2,123 research outputs found

    Multiple Records of Monoecy in Dioecious Taxa of Hawaiian Coprosma spp. (Rubiaceae).

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    The breeding systems of the 110+ species of Coprosma J.R. Forst. & G. Forst. across the Pacific are largely considered dioecious, with male and female flowers occurring on separate plants (oliver 1935). However, for many species, particularly of New Zealand, the dioecious breeding system is leaky. Coprosma species exhibiting leaky dioecy are primarily dioecious, with male and female flowers on separate plants, but individuals occasionally develop apparently functional bisexual flowers, which sporadically occur among an abundance of unisexual flowers. A putative monoecious Coprosma taxon was once reported for the Macquarie Island individuals of C. perpusilla Colenso (= C. pumila Hook.f.), but later dispelled as being dioecious (lloyd & Horning 1979). In March 2016, the first author of this paper embarked on an archipelago-wide tripof the Hawaiian Islands aiming to collect and observe multiple populations of all endemic Hawaiian species of Coprosma (Rubiaceae). As a result, four confirmed cases of monoecious individuals were documented for Hawaiian Coprosma for the first time. Three additional instances may represent either monoecious or leaky dioecious observations. The collection results are detailed below. All specimens are deposited at BISH and duplicates were either sent to PTBG or US herbaria. Figure 1 depicts photos of monoecious individuals collected in the field

    Family memories in the home: contrasting physical and digital mementos

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    We carried out fieldwork to characterise and compare physical and digital mementos in the home. Physical mementos are highly valued, heterogeneous and support different types of recollection. Contrary to expectations, we found physical mementos are not purely representational, and can involve appropriating common objects and more idiosyncratic forms. In contrast, digital mementos were initially perceived as less valuable, although participants later reconsidered this. Digital mementos were somewhat limited in function and expression, largely involving representational photos and videos, and infrequently accessed. We explain these digital limitations and conclude with design guidelines for digital mementos, including better techniques for accessing and integrating these into everyday life, allowing them to acquire the symbolic associations and lasting value that characterise their physical counterparts

    Socioeconomic inequalities in secondhand smoke exposure before, during and after implementation of Quebec's 2015 'An Act to Bolster Tobacco Control'

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    BACKGROUND: To better understand whether tobacco control policies are associated with changes in secondhand smoke (SHS) exposure across socioeconomic groups, we monitored differences in socioeconomic inequalities in SHS exposure in households and private vehicles among youth and adults before, during and after adoption of Quebecā€™s 2015 An Act to Bolster Tobacco Control. METHODS: Using data from the Canadian Community Health Survey, we examined the prevalence of daily exposure to SHS in households and private vehicles among youth (ages 12 to 17) and adults (ages 18+) across levels of household education and income (separately) in 2013/2014, 2015/2016 and 2017/2018. We tested differences in the magnitude of differences in outcomes over time across education and income categories using logistic models with interaction terms, controlling for age and sex. RESULTS: We detected inequalities in SHS exposure outcomes at each time point, most markedly at home among youth (OR of SHS exposure among youth living in the 20% poorest households vs the 20% richest=4.9, 95%ā€‰CI 2.7 to 6.2). There were decreases in SHS exposure in homes and cars in each education/income group over time. The magnitude of inequalities in SHS exposure in homes and cars, however, did not change during this period. CONCLUSIONS: The persistence of socioeconomic inequalities in SHS exposure despite implementation of new tobacco control laws represents an increasingly worrisome public health challenge, particularly among youth. Policymakers should prioritise the reduction of socioeconomic inequalities in SHS exposure and consider the specific needs of socioeconomically disadvantaged populations in the design of future legislation

    Biodiversity studies of fungi on monocotyledonous plants in the tropics

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    Abstractpublished_or_final_versionThe Joint Annual Meeting of the Mycological Society of America and the American Bryological and Lichenological Society, San Juan, Puerto Rico, USA, 11-16 June 1998, In Inoculum, 1998, v. 49 n. 2, p. 2

    Microbiology and atmospheric processes: Biological, physical and chemical characterization of aerosol particles

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    The interest in bioaerosols has traditionally been linked to health hazards for humans, animals and plants. However, several components of bioaerosols exhibit physical properties of great significance for cloud processes, such as ice nucleation and cloud condensation. To gain a better understanding of their influence on climate, it is therefore important to determine the composition, concentration, seasonal fluctuation, regional diversity and evolution of bioaerosols. In this paper, we will review briefly the existing techniques for detection, quantification, physical and chemical analysis of biological particles, attempting to bridge physical, chemical and biological methods for analysis of biological particles and integrate them with aerosol sampling techniques. We will also explore some emerging spectroscopy techniques for bulk and single-particle analysis that have potential for in-situ physical and chemical analysis. Lastly, we will outline open questions and further desired capabilities (e. g., in-situ, sensitive, both broad and selective, on-line, time-resolved, rapid, versatile, cost-effective techniques) required prior to comprehensive understanding of chemical and physical characterization of bioaerosols

    Composition of the Innermost Core Collapse Supernova Ejecta

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    With presently known input physics and computer simulations in 1D, a self-consistent treatment of core collapse supernovae does not yet lead to successful explosions, while 2D models show some promise. Thus, there are strong indications that the delayed neutrino mechanism works combined with a multi-D convection treatment for unstable layers. On the other hand there is a need to provide correct nucleosynthesis abundances for the progressing field of galactic evolution and observations of low metallicity stars. The innermost ejecta is directly affected by the explosion mechanism, i.e. most strongly the yields of Fe-group nuclei for which an induced piston or thermal bomb treatment will not provide the correct yields because the effect of neutrino interactions is not included. We apply parameterized variations to the neutrino scattering cross sections and alternatively, parameterized variations are applied to the neutrino absorption cross sections on nucleons in the ``gain region''. We find that both measures lead to similar results, causing explosions and a Ye>0.5 in the innermost ejected layers, due to the combined effect of a short weak interaction time scale and a negligible electron degeneracy, unveiling the proton-neutron mass difference. We include all weak interactions (electron and positron capture, beta-decay, neutrino and antineutrino capture on nuclei, and neutrino and antineutrino capture on nucleons) and present first nucleosynthesis results for these innermost ejected layers to discuss how they improve predictions for Fe-group nuclei. The proton-rich environment results in enhanced abundances of 45Sc, 49Ti, and 64Zn as requested by chemical evolution studies and observations of low metallicity stars as well as appreciable production of nuclei in the mass range up to A=80.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figures. Final versio

    Quantum scale invariance on the lattice

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    We propose a scheme leading to a non-perturbative definition of lattice field theories which are scale-invariant on the quantum level. A key idea of the construction is the replacement of the lattice spacing by a propagating dynamical field -- the dilaton. We describe how to select non-perturbatively the phenomenologically viable theories where the scale invariance is broken spontaneously. Relation to gravity is also discussed.Comment: 5 page

    Uncertainties in Ī½p-process nucleosynthesis from Monte Carlo variation of reaction rates

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    It has been suggested that a Ī½p-process can occur when hot, dense, and proton-rich matter is expanding within a strong flux of antineutrinos. In such an environment, proton-rich nuclides can be produced in sequences of proton captures and (n, p) reactions, where the free neutrons are created in situ by Ī½e + p ā†’ n + e+ reactions. The detailed hydrodynamic evolution determines where the nucleosynthesis path turns off from N = Z line and how far up the nuclear chart it runs. In this work, the uncertainties on the final isotopic abundances stemming from uncertainties in the nuclear reaction rates were investigated in a large-scale Monte Carlo approach, simultaneously varying more than 10 000 reactions. A large range of model conditions was investigated because a definitive astrophysical site for the Ī½p-process has not yet been identified. The present parameter study provides, for each model, identification of the key nuclear reactions dominating the uncertainty for a given nuclide abundance. As all rates appearing in the Ī½p-process involve unstable nuclei, and thus only theoretical rates are available, the final abundance uncertainties are larger than those for nucleosynthesis processes closer to stability. Nevertheless, most uncertainties remain below a factor of 3 in trajectories with robust nucleosynthesis. More extreme conditions allow production of heavier nuclides but show larger uncertainties because of the accumulation of the uncertainties in many rates and because the termination of nucleosynthesis is not at equilibrium conditions. It is also found that the solar ratio of the abundances of 92Mo and 94Mo could be reproduced within uncertainties
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