80 research outputs found

    From Provider to Enabler of Care: Reconfiguring Local Authority Support for Older People and Carers in Leeds, 2008 to 2013

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    This article explores developments in the support available to older people and carers (i.e., caregivers) in the city of Leeds, United Kingdom, and examines provision changes during a period characterized by unprecedented resource constraint and new developments in national-local governance. Using documentary evidence, official statistics and findings from recent studies led by the author, the effects of these changes on service planning and delivery and the approach taken by local actors to mitigate their impact are highlighted. The statistical data show a marked decline in some types of services for older people during a five year period during which the city council took steps to mobilize citizens and develop new services and system improvements. The analysis focuses on theories of social quality as a framework for analysis of the complex picture of change related to service provision. It concludes that although citizen involvement and consultations exerted a positive influence in delivering support to some older people and carers, research over a longer timescale is needed to show if these changes are adequate to protect older people and carers from the effects of ongoing budgetary constraints

    Application of infrared laser desorption vacuum-UV single-photon ionization mass spectrometry for analysis of organic compounds from particulate matter filter samples

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    Application of infrared laser desorption vacuum-UV single-photon ionization mass spectrometry for analysis of organic compounds from particulate matter filter samples / T. Ferge ... - In: Analytical chemistry. 77. 2005. S. 4528-453

    Application of infrared laser desorption vacuum-UV single photon ionization mass spectrometry for analysis of organic compounds from particulate matter filter samplas.

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    A new built instrument suitable for laser desorption-single photon ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (LD-SPI-TOFMS) with use of Vacuum-UV photons with a wavelength of 118 nm was used for the analysis of organic compounds. Fragmentation-free analysis of a variety of substances was achieved for desorption experiments with pure compounds desorbed from quartz glass filters applying low desorption energies. It was further found that the rate of fragmentation is strongly dependent on the desorption energy. Matrix effects were investigated by desorption experiments utilizing soot spiked with several organic compounds.The characteristics of the desorption process are assessed in more detail and the impact on the analysis of ambient particulate matter (PM) samples on filters are discussed. First results obtained from the application of the technique to the analysis of organic compounds from ambient PM are presented. Furthermore, possibilities of future developments of the method, in particular for analysis of ambient PM, are discussed

    Sosiaalipolitiikan kilpailevien ideologioiden vertailua : Hyvinvointivaltion eurooppalainen malli ja uusliberalismi vaihtoehtoisina esikuvina

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    Julkaisu esittelee ja vertailee eri näkökulmista ns. hyvinvointivaltion eurooppalaista mallia ja uusliberalismia sosiaalipolitiikan vaihtoehtoisina esikuvina. Raportti kuvaa näiden kahden mallin ideaalityyppisiä ominaispiirteitä ja eroja. Tarkastelu kohdistuu ajattelumallien pääpiirteisiin, sosiaalipolitiikan toimintaperiaatteisiin, toimeenpanijoihin, instituutioihin ja keinoihin kansallisvaltioiden tasolla sekä toimintaperiaatteisiin ja toiminnan seurauksiin yleismaailmallisella tasolla. Esitetty vertailu ei vastaa itse ideologian paremmuutta koskeviin kysymyksiin, mutta on hyödyllinen työkalu jokaiselle, joka haluaa tutkia tai suunnitella sosiaalipolitiikkaa tai ymmärtää sen kehittämistä.5,55 euro