52 research outputs found

    Implementasi Model Pembelajaran Problem Based Instructions (Pbi) Berbasis Penanaman Karakter terhadap Peningkatan Aktivitas Belajar dan Sikap Kognitif pada Pembelajaran Sains Siswa Kelas VII Mts Negeri Model Purwokerto Tahun Ajaran 2013/2014

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    Research on the implementation model of Problem Based Learning Instruction (PBI) based on the increased activity of planting the character and attitude of cognitive science study conducted on students of class VII MTs Negeri Model Purwokerto. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of PBI learning model to the increased activity of learning and cognitive attitudes of students in the material ecosystem. The method used is an experimental method with pre-test and post-test control group. The study population was all students of class VII (there are 5 classes) with cluster random sampling technique. Class VII-C number of 32 students as the control class while class VII-E were 34 students as a class experiment. Observed learning activities include activities asked, noting the teacher's explanation, and the activity of searching for learning resources. Cognitive attitude characteristic observed included the character of curiosity, tolerance and hard work. The results showed that the effect of PBI models significance to the improvement of science learning activities by 28.25%, while its influence on the improvement of cognitive attitude and level of learning outcomes have varied significansiny

    Meningkatkan Minat Belajar Biologi Menggunakan Pembelajaran Ctl (Contextual Teaching and Learning) Pada Siswa Di Kelas Vii-b Mts Negeri Purwokerto

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    Improving Student\u27s Interest in Biology lesson by using contextual teaching and learning (CLT) methods is n action research study which had an aim to improve student\u27s interest in biology. The indicator of student\u27s interest covers the student\u27s diligence in learning process, active in following teaching and learning process, active in doing a task, the facility and the sources of learning. The result of this researched showed that there were an improvement of students learning interest. The percentage result in cycle I was 39.5%, in cycle 2 was 72.67% and in Cycle 3 was 80.92%. The improvement of students learning interests gave a positive effect toward the students achievement. The students learning achievement in cycle 1 I was 39%, in cycle II was 82% and in cycle III was 93%. In conclusion Contextual Teaching and Learning (CLT) can improve the students learning interest in Biology at the Second Grade Students of MTs Negeri Purwokerto. Key words : Improving, Student\u27s learning interest, Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL

    Program Desa Caang: Penerapan Integrated Community Development (ICD) Menuju Masyarakat “Caang”

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    In geothermal production area in Darajat Garut as well, from 41,239 families' researched data, it was found that 9,995 families have yet to get electricity. In addition, health problems, malnutrition, low participation in education, literacy, etc. In another research which had involved 5,793 respondents in that area, a simple assessment, respondents were only ordered to write their names, just only 56,60% who could write their names and the rest 43,4% had total illiteracy and partly. This condition made the people increasingly closed and collapsed above the fertile area and abundant crops. Starting from the assumption of fulfilling electricity for that village, then launched an integrated self-contained village, with the name “Desa Caang (the bright village): Caang Listrikna (the bright electricity), Caang Otakna (the bright brain), Caang Pesakna (the bright pocket). This program consisted of free of charge of the electricity installation distribution for under privileged people, economic empowerment and education

    Value Added Intellectual Coefficient Dan Stock Return

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    The purpose of the research is to obtain empirical evidence about the influence of human capital efficiency, structural capital efficiency, capital employed efficiency, return on equity, growth, market to book value, and price earnings ratio on stock return on listed companies in Indonesia stock exchange from 2011-2015. There are 42 companies selected as final sample and hypothesis tested by using multiple regression analysis. The result of the research shows that capital employed efficiency and growth affected stock return. On the other hand, human capital efficiency, structural capital efficiency, return on equity, market to book value and price earnings ratio did not affect stock return

    Rancang Bangun Dashboard untuk Visualisasi Kinerja Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (Studi Kasus Institut Bisnis dan Informatika STIKOM Surabaya)

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    The Institute of Business and Informatics Stikom Surabaya as one of the collages in Indonesia is obliged to carry out the Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi, that were education, research, and community Service. In the activities of research and community service, The Institute of Business and Informatics Stikom Surabaya has formed department that called Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (PPM). The problems that occurs was PPM Department hasn\u27t media for monitoring performance and also have experienced complication in collecting data because of two separate data sources from The Institute of Business and Informatics Stikom Surabaya and the Directorate of Higher Education (Dikti). Dikti provides facility in the form of a web service portal Management Information System for Research and Community Service (SIM-LITABMAS) to retrieve data on research and community service. The solution offered is to build a dashboard that can display performance information visually of PPM Department in accordance with performance indicators. Additionally to build a system that can synchronize data with SIM-LITABMAS via web service. The research proves that through performance dashboard for research and community service has been created, PPM Department can synchronize data with web service of SIM-LITABMAS and than see the performance of PPM Department interactively according to performance indicators

    Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Administrasi Pengelolaan Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (Studi Kasus Institut Bisnis dan Informatika STIKOM Surabaya)

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    Institute for Business and Information Technology, hereinafter referred Stikom Surabaya is one of the private universities. To support the Tri Dharma College Stikom Surabaya has a Research and Community Service (PPM). Constraints existing at the time of submission of the proposal that still use hardcopy, so it takes at the time of assessment because the operator must distribute the proposal which led to the reviewer can not immediately make an assessment. Announcement of the results of the assessment and the schedule operator exposure is done through email one by one from the registration file for support, so the announcement process takes time. Making the report was done by looking at the file registration and assessment unprocessed. Those problems can be solved by the creation of applications that can simplify the submission of proposals to the final report, as well as help improve service to the proposer, reviewer and leadership in conducting administrative activities PPM management. After testing it can be concluded that the applications made to assist and accelerate the process of administrative activities PPM. In addition computerized registration is done so as to reduce the use of paper (paperless) and pelayanaan registration and assessment can be accessed anywhere and anytime. This application provides information about the activity of the faculty in conducting research and community service
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