350 research outputs found

    Study of cultural properties of canine enteric coronavirus isolate in different cell cultures

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    The etiology of the diseases affecting gastrointestinal tractofdogs is variable. The second most important enteric viral pathogen in the world after parvovirus is coronavirus (CCoV). Vast studies by scientists from different countries evidence the ubiquitous spread of coronavirus infection in dog populations. In this regard, the prevention of this disease is still an acute problem; firstly this means the development of effective vaccines, which can provide are liable protection from the infection. The aim of this work was to study the CCoV isolate cultural properties, the selection of cell cultures most suitable for its reproduction and optimization of virus cultivation parameters in sensitive cell lines. TheCCoV isolate recovered from the pathological material of a dead puppy with enteritis symptoms was used in the study. Seven continuousandtwoprimarytrypsinizedcellculturesweretestedduringthestudyanditwasestablishedthat the most sensitive cell culture for the reproduction of this isolate was continuous Crandell-Rees Feline Kidney Cells (CRFK) in which atypical cytopathic effect was notedon Day 2 of the cultivation. Virus infectivity titer in this culture was 3.58 ± 0.14 lgTCID50/cm3 . It was established that such cell linesas fel in espleen cells (FS) and primary trypsinized kitten spleen cells (KS) are also sensitive to the CCoV isolate but less than CRFK cells. Effect of such parameters as multiplicity of infection, cultivation time, inoculation technique, adsorption period and cell lineag eon coronavirus growth rate was studiedfor some selected cell cultures. It was concluded that CRFK and FS cells can be used for the propagation of viral material to develop diagnostic tools and vaccines against canineenteric coronavirus

    Phase changes of the Be/X-ray binary X Persei

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    We present high resolution optical spectroscopy and V band photometry obtained during the period 1987-2001 for the Be star X Persei/HD 24534, the counterpart to the X-ray pulsar 4U 0352+30. We find that throughout this interval X Per is highly active, with significant photometric and spectroscopic variability. We identify one episode of complete disc loss during this period (1988 May-1989 June), characterised by significant ΔV=0.6 mag optical fading and the presence of purely photospheric Hα and He I 6678 Å lines. Two further episodes of pronounced optical fading which did not result in the complete dispersal of the circumstellar disc were also identified (1994 October-1995 October and 1999 November-present). The emission line profiles of both Hα and He I 6678 Å also show significant variability. Cyclic changes in the strength of the peaks in both emission lines are observed, with periods ranging from 0.6-2 yrs - we attribute these to the presence of a one armed density wave in the inner circumstellar disc. Additional structure at large projected velocities is also present in the He I line - suggesting the presence of a significant density enhancement in the disc near the stellar surface (the "double disc'' of Tarasov & Roche). The evolution of the outer edge of the Hα emitting region of the circumstellar disc is followed during disc formation, and is found to increase rather slowly. This observation, combined with the presence of the one armed density wave and the rate of disc formation and loss all provide strong evidence for the hypothesis that the circumstellar disc of X Per is a viscous decretion disc, with angular momentum being supplied by an as yet unknown physical mechanism near the stellar surface

    Magnetization structure of a Bloch point singularity

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    Switching of magnetic vortex cores involves a topological transition characterized by the presence of a magnetization singularity, a point where the magnetization vanishes (Bloch point). We analytically derive the shape of the Bloch point that is an extremum of the free energy with exchange, dipole and the Landau terms for the determination of the local value of the magnetization modulus.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Imaging interactions between the immune and cardiovascular systems in vivo by multiphoton microscopy

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    Several recent studies in immunology have used multiphoton laser-scanning microscopy to visualise the induction of an immune response in real time in vivo. These experiments are illuminating the cellular and molecular interactions involved in the induction, maintenance and regulation of immune responses. Similar approaches are being applied in cardiovascular research where there is an increasing body of evidence to support a significant role for the adaptive immune system in vascular disease. As such, we have begun to dissect the role of T lymphocytes in atherosclerosis in real time in vivo. Here, we provide step-by-step guides to the various stages involved in visualising the migration of T cells within a lymph node and their infiltration into inflamed tissues such as atherosclerotic arteries. These methods provide an insight into the mechanisms involved in the activation and function of immune cells in vivo

    Stable topological textures in a classical 2D Heisenberg model

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    We show that stable localized topological soliton textures (skyrmions) with π2\pi_2 topological charge ν1\nu \geq 1 exist in a classical 2D Heisenberg model of a ferromagnet with uniaxial anisotropy. For this model the soliton exist only if the number of bound magnons exceeds some threshold value NcrN_{\rm cr} depending on ν\nu and the effective anisotropy constant KeffK_{\rm eff}. We define soliton phase diagram as the dependence of threshold energies and bound magnons number on anisotropy constant. The phase boundary lines are monotonous for both ν=1\nu=1 and ν>2\nu >2, while the solitons with ν=2\nu=2 reveal peculiar nonmonotonous behavior, determining the transition regime from low to high topological charges. In particular, the soliton energy per topological charge (topological energy density) achieves a minimum neither for ν=1\nu=1 nor high charges, but rather for intermediate values ν=2\nu=2 or ν=3\nu=3.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    FeLV-induced feline leukemia as a natural model for leukemia pathophysiology study (review)

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    Leukemia is alarge group of diseases different in etiopathogenetic mechanisms and common in almost all mammalian species. There view focuses on feline leukemia, a common disease of domestic and wild felids (Carnivora, Felidae), being one of the main causes of their deaths. Feline leukemia pathogenesis and etiology are described; possible methods for the infection treatment and prevention, as well as possibility of using cats as a model for feline leukemia study areassessed. Feline leukemia etiological agent is a feline leukemia virus (FeLV), having single-stranded RNA genomesurrounded with icosahedral capsidformedbyp27 capsid protein monomers. Leukemia clinical man ifestations in felids depend on high virulence of the virus and the disease is characterized with pronounced clinical picture and multipleorgan dysfunction. Treatment of leukemia in cats is ineffective and is mainly aimedat maintaining the functions of the body organs and systems. Immunomodulators and chemotherapy are alsoused. Vaccination isusedas apreventive measure, but commercially available adjuvanted and non-adjuvanted vaccinesdo not confer effective protection from the infection. The leukemia virus is reportedin wildfelids includingrare and endangeredfeline species that is undoubtedly affects their population sizes. Despite veryfew data on leukemia, the reported cases show that leukemia in large cats is also severe and fatal. Feline leukemia, despite the accumulated of data, remainsan on going serious and unresolved problem not only for veterinarians, but also for ecologists, zoologists and virologists involvedin the research related to the feline family, study of retroviruses and biodiversity conservation on the planet. Furthe rapplied and fund a mental research and verification there of in the field of feline leukemia virus study, leukemia treatment and prevention are required

    Tomographic Separation of Composite Spectra. VIII. The Physical Properties of the Massive Compact Binary in the Triple Star System HD 36486 (delta Orionis A)

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    Double-lined spectroscopic orbital elements have recently been found for the central binary in the massive triple, delta Orionis A based on radial velocities from cross-correlation techniques applied to IUE high dispersion spectra and He I 6678 spectra obtained at Kitt Peak. The primary and secondary velocity amplitudes were found to be 94.9 +/- 0.6 km/s and 186 +/- 9 km/s respectively. Tomographic reconstructions of the primary and secondary stars' spectra confirm the O9.5 II classification of the primary and indicate a B0.5 III type for the secondary. The widths of the UV cross-correlation functions are used to estimate the projected rotational velocities, Vsin i = 157 +/- 6 km/s and 138 +/- 16 km/s for the primary and secondary, respectively implying that both stars rotate faster than their orbital motion. We used the spectroscopic results to make a constrained fit of the Hipparcos light curve of this eclipsing binary, and the model fits limit the inclination to the range between 67 and 77 degrees. The i = 67 degrees solution, which corresponds to a near Roche-filling configuration, results in a primary mass of 11.2 solar masses and a secondary mass of 5.6 solar masses, both of which are substantially below the expected masses for stars of their luminosity. This binary may have experienced a mass ratio reversal caused by Case A Roche lobe overflow, or the system may have suffered extensive mass loss through a binary interaction, perhaps during a common envelope phase, in which most of the primary's mass was lost from the system rather than transferred to the secondary.Comment: 27 pages, 15 figures in press, the Astrophysical Journal, February 1, 200

    Острый тонзиллит и функциональные расстройства органов пищеварения у детей: первый результат анализа возможной ассоциации

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    Acute tonsillitis (AT) and functional disorders of the digestive system (FDDS) are widespread among children. There is insufficient information about whether FDDS affects the incidence and course of АT, or whether АT may predispose to the development of АT. The aim is to discover a possible relationship between acute exudative tonsillitis and FDDS in children in the context of clinical and medico-social assessment. Materials and Methods: An observational cross-sectional study was performed using the continuous sampling method. There were 137 patients under observation, aged from one to 18 years, hospitalized in a hospital with АT, proceeding with overlaps on the tonsils, including 44 children younger and 93 older than 4 years. Bacterial АT was diagnosed on the MacIsack scale (≥ 4 points) in combination with the determination of inflammatory markers (leukocytosis, CRP). Epstein-Barr viral etiology of АT was diagnosed based on the detection of anti-EBV-VCA IgM and/or anti-EBV-EA IgG in the absence of anti-EBV-NA IgG. The legal representatives of the children agreed to participate in the study and completed a developed questionnaire containing 41 questions to assess medical and social factors, health status and gastrointestinal symptoms. FDDS diagnosis was carried out according to Rome IV 2016 criteria. Stool character was assessed using the Bristol scale, and clinical symptoms of АT were also analyzed. Results: Bacterial АT was diagnosed in 51.1% (70) of patients and EBV tonsillitis — in 48.9% (67), namely with equal frequency. The incidence of FDDS was 41.6% (95% CI (confidence interval) (33.3, 50.3), including 38.7% in children from 1 to 4 years old (95% CI (24.4, 54.5) and over 4 years 43.0% (95% CI (32.8, 53.7). Functional constipation (25.0%) and functional diarrhea (13.6%) were found in young children, all children over the age of 4 years had abdominal pain (including irritable bowel syndrome with a predominance of constipation — 4.3%). In EBV-RT with FDDS, the incidence of hepatolienal syndrome was 33.3% higher (RR (relative risk) 2.40; 95% CI (1.02, 5.66) and OR (odds ratio) 5.46; 95% CI (1.39, 21.28). Children with FDDS are 22.4% more likely (RR 1.65; 95% CI (1.21, 2.24) and OR 4.1; 95% CI (1.39, 12.07) suffered from recurrent acute respiratory infections; their relatives were more likely to have gastroenterological diseases (RR 1.54; 95% CI (1.12, 2.13) and OR 2.99; 95% CI (1.22, 7.34). Perinatal hypoxic lesions of the central nervous system were more often recorded in patients with FDDS in the anamnesis (RR 1.99; 95% CI (1.25, 3.15) and OR 4.13; 95% CI (1.37, 12.42). Conclusion: The etiological role of EBV among children with exudative АT admitted to the hospital is high. FDDS is more common among children with exudative АT over 4 years of age than in the general pediatric population. The influence of FDDS on the clinical manifestations of EBV-RT is highly probable. It is advisable to continue the study to determine the significance of АT in the development of FDDS in children and adolescents; their results may be useful for clinical practice.Острый тонзиллит (ОТ) и функциональные расстройства органов пищеварения (ФРОП) широко распространены среди детей. Недостаточно сведений о том, влияют ли ФРОП на заболеваемость и течение ОТ или может ли ОТ предрасполагать к развитию ФРОП. Цель — обнаружить возможную взаимосвязь острого экссудативного тонзиллита с ФРОП у детей в контексте клинической и медико-социальной оценки. Материалы и методы: Проведено обсервационное поперечное исследование методом сплошной выборки. Под наблюдением находилось 137 пациентов, в возрасте от года до 18 лет, госпитализированных в стационар с ОТ, протекающим с наложениями на миндалинах, в том числе 44 ребенка младше и 93 — старше 4 лет. Бактериальный ОТ диагностирован по шкале МакАйзека ( ≥ 4 баллов) в сочетании с определением воспалительных маркеров (лейкоцитоз, СРБ). Эпштейна-Барр вирусная этиология ОТ диагностирована на основании обнаружения anti-EBV-VCA IgM и/или anti-EBV-EA IgG в отсутствие anti-EBV-NA IgG. Законные представители детей дали согласие на участие в исследовании и заполнили разработанную анкету, содержащую 41 вопрос для оценки медико-социальных факторов, состояния здоровья и гастроинтестинальных симптомов. Диагностика ФРОП проведена согласно Римским критериям IV 2016 года. Характер стула оценивался по Бристольской шкале, также проведен анализ клинических симптомов ОТ. Результаты: Бактериальный ОТ диагностирован у 51,1% (70) пациентов и ЭБВ-тонзиллит — у 48,9% (67), а именно с равной частотой. Частота ФРОП составила 41,6% (95% ДИ (доверительный интервал) (33,3, 50,3), в том числе у детей от года до 4 лет — 38,7% (95% ДИ (24,4, 54,5) и старше 4 лет 43,0% (95% ДИ (32,8, 53,7). У детей раннего возраста выявлены функциональный запор (25,0%) и функциональная диарея (13,6%), у всех детей в возрасте старше 4 лет абдоминальная боль (в том числе синдром раздраженной кишки с преобладанием запора — 4,3%). При ЭБВ-ОТ с ФРОП частота гепатолиенального синдрома была выше на 33,3% (ОР 2,40; 95% ДИ (1,02, 5,66) и ОШ 5,46; 95% ДИ (1,39, 21,28). Дети с ФРОП на 22,4% чаще (ОР 1,65; 95% ДИ (1,21, 2,24) и ОШ 4,1; 95% ДИ (1,39, 12,07) страдали повторными ОРЗ; у их родственников чаще отмечались гастроэнтерологические заболевания (ОР 1,54; 95% ДИ (1,12, 2,13) и ОШ 2,99; 95% ДИ (1,22, 7,34). У пациентов с ФРОП в анамнезе чаще регистрировалось перинатальное гипоксическое поражение центральной нервной системы (ОР 1,99; 95% ДИ (1,25, 3,15) и ОШ 4,13; 95% ДИ (1,37, 12,42). Заключение: Этиологическая роль ЭБВ среди детей с экссудативным ОТ, госпитализированных в стационар, высокая. ФРОП среди детей с экссудативным ОТ старше 4 лет встречается чаще, чем в общей педиатрической популяции. Влияние ФРОП на клинические проявления ЭБВ-ОТ высоко вероятно. Целесообразно продолжение исследования для определения значения ОТ в развитии ФРОП у детей и подростков, их результаты могут быть полезными для клинической практики

    Germline-restricted chromosome (GRC) is widespread among songbirds

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    An unusual supernumerary chromosome has been reported for two related avian species, the zebra and Bengalese finches. This large, germline-restricted chromosome (GRC) is eliminated from somatic cells and spermatids and transmitted via oocytes only. Its origin, distribution among avian lineages, and function were mostly unknown so far. Using immunolocalization of key meiotic proteins, we found that GRCs of varying size and genetic content are present in all 16 songbird species investigated and absent from germline genomes of all eight examined bird species from other avian orders. Results of fluorescent in situ hybridization of microdissected GRC probes and their sequencing indicate that GRCs show little homology between songbird species and contain a variety of repetitive elements and unique sequences with paralogs in the somatic genome. Our data suggest that the GRC evolved in the common ancestor of all songbirds and underwent significant changes in the extant descendant lineages