70 research outputs found

    Development of Institution Structure of Agriculture Resources Management at Pesantren

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    Multirole of pesantren demand are very complex and dynamic in human development and agriculture development. Pesantrens who have noble values, the spiritual capital as well as agricultural resources are expected to drive the development of agriculture. However, the problem complexity that exist bring pesantren to changes overall and continuously to achieve its goals. This study aims to identify the key elements of the development of the institutional structure of agricultural resource management at pesantren, and also strategy formulation as well as institutional model implementation. Analysis of the institutional structure used Interpretive Structural Modeling (ISM), and prioritizing implementation models strategies used Exponential Comparative Method (ECM). Financing institutions identified as key elements of institutional structures at pesantren has agricultural resources. Pesantren as social institutions have the potential of agricultural resources managed by the cooperative venture or other productive enterprises. The agency is highly dependent on the financial institutions supporting with a particular scheme in order to promote the sustainability of educational activities and business management that grew up in pesantren. Institutional management of agricultural resources is reinforced by economic institutional community based on faith and good deeds that create a balance of material and spiritual well as the interests of the individual and society. Priority implementation strategy including the competency development of HR pesantren, pesantren leadership cadre and the development of vision-mission in accordance with the paradigm of sustainable development

    Pemanfaatan Web Based Learning sebagai Media Komplemen Mata Kuliah Organisasi dan Manajemen pada Pembelajaran Jarak Jauh

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    Artikel ini membahas tentang penelitian pengembangan media pembelajaran berupa web based learning. Website yang dikembangkan dapat diterapkan sebagai sumber belajar tambahan bagi mahasiswa karena produk tersebut telah divalidasi oleh ahli materi, Bahasa, dan media serta mendapatkan penilaian dari mahasiswa sebagai user. Data penelitian ini terdiri atas dua kategori, yaitu pihak ahli yang merupakan seorang tenaga pengajar (dosen) dan umum yang merupakan mahasiswa pendidikan jarak jauh Program Studi Administrasi Negara, Universitas Terbuka agar memiliki kemampuan untuk menilai atau mengevaluasi produk media pembelajaran sebagai salah satu mata kuliah yang ada di kurikulum. Pengambilan data dilakukan di Indonesia Bagian Timur yang meliputi Kota Ambon, Ternate, Sorong, dan Jayapura karena daerah tersebut masih minim dalam penggunaan media belajar berbasis website. Total populasi di keempat daerah tersebut berjumlah 1.064 mahasiswa sehingga didapatkan responden berjumlah 191 berdasarkan Tabel Kreicie dan Morgan. Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan kuesioner dan teknik analisis data menggunakan analisis deskriptif kuantitatif. Hasil uji coba media website mendapatkan nilai rata-rata sebesar 88,9% dengan interpretasi “Sangat Baikâ€. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa media yang dibuat dapat bermanfaat dan mudah diakses. Berdasarkan hasil uji kelayakan dapat diketahuikan bahwa media web based learning yang dihasilkan memenuhi kriteria sangat baik dan layak digunakan sebagai media pembelajaran yang inovatif dalam mempelajari materi Organisasi dan Manajemen kapan pun dan di mana pun yang disertai dengan tampilan yang menarik dan fitur yang sesuai. Kata Kunci: media pembelajaran, web based learning, mata kuliah organisasi dan manajeme

    Kekuatan Eksekusi Hak Tanggungan Sebagai Jaminan Pengembalian Utang Pembiayaan Bermasalah Pada Praktik PT. Bank Muamalat Indonesia, Tbk Cabang Medan

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    The spirit of the birth of the Mortgage Act was a solution for the banking sector in terms of having control collateral that debtor financing problems as a source returns. After doing research on practice in PT Bank Muamalat Indonesia, Tbk which carry out executions Mortgage as a loan repayment guarantees for customers financing problems and the results are not significantly the maximum. Parate execution and real implementation of execution has its own weaknesses and loopholes. Parate execution as UUHT has advantages in terms of legal loopholes guarantee control assets that are still occupied because mandatory evacuation filed suit to state court of domicile, in addition to the implementation of parate execution may also lead to a lawsuit or opposition from its own customers with reasons to be implemented through the courts. While the implementation of the execution of real legal certainly for directly by the district court through the command chair of the district court, but the process will take a long time because it must go through several stages of the process execution like Aanmaning, Determination confiscation execution, Execution of confiscation execution, Determination and the auction process. It's make obstacles for the Bank's business turnover in healthy NPF (Non Productive Financing), this is a problem for the Bank in disbursing financing to the community

    Penerapan Klausul Eksonerasi dan Akibat Hukumnya dalam Perjanjian Pembiayaan Musyarakah pada Bank Syariah (Studi Putusan Pengadilan Agama Nomor 967/pdt.g/2012/pa.mdn)

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    The implementation of exoneration clause in the judicial viewpoint of the Islamic Contract was contrary to Al-Qur'an, Hadits, and sharia principles like tyrannical aspect which could cause injustice for the parties concerned. Exoneration clause is also contrary to the principles in the Islamic Contract. The legal consequence of the implementation of exoneration clause in the Islamic Contract is a bad contract. In the Civil Code, Law on Consumer Protection, and the Rule of Financial Services Authority is null and void. The implementation of exoneration clause in the statement letter on musyarakah (capital participation) financing contract in the case of the Religious Court Number 967/Pdt.G/2012/PA.Mdn, the judges have applied the law to decide the exoneration clause does not have the binding force on the parties, so that the repayment of the financing is not the responsibility of the heir

    Pengakuan Kedudukan Anak di Luar Perkawinan dalam Kajian Hukum Positif

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    Legal consequence caused by a legal marriage is that the child, born from it, will be a legitimate child who has civil law relationship with the parents. On the other hand, an illegal marriage will not have any ralationship with legal consequence. A child from an illegal marriage will become the target of social law caused by the biological mother and the genetic father. The position of as child plays an important part in a marriage although the father may not recognize his child when the latter comes from an illegal marriage. The recognition of a child's position is merely as a ‘recognized child' (natuurlijk erkendkind) and not as a legitimate child (wettig kind) without being followed by a legal marriage. It can be formulated some problems as followed : 1) how about the background of a child's position from an illegal marriage in the study of positive law, 2) how about the recognition of an illegitimate child's position in the study of positive law, and 3) how about the implementation of an illegitimate child's civil right in the study of positive law. Research better way to solved problem or to find answer from principal deduce and then systematic planning. Methodology is a logic based from scientific research. From the result of the research, it can be concluded that for the case which needs the provision of a marriage, judges do not need to refer to the Ruling of the Constitusional Court No. 46/PUU-VIII/2010. They only needs to examine the completesness of evidence and hears witnesses who are prensented as applicants. For the case of recognizing an illegitimate child, judges refer to the Ruling of the Constitusional Court No. 46/PUU-VIII/2010 as the consideration for the sake of the child

    Perlindungan Hukum terhadap Konsumen Atas Penggunaan Gas Elpiji Tiga Kg Ditinjau dari UU No. 8 Tahun 1999 (Studi pada Masyarakat Kota Medan)

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    Nowadays, people begin to shift from the use of kerosene to 3 kg elpiji (liquid natural gas) gas, and the government provides and distributes 3 kg elpiji to the people. In this case, the government is expected to maintain the quality of the product because it becomes the most important thing for consumers' safety. If consumers' right as stipulated in Law on Consumer Protection is not fulfilled, they have the right to file a complaint about the responsibility of PT. Pertamina for their loss in using 3 kg elpiji gas. The result of the research showed that why consumers' right were not fulfilled was because of their lack of knowledge, education, and intensity and their indifference/apathy in using 3 kg elpiji gas, in handling its danger, and in consumer protection. This fact was supported by their lack of knowledge of how to handle its possible danger. They ignored the security in using 3 kg elpiji gas because they still used devices from conversion program. Article 19 of Law No 8/1999 on Consumer Protection states that business people are responsible for the compensation on damage, disgrace, and financial loss of consumers because of consuming produced or sold goods and services. The settlement of dispute between both parties is through the Court and settlement outside the Court is through BPSK (Consumer Dispute Settlement Board)

    Penyalahgunaan Fungsi Ruang Publik sebagai Sarana Penunjang Aktivitas Penghuni Hunian Vertikal Kota

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    PENYALAHGUNAAN FUNGSI RUANG PUBLIK SEBAGAI SARANA PENUNJANG AKTIVITAS PENGHUNI HUNIAN VERTIKAL KOTA IRFAN S HASIM, AFANDI SOBRY SAPUTRA, FAJAR TRI KUSUMA, YUNI FITRIANI, PANCA OKTA NUGRAHA Jurusan Teknik Arsitektur,Fakultas Teknik Sipil dan Perencanaan Institut Teknologi Nasional Email : [email protected] ABSTRAK Urbanisasi dan bertambahnya kepadatan penduduk membuat semakin bertambah pula kebutuhan akan hunian, khususnya di daerah perkotaan, namun terbatasnya lahan dan mahalnya harga tanah menjadi kendala tersendiri. Hunian vertikal kota khususnya rumah susun menjadi salah satu alternatif, terutama dalam mengatasi permasalahan kepadatan penduduk di kampung kota agar dapat memenuhi kebutuhan akan hunian yang lebih layak, lebih sehat, dan lebih nyaman. Ruang publik adalah hal yang sangat penting pada rumah susun karena merupakan pusat interaksi antara penghuni sehingga banyak aktivitas yang terjadi di dalamnya, tetapi seringkali disalahgunakan. Kajian ruang publik ini dilihat dari latar belakang penghuni rumah susun, besaran standar ruang publik, besaran unit hunian, dan sarana prasarana yang menunjang kegiatan pada rumah susun. Metode studi dilakukan dengan metode deskriptif analitif secara kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ruang publik yang disalahgunakan adalah ruang publik yang berada dekat dengan unit hunian. Penghuni merasa dapat meklaim wilayah ruang publik tersebut demi tercapainya kebutuhan dan Kenyamanan ruang mereka pribadi. Kata kunci : Rumah susun; Ruang publik; Penyalahgunaan Fungsi Ruang ABSTRACT Urbanization and Increasing of population makes the occupancy is also need to increased, particularly in urban areas. But limited space and the expensive prices of land become obstacles. Vertical housing especially flats in particular city became one of the alternatives to solve the problems of overcrowding in the hometown in order to meet the need for more decent housing, healthier, and more comfortable. Public space is an important thing in the vertical housing because it is the main place that the occupants can interact each other with so much activity going on it. but it is often misused. This study will observes misuse of public space in the flats seen from the background of residents, a standard amount of public space, the amount of residential units, and infrastructure that support the activities of the flats. The methods that we used was descriptive analitive in qualitative and quantitative study. The results showed that public space that is located close to the residential units is most misused. Occupants feel that they can claim the public space area to achieve the needs and comfort of their personal space

    Urgensi Pengadaan Barang Dan Jasa Dengan Proses Penunjukan Langsung (Studi Pengadaan Makan Tahanan Pada Kepolisian Daerah Kalimatan Timur)

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    Abstrak Pengadaan Barang/Jasa di lingkungan Polri adalah kegiatan untuk memperoleh Barang/Jasa di lingkungan Polri yang prosesnya dimulai dari perencanaan kebutuhan sampai dengan diselesaikannya seluruh kegiatan untuk memperoleh pengadaan barang/jasa sebagaimana dijelaskan dalam  Pasal 1 Ayat (3) Perkap No.14 Tahun 2014, perumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini merupakan bagaimana proses dalam pengadaaan barang/jasa, sanksi apa yang dapat diberikan apabila terjadi kesalahan penentuan metode penunjukan penyedia dalam pengadaan barang/jasa dan bagaimana perlindungan hukumnya kepada penyedia apabila terjadi kesalahan dalam penentuan metode pengadaan barang/jasa di Kepolisian Kalimantan Timur. Metode Penelitian yang digunakan merupakan penelitian hukum empiris (empirical legal research) yang bersifat deskriptif. Penelitian hukum empiris menganalisis penerapan hukum dalam masyarakat. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui keabsahan kontrak Pengadaan Barang/Jasa Pemerintah dalam pengadaan makan tahanan di Polda Kaltim dan perlindungan hukum bagi penyedia barang dalam pengadaannya. Pengadaan makan tahanan pada Kepolisian Daerah Kalimantan Timur dengan penyedia CV. CBM berdasarkan Surat perjanjian Nomor : SP/12/VI/2019/ Dittahti pertanggal 01 Juni 2019 dilakukan dengan cara penunjukan langsung  yang pada tahun sebelumnya dijalankan oleh CV lain sejak awal tahun anggaran dengan metode tender. Metode Penunjukan Langsung merupakan metode yang digunakan dalam kontrak ini dengan alasan waktu yang terbatas, mengingat diawal tahun adanya gagal tender maka tidak dilakukan tender ulang sebagaimana sebelumnya.  Pelaksanaan pengadaan makan tahanan di Kepolisian Kalimantan Timur berdasarkan Kontrak Nomor: SP/12/VI/2019/Dittahti tertanggal 01 Juni 2019 seharusnya dilakukan dengan metode tender adapun kesalahan penentuan metode penunjukan penyedia dalam pengadaan barang/jasa dapat dikenakan sanksi administrasi, buku hitam dan ganti rugi berdasarkan Perpres No.16 Tahun 2018 tentang Pengadaan Barang/Jasa Pemerintahan. Dasar hukum yang mengatur proses pengadaan barang/jasa pemerintah tidak diatur oleh perangkat perundang-undangan dengan tingkatan hukum yang lebih tinggi, adanya peraturan perundang-undangan yang lebih tinggi terkait pengadaan barang/jasa sangatlah penting dikarenakan PBJP (Pengadaan Barang/Jasa Pemerintahan) merupakan salah satu hal vital baik dalam pemerintahan maupun pembangunan Indonesia.Kata Kunci: Pengadaan Barang/Jasa Pemerintah, Kepolisian, Kalimantan Timur, tender Abstract Procurement of Goods/Services within the National Police is an activity to obtain goods/services within the National Police, the process of which starts from needs planning to completing all activities to obtain procurement of goods/services as explained in Article 1 Paragraph (3) of Perkap No.14 of 2014, The formulation of the problem in this research is what the process is in procuring goods/services, what sanctions can be given if there is an error in determining the method of appointing a provider in procuring goods/services and what is the legal protection for providers if there is an error in determining the method of procuring goods/services at the Kalimantan Police East. The research method used is descriptive empirical legal research. Empirical legal research analyzes the application of law in society. This research was conducted to determine the validity of the Government Goods/Services Procurement contract in the procurement of food for prisoners at the East Kalimantan Regional Police and legal protection for goods providers in the procurement. Procurement of food for prisoners at the East Kalimantan Regional Police with CV provider. CBM based on Letter of Agreement Number: SP/12/VI/2019/ Dittahti dated 01 June 2019 was carried out by direct appointment which in the previous year was carried out by another CV from the beginning of the fiscal year using the tender method. The Direct Appointment Method is the method used in this contract for reasons of limited time, considering that at the beginning of the year there was a failed tender so a re-tender was not carried out as before. Implementation of prison food procurement at the East Kalimantan Police based on Contract Number: SP/12/VI/2019/Dittahti dated 01 June 2019 should be carried out using the tender method. Any error in determining the method for appointing providers in the procurement of goods/services can be subject to administrative sanctions, black book and replacement. losses based on Presidential Decree No.16 of 2018 concerning Procurement of Government Goods/Services. The legal basis governing the procurement process of government goods/services is not regulated by statutory instruments with a higher legal level, the existence of higher statutory regulations relating to the procurement of goods/services is very important because PBJP (Government Goods/Services Procurement) is one one vital thing in both government and development in Indonesia. Keywords: Government Procurement of Goods/Services, Police, East Kalimantan, tende

    Evaluation of the effect of rock joints on the stability of underground tunnels

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    To facilitate the water supply to the main cities in Malaysia such as Kuala Lumpur, Putrajaya and Cyberjaya, Pahang Selangor Raw Water Transfer Tunnel project is constructed in 2015. Facility tunnel of 44.6 km length with 5.2 m diameter are being constructed to transfer water from Karak to Hulu Langat. Granitic rock with dominant intrusive zones in various range of I until V were observed in the studied tunnel length. This tunnel has crossed sheared zone that categorized into fair, poor, and very poor rock classes with moderate to heavily jointed rock. At NATM-1, the discontinuities like joints that is close and far from the fault are one of the most important which caused to instability of the tunnel and reduced the performance of tunnel performance. In this paper, the joint orientation, overburden and distributions of discontinuities (joints and faults) into the tunnel were evaluated. These data were then simulated using discrete fracture networks with the direction of tunnelling excavation in the tunnel. Movement of blocks in the tunnel roof and wall is possible due to the creation of more intersection points in the critical zone. It also highlights how minor features, such as step-over joints in rock mass, can have a significant impact on instability