642 research outputs found

    Composite Operators in QCD

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    We give a formula for the derivatives of a correlation function of composite operators with respect to the parameters (i.e., the strong fine structure constant and the quark mass) of QCD in four-dimensional euclidean space. The formula is given as spatial integration of the operator conjugate to a parameter. The operator product of a composite operator and a conjugate operator has an unintegrable part, and the formula requires divergent subtractions. By imposing consistency conditions we derive a relation between the anomalous dimensions of the composite operators and the unintegrable part of the operator product coefficients.Comment: 26 page

    Transport and magnetic properties of Co-doped BaFe_{2}As_{2} epitaxial thin films

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    We report resistivity, Hall coefficient, current-voltage characteristics, and magneto-optical imaging measurements of epitaxial Co-doped BaFe_{2}As_{2} thin films deposited on MgO(001) substrate. The Hall resistivity of the films has a substantial contribution arising from anomalous Hall effect of ferromagnetic components. The critical current density (J_{c}) of the films is ~2 MA/cm^{2} at low temperatures. Differential magneto-optical images of the remanent state give similar J_{c} values and also exhibit presence of extended defects in the film.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure

    Conformal Window of Gauge Theories with Four-Fermion Interactions and Ideal Walking

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    We investigate the effects of four-fermion interactions on the phase diagram of strongly interacting theories for any representation as function of the number of colors and flavors. We show that the conformal window, for any representation, shrinks with respect to the case in which the four-fermion interactions are neglected. The anomalous dimension of the mass increases beyond the unity value at the lower boundary of the new conformal window. We plot the new phase diagram which can be used, together with the information about the anomalous dimension, to propose ideal models of walking technicolor. We discover that when the extended technicolor sector, responsible for giving masses to the standard model fermions, is sufficiently strongly coupled the technicolor theory, in isolation, must have an infrared fixed point for the full model to be phenomenologically viable. Using the new phase diagram we show that the simplest one family and minimal walking technicolor models are the archetypes of models of dynamical electroweak symmetry breaking. Our predictions can be verified via first principle lattice simulations.Comment: RevTeX4, 22 pages, 16 figure

    Chiral symmetry restoration, eigenvalue density of Dirac operator and axial U(1) anomaly at finite temperature

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    We reconsider constraints on the eigenvalue density of the Dirac operator in the chiral symmetric phase of 2 flavor QCD at finite temperature. To avoid possible ultra-violet(UV) divergences, we work on a lattice, employing the overlap Dirac operator, which ensures the exact "chiral" symmetry at finite lattice spacings. Studying multi-point correlation functions in various channels and taking their thermodynamical limit (and then taking the chiral limit), we obtain stronger constraints than those found in the previous studies: both the eigenvalue density at the origin and its first and second derivatives vanish in the chiral limit of 2 flavor QCD. In addition we show that the axial U(1) anomaly becomes invisible in susceptibilities of scalar and pseudo scalar mesons, suggesting that the 2nd order chiral phase transition with the O(4) scaling is not realized in 2 flavor QCD. Possible lattice artifacts when non-chiral lattice Dirac operator is employed are briefly discussed.Comment: 39 pages, 1 figure(2 eps files), a version published in PR

    Finite volume QCD at fixed topological charge

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    In finite volume the partition function of QCD with a given θ\theta is a sum of different topological sectors with a weight primarily determined by the topological susceptibility. If a physical observable is evaluated only in a fixed topological sector, the result deviates from the true expectation value by an amount proportional to the inverse space-time volume 1/V. Using the saddle point expansion, we derive formulas to express the correction due to the fixed topological charge in terms of a 1/V expansion. Applying this formula, we propose a class of methods to determine the topological susceptibility in QCD from various correlation functions calculated in a fixed topological sector.Comment: 22pages, references adde

    Effects of a Supermassive Black Hole Binary on a Nuclear Gas Disk

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    We study influence of a galactic central supermassive black hole (SMBH) binary on gas dynamics and star formation activity in a nuclear gas disk by making three-dimensional Tree+SPH simulations. Due to orbital motions of SMBHs, there are various resonances between gas motion and the SMBH binary motion. We have shown that these resonances create some characteristic structures of gas in the nuclear gas disk, for examples, gas elongated or filament structures, formation of gaseous spiral arms, and small gas disks around SMBHs. In these gaseous dense regions, active star formations are induced. As the result, many star burst regions are formed in the nuclear region.Comment: 19 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Two-photon decay of the neutral pion in lattice QCD

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    We perform non-perturbative calculation of the \pi^0 to {\gamma}{\gamma} transition form factor and the associated decay width using lattice QCD. The amplitude for two-photon final state, which is not an eigenstate of QCD, is extracted through an Euclidean time integral of the relevant three-point function. We utilize the all-to-all quark propagator technique to carry out this integral as well as to include the disconnected quark diagram contributions. The overlap fermion formulation is employed on the lattice to ensure exact chiral symmetry on the lattice. After examining various sources of systematic effects except for possible discretization effect, we obtain \Gamma=7.83(31)(49) eV for the pion decay width, where the first error is statistical and the second is our estimate of the systematic error.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures. Changes made addressing to referee's comments, version accepted by PR

    Classical and quantum radiation from a moving charge in an expanding universe

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    We investigate photon emission from a moving particle in an expanding universe. This process is analogous to the radiation from an accelerated charge in the classical electromagnetic theory. Using the framework of quantum field theory in curved spacetime, we demonstrate that the Wentzel-Kramers-Brillouin (WKB) approximation leads to the Larmor formula for the rate of the radiation energy from a moving charge in an expanding universe. Using exactly solvable models in a radiation-dominated universe and in a Milne universe, we examine the validity of the WKB formula. It is shown that the quantum effect suppresses the radiation energy in comparison with the WKB formula.Comment: 16 pages, JCAP in pres
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