502 research outputs found

    Wageningse kennis(sen): doe er wat mee in het groene onderwijs

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    Op 25 mei 2011 organiseerde WUR in Ede de KennisMaakDag. Centraal stonden een groot aantal projecten die mede waren gefinancierd door het fonds WUR Knowledge Sharing (WURKS) en vanuit het beleidsondersteunend onderzoek (BO), maar ook voor andere initiatieven was aandacht. We staan nader stil bij de workshops in de sessie Plant: docententraining, lesmateriaal en gastlessen plantgezondheid; studentenonderzoek Leren met toekomst; leren op proefbedrijf Valthermond


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    The present study was aimed to study the effect of Sublingual Vitamin D3 on Serum Vitamin D level in Vitamin D deficiency patients. This was a cross-sectional and interventional study. All the Vitamin D deficiency patients of age 18-60years and either gender, willing to participate in the study were included. Patients who had greater than 20 ng/ml were excluded from the study. The total number of participants in our study was 200, out of these 111 males and 89 females, the mean age in our study was 51.07 ± 7.39Yrs. All volunteers were given sublingual vitamin D3 (60,000IU) in six doses every fifteen days of follow up for 3 months. The subject’s serum 25(OH)D levels were estimated before and after the treatment of sublingual vitamin D3. There was a statistically significant difference in serum vitamin D3 level before 16.61±6.71 ng/ml and after 35.80±7.80 ng/ml after treatment with Sublingual Vitamin D3. Six doses of 60,000IU of Vitamin D3 sublingual route having improved the role of serum 25(OH)D levels in the treatment of Vitamin D3 deficiency patients.Keywords: Vitamin D3; Sublingual rout


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    The present study was aimed to study the effect of Sublingual Vitamin D3 on Serum Vitamin D level in Vitamin D deficiency patients. This was a cross-sectional and interventional study. All the Vitamin D deficiency patients of age 18-60years and either gender, willing to participate in the study were included. Patients who had greater than 20 ng/ml were excluded from the study. The total number of participants in our study was 200, out of these 111 males and 89 females, the mean age in our study was 51.07 ± 7.39Yrs. All volunteers were given sublingual vitamin D3 (60,000IU) in six doses every fifteen days of follow up for 3 months. The subject’s serum 25(OH)D levels were estimated before and after the treatment of sublingual vitamin D3. There was a statistically significant difference in serum vitamin D3 level before 16.61±6.71 ng/ml and after 35.80±7.80 ng/ml after treatment with Sublingual Vitamin D3. Six doses of 60,000IU of Vitamin D3 sublingual route having improved the role of serum 25(OH)D levels in the treatment of Vitamin D3 deficiency patients.Keywords: Vitamin D3; Sublingual rout

    An observational study to evaluate the efficacy Pachana Poorvaka Shodhana i.e. Agnilepa Chikitsa followed by Virechana Karma in the management of Amavata w.s.r. to Rheumatoid Arthritis

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    The change in life style, food habits have contributed to a number of new diseases which have become a challenge for the human race, one among such diseases is Rheumatoid arthritis which is the commonest joint disorder. It is a systemic inflammatory disease of undetermined aetiology involving primarily the synovial membrane and articular structures of multiple joint. The disease is often progressive and result in pain, stiffness and swelling of joint. In India the prevalence rate is 0.1-0.4%. The symptoms of Rheumatoid arthritis are parallel with Amavata, as the name suggests Amavata is comprise of two terms, Ama and Vata. The Nidanas such as Viruddhaahara, Viruddhacheshta, Mandagni, Nischalatva etc. due to consumption of Viruddahara and indulging in Viruddhacheshta the Ama will be manifested. The manifested ama is carried by vata and circulates throughout the body and takes ashraya in Sandhis. Commonly affecting the joints of Hasta, Pada, Shira, Gulpha, Trika, Janu and Uru and characterized by pain similar to vrischika damshtra. In this present clinical trial, 10 diagnosed patients of Amavata / Rheumatoid arthritis were selected randomly to evaluate the efficacy of Pachana Poorvaka Shodhana that is Agnilepa Chikitsa followed by Virechana Karma in Amavata w.s.r. to Rheumatoid Arthritis. Statistical analysis showed highly significant results p value (<0.0001) in almost all subjective and objective parameters of Amavata

    Role of Bahir-Parimarjana in Cosmeto Toxic Tvacha Vikara

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    Cosmetics are defined as any particles intended to be applied to the human body for cleansing, beautifying, promoting attractiveness, or altering the appearance without affecting the body’s structure or function. In the present era there are many companies which are manufacturing various kind of cream’s, lotion’s, ointment’s, gels, powder, etc. To give an immediate and early effects on the skin, they are generally mixtures of chemical compounds; some being derived from natural sources and some being synthetics. Many companies use various chemical toxins as an ingredient to nurture and attract the population. Leading to various side effects on skin. So there is an ugly side to these beauty products as well. Hence there is need to think and establish a good approach to treat their side effects or to prevent the same. In our classics there are explanations about the effect of toxic cosmetics such as Visha Yuktha Anjana, Abhyanga, Lepa, Udvartana and so on with their management. The Lakshanas which are explained can be used to ascertain its hazardous effect and their specific management can be adopted accordingly

    Role of Sarvanga Udwartana and Takradhara in Eka-Kushta w.s.r to Psoriasis - Observation Study

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    Eka-Kushta is one among the Kshudra Kushta presenting with Lakshanas like Aswedanam, Mahavastu and Matsyashakalopama. It is of prime importance due to its chronicity and severity which involves a larger extent of the body. This is often compared to Psoriasis. Psoriasis is one of the most common dermatological conditions affecting both males and females upto 2% of world’s population. It is an immune mediated disease characterized by erythematous, sharply demarcated papules and rounded plaques covered by silvery micaceous scale which are variably pruritic. Traumatized areas, infections, stress and medications like beta blockers, anti-malarial drugs may exacerbate psoriasis. Kushta, a disease of Bahudosha, Bhuridosha and Saptakodravya Sangraha is to be treated by adopting repeated Antah Parimarjana as well as Bahir Parimarjanachikitsa. The present study was aimed to assess the efficacy of Bahir Parimarjana Chikitsa in the form Sarvangaudwarthana with Manjistha Choorna, Triphala Choorna and Takradhara with Musta, Asandi, Amalaki Choorna. This is a clinical study wherein 20 diagnosed Eka-Kushta patients of either sex were selected. The overall result in the study revealed that there is statistically significant (p<0.001) improvement in patients after the treatment

    An observational study to evaluate the efficacy of Agnikarma followed by Bastikarma in Gridhrasi

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    The current lifestyle is the basis for a plethora of diseases. Some are due to the Ahara and some due to Vihara. Gridhrasi is one of the condition mainly lead down by Viharaja. Among the 80 Vataja Nanatmja Vyadhi, Gridhrasi is one of the most common condition. It is a Ruja Pradhana Vatavyadhi i.e., pain is the chief cause for visiting a doctor in most of patient histories, hence it is necessary to adopt fast management for the same. Gridhrasi starts from Sphik Pradesha and gradually comes down to Kati, Prista, Uru, Janu, Janga and Pada. Kevala Vataja and Vata Kaphaja are the two clinical variations in the presentation of Gridhrasi. Snigdha Sweda, Virechana, Basti, Agnikarma and Siravyadha are the Chikitsa mentioned in the classical literature. In the present study, Snigdha Agnikarma followed by Erandamoola Niruha Basti has been adopted. Significant changes (p<0.01) were noticed in the parameters of the study

    “Epidemiology, virulence and molecular diversity in blast [Magnaporthe grisea (Hebert) Barr.] of pearl millet [Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br.] and resistance in the host to diverse pathotypes”

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    Blast has emerged as an important disease in the major pearl millet growing areas in India. The present investigation was undertaken to study cultural, pathogenic and molecular diversity in the M. grisea isolates infecting pearl millet, effect of temperature and leaf wetness duration on blast development and to screen pearl millet lines for resistance to blast disease. Culture characters of four monoconidial isolates of M. grisea MgPM 45, MgPM 53, MgPM 56 and MgPM 118 were tested on OMA and PDA medium at different pH ranging from pH 5.5 to pH 8.0 (pH 5.5, pH 6.0, pH 6.5, pH 7.0, pH 7.5 and pH 8.0) and different incubation temperatures 22oC, 24oC, 26oC, 28oC and 30oC to select optimum conditions for growth and sporulation of the fungus. Results of this study indicated that pH of 6.5 and temperature of 28oC is ideal for the growth and sporulation of M. grisea adapted to pearl millet. Based on these results, variability in the cultural and morphological characteristics of 65 isolates of M. grisea was studied on OMA medium at pH 6.5 by incubating at 28oC. Culture morphology varied significantly among isolates. A range of colour variation in the medium was also observed from buff colour to black among field isolates with smooth or rough margin. The radial growth of the M. grisea isolates varied significantly; maximum radial growth of 4.25 cm was recorded for isolates MgPM 125 and MgPM 162 whereas minimum radial growth of 2.30 cm was recorded for the pearl millet isolate MgPM 148. Large variation was also observed for sporulation among field isolates. It was observed that isolates with grayish black and brownish black growth with sector formation produced more spores. In majority of the isolates, maximum sporulation was confined to sectored region. These 65 isolates were also tested for pathogenic variation on a set of 10 host differentials (ICMB 93333, ICMB 95444, ICMB 97222-P1, ICMB 01333, ICMB 02444, ICMR 06444, 863B-P2, ICMR 06222 ICMR 11003 and IP 21187). The mean blast severity across the differentials was maximum for isolate MgPM 138 and minimum severity was observed for MgPM 132. Based on reaction type (avirulent/virulent), the 65 isolates were grouped into 28 different pathotypes. Pathotype G22 comprising isolates MgPM 121, MgPM 137, MgPM 138, MgPM 145, MgPM 148 from Rajasthan and MgPM 173 and MgPM 174 from Uttar Pradesh appeared as most virulent as it could infect all the 10 host differentials whereas pathotype G2 comprising MgPM 127, MgPM 129, MgPM 132, MgPM 149, MgPM 158, MgPM 159 and MgPM 39 was least virulent. These isolates could be grouped in five main clusters based on the results of molecular diversity study using URP markers. Among them cluster I (32) and III (31) included more than 95 per cent isolates whereas cluster II, IV and V contained 2-3 isolates. Studies on the effect of leaf wetness duration on disease development showed an overall increase in leaf blast severity, lesion length (mm), number of lesions per plant, lesion sporulation and leaf sporulation with the increase in leaf wetness duration (LWD). Based on the results it can be concluded, that both leaf wetness duration and temperature were essential for blast on pearl millet which becomes more severe at longer wetness durations beyond 48 hours during optimum day/night with a temperature ranging from 25±1/20±1oC to 30±1/22±1oC. For the identification of blast resistance, 160 designated B-lines of pearl millet were screened under greenhouse conditions against five pathotype-isolates viz., MgPM 45, MgPM 53, MgPM 56, MgPM 118 and MgPM 119. Multiple-pathotype (3-5) resistance was found in 23 lines. Eight lines (81B, ICMB 88004, ICMB 92444, ICMB 97222-P1, ICMB 02111, ICMB 07111, ICMB 09333 and ICMB 09999) were found resistant to all the five pathotypes. Similarly for the identification of stable sources of adult plant resistance, 28 lines were evaluated in the disease nursery (PMBVN) at six locations, Aurangabad, Dhule, Durgapura, Gwalior, Jamnagar and Patancheru during 2013 and 2014. None of the entries in the blast nursery was resistant at all the test locations. However, ICMR 06444 was found resistant at three (Gwalior, Jamnagar and Patancheru) locations and showed moderate resistance at other three locations. ICMB 01333, ICMR 11009 and HHB 146 improved (a hybrid) were resistant at Gwalior and Jamnagar. Pearl millet lines identified in this study that are resistant at 2-3 locations can be selected for use in pearl millet breeding programs aiming to develop blast resistant hybrids

    Identification of Fe and Zn Responsive Genes in Pearl Millet (Pennisetum glaucum L.) through Whole Genome Transcriptome Approach

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    Micronutrient malnutrition due to iron and zinc deficiencies is a serious public health problem in developing countries. In India alone, about 80% of the pregnant women and 74% of children suffer from iron and zinc deficiency. At present, knowledge of the genes controlling specific steps in the Fe and Zn pathways is still rudimentary hence studying genes of Fe and Zn density has become important. A whole genome RNA-Seq approach was carried out to understand the genes and pathways related to Fe and Zn accumulation in pearl millet. Seedlings of a high Fe and Zn grain density pearl millet inbred ICMB 1505 were exposed to four Fe and Zn stress treatments namely, –Fe –Zn, –Fe +Zn, +Fe –Zn and +Fe +Zn in hydroponics for 12 days (Figure 1). Seedlings were expressed interveinal chlorosis in the leaves due to the non-availability of Fe and Zn compared to control during the stress treatments. At that time, the leaf and root tissues in four treatments were harvested separately. Total RNA was extracted from the treated samples followed by cDNA synthesis. Illumina HiSeq 2500 platform was used to sequence the constructed cDNA libraries. Analysis of differentially expressed genes and pathways associated Fe and Zn is underway. Simultaneously, a set of 40 genotypes with variable Fe and Zn grain density were selected and tissue samples from different plant parts such as seed, flag leaf, root, stem sheath, panicles at anthesis and panicle at milky-stage were collected. RNA was extracted from the samples to validate the genes associated with Fe and Zn homeostasis. The information will be used for accelerated breeding programmes to improve the Fe and Zn density in pearl millet

    An observational study to evaluate the efficacy of Rookasha Poorvaka Virechana Karma followed by Nasya Karma in the management of frozen shoulder (Avabahuka) in Madhumedha w.s.r. to DM Type-2

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    The prevalence of diabetes and its complication is increasing all over the world particularly in developing countries. The latest estimates shows a global prevalence of 382 million people with diabetes in 2013 ,expected to rise 592 million by 2035. Diabetes mellitus is a multi system involving disease whose effects are seen by means of severe complication, commonest is musculoskeletal disorder. Diabeties is know to affect the shoulder in many ways commonest among them is Avabuhuka (frozen shoulder). Avabahuka is a disease of amsa sandhi with the clinical presentation such was Stambha, Shula, Shosha which can be correlated with the symptom of frozen shoulder, with no radiographic change only characterized by pain and restricted movement of shoulder joint. Prameha is a babhudoshaja vyadi mainly the meda and kapha are involved at the first it is necessary to bring rookshana effect before Shodhana that is Virechana karma to remove the kapha from kostha. Nasya is a main Chikitsa sutra mentioned in Avabahuka. Hence in the present study Rookshanapoorva Shodhana in the form of Udwartana followed by Virechana karma as kostha shodhanaartha followed by Nasya karma has been adopted. Statistical analysis showed highly significant results p value (<0.0001) in almost all subjective & objective parameters of Avabahuka
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