3,545 research outputs found

    Spin vector control of a spinning space station

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    Digital computer program simulates system and related functions. Program is intended for, but not limited to, altitude control studies of rotating space station. Russel's method of formulating and solving motion equations for system of rigid bodies connected by movable joints is applied. Program features are listed

    Selection of a common communication link geometry for Saturn, Uranus and Titan

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    Mission analysis link parametrics, considering a Pioneer baseline, are developed through launch energies, flyby radii, and trip time calculations. Projected is also a 1979 Jupiter Uranus opportunity for a derivative Mariner to fly to Uranus by using the gravity field of Jupiter

    Flows through sequential orifices with heated spacer reservoirs

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    Flow rates and pressure thermal profiles for two phase choked flows of fluid nitrogen were studied theoretically and experimentally in a four sequential orifice configuration. Both theory and experimental evidence demonstrate that heat addition in the first spacer-reservoir adjacent to the inlet orifice is most effective in reducing the flow rate and that heat addition in the last spacer-reservoir is least effective. The flows are choked at the exit orifice for large spacings and at the inlet orifice for small spacings. The moderate addition of heat available for this experiment did not materially alter this result for large spacings; however, significant heat addition for the small spacings tended to shift the choke point to the exit orifice. Nitrogen is used as the working fluid over a range of states from liquid to gas with a reduced inlet stagnation pressure range to P sub r, o = 2

    Spin vector control for a spinning space station. Volume 2 - Analytic manual Final report

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    Computer manual for calculating dynamic vector control of dual spin space statio

    Semantic bottleneck for computer vision tasks

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    This paper introduces a novel method for the representation of images that is semantic by nature, addressing the question of computation intelligibility in computer vision tasks. More specifically, our proposition is to introduce what we call a semantic bottleneck in the processing pipeline, which is a crossing point in which the representation of the image is entirely expressed with natural language , while retaining the efficiency of numerical representations. We show that our approach is able to generate semantic representations that give state-of-the-art results on semantic content-based image retrieval and also perform very well on image classification tasks. Intelligibility is evaluated through user centered experiments for failure detection

    Measurements of bremsstrahlung produced by 0.75 and 1.25 mev electrons incident on typical apollo wall sections

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    Bremsstrahlung measurements on Apollo spacecraft wall sections irradiated with 0.75 and 1.25 MeV electrons from electron accelerato

    Advanced thermoplastic resins, phase 1

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    Eight thermoplastic polyimide resin systems were evaluated as composite matrix materials. Two resins were selected for more extensive mechanical testing and both were versions of LaRC-TPI (Langley Research Center - Thermoplastic Polyimide). One resin was made with LaRC-TPI and contained 2 weight percent of a di(amic acid) dopant as a melt flow aid. The second system was a 1:1 slurry of semicrystalline LaRC-TPI powder in a polyimidesulfone resin diglyme solution. The LaRC-TPI powder melts during processing and increases the melt flow of the resin. Testing included dynamic mechanical analysis, tension and compression testing, and compression-after-impact testing. The test results demonstrated that the LaRC-TPI resins have very good properties compared to other thermoplastics, and that they are promising matrix materials for advanced composite structures

    Evaluation of seals for high-performance cryogenic turbomachines

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    An approach to computing flow and dynamic characteristics for seals or bearings is discussed. The local average velocity was strongly influenced by inlet and exit effects and fluid injection, which in turn drove zones of secondary flow. For the restricted three-dimensional model considered, the integral averaged results were in reasonable agreement with selected data. Unidirectional pressure measurements alone were insufficient to define such flow variations. However, for seal and bearing leakage correlations the principles of corresponding states were found to be useful. Also discussed are three phenomena encountered during testing of three eccentric nonrotating seal configurations for the Space Shuttle Main Engine (SSME) Program. Fluid injection, choking within a seal, and pressure profile crossover are related to postulated zones of secondary flow or separation and to direct stiffness

    Thermomechanical behavior of plasma-sprayed ZrO2-Y2O3 coatings influenced by plasticity, creep and oxidation

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    Thermocycling of ceramic-coated turbomachine components produces high thermomechanical stresses that are mitigated by plasticity and creep but aggravated by oxidation, with residual stresses exacerbated by all three. These residual stresses, coupled with the thermocyclic loading, lead to high compressive stresses that cause the coating to spall. A ceramic-coated gas path seal is modeled with consideration given to creep, plasticity, and oxidation. The resulting stresses and possible failure modes are discussed