19 research outputs found

    Anticancer effects of selenium compounds on human colonic carcinoma cells

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    Studies performed so far on different human carcinoma cell lines, as well as numerous case-control and epidemiological studies have given proof to the protective effects of selenium against cancer. However, the anticancer properties of selenium are site-specific. The aim of this work was to evaluate the cytotoxic effect of selenium against CaCo2 human colon carcinoma cells, and SW620 lymph node metastasis of colon carcinoma cell line. Three selenium compounds, seleno-DL-cystine (SeC), seleno-L-methionine (SeM) and sodium selenite were used. Initial number of cells was 210 4 and the cells were incubated for 72 h with the aforementioned Se compounds at 10, 100 and 1000 µmol Se concentrations. Cytotoxicity was measured by the MTT cell survival assay. In the present study, decreased viabilities of both CaCo2 and SW620 cells were established following the treatment with selenite, SeC, and SeM. At 10 µmol Se levels all three chemical forms exerted a more or less anticipated cytotoxic effect with viability decreases ranging from 22 to 37%. However, the other two levels of 100 and 1000 µmol Se did not exhibit an expected proportional rise in cytotoxic effect compared to 10 µmol, which warrants further research on the reasons for increased resistance of these cells. Cell morphology also indicates that investigated Se forms induced apoptotic cell death in both cell lines. The results confirm the applicability of Se in the prevention and treatment of the investigated cancer sites

    Die thermische · Stabilitat der Dimethylsulfoxidkomplexe von Zink- und Cadmium-Salzen

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    Die . thermische Stabilitat v.on ZnC1 2 · 3 DMSO, ZnBr2 · · 3 DMSO, ZnJ2 ; 6 DMSO, Zn(N03h · 6 DMSO, CdCl2 · . 2 DMSO , CdBr2 · 3 DMSO, CdJ2 • 3 DMSO , Cd(N03l2 · 4 DMSO . und Cd(CHsCOOh · 2 DMSO wurde mittels. the rmogravimetrischer und differentialthermischer Analyse untersucht. Die Desolvatation von ZnCl2 · 3 .DMSO, Cd(N0 3h · 4 DMSO und Cd(CH3 C00h · 2 DMSO verlauft in einer Stufe, w ii hrend beim A b b a u d er a nderen Komplexe Zwische nprodukte a uftrete n


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    U radu je prikazana analiza utjecaja visokonaponskih nadzemnih vodova na mjerenja specifičnog otpora tla. Analizom je određena razina smetnji pri mjerenju zbog blizine faznih vodiča visokonaponskog nadzemnog voda. Tlo je modelirano kao anizotropni homogeni poluprostor konačne otpornosti. Kako bi članak bio od koristi inženjerima u praksi, korišten je jednostavni matematički instrumentarij, s detaljno prikazanim izvodima i fizikalno objektivnim pretpostavkama pod kojima je navedeni model valjan. Radi jednostavnosti i općenitosti izlaganja analiza je provedena na praktičnom primjeru mjerenja specifičnog otpora tla Wennerovom metodom. Primjer se odnosi na jednosistemski VN dalekovod s čelično rešetkastim stupom tzv. jela. Dobiveni rezultati prikazanom teorijom uspoređeni su s rezultatima dobivenim profesionalnim programskim paketom CDEGS. Rrezultati su prikazani analitički i grafički te diskutirani.In this article, an analysis is presented of the impact of high voltage overhead transmission lines on the measurement of soil resistivity. Through analysis, the measurement noise level due to the vicinity of the phase conductors of a high voltage overhead transmission line is determined. The soil is modeled as an anisotropic homogeneous half-space of finite resistivity. In order for the article to be of practical use to engineers, simple mathematical instrumentation has been used. Detailed expressions and the physically objective hypotheses under which the cited model is valid have been derived. For the simplicity and generality of the presentation, analysis was performed using a practical example of the measurement of soil resistivity by the Wenner method. The example refers to a single system high voltage transmission line with a steel tower. The results obtained by the theory presented are compared to the results obtained with the software package CDEGS (Current Distribution, Electromagnetic Fields, Grounding and Soil Structure Analysis). The results obtained are presented analytically, graphically and are discussed

    Genetic diversity of the pine pathogen Lecanosticta acicola in Slovenia and Croatia

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    Brown spot needle blight (BSNB), a disease of pine trees caused by the fungus Lecanosticta acicola, has been known in Slovenia since 2008 and in Croatia since 1975. Recent outbreaks in Slovenia prompted this study to compare L. acicola populations in these two neighbouring European countries. Sixty-nine isolates collected from three pine species (Pinus mugo, P. halepensis and P. nigra) were used to determine the phylogenetic relationships, genetic structure, and reproductive strategy of the pathogen. EF1-a sequences showed that Slovenian and Croatian isolates share a common ancestry with individuals from Central and Northern Europe. Population structure analysis revealed four distinct population clusters of L. acicola in these two countries, generally corresponding to their respective geographic location and host. An unequal ratio of mating types and a low overall genetic diversity in the population indicated a strong influence of asexual reproduction. Although some of the oldest recorded European occurrences of BSNB are from Croatia, this study provided no evidence that the population studied in Croatia was the source of the sampled outbreaks in Slovenia. Recent outbreaks of L. acicola in Slovenia are most likely due to introductions from other, yet to be identified, sources

    Effects of dealcoholized red and white wines on human tumour and normal cells proliferation

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    Recent studies performed on some tumour cell lines have given proof to the antiproliferative activity of compounds isolated from red wines against tumours. The purpose of this study was to evaluate potential cytotoxic activity of different concentrations of selected Croatian red and white wines on the growth of human normal and tumour cells in vitro. Effects on growth of cervical carcinoma (HeLa), colon carcinoma (Caco-2, HT-29), poorly differentiated cells from lymph node metastasis of colon carcinoma (SW-620), larynx carcinoma cells (HEp-2) and normal fibroblasts (WI38) were tested by MTT-assay. Radioactive substrate incorporation tests were used for assessing effects on DNA, RNAs and proteins syntheses. Concentration of polyphenols in wines was assessed according to the method of Singleton and Rossi. Ethanol in the wine concentrates was determined by MS-GC method. Results of the cytotoxicity test showed that colon carcinoma cells (Caco-2, HT-29), as well as colon carcinoma metastasis (SW620) were the most affected by dealcoholized red wines in concentrations 25% and 12.5% v/v. Amount of total phenols in the red wines was significantly higher (5-10 times) compared to the white wines. The red wine with the greatest polyphenol content was shown to be the most effective. Red wine samples in concentration 25% v/v statistically significantly inhibited the growth of all tested cell lines, including fibroblasts. Tested white wines showed no or negligible growth inhibitory effect against tumour and normal cells. Tumour cells, HeLa and Hep-2, treated by red wine V3 (12.5% v/v) and Hep-2 cells treated by red wine V4 (12.5% v/v) exhibited slightly growth-stimulatory effects. Biosynthesis assay of DNA, RNA and proteins indicated a standstill in the growth of treated cells. Our results indicate that polyphenol-rich domestic wine might have potential pro-therapeutic effect on transformed colonic cells