30 research outputs found

    Simulasi Buka Tutup Pintu Dengan Menggunakan Bahasa Pemprogaman Borland Delphi 07

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    With programming language of Borland Delphi 07 as application program. Research use development method in data collecting. Research done/ conducted by as long as June month;moon up to Oktober month;moon. In Research entangle hardware and software instrument. In Research use house miniatur media as simulation open door cover.In making of program, writer use computer with Microsoft Windows XP. Result from program open door cover by using programming language of Borland Delphi 07 can be applied in make-up of security. Procedure run program is by connecting program pass/ through computer parallel port to attached by appliance at ouse miniatur. And operation monitoring pass/ through interface menu at screen/ sail monitor computer

    Sistem Antrian Pada Puskesmas Sukamerindu

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    The growth of technology was progress so fast and show benefist that better than never to business world. One of all technologies is present computer as media witch so help us, this media can facilitate work of same one. This happen used by companies and afficials prossession of government or corporate to increasing their effectiveness and efficiency in work. As one of public service, Puskesmas Kampung Bali city has purpose to giving health service to society that want it.As one of public service in healthy area, Puskesmas Kampung Bali Bengkulu City in serving to patient who get difficulty at the first time when come to Puskesmas Kampung Bali. It is couse less information so patient don\u27t know where are they go to regist and what is form of service that will they recive later never the lass can handled, if must passing a queue that spend time to much and sometimes will produce a messiness. It is mean that often happen getting the start of each other, sometimes any patient who unresponsibility or not want to queue with good manner, but they get service earlier ( except UGD ). So the other patient feels unsatisfiedly about service in Puskesmas. This happen caused by any bad of sytem so decelerate information that needed by patient.In design og system of patient queue in Puskesmas Kampung Bali Bengkulu City by using visual basic 6.0 after that do analysis process of queue system that going on in Puskesmas of Bengkulu City with design interface or appearance of input and output that produced by this queue system. Than from produce of queue sytem after implementationed, tested, and finally writer can take conclusion that is = process of patient queue must do faster and accurate, so that service can be more maximal, mor effective cause queue system has integrated in one special program in system form. By this system, administrator enough operate the program if want to looking for information about way of using this progam only with look facility using program that consist in this program so not need administaror in a continue and also not spond time to much

    Alat Keamanan Pintu Brankas Berbasis Sensor Sidik Jari Dan Passoword Digital Dengan Menggunakan Mikrokontroler Atmega 16

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    Doors safety deposit box still use conventional security. Where the safety deposit box door is opened by turning around and use the code, which in a sense it is not efficient. Therefore, the necessary measures to facilitate the safety deposit box door security. The purpose of this research is to create a security system safety deposit box door using fingerprint sensor R305 series. Other major equipment includes a microcontroller ATMega 16 and Visual Basic 6.0. The results showed that the Safe Door Security Tools can be monitored using applications created with Visual Basic 6.0 in accordance with the instructions given. The test results showed that the response to the command of instrument of the application is running normally. The success of the test results instrument is 100%


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    Setiap pembangunan pasti bertujuan untuk mensejahterakan rakyat, namun tidak bisa dipungkiri setiap pembangunan mempunyai sisi yang lain, seperti dua sisi mata uang yang berbeda. Misalnya dalam hal pembangunan suatu pabrik pupuk di suatu daerah, pasti bertujuan sebagai solusi agar masyarakat terpenuhi kebutuhan pupuknya, disamping itu juga bisa menyerap tenaga kerja lebih banyak. Namun pasti ada hal yang sudah pasti mendatangkan masalah baru, yaitu tentang limbah pabrik yang suatu waktu akan mengganggu kesehatan masyarakat setempat. Masyarakat tersebut menjadi korban dari suatu kebijakan pembangunan, disisi lain urbanisasi menjadi pemicu masalah sosial di kota kota besar, sehingga terjadi pelanggaran hukum dari akibat sempitnya lapangan kerja. Paradoksnya suatu pembangunan yang menimbulkan masalah baru inilah yang disebut dengan victimisasi dimana secara sadar atau tidak sadar masyarakat menjadi korban dari kebijakan publik. Selain itu juga terjadi tindak pidana yang lainnya yang merupakan imbas dari sempitnya lapangan kerja, seperti terjadinya prostitusi dan perdagangan manusia

    Profil Guru Kreatif Dalam Mengembangkan Media Pembelajaran Pada Anak Usia 4-5 Tahun Di Tk

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    : This research was purposed to describe creative teacher's bibliography in improving media lesson on class A Mutiara Kubu Raya. This research method was used descriptive method throught qualitative approach. This subject was aim to one teacher and six student. The data analysis report showed that the creative teacher was able to see from apart of the process, person, press and productive with the several achieve ment because of their profession as a teacher. The teacher used PERMEN No 58 in Years 2009 as a point through the curriculum from playgroup. The children were anthusiastically toward the media who was made by the teacher. The children had the interested in showing their care to the teacher who explained the material. The children were happy, curiouss wanted to know, and followed the material until finished. Then the difficulties from the teacher were not affect the teacher to improve the creativity in improving media learning. This case was seen from the teacher attitude to make the media lesson that appropriate for children psikomotoric eventhought the media from school was limited

    Implementasi Dan Analisa Per Connection Queue (Pcq) Sebagai Kontrol Penggunaan Internet Pada Laboratorium Komputer

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    This aims to implement control and manage internet bandwidth USAge in computer networks. Distribution of bandwidth evenly on all hosts (computers) connected to a computer network. Reducing excessive bandwidth USAge when using media downloader hosts like Internet Download Manager (IDM). This study uses an experimental research. In this research, experimentation and implementation of the performance of the method per connection queue with queue (PCQ). The results of further experiments are documented for analysis to produce appropriate recommendations for bandwidth management with per connection queue (PCQ) untun control the use of the Internet in the laboratory. From the results of this analysis will come to the conclusion about the benefits and functions in more detail than the method using the per connection queue queue (PCQ) in controlling the use of the Internet on a computer network in a computer lab. The results of this study indicate that that the bandwidth management with per connection queue (PCQ) to control internet USAge is very significant changes. By utilizing this method of data traffic internet USAge can be set according to the amount of bandwidth available on the network. In addition to control Internet USAge, this method is also useful to limit the traffic rate is downloaded when a client using a download manager like IDM. By applying this method, between one client and another client will not get excessive bandwidth, so the use of the internet will be more stable and controllable

    Analisis Pendapatan dan Pengeluaran Rumah Tangga Petani Padi Desa Sukajawa, Kecamatan Bumiratu Nuban, Kabupaten Lampung Tengah

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    The purpose of this research were to find out the total income of rice farmers' household, the expenditure of farmers' household, and the factors that influence the expenditure of rice farmers' household. The research was conducted in Sukajawa village, Bumiratu Nuban subdistrict, Central Lampung regency. The number of respondent was 47 rice farmers. This study found that the total income of rice farmers in Sukajawa was Rp29,243,662.00 per year, 87.54% of on farm, 0.91% of off farm and 11.55% of non farm. The expenditure of rice farmers' household in that village was Rp20,545,157.00 per year, 80.94% was allocated for primary needs such as food and 19.06% for other needs. It could be concluded that the income of Sukajawa rice farmers was relatively low, because most of their income was used for food. The factors that influenced rice farmers' expenditures were income level (X1), family member (X2),and the area of the rice field (X5)

    Alat Penyaringan Air Kotor Menjadi Air Bersih Menggunakan Mikrokontroller Atmega 32

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    Formulation of the problem is to make dirty water filtration equipment into clean water using a microcontroller AT-mega32. Software used includes operating systems, programming languages and software pengelolah data. The operating system used by Microsoft Windows 7 as the operating system. The programming language used is the programming language Basic - BASCOM AVR and Visual Basic 6.0. The test is done by testing the screening tool dirty water into clean water in line with expectations and design. Ie the sensor can detect the level of water clarity and filtered water sources and displayed on the LCD 16 x 2 and PC applications with sizes percent

    Rancangan Alat Pembuat Minuman Kopi Otomatis Menggunakan Mikrokontroler Mcs51.

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    Draft Tool Makers Automatic Coffee Beverage Using MCS51 microcontroller is an activity whose function is to design tools to make coffee drinks maker. This tool uses LDR light sensor to detect the presence of the cup, and use the stepper motors, valves electrically as supporting componentstocompletetheinstrument. The results showed an automatic coffee maker works. Menunjukkn that the test results when there is a cup placed under the faucet, there will be a tool of action is the sugar container tilted to pour the sugar, then coffee container tilted to pour coffee, water, and cups and move left to right to stir the sugar and coffee in the cup. This tool can be operated manually or by computer control, and can also operateautomatically