1,333 research outputs found

    Awareness Of Acromegaly Among Dental Students

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    Acromegaly is an acquired disorder related to excessive production of growth hormone (GH) and characterized by progressive somatic disfigurement (mainly involving the face and extremities) and systemic manifestations. Due to insidious onset and slow progression, acromegaly is often diagnosed four to more than ten years after its onset. The main clinical features are broadened extremities (hands and feet), widened thickened and stubby fingers, and thickened soft tissue. The sample size included both undergraduate and postgraduate students. The aim of the study is to create awareness about acromegaly among dental students. The total participants were 100 in number. A set of questionnaires eliciting awareness on early childhood caries among dental students the survey was conducted in May 2020. The obtained data was transferred to an excel sheet and it was coded and analyzed using Spss software. In the results that we obtained out of 100 participants 40% of the participants were post graduates and 60% of the students were undergraduates. The obtained results were compared using Chi square test. Year of study and dental students were aware that acromegaly is most often caused by hypersecretion of growth hormone was compared, the p value obtained was statistically significant (p<0.05). Year of study and if students were aware that acromegaly patients with longstanding disease commonly present with striking physical characteristics was compared and the p value obtained was statistically significant (p<0.05).We found that most students were aware about acromegaly but however few had moderate knowledge and few still lacked proper awareness. Awareness among health professionals early recognition of symptoms and signs of acromegaly would reduce delays in time-to-diagnosis, enable better treatment and may improve outcomes for patients with acromegaly.Department of Information Technology of Saveetha Dental College and Hospita

    Improvement of voltage stability for grid connected solar photovoltaic systems using static synchronous compensator with recurrent neural network

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    Purpose. This article proposes a new control strategy for static synchronous compensator in utility grid system. The proposed photovoltaic fed static synchronous compensator is utilized along with recurrent neural network based reference voltage generation is presented in grid system network. The novelty of the proposed work consists in presenting a Landsman converter enhanced photovoltaic fed static synchronous compensator with recurrent neural network algorithm, to generate voltage and maintain the voltage-gain ratio. Methods. The proposed algorithm which provides sophisticated and cost-effective solution for utilization of adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system as maximum power point tracking assures controlled output and supports the extraction of complete power from the photovoltaic panel. Grid is interconnected with solar power, voltage phase angle mismatch, harmonic and voltage instability may occur in the distribution grid. The proposed control technique strategy is validated using MATLAB/Simulink software and hardware model to analysis the working performances. Results. The results obtained show that the power quality issue, the proposed system to overcome through elimination of harmonics, reference current generation is necessary, which is accomplished by recurrent neural network. By recurrent neural network, the reference signal is generated more accurately and accordingly the pulses are generated for controlling the inverter. Originality. Compensation of power quality issues, grid stability and harmonic reduction in distribution network by using photovoltaic fed static synchronous compensator is utilized along with recurrent neural network controller. Practical value. The work concerns the comparative study and the application of static synchronous compensator with recurrent neural network controller to achieve a good performance control system of the distribution network system. This article presents a comparative study between the conventional static synchronous compensator, static synchronous compensator with recurrent neural network and hardware implementation with different load. The strategy based on the use of a static synchronous compensator with recurrent neural network algorithm for the control of the continuous voltage stability and harmonic for the distribution network-linear as well as non-linear loads in efficient manner. The study is validated by the simulation results based on MATLAB/Simulink software and hardware model.Мета. У статті пропонується нова стратегія управління статичним синхронним компенсатором в енергосистемі. Запропонований статичний синхронний компенсатор з живленням від фотоелектричних елементів використовується разом з генератором опорної напруги на основі нейронної рекурентної мережі, представленим в мережі енергосистеми. Новизна запропонованої роботи полягає у поданні статичного синхронного компенсатора з покращеним фотоелектричним перетворювачем Ландсмана з алгоритмом рекурентної нейронної мережі для генерації напруги та підтримки коефіцієнта посилення за напругою. Методи. Запропонований алгоритм, який забезпечує ефективне та економічне рішення для використання адаптивної нейро-нечіткої системи логічного виведення як відстеження точки максимальної потужності, забезпечує контрольований вихід та підтримує вилучення повної потужності з фотогальванічної панелі. Мережа взаємопов’язана із сонячною енергією, у розподільній мережі можуть виникати невідповідність фазового кута напруги, гармоніки та нестабільність напруги. Запропонована стратегія методу управління перевіряється з використанням моделей програмного забезпечення MATLAB/Simulink та апаратного забезпечення для аналізу робочих характеристик. Результати. Отримані результати показують, що проблема якості електроенергії, яку запропонована система долає за допомогою усунення гармонік,потребує генерації еталонного струму, що здійснюється рекурентною нейронної мережею. За допомогою рекурентної нейронної мережі більш точно формується еталонний сигнал і відповідно генеруються імпульси для керування інвертором. Оригінальність. Компенсація проблем з якістю електроенергії, стабільністю мережі та зниженням гармонік у розподільній мережі за допомогою статичного синхронного компенсатора з фотоелектричним живленням використовується разом із контролером рекурентної нейронної мережі. Практична цінність. Робота стосується порівняльного дослідження та застосування статичного синхронного компенсатора з рекурентним нейромережевим контролером для досягнення хорошої продуктивності системи управління системою розподільної мережі. У цій статті представлено порівняльне дослідження традиційного статичного синхронного компенсатора, статичного синхронного компенсатора з рекурентною нейронною мережею та апаратною реалізацією з різним навантаженням. Стратегія, що ґрунтується на використанні статичного синхронного компенсатора з рекурентним алгоритмом нейронної мережі для ефективного контролю стабільності постійної напруги та гармонік для лінійних та нелінійних навантажень розподільної мережі. Дослідження підтверджується результатами моделювання з урахуванням програмно-апаратної моделі MATLAB/Simulink

    Macroscopic synthesis and characterization of giant fullerenes

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    Thermal treatment of carbon soot produced by arc evaporation of nickel-filled graphite rods in 500 Torr of helium gives giant fullerenes showing characteristic IR, Raman, NMR and powder XRD signatures. Transmission electron micrographs show faceted structures with pentagonal, hexagonal and spherical shapes. The simplicity and similarity of the IR spectrum with those of smaller fullerenes suggest that the material is a form of large fullerenes. Chemical treatment of the material gives carbon onions

    Experimental and modelling techniques for hot stamping applications

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    Hot stamping techniques have been developed for the production of complex-shaped components since the 1970s, increasingly used for the automotive industry. The application of these techniques includes hot stamping of boron steel for critical automobile safety components, and solution heat treatment, forming and cold die quenching (HFQ®) for forming complex-shaped high strength aluminium panels of automobile bodies and chassis structures. The developed forming techniques need dedicated experimental testing methods to be improved for characterising the thermomechanical behaviour of materials at the hot stamping conditions, and advanced materials modelling techniques to be developed for hot stamping applications. In this paper, requirements for thermomechanical tests and difficulties for hot stamping applications are introduced and analysed. The viscoplastic modelling techniques have been developed for hot stamping applications. Improved experimental methods have been proposed and used in order to obtain accurate thermomechanical uniaxial tensile test data and determine forming limits of metallic materials under hot stamping conditions

    Exergy Analysis of Operating Lignite Fired Thermal Power Plant

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    The energy assessment must be made through the energy quantity as well as the quality. But the usual energy analysisevaluates the energy generally on its quantity only. However, the exergy analysis assesses the energy on quantity as well asthe quality. The aim of the exergy analysis is to identify the magnitudes and the locations of real energy losses, in order toimprove the existing systems, processes or components. The present paper deals with an exergy analysis performed on anoperating 50MWe unit of lignite fired steam power plant at Thermal Power Station-I, Neyveli Lignite Corporation Limited,Neyveli, Tamil Nadu, India. The exergy losses occurred in the various subsystems of the plant and their components havebeen calculated using the mass, energy and exergy balance equations. The distribution of the exergy losses in several plantcomponents during the real time plant running conditions has been assessed to locate the process irreversibility. The Firstlaw efficiency (energy efficiency) and the Second law efficiency (exergy efficiency) of the plant have also been calculated.The comparison between the energy losses and the exergy losses of the individual components of the plant shows that themaximum energy losses of 39% occur in the condenser, whereas the maximum exergy losses of 42.73% occur in the combustor.The real losses of energy which has a scope for the improvement are given as maximum exergy losses that occurredin the combustor

    Epidemiology of injury in rural Pondicherry, India

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    A retrospective study of 'non-compliant' patients in controlled clinical trials of short course chemotherapy

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    In a total of 2,332 pulmonary short-course chemotherapy studies conducted during 1975-1985, there were 60 ‘noncompliant’ patients who had received less than 75% of the prescribed treatment. A retrospective study was undertaken to find out the reasons for default in these patients since the Tuberculosis Research Centre has very stringent criteria of selection of patients for their, studies, an adequate system. of motivation of the patients and well organised infrastructure for retrieval of the defaulters. Unwillingness for treatment was stated as the reason for default by 20 patients and adverse reactions to the drugs by 16 patients. Other major reasons given were pressure of work (14 patients), frequent outstation visits (13) and migration (12)

    Awareness On Current Status of Basal Implants Among Dental Students

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    Background: Basal implantology also known as bicortical implantology or just cortical implantology is a modern implantology system which utilizes the basal cortical portion of the jaw bones for retention of the dental implants, which are uniquely designed to be accommodated in the basal cortical bone areas Aim: The aim of this study is to evaluate the awareness of current status on basal implants among dental students. Materials and methods : A survey with the aid of specially designed questionnaires was made anonymously, in order to assess the awareness of basal implants among dental students.The responses were then collected and subjected to statistical analysis using SPSS Software (Version 23). Frequency distribution and percentage were calculated. Results : Results from this study reveals that 64% of them were postgraduates and 35% were undergraduates. 50% of postgraduates were aware about basal implants. Only 36% of the postgraduates knew that basal implants are a completely new method of dental rehabilitation that does not require bone replacement even in the worst cases.29% of postgraduates knew that installation of quick loading basal implants can cost less than traditional implantation due to the shortened volume of treatment stages. 36% of the postgraduates marked disk form is the common type of basal implants. Conclusion :The overall awareness of undergraduates and postgraduates regarding basal implants needs to be improved, given the tendency of dental students to engage in implant dentistry.The study should be done on a large scale to get baseline data pertaining to knowledge and awareness to the dental students

    Issues in the Management of Fractures associated with Compartment Syndrome

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    INTRODUCTION: Compartment syndrome has been identified as an acute devastating orthopaedic emergency. Till date, compartment syndrome is one of the major complications in an injured limb. And early fasciotomy is the only way to prevent any complications due to compartment syndrome. Delay in diagnosis had been identified as the only cause of failure of treatment. This retrospective study proposes to analyse the issues in management of fractures complicated by compartment syndrome occurring preoperatively and post-operatively. AIM OF THE STUDY: To retrospectively study the issues in management of fractures complicated by compartment syndrome occurring pre-operatively, and post-operatively OBJECTIVES: 1. To study the issues involved in the rationale for deciding the method of fracture stabilization following fasciotomy. 2. To study the problems, complications and functional outcome of fracture stabilization. 3. To analyze and establish methods to the optimally manage the issues involved. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A review of patients admitted in the Orthopaedic department at our institution from January 2005 to December 2010 was carried out. Patients who presented with or developed compartment syndrome and associated with fractures were chosen. Compartment syndrome was diagnosed clinically in all the cases, except one. Passive stretch pain and severe pain out of proportion were the main clinical indicators considered. Paraesthesia, paralysis and pulselesness were considered to be supportive of the diagnosis. Compartment pressure was measured in one patient who had a spinal injury. Decision to perform fasciotomy was carried out based on the Δp value. Δp was calculated by the difference between the patient’s diastolic pressure and compartment pressure. Fasciotomy is indicated if the value was less than 30mm Hg. All the patients who had developed compartment syndrome of the leg were treated with double incision faciotomy, Anterolateral and Posteromedial. Compartment syndrome of forearm was treated with single volar incision fasciotomy, while that of thigh also was treated with a single lateral incision. The fractures were treated with external, internal or hybrid fixation. The fasciotomy wounds were taken up for secondary closure from 4 to 7 days after fasciotomy with split skin grafting. Patients were followed up every month for the first 6 months and then every 6 months. All the patients, who were reviewed, were functionally assessed based on Upper Extremity Functional Index (UEFI) and Lower Extremity Functional Scale (LEFS). Painless unprotected weight-bearing and presence of bridging callus on X-ray were together considered as signs of bony union. RESULTS: There were 21 patients who were diagnosed with compartment syndrome and underwent fasciotomy for the same. But compartment syndrome in 2 of the patients (one male and female; Cases 4 & 5, Master Chart) were not associated with fractures and hence excluded from the study. CONCLUSION: A high suspicion of compartment syndrome must be maintained for all cases. ❖ The early diagnosis and treatment within 12 hours is critical to reduce morbidity and prevent any long term sequale. ❖ Compartment syndrome causes delay in bone healing ❖ Risk of infection is not increased. ❖ External fixation is the method of choice in metaphyseal and metaphyseal-diaphyseal fractures and fractures without adequate soft tissue cover, when associated with compartment syndrome. ❖ Hybrid fixators with intrafragmentary screw fixation are used in juxta-articular fractures with communition. ❖ As bony healing is not compromised in any way, use of intramedullary fixation is not contraindicated in diaphyseal fractures associated with compartment syndrome

    Role and acceptability of traditional birth attendants (DAIs) in a rural community in South India

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    Dais are the traditional birth attendants, conducting deliveries at home in the majority of villages in India. A study was planned to find out the feasibility of utilising the services of the dais in case-finding in Tuberculosis (TB) and for drug delivery to diagnosed patients. As a preliminary step, a survey was done with a view to find out the role and acceptability of the dais by the community in 5% of households in randomly selected 24 of the 48 villages in Sriperumbudur taluk in Tamil Nadu, where a voluntary organisation. "PREPARE" was delivering primary health care through dais. A total of 466 individuals, either the head of the household or any other responsible person available, were interviewed to find out the role and acceptability of the dais by the community. The salient findings of this study are that 83% mentioned that the dais reside in their respective villages. hence the services of the dais were available at ail times and 82 % had stated that the services were useful to them. This background information is essential for health planners so that this task force could be effectively utilised in health programmmes, in the rural areas in India