388 research outputs found

    Social norms for e-cigarettes and smoking: associations with initiation of e-cigarette use, intentions to quit smoking and quit attempts: findings from the EUREST-PLUS ITC Europe Surveys

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    Background: Social norms have received little attention in relation to electronic cigarettes (EC). The current study examine social norms for EC use and smoking tobacco, and their associations with (i) initiation of EC use, (ii) intention to quit smoking and (iii) attempts to quit smoking. Methods: Cross-sectional and longitudinal data analysis from Waves 1 and 2 of the ITC 6 European Country Survey and corresponding waves from England (the ITC Four Country Smoking and Vaping Survey). Current smokers at baseline, who heard of ECs and provided data at both waves were included (n = 3702). Complex samples logistic regression examined associations between the outcomes and descriptive (seeing EC use in public, close friends using ECs/smoking) and injunctive (public approves of ECs/smoking) norms, adjusting for country, demographics, EC use and heaviness of smoking. Results: In longitudinal analyses, seeing EC use in public at least some days was the only social norm that predicted initiation of EC use between waves (OR = 1.66, 95%CI = 1.08–2.56). In the cross-sectional analysis, having an intention to quit was associated with seeing EC use in public (OR = 1.37, 95%CI = 1.04–1.81) and reporting fewer than three close friends smoke (OR = 0.59, 95%CI = 0.44–0.80). There was no association between any social norm and making a quit attempt between waves. Conclusions: Initiation of EC use is predicted by seeing EC use in public, which was also associated with greater intention to quit smoking. Friends’ smoking was associated with lower intention to quit. These findings may allay concerns that increased visibility of ECs is renormalizing smoking amongst current smokers

    Undesirable events during electronic cigarette use prior to the implementation of Article 20 of the European Union Tobacco Products Directive: Findings from the EUREST-PLUS ITC Europe Surveys

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    Introduction: Article 20 of the European Union (EU) Tobacco Products Directive (TPD) sets forth provisions on electronic cigarette (e-cigarette) product regulation, such as child-proof packaging and protection against e-liquid refilling without leakage. The aim of the current study was to examine frequencies and correlates of experiencing undesirable events during e-cigarette use related to e-cigarette product design parameters prior to the implementation of the EU TPD. Material and Methods: The EUREST-PLUS ITC Europe Wave 1 survey was conducted with adult cigarette smokers from June to September 2016 across Germany, Greece, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Spain. Results: Among our sample of adult cigarette smokers, one in five reported having ever used e-cigarettes. Prevalence of current e-cigarette use (daily or weekly) was very low (1.5%). Major undesirable events, such as battery exploding or catching fire (1.9%) or overheating (11%) were uncommon. Among those reporting at least monthly use and whose usual/current brand has a tank that you fill with liquids, 18.8% experienced spilling during refill and 18.5% experienced e-liquid leaking during use. Nearly one-quarter reported that the e-liquid cap was easy for a child to open. Conclusions: In light of the EU TPD establishing standards around e-cigarette design parameters to mitigate undesirable events and risks during e-cigarette use, these findings further support the need for its implementation, as well as for monitoring undesirable events experienced during e-cigarette use once Article 20 is fully implemented

    Rescue of secretion of rare-disease associated misfolded mutant glycoproteins in UGGT1 knock-out mammalian cells

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    Endoplasmic reticulum (ER) retention of misfolded glycoproteins is mediated by the ER-localised eukaryotic glycoprotein secretion checkpoint, UDP-glucose glycoprotein glucosyl-transferase (UGGT). The enzyme recognises a misfolded glycoprotein and flags it for ER retention by re-glucosylating one of its N-linked glycans. In the background of a congenital mutation in a secreted glycoprotein gene, UGGT-mediated ER retention can cause rare disease, even if the mutant glycoprotein retains activity (“responsive mutant”). Using confocal laser scanning microscopy, we investigated here the subcellular localisation of the human Trop-2-Q118E, E227K and L186P mutants, which cause gelatinous drop-like corneal dystrophy (GDLD). Compared with the wild type Trop-2, which is correctly localised at the plasma membrane, these Trop-2 mutants are retained in the ER. We studied fluorescent chimeras of the Trop-2 Q118E, E227K and L186P mutants in mammalian cells harbouring CRISPR/Cas9-mediated inhibition of the UGGT1 and/or UGGT2 genes. The membrane localisation of the Trop-2 Q118E, E227K and L186P mutants was successfully rescued in UGGT1-/- cells. UGGT1 also efficiently reglucosylated Trop-2-Q118E-EYFP in cellula. The study supports the hypothesis that UGGT1 modulation would constitute a novel therapeutic strategy for the treatment of pathological conditions associated to misfolded membrane glycoproteins (whenever the mutation impairs but does not abrogate function), and it encourages the testing of modulators of ER glycoprotein folding quality control as broad-spectrum rescue-of-secretion drugs in rare diseases caused by responsive secreted glycoprotein mutants

    Comparison of mesospheric and lower thermospheric residual wind with High Resolution Doppler Imager, medium frequency, and meteor radar winds

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    The objective of this study is to compare observed mean meridional winds with those deduced from theory. The diabatic circulation is computed from High Resolution Dopper Imager (HRDI) mesospheric and lower thermospheric temperatures during January and July conditions. The meridional wind component is compared with HRDI Eulerian mean meridional winds near 95 km and with seasonal averages of meridional winds at a number of radar medium-frequency (MF) and meteor wind (MW) sites. The diabatic wind is directed from the summer toward the winter hemisphere. Peak values exceed 20 m s−1 and are observed at 105 km near 20° in the summer hemisphere. A secondary maximum of about 10 m s−1 is observed in the wintertime lower mesosphere during the July case. The diabatic wind is qualitatively consistent with HRDI 95-km mean meridional winds at latitudes equatorward of 50°. Time-averaged summertime radar winds are consistent with HRDI and diabatic winds between 50°S and 20°N. At winter midlatitudes, MF radar winds are directed oppositely to the diabatic wind, while one available MW measurement is directed with the diabatic wind. The zonal acceleration implied by the diabatic wind is about 150–200 m s−1 d−1 in the midlatitude summer lower thermosphere.R. S. Lieberman, A. K. Smith, S. J. Franke, R. A. Vincent, J. R. Isler, A. H. Manson, C. E. Meek, G. J. Fraser, A. Fahrutdinova, T. Thayaparan, W. Hocking, J. MacDougall, T. Nakamura, and T. Tsud

    Methods of the ITC Four Country Smoking and Vaping Survey, wave 1 (2016)

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    AIM: To describe the methods of the 2016 International Tobacco Control (ITC) Four Country Smoking and Vaping (4CV) Survey, conducted in 2016 in Australia (AU), Canada (CA), England (EN) and the United States (US). METHODS: The respondents were cigarette smokers, former smokers (quit within the previous 2 years), and at-least-weekly vapers, aged 18 years and older. Eligible cohort members from the ITC Four Country Survey (4C) were retained. New respondents were sampled by commercial firms from their panels. Where possible, ages 18-24 and vapers were oversampled. Data were collected online, and respondents were remunerated. Survey weights were calibrated to benchmarks from nationally representative surveys. RESULTS: Response rates by country for new recruits once invited ranged from 15.2 to 49.6%. Sample sizes for smokers/former smokers were 1504 in AU, 3006 in CA, 3773 in EN and 2239 in the US. Sample sizes for additional vapers were 727 in CA, 551 in EN and 494 in the US. CONCLUSION: The International Tobacco Control Four Country Smoking and Vaping Survey design and data collection methods allow analyses to examine prospectively the use of cigarettes and nicotine vaping products in jurisdictions with different regulatory policies. The effects on the sampling designs and response quality of recruiting the respondents from commercial panels are mitigated by the use of demographic and geographic quotas in sampling; by quality control measures; and by the construction of survey weights taking into account smoking/vaping status, sex, age, education and geography

    Fabrication and characterization of dual function nanoscale pH-scanning ion conductance microscopy (SICM) probes for high resolution pH mapping

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    The easy fabrication and use of nanoscale dual function pH-scanning ion conductance microscopy (SICM) probes is reported. These probes incorporate an iridium oxide coated carbon electrode for pH measurement and an SICM barrel for distance control, enabling simultaneous pH and topography mapping. These pH-SICM probes were fabricated rapidly from laser pulled theta quartz pipets, with the pH electrode prepared by in situ carbon filling of one of the barrels by the pyrolytic decomposition of butane, followed by electrodeposition of a thin layer of hydrous iridium oxide. The other barrel was filled with an electrolyte solution and Ag/AgCl electrode as part of a conductance cell for SICM. The fabricated probes, with pH and SICM sensing elements typically on the 100 nm scale, were characterized by scanning electron microscopy, energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, and various electrochemical measurements. They showed a linear super-Nernstian pH response over a range of pH (pH 2–10). The capability of the pH-SICM probe was demonstrated by detecting both pH and topographical changes during the dissolution of a calcite microcrystal in aqueous solution. This system illustrates the quantitative nature of pH-SICM imaging, because the dissolution process changes the crystal height and interfacial pH (compared to bulk), and each is sensitive to the rate. Both measurements reveal similar dissolution rates, which are in agreement with previously reported literature values measured by classical bulk methods

    Socioeconomic Differences in Exposure to Tobacco Smoke Pollution (TSP) in Bangladeshi Households with Children: Findings from the International Tobacco Control (ITC) Bangladesh Survey

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    This study assessed the pattern of exposure to tobacco smoke pollution (TSP; also known as, secondhand smoke) in Bangladeshi households with children and examined the variations in household smoking restrictions and perception of risk for children’s exposure to TSP by socioeconomic status. We interviewed 1,947 respondents from Bangladeshi households with children from the first wave (2009) of the International Tobacco Control (ITC) Bangladesh Survey. 43.5% of the respondents had complete smoking restrictions at home and 39.7% were very or extremely concerned about TSP risk to children’s health. Participants with lower level of education were significantly less likely to be concerned about the risk of TSP exposure to children’s health and less likely to adopt complete smoking restrictions at home. Logistic regression revealed that the predictors of concern for TSP exposure risk were educational attainment of 1 to 8 years (OR = 1.94) or 9 years or more (OR = 4.07) and being a smoker (OR = 0.24). The predictors of having complete household smoking restrictions were: urban residence (OR = 1.64), attaining education of 9 years or more (OR = 1.94), being a smoker (OR = 0.40) and being concerned about TSP exposure risk to children (OR = 3.25). The findings show that a high proportion of adults with children at home smoke tobacco at home and their perceptions of risk about TSP exposure to children’s health were low. These behaviours were more prevalent among rural smokers who were illiterate. There is a need for targeted intervention, customized for low educated public, on TSP risk to children’s health and tobacco control policy with specific focus on smoke-free home

    Nonorographic generation of Arctic polar stratospheric clouds during

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    [1] During December 1999, polar stratospheric clouds (PSCs) were observed in the absence of conditions conducive to generation by topographic gravity waves. The possibility is explored that PSCs can be generated by inertia gravity waves (IGW) radiating from breaking synoptic-scale Rossby waves on the polar front jet. The aerosol features on 7 and 12 December are selected for comparison with theory and with simulations using the University of Wisconsin Nonhydrostatic Modeling System (UWNMS). Consistent with Rossby adjustment theory, a common feature in the UWNMS simulations is radiation of IGW from the tropopause polar front jet, especially from sectors which are evolving rapidly in the Rossby wave breaking process. Packets of gravity wave energy radiate upward and poleward into the cold pool, while individual wave crests propagate poleward and downward, causing mesoscale variations in vertical motion and temperature. On 12 December the eastbound DC-8 lidar observations exhibited a fairly uniform field of six waves in aerosol enhancement in the 14-20 km layer, consistent with vertical displacement by a field of IGW propagating antiparallel to the flow, with characteristic horizontal and vertical wavelengths of 300and300 and 10 km. UWNMS simulations show emanation of a field of IGW upward and southwestward from a northward incursion of the polar front jet. The orientation and evolution of the aerosol features on 7 December are consistent with a single PSC induced by an IGW packet propagating from a breaking Rossby wave over western Russia toward the northeast into the coldest part of the base of the polar vortex, with characteristic period 9hours,verticalwavelength9 hours, vertical wavelength 12 km, and horizontal wavelength 1000km.Lineartheoryshowsthatforbothofthesecases,IGWenergypropagatesupwardat1000 km. Linear theory shows that for both of these cases, IGW energy propagates upward at 1 km/hour and horizontally at 100km/hour,withcharacteristictracespeed100 km/hour, with characteristic trace speed 30 m/s. The spatial orientation of the PSC along IGW phase lines is contrasted with the nearly horizontal filamentary structures in the PSC, which are indicative of flow streamlines. It is suggested that vertical displacement is a crucial factor in determining whether a PSC will form and that most PSCs are relatable to specific synoptic and mesoscale motions

    Nonorographic generation of Arctic polar stratospheric clouds during

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    [1] During December 1999, polar stratospheric clouds (PSCs) were observed in the absence of conditions conducive to generation by topographic gravity waves. The possibility is explored that PSCs can be generated by inertia gravity waves (IGW) radiating from breaking synoptic-scale Rossby waves on the polar front jet. The aerosol features on 7 and 12 December are selected for comparison with theory and with simulations using the University of Wisconsin Nonhydrostatic Modeling System (UWNMS). Consistent with Rossby adjustment theory, a common feature in the UWNMS simulations is radiation of IGW from the tropopause polar front jet, especially from sectors which are evolving rapidly in the Rossby wave breaking process. Packets of gravity wave energy radiate upward and poleward into the cold pool, while individual wave crests propagate poleward and downward, causing mesoscale variations in vertical motion and temperature. On 12 December the eastbound DC-8 lidar observations exhibited a fairly uniform field of six waves in aerosol enhancement in the 14-20 km layer, consistent with vertical displacement by a field of IGW propagating antiparallel to the flow, with characteristic horizontal and vertical wavelengths of 300and300 and 10 km. UWNMS simulations show emanation of a field of IGW upward and southwestward from a northward incursion of the polar front jet. The orientation and evolution of the aerosol features on 7 December are consistent with a single PSC induced by an IGW packet propagating from a breaking Rossby wave over western Russia toward the northeast into the coldest part of the base of the polar vortex, with characteristic period 9hours,verticalwavelength9 hours, vertical wavelength 12 km, and horizontal wavelength 1000km.Lineartheoryshowsthatforbothofthesecases,IGWenergypropagatesupwardat1000 km. Linear theory shows that for both of these cases, IGW energy propagates upward at 1 km/hour and horizontally at 100km/hour,withcharacteristictracespeed100 km/hour, with characteristic trace speed 30 m/s. The spatial orientation of the PSC along IGW phase lines is contrasted with the nearly horizontal filamentary structures in the PSC, which are indicative of flow streamlines. It is suggested that vertical displacement is a crucial factor in determining whether a PSC will form and that most PSCs are relatable to specific synoptic and mesoscale motions