4,021 research outputs found

    Tolerance of Penaeus monodon larvae to cupric sulfate added in bath

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    Copper is used to deter the growth of bacterial, fungal and protozoan disease organism in fishes. Zoeae (Z SUB-1 ), myses (M SUB-1 ) and postlarvae (P SUB-1 ) were exposed to copper sulfate at concentrations of 0 . 025, 0 . 05, 0 . 75, 0 . 1 and 0 . 2 ppm from 24 to 96 hours. The number of surviving larvae were counted at the end of each 24-hour period and the percentage of survival is determined for each dose level. The LC SUB-50 for each of the larval stages was interpolated from the data whenever possible. Three trials with 2 replicates per trial were conducted. The physico-chemical characteristics of the bath taken before and at the end of the experimental period show insignificant differences between initial and final values in each trial. Results indicate that mortality rates of all larval stages increased with exposure time and that mortality rates of the experimental group is higher than the control. Interpolation of the LC SUB-50 is possible only for the 48-h and 72-h exposure times for both zoeae and myses and for the 48-h exposure time for the postlarvae. This is due to the high survival percentage of the 24-h group and the low survival percentage (below 50%) of the larvae exposed for 96 hours. The 48-hour LC SUB-50 for Z SUB-1 , M SUB-1 and P SUB-1 are 0 . 225, 0 . 350 and 0 . 125 ppm respectively. Postlarvae seem to be more sensitive than either of the 2 larval stages having a lower 48-h LC SUB-50 and a low survival rate after 72 hours. The larvae were observed to lose their balance and were lethargic, producing few swimming movements so that they were mostly confined to the bottom of the aquaria. Moribund larvae observed under the microscope had a faster but weak heartbeat compared to healthy larvae. Slight or complete loss of feeding ability indicated by empty guts and delayed molting of Z SUB-1 to Z SUB-2 were also noted

    A comparative study of various extenders of milkfish, Chanos chanos (Forsskal) sperm preservation

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    Four chemical extenders in 7 different concentrations (potassium chloride, sodium chloride, glucose, sodium citrate, Ringer s solution, cow serum and milkfish (Chanos chanos) serum) were compared in the preservation of milkfish sperm. Results showed milkfish serum to be the most suitable of the various extenders tested. This may be attributed to suitable osmotic potential and/or presence of proteins which may have directly or indirectly influenced sperm viability. The effects of milkfish serum on the motility and fertilizing capacity of sperm at different durations of storage however need to be investigated

    Complete Fusion Enhancement and Suppression of Weakly Bound Nuclei at Near Barrier Energies

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    We consider the influence of breakup channels on the complete fusion of weakly bound systems in terms of dynamic polarization potentials. It is argued that the enhancement of the cross section at sub-barrier energies may be consistent with recent experimental observations that nucleon transfer, often leading to breakup, is dominant compared to direct breakup. The main trends of the experimental complete fusion cross section for 6,7^{6,7}Li + 209^{209}Bi are analyzed in the framework of the DPP approach.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figure

    Large Scale Flows from Orion-South

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    Multiple optical outflows are known to exist in the vicinity of the active star formation region called Orion-South (Orion-S). We have mapped the velocity of low ionization features in the brightest part of the Orion Nebula, including Orion-S, and imaged the entire nebula with the Hubble Space Telescope. These new data, combined with recent high resolution radio maps of outflows from the Orion-S region, allow us to trace the origin of the optical outflows. It is confirmed that HH 625 arises from the blueshifted lobe of the CO outflow from 136-359 in Orion-S while it is likely that HH 507 arises from the blueshifted lobe of the SiO outflow from the nearby source 135-356. It is likely that redshifted lobes are deflected within the photon dominated region behind the optical nebula. This leads to a possible identification of a new large shock to the southwest from Orion-S as being driven by the redshifted CO outflow arising from 137-408. The distant object HH 400 is seen to have two even further components and these all are probably linked to either HH 203, HH 204, or HH 528. Distant shocks on the west side of the nebula may be related to HH 269. The sources of multiple bright blueshifted Herbig-Haro objects (HH 202, HH 203, HH 204, HH 269, HH 528) remain unidentified, in spite of earlier claimed identifications. Some of this lack of identification may arise from the fact that deflection in radial velocity can also produce a change in direction in the plane of the sky. The best way to resolve this open question is through improved tangential velocities of low ionization features arising where the outflows first break out into the ionized nebula.Comment: Astronomical Journal, in press. Some figures are shown at reduced resolution. A full-resolution version is available at http://ifront.org/wiki/Orion_South_Outflows_Pape

    Four-body effects on 9Be + 208Pb scattering and fusion around the Coulomb barrier

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    We investigate the 9Be + 208Pb elastic scattering and fusion at energies around the Coulomb barrier. The 9^9Be nucleus is described in a \alpha + \alpha + n three-body model, using the hyperspherical coordinate method. The scattering with 208^{208}Pb is then studied with the Continuum Discretized Coupled Channel (CDCC) method, where the \alpha + \alpha + n continuum is approximated by a discrete number of pseudostates. Optical potentials for the α+208\alpha+^{208}Pb and n+208n+^{208}Pb systems are taken from the literature. We present elastic-scattering and fusion cross sections at different energies, and investigate the convergence with respect to the truncation of the \alpha + \alpha + n continuum. A good agreement with experiment is obtained, considering that there is no parameter fitting. We show that continuum effects increase at low energies.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures. Submitted to the proceedings of the "NUBA Conference Series -1: Nuclear Physics and Astrophysics" Adrasan-Antalya, Turkey, September 15-21, 201

    Effective Widths and Effective Number of Phonons of Multiphonon Giant Resonances

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    We discuss the origin of the difference between the harmonic value of the width of the multiphonon giant resonances and the smaller observed value. Analytical expressions are derived for both the effective width and the average cross-section. The contribution of the Brink-Axel mechanism in resolving the discrepancy is pointed out.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure

    The Coulomb phase shift revisited

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    We investigate the Coulomb phase shift, and derive and analyze new and more precise analytical formulae. We consider next to leading order terms to the Stirling approximation, and show that they are important at small values of the angular momentum ll and other regimes. We employ the uniform approximation. The use of our expressions in low energy scattering of charged particles is discussed and some comparisons are made with other approximation methods.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures, 1 tabl

    Quark Delocalization, Color Screening, and Nuclear Intermediate Range Attraction

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    We consider the effect of including quark delocalization and color screening, in the nonrelativistic quark cluster model, on baryon-baryon potentials and phase shifts. We find that the inclusion of these additional effects allows a good qualitative description of both.Comment: 10 pages, LaTeX, 4 figures in PostScript after text, LA-UR-91-215

    Avaliação holística do doente com ferida: boas práticas no serviço de Cirurgia C

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    Formação dada ao grupo de enfermeiros, no contexto das boas práticas na abordagem do doente com feridaN/

    Accretion Disks Around Young Objects. II. Tests of Well-Mixed Models with Ism Dust

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    We construct detailed vertical structure models of irradiated accretion disks around T Tauri stars with interstellar medium dust uniformly mixed with gas. The dependence of the structure and emission properties on mass accretion rate, viscosity parameter, and disk radius is explored using these models. The theoretical spectral energy distributions (SEDs) and images for all inclinations are compared with observations of the entire population of Classical T Tauri stars (CTTS) and Class I objects in Taurus. In particular, we find that the median near-infrared fluxes can be explained within the errors with the most recent values for the median accretion rates for CTTS. We further show that the majority of the Class I sources in Taurus cannot be Class II sources viewed edge-on because they are too luminous and their colors would be consistent with disks seen only in a narrow range of inclinations. Our models appear to be too geometrically thick at large radii, as suggested by: (a) larger far-infrared disk emission than in the typical SEDs of T Tauri stars; (b) wider dark dust lanes in the model images than in the images of HH30 and HK Tau/c; and (c) larger predicted number of stars extincted by edge-on disks than consistent with current surveys. The large thickness of the model is a consequence of the assumption that dust and gas are well-mixed, suggesting that some degree of dust settling may be required to explain the observations.Comment: 41 pages, 13 figures, accepted in Ap