16,383 research outputs found

    Development of sputtered techniques for thrust chambers

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    Techniques and materials were developed and evaluated for the fabrication and coating of advanced, long life, regeneratively cooled thrust chambers. Materials were analyzed as fillers for sputter application of OFHC copper as a closeout layer to channeled inner structures; of the materials evaluated, aluminum was found to provide the highest bond strength and to be the most desirable for chamber fabrication. The structures and properties were investigated of thick sputtered OFHC copper, 0.15 Zr-Cu, Al2O3,-Cu, and SiC-Cu. Layered structures of OFHC copper and 0.15 Zr-Cu were investigated as means of improving chamber inner wall fatigue life. The evaluation of sputtered Ti-5Al-2.5Sn, NASA IIb-11, aluminum and Al2O3-Al alloys as high strength chamber outer jackets was performed. Techniques for refurbishing degraded thrust chambers with OFHC copper and coating thrust chambers with protective ZrO2 and graded ZrO2-copper thermal barrier coatings were developed

    Development of sputtered techniques for thrust chambers, task 1

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    Filler materials proposed for use in the sputter fabrication regeneratively cooled thrust chambers were evaluated. Low melting castable alloys, CERROBEND. CERROCAST, and CERROTRU, slurry applied SERMETEL 481 and flame-sprayed aluminum were investigated as filler materials. Sputter deposition from a cylindrical cathode inverted magnestron was used to apply an OFHC copper closeout layer to filled OFHC copper ribbed-wall cylindrical substrates. The sputtered closeout layer structure was evaluated with respect to filler material contamination, predeposition machining and finishing operations, and deposition parameters. The application of aluminum by flame-spraying resulted in excessiver filler porosity. Though the outgassing from this porosity was found to be detrimental to the closeout layer structure, bond strengths in excess of 10,500 psi were achieved. Removal of the aluminum from the grooves was readily accomplished by leaching in a 7.0 molar solution of sodium hydroxide at 353 K. Of the other filler materials evaluated, CERROTRU was found to be the most suitable material with respect to completely filling the ribbed-wall cylinders and vacuum system compatibility. However, bond contamination resulted in low closeout layer bond strength with the CERROTRU filler. CERROBEND, CERROCAST, and SERMETEL 481 were found to be unacceptable as filler materials

    Hamiltonian systems with symmetry, coadjoint orbits and plasma physics

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    The symplectic and Poisson structures on reduced phase spaces are reviewed, including the symplectic structure on coadjoint orbits of a Lie group and the Lie-Poisson structure on the dual of a Lie algebra. These results are applied to plasma physics. We show in three steps how the Maxwell-Vlasov equations for a collisionless plasma can be written in Hamiltonian form relative to a certain Poisson bracket. First, the Poisson-Vlasov equations are shown to be in Hamiltonian form relative to the Lie-Poisson bracket on the dual of the (nite dimensional) Lie algebra of innitesimal canonical transformations. Then we write Maxwell's equations in Hamiltonian form using the canonical symplectic structure on the phase space of the electromagnetic elds, regarded as a gauge theory. In the last step we couple these two systems via the reduction procedure for interacting systems. We also show that two other standard models in plasma physics, ideal MHD and two- uid electrodynamics, can be written in Hamiltonian form using similar group theoretic techniques

    Influence of Charge and Energy Imbalances on the Tunneling Current through a Superconductor-Normal Metal Junction

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    We consider quasiparticle charge and energy imbalances in a thin superconductor weakly coupled with two normal-metal electrodes via tunnel junctions at low temperatures. Charge and energy imbalances, which can be created by injecting quasiparticles at one junction, induce excess tunneling current IexI_{\rm ex} at the other junction. We numerically obtain IexI_{\rm ex} as a function of the bias voltage VdetV_{\rm det} across the detection junction. We show that IexI_{\rm ex} at the zero bias voltage is purely determined by the charge imbalance, while the energy imbalance causes a nontrivial VdetV_{\rm det}-dependence of IexI_{\rm ex}. The obtained voltage-current characteristics qualitatively agree with the experimental result by R. Yagi [Phys. Rev. B {\bf 73} (2006) 134507].Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure