, 435,803,803 soums are saved annually. The most important thing is that the proposed solution dramatically reduces the cost of repair work. This, in turn, has a cumulative effect on the development of the bridge-building industry in the Republic of Uzbekistan

    Parkinson's Disease in Central Asian and Transcaucasian Countries: A Review of Epidemiology, Genetics, Clinical Characteristics, and Access to Care

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    Our understanding of Parkinson’s disease (PD) has significantly accelerated over the last few years, but predominant advances have been made in developed, Western countries. Little is known about PD in the Central Asian (CA) and Transcaucasian (TC) countries. Here, we review the clinical characteristics, treatments used, epidemiology, and genetics of PD in CA and TC countries via a methodological search in MEDLINE, EMBASE, Scopus, Web of Science, and Google Scholar databases. For the acquisition of PD care-related data, the search was extended to the local web resources. Our findings showed that PD prevalence in the region is averaging 62 per 100,000 population. The mean age of onset is 56.4 ± 2.8 in females and 63.3 ± 3.5 in males. Large-scale national studies on PD prevalence from the region are currently lacking. A limited number of genetic studies with small cohorts and inconclusive results were identified. The G2019S LRRK2 mutation, the commonest mutation in PD worldwide, was found in 5.7% of patients with idiopathic PD and 17.6% of familial cases in 153 Uzbek patients. Our review highlighted systematic deficiencies in PD health care in the region including lacks of neurologists specializing in PD, delays in PD diagnosis, absence of specialized PD nurses and PD rehab services, limited access to PD medications and surgery, and the unavailability of PD infusion therapies. Overall, this article demonstrated the paucity of data on this common neurological disorder in CA and TC countries and identified a number of healthcare areas that require an urgent consideration. We conclude that well-designed large-scale epidemiological, genetic, and clinical studies are desperately needed in this region. Healthcare professionals, local and national institutions, and stakeholders must come together to address deficiencies in PD healthcare systems in CA and TC countries

    A glimpse of the genetics of young-onset Parkinson's disease in Central Asia

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    Background: Knowledge of the genetic background of many human diseases is currently lacking from genetically undiscovered regions, including Central Asia. Kazakhstan is the first Central Asian country where the genetic studies of Parkinson's disease (PD) have been emerging since it had become a member of the International Parkinson Disease Genomics Consortium. Here we report on the results of whole‐exome sequencing (WES) in 50 young‐onset PD (YOPD) cases from Kazakhstan. / Methodology: WES was performed on 50 unrelated individuals with YOPD from Kazakhstan. Exome data were screened for novel/ultra‐rare deleterious variants in known and candidate PD genes. Copy number variants and small indels were also called. / Results: Only three cases (6%) were found to be positive for known PD genes including two unrelated familial PD cases with LRRK2 p.(Arg1441Cys) and one case with a homozygous pathogenic PRKN p.(Arg84Trp) variant. Four cases had novel and ultra‐rare variants of uncertain significance in LRRK2, DNAJC13, and VPS35. Novel deleterious variants were found in candidate Mendelian PD genes including CSMD1, TNR, EIF4G1, and ATP13A3. Eight cases harbored the East Asian‐specific LRRK2 p.(Ala419Val) variant. Conclusions The low diagnostic yield in our study might imply that a significant proportion of YOPD cases in Central Asia remains unresolved. Therefore, a better understanding of the genetic architecture of PD among populations of Central Asian ancestry and the pathogenicity of numerous rare variants should be further investigated. WES is a valuable technique for large‐scale YOPD genetic studies in Central Asia


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    The results of yersinioses microbiological monitoring in Novosibirsk Region are presented and introduction of a quality management system in activities of a laboratory of especially dangerous infections is experienced