4,477 research outputs found

    Detecting Gluino-Containing Hadrons

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    When SUSY breaking produces only dimension-2 operators, gluino and photino masses are of order 1 GeV or less. The gluon-gluino bound state has mass 1.3-2.2 GeV and lifetime > 10^{-5} - 10^{-10} s. This range of mass and lifetime is largely unconstrained because missing energy and beam dump techniques are ineffective. With only small modifications, upcoming K^0 decay experiments can study most of the interesting range. The lightest gluino-containing baryon (uds-gluino) is long-lived or stable; experiments to find it and the uud-gluino are also discussed.Comment: 13 pp, 1 figure (uuencoded). Descendant of hep-ph/9504295, hep-ph/9508291, and hep-ph/9508292, focused on experimental search techniques. To be published in Phys Rev Let

    Possible manifestation of heavy stable colored particles in cosmology and cosmic rays

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    We discuss the cosmological implications as well as possible observability of massive, stable, colored particles which often appear in the discussion of physics beyond the standard model. We argue that if their masses are more than a few hundred GeV and if they saturate the halo density and/or occur with closure density of the universe, they are ruled out by the present WIMP search experiments as well as the searches for anomalous heavy isotopes of ordinary nuclei. We then comment on the possibility that these particles as well as the monopoles could be responsible for the ultra high energy cosmic rays with energy ≥1020\geq 10^{20} eV and point out that their low inelasticity argues against this.Comment: 9 pages; UMD-PP-98-1

    Radiative Decay of Vector Quarkonium: Constraints on Glueballs and Light Gluinos

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    Given a resonance of known mass, width, and J^{PC}, we can determine its gluonic branching fraction, b(R->gg), from data on its production in radiative vector quarkonium decay, V -> gamma+R. For most resonances b(R->gg) is found to be O(10%), consistent with being q-qbar states, but we find that both pseudoscalars observed in the 1440 MeV region have b(R->gg) ~ 1/2 - 1, and b(f_0^{++}->gg) ~ 1/2. As data improves, b(R->gg) should be a useful discriminator between q-qbar and gluonic states and may permit quantitative determination of the extent to which a particular resonance is a mixture of glueball and q-qbar. We also examine the regime of validity of pQCD for predicting the rate of V -> gamma+eta_gluino, the ``extra'' pseudoscalar bound state which would exist if there were light gluinos. From the CUSB limit on peaks in Upsilon -> gamma X, the mass range 3 GeV < m(eta_gluino) < 7 GeV can be excluded. An experiment must be significantly more sensitive to exclude an eta_gluino lighter than this.Comment: 36pp (inc figs),RU-94-04. (Replaces original which didn't latex correctly and didn't have figures.

    Cosmic Ray Spallation in Radio-Quiet Active Galactic Nuclei: A Case Study of NGC 4051

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    We investigate conditions for and consequences of spallation in radio-quiet Seyfert galaxies. The work is motivated by the recent discovery of significant line emission at 5.44 keV in Suzaku data from NGC 4051. The energy of the new line suggests an identification as Cr I Ka emission, however the line is much stronger than would be expected from material with cosmic abundances, leading to a suggestion of enhancement owing to nuclear spallation of Fe by low energy cosmic rays from the active nucleus. We find that the highest abundance enhancements are likely to take place in gas out of the plane of the accretion disk and that timescales for spallation could be as short as a few years. The suggestion of a strong nuclear flux of cosmic rays in a radio-quiet Seyfert galaxy is of particular interest in light of the recent suggestion from Pierre Auger Observatory data that ultra-high-energy cosmic rays may originate in such sources.Comment: 14 pages, 1 figure. Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    HERBVI - a program for simulation of baryon- and lepton- number violating processes

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    We describe a Monte Carlo event generator for the simulation of baryon- and lepton-number violating processes at supercolliders. The package, {\HERBVI}, is designed as a hard-process generator interfacing to the general hadronic event simulation program {\HW}. In view of the very high multiplicity of gauge bosons expected in such processes, particular attention is paid to the efficient generation of multiparticle phase space. The program also takes account of the expected colour structure of baryon-number violating vertices, which has important implications for the hadronization of the final state.Comment: 19 pages, standard LaTeX, no figure

    Experiments to Find or Exclude a Long-Lived, Light Gluino

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    Gluinos in the mass range ~1 1/2 - 3 1/2 GeV are absolutely excluded. Lighter gluinos are allowed, except for certain ranges of lifetime. Only small parts of the mass-lifetime parameter space are excluded for larger masses unless the lifetime is shorter than ~ 2 10^{-11} (m_{gluino}/ GeV) sec. Refined mass and lifetime estimates for R-hadrons are given, present direct and indirect experimental constraints are reviewed, and experiments to find or definitively exclude these possibilities are suggested.Comment: 27 pp, latex with 1 uufiled figure, RU-94-35. New version amplifies discussion of some points and corresponds to version for Phys. Rev.

    Anomalous commutators and electroweak baryogenesis

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    Electroweak vacuum transition processes (sphalerons) in the early Universe provide a possible explanation of the baryon asymmetry. Combining this physics with the anomalous commutators of Adler and Boulware and renormalization group invariance, we argue that electroweak baryon number violation also induces a ``topological condensate'' in the vacuum. QCD sphaleron processes act to distribute the baryon number violation between both left and right handed quarks and induce a spin independent component in this ``condensate''.Comment: 9 page
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