751 research outputs found

    Ages of the Pliocene-Pleistocene Alexandra and Ngatutura Volcanics, western North Island, New Zealand, and some geological implications

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    The Alexandra and Ngatutura Volcanics are the two southernmost of the Pliocene-Quaternary volcanic fields of western and northern North Island, New Zealand, northwest of Taupo Volcanic Zone TVZ. The Ngatutura Basalts are an alkalic basaltic field comprising monogenetic volcanoes. The Alexandra Volcanics consist of three basaltic magma series: an alkalic (Okete Volcanics), calcalkalic (Karioi, Pirongia, Kakepuku, and Te Kawa Volcanics), and a minor potassic series. Twenty new K-Arages are presented for the Alexandra Volcanics and 9 new ages for the Ngatutura Basalts. Ages of the Alexandra Volcanics range from 2.74 to 1 .60 Ma, and the ages of all three magma series overlap. Ages of the Ngatutura Basalts range from 1 .83 to 1.54 Ma. Each basaltic field has a restricted time range and there is a progressive younging in age of the basaltic fields of western North Island from the Alexandra Volcanics in the south, to Ngatutura, to South Auckland, and then to the Auckland field in the north. Neither of the Alexandra nor Ngatutura Volcanics shows any younging direction of their volcanic centres or any age pattern within their fields, and there is no systematic variation in age with rock composition. Any correlation of age with degree of erosion of volcanic cones is invalid for these basaltic fields; instead, the degree of erosion may be controlled by the lithology of the cones and possibly by the extent of preservation offered by the thick cover deposits of the Kauroa, Hamilton, and younger tephra beds. Stratigraphic relations have enabled the earliest member of the Kauroa Ash Formation to be dated at 2.3 Ma. This formation represents a series of widespread rhyolitic plinian and ignimbrite eruptions probably derived from TVZ and initiated during the Late Pliocene

    Response to Invasion by Antigen and Effects of Threshold in an Immune Network Dynamical System Model with a Small Number of Degrees of Freedom

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    We study a dynamical system model of an idiotypic immune network with a small number of degrees of freedom, mainly focusing on the effect of a threshold above which antibodies can recognise antibodies. The response of the system to invasions by antigens is investigated in the both models with and without the threshold and it turns out that the system changes in a desirable direction for moderate magnitude of perturbation. direction for moderate magnitude of perturbation. Also, the propagation of disturbance by an antigen is investigated in the system of one-dimensionally connected basic units taking the closed 3-clone system as a unit, and it is clarified that the threshold of the system has effects to enhance the stability of the network and to localise the immune response.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures. Submitted to Prog. Theor. Phy

    ICRPfinder: a fast pattern design algorithm for coding sequences and its application in finding potential restriction enzyme recognition sites

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Restriction enzymes can produce easily definable segments from DNA sequences by using a variety of cut patterns. There are, however, no software tools that can aid in gene building -- that is, modifying wild-type DNA sequences to express the same wild-type amino acid sequences but with enhanced codons, specific cut sites, unique post-translational modifications, and other engineered-in components for recombinant applications. A fast DNA pattern design algorithm, ICRPfinder, is provided in this paper and applied to find or create potential recognition sites in target coding sequences.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>ICRPfinder is applied to find or create restriction enzyme recognition sites by introducing silent mutations. The algorithm is shown capable of mapping existing cut-sites but importantly it also can generate specified new unique cut-sites within a specified region that are guaranteed not to be present elsewhere in the DNA sequence.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>ICRPfinder is a powerful tool for finding or creating specific DNA patterns in a given target coding sequence. ICRPfinder finds or creates patterns, which can include restriction enzyme recognition sites, without changing the translated protein sequence. ICRPfinder is a browser-based JavaScript application and it can run on any platform, in on-line or off-line mode.</p

    Secretion of Streptomyces mobaraensis pro-transglutaminase by coryneform bacteria

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    We previously reported on the secretion of Streptomyces mobaraensis transglutaminase by Corynebacterium glutamicum ATCC13869 (formerly classified as Brevibacterium lactofermentum). In the present work, we investigated whether any other coryneform bacteria showed higher productivity than C. glutamicum ATCC13869. We found that most coryneform species secreted pro-transglutaminase efficiently. Moreover, we confirmed that Corynebacterium ammoniagenes ATCC6872 produced about 2.5 g/l pro-transglutaminase over a 71-h period in a jar fermentor. Our findings suggest that some other coryneform bacteria, especially C. ammoniagenes ATCC6872, are potential hosts for industrial scale protein production

    A novel synthesis and detection method for cap-associated adenosine modifications in mouse mRNA

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    A method is described for the detection of certain nucleotide modifications adjacent to the 5' 7-methyl guanosine cap of mRNAs from individual genes. The method quantitatively measures the relative abundance of 2'-O-methyl and N6,2'-O-dimethyladenosine, two of the most common modifications. In order to identify and quantitatify the amounts of N6,2'-O-dimethyladenosine, a novel method for the synthesis of modified adenosine phosphoramidites was developed. This method is a one step synthesis and the product can directly be used for the production of N6,2'-O-dimethyladenosine containing RNA oligonucleotides. The nature of the cap-adjacent nucleotides were shown to be characteristic for mRNAs from individual genes transcribed in liver and testis

    Readministration of gefitinib in a responder after treatment discontinuation due to gefinitib-related interstitial lung disease: a case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>Gefitinib is a new molecular-targeted agent for the treatment of patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer that fail to respond to conventional chemotherapy. Gefitinib is considered to be well tolerated and less toxic compared with conventional cytotoxic drugs. However, interstitial lung disease (ILD) has been reported as a serious adverse effect. The precise management of a gefitinib responder having severe adverse events remains unknown.</p> <p>Case Presentation</p> <p>We report the case of gefitinib readministration in a patient with lung adenocarcinoma who had once responded but in whom treatment had to be discontinued owing to gefinitib-related ILD. A dramatic response was achieved both at the time of initial treatment (250 mg/day) and at readministration of gefitinib (125 mg/day). The effectiveness of gefitinib therapy in our patient could be explained in part by the presence of an activating mutation of epidermal growth factor receptor (<it>EGFR</it>) gene, L858R in exon 21, which was identified in the primary tumor.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>A reduced dose of gefitinib might be sufficient for patients having tumors with <it>EGFR </it>gene mutations, and that the currently approved dose may be excessively potent in some of these patients, thus resulting in the onset of adverse events.</p

    Cloning and functional analysis of a fructosyltransferase cDNA for synthesis of highly polymerized levans in timothy (Phleum pratense L.)

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    Variation in the structures of plant fructans and their degree of polymerization (DP) can be explained as the result of diverse combinations of fructosyltransferases (FTs) with different properties. Although FT genes have been isolated in a range of plant species, sucrose:fructan 6-fructosyltransferase (6-SFT) cDNAs have only been functionally characterized in a few species such as wheat. A novel FT cDNA possessing 6-SFT activity has been identified and characterized from the temperate forage grass, timothy (Phleum pratense L.). The cDNA of an FT homolog, PpFT1, was isolated from cold-acclimated timothy. A recombinant PpFT1 protein expressed in Pichia pastoris showed 6-SFT/sucrose:sucrose 1-fructosyltransferase (1-SST) activity and produced linear β(2,6)-linked levans from sucrose with higher DPs than present in graminans formed in vitro by wheat 6-SFT (Wft1). PpFT1 and Wft1 showed remarkably different acceptor substrate specificities: PpFT1 had high affinity for 6-kestotriose to produce levans and low affinity for 1-kestotriose, whereas Wft1 preferentially used 1-kestotriose as an acceptor. The affinity of the PpFT1 recombinant enzyme for sucrose as a substrate was lower than that of the Wft1 recombinant enzyme. It is also confirmed that timothy seedlings had elevated levels of PpFT1 transcripts during the accumulation of fructans under high sucrose and cold conditions. Our results suggest that PpFT1 is a novel cDNA with unique enzymatic properties that differ from those of previously cloned plant 6-SFTs, and is involved in the synthesis of highly polymerized levans in timothy

    Construction of uricase-overproducing strains of Hansenula polymorpha and its application as biological recognition element in microbial urate biosensor

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The detection and quantification of uric acid in human physiological fluids is of great importance in the diagnosis and therapy of patients suffering from a range of disorders associated with altered purine metabolism, most notably gout and hyperuricaemia. The fabrication of cheap and reliable urate-selective amperometric biosensors is a challenging task.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A urate-selective microbial biosensor was developed using cells of the recombinant thermotolerant methylotrophic yeast <it>Hansenula polymorpha </it>as biorecognition element. The construction of uricase (UOX) producing yeast by over-expression of the uricase gene of <it>H. polymorpha </it>is described. Following a preliminary screening of the transformants with increased UOX activity in permeabilized yeast cells the optimal cultivation conditions for maximal UOX yield namely a 40-fold increase in UOX activity were determined.</p> <p>The UOX producing cells were coupled to horseradish peroxidase and immobilized on graphite electrodes by physical entrapment behind a dialysis membrane. A high urate selectivity with a detection limit of about 8 μM was found.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>A strain of <it>H. polymorpha </it>overproducing UOX was constructed. A cheap urate selective microbial biosensor was developed.</p