10 research outputs found


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    A nested sampling design was used to examine the variability in density, biomass, sex ratio and size of the estuarine mudprawn Upogebia africana in six estuaries on the south-east coast of South Africa. The objectives were to test the general hypothesis that there is variability in these variables at the scales of regions, estuaries, banks and tidal levels, and then to determine at which spatial scales these were most variable. Nested analyses of variance revealed significant differences in the mean size of mudprawns at the scale of regions, in mean size and sex ratio at the scale of banks, and in all four variables at the scale of tidal levels. The greatest variability in all four variables was at the smallest spatial scale examined. The likely causes of this spatial variability are discussed.Afr. J. mar. Sci. 25: 275–28

    One in four die from acute infectious illness in an emergency department in Eastern Cape Province, South Africa

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    Background. Despite the breadth of data supporting evidence-based practice for sepsis care in high-resource settings, there are relatively few data to guide the management of sepsis in low-resource settings, particularly in areas where HIV and tuberculosis (TB) are prevalent. Furthermore, few studies had broadened sepsis parameters to include all patients with acute infectious illness or followed patients up after hospital discharge. Understanding the epidemiology and outcomes of acute infections in a local context is the critical first step to developing locally informed targeted management strategies.Objectives. To quantify and describe the incidence of and risk factors for mortality in a cohort of patients with undifferentiated acute infectious illnesses who presented to an emergency department (ED) in the Eastern Cape region of South Africa (SA).Methods. In this prospective cohort study, patients with suspected acute infectious illness were enrolled at a district casualty ward in Mthatha, SA, between 1 July and 1 September 2017. Demographic data, interventions, diagnostic studies and disposition were prospectively collected during the initial encounter and during the hospital stay. Follow-up was conducted both in hospital and via phone interviews 30 days after the index visit.Results. A total of 301 patients presented to the ED with acute infectious illness during the study period, of whom 54.8% had complete 30-day follow-up. Of the study population, only 5.7% had a complete set of vital signs (heart rate, respiratory rate, blood pressure and temperature) documented. Of the cohort, 51.8% had HIV and 32.9% active or treated TB; 25.2% of patients died within 30 days. Accounting for medical history, diagnosis and ED interventions, risk of mortality was independently associated with age (odds ratio (OR) 1.03; 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.00 - 1.06), HIV-positive status (OR 4.10; 95% CI 1.44 - 11.67) and Quick Sequential (Sepsis-Related) Organ Failure Assessment (qSOFA) score (OR 1.90; 95% CI 1.14 - 3.19) in an adjusted model. No ED interventions were protective for mortality, with intravenous fluid administration associated with increased 30-day mortality in this cohort (OR 3.65; 95% CI 1.38 - 9.62).Conclusions. Among adults with suspected acute infectious illness in Mthatha, SA, 30-day mortality was concerningly high. Mortality was highest in patients with concomitant HIV infection. In particular, vital sign assessment to identify possible sepsis in this cohort is crucial, as it affects mortality to a meaningful extent, yet is often unavailable. Future research is needed on the management of sepsis in low-resource settings, particularly in HIV-positive individuals

    Effectiveness of Patient Adherence Groups as a Model of Care for Stable Patients on Antiretroviral Therapy in Khayelitsha, Cape Town, South Africa

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    Abstract: Background: Innovative models of care are required to cope with the ever-increasing number of patients on antiretroviral therapy in the most affected countries. This study, in Khayelitsha, South Africa, evaluates the effectiveness of a group-based model of care run predominantly by non-clinical staff in retaining patients in care and maintaining adherence. Methods and Findings: Participation in ‘‘adherence clubs’’ was offered to adults who had been on ART for at least 18 months, had a current CD4 count .200 cells/ml and were virologically suppressed. Embedded in an ongoing cohort study, we compared loss to care and virologic rebound in patients receiving the intervention with patients attending routine nurse-led care from November 2007 to February 2011. We used inverse probability weighting to estimate the intention-totreat effect of adherence club participation, adjusted for measured baseline and time-varying confounders. The principal outcome was the combination of death or loss to follow-up. The secondary outcome was virologic rebound in patients who were virologically suppressed at study entry. Of 2829 patients on ART for .18 months with a CD4 count above 200 cells/ml, 502 accepted club participation. At the end of the study, 97% of club patients remained in care compared with 85% of other patients. In adjusted analyses club participation reduced loss-to-care by 57% (hazard ratio [HR] 0.43, 95% CI = 0.21–0.91) and virologic rebound in patients who were initially suppressed by 67% (HR 0.33, 95% CI = 0.16–0.67). Discussion: Patient adherence groups were found to be an effective model for improving retention and documented virologic suppression for stable patients in long term ART care. Out-of-clinic group-based models facilitated by non-clinical staff are a promising approach to assist in the long-term management of people on ART in high burden low or middleincome settings

    Civil society leadership in the struggle for AIDS treatment in South Africa and Uganda

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    Includes abstract.Includes bibliographical references.This thesis is an attempt to theorise and operationalise empirically the notion of ‘civil society leadership’ in Sub-Saharan Africa. ‘AIDS leadership,’ which is associated with the intergovernmental institutions charged with coordinating the global response to HIV/AIDS, is both under-theorised and highly context-specific. In this study I therefore opt for an inclusive framework that draws on a range of approaches, including the literature on ‘leadership’, institutions, social movements and the ‘network’ perspective on civil society mobilisation. This framework is employed in rich and detailed empirical descriptions (‘thick description’) of civil society mobilisation around AIDS, including contentious AIDS activism, in the key case studies of South Africa and Uganda. South Africa and Uganda are widely considered key examples of poor and good leadership (from national political leaders) respectively, while the Treatment Action Campaign (TAC) and The AIDS Support Organisation (TASO) are both seen as highly effective civil society movements. These descriptions emphasise ‘transnational networks of influence’ in which civil society leaders participated (and at times actively constructed) in order to mobilise both symbolic and material resources aimed at exerting influence at the transnational, national and local levels

    Civil Society Leadership in the Struggle for Aids Treatment in South Africa and Uganda

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