139 research outputs found

    Many-quark interactions: Large-NN scaling and contribution to baryon masses

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    Starting from an effective Hamiltonian modelling a baryon made of NN identical quarks in the large-NN approach of QCD, we obtain analytical formulas allowing to estimate the contributions of multiquark interactions to the baryon mass. The cases of vanishing (mass spectrum) and non-vanishing (baryon melting) temperatures are treated

    Modified Newton's law, braneworlds, and the gravitational quantum well

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    Most of the theories involving extra dimensions assume that only the gravitational interaction can propagate in them. In such approaches, called brane world models, the effective, 4-dimensional, Newton's law is modified at short as well as at large distances. Usually, the deformation of Newton's law at large distances is parametrized by a Yukawa potential, which arises mainly from theories with compactified extra dimensions. In many other models however, the extra dimensions are infinite. These approaches lead to a large distance power-law deformation of the gravitational newtonian potential VN(r)V_N(r), namely V(r)=(1+kb/rb)VN(r)V(r)=(1+k_b/r^b)V_N(r), which is less studied in the literature. We investigate here the dynamics of a particle in a gravitational quantum well with such a power-law deformation. The effects of the deformation on the energy spectrum are discussed. We also compare our modified spectrum to the results obtained with the GRANIT experiment, where the effects of the Earth's gravitational field on quantum states of ultra cold neutrons moving above a mirror are studied. This comparison leads to upper bounds on bb and kbk_b.Comment: 11 pages, 1 figur

    Casimir scaling and Yang–Mills glueballs

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    We conjecture that in Yang-Mills theories the ratio between the ground-state glueball mass squared and the string tension is proportional to the ratio of the eigenvalues of quadratic Casimir operators in the adjoint and the fundamental representations. The proportionality constant de- pends on the dimension of the space-time only, and is henceforth universal. We argue that this universality, which is supported by available lattice results, is a direct consequence of area-law confinement. In order to explain this universal behaviour, we provide three analytical arguments, based respectively on a Bethe-Salpeter analysis, on the saturation of the scale anomaly by the lightest scalar glueball and on QCD sum rules, commenting on the underlying assumptions that they entail and on their physical implications

    What makes SMEs more likely to collaborate? Analysing the role of regional policy

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    The last twenty years have witnessed the diffusion of regional innovation policies supporting networks of innovators. The underlying aim of these policies is to encourage firms, particularly SMEs, to undertake collaborations with organisations possessing complementary knowledge. Focusing on a set of SMEs that have participated, over time, in several innovation networks funded by the same regional government, the paper investigates how their relationships have evolved with respect to the following aspects: (i) reiteration of pre-existing relationships as opposed to experimentation of new relationships; (ii) collaboration with organisations possessing complementary rather than similar knowledge and competencies; (iii) creation of local relationships rather than experimentation of extra-local collaborations; (iv) reliance upon intermediaries to connect with other organisations. Our findings reveal that the involvement in these policy-supported networks changed the firms’ relational patterns, leading them to collaborate with a wider variety of agents than those with whom they were linked before the policies. Sectoral heterogeneity had a negative effect on the probability to collaborate, while co-localisation increased the likelihood to collaborate. Mutual involvement with intermediaries also had a positive effect. However, in the case of firm-to-university relationships only specialized intermediaries were likely to perform a positive role and, therefore, encourage networking

    A minimal quasiparticle approach for the QGP and its large-NcN_c limits

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    We propose a quasiparticle approach allowing to compute the equation of state of a generic gauge theory with gauge group SU(NcN_c) and quarks in an arbitrary representation. Our formalism relies on the thermal quasiparticle masses (quarks and gluons) computed from Hard-Thermal-Loop techniques, in which the standard two-loop running coupling constant is used. Our model is minimal in the sense that we do not allow any extra ansatz concerning the temperature-dependence of the running coupling. We first show that it is able to reproduce the most recent equations of state computed on the lattice for temperatures higher than 2 TcT_c. In this range of temperatures, an ideal gas framework is indeed expected to be relevant. Then we study the accuracy of various inequivalent large-NcN_c limits concerning the description of the QCD results, as well as the equivalence between the QCDAS_{AS} limit and the N=1{\cal N}=1 SUSY Yang-Mills theory. Finally, we estimate the dissociation temperature of the Υ\Upsilon-meson and comment on the estimations' stability regarding the different considered large-NcN_c limits.Comment: 19 pages, 6 figure

    Coordinated optimization of visual cortical maps (II) Numerical studies

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    It is an attractive hypothesis that the spatial structure of visual cortical architecture can be explained by the coordinated optimization of multiple visual cortical maps representing orientation preference (OP), ocular dominance (OD), spatial frequency, or direction preference. In part (I) of this study we defined a class of analytically tractable coordinated optimization models and solved representative examples in which a spatially complex organization of the orientation preference map is induced by inter-map interactions. We found that attractor solutions near symmetry breaking threshold predict a highly ordered map layout and require a substantial OD bias for OP pinwheel stabilization. Here we examine in numerical simulations whether such models exhibit biologically more realistic spatially irregular solutions at a finite distance from threshold and when transients towards attractor states are considered. We also examine whether model behavior qualitatively changes when the spatial periodicities of the two maps are detuned and when considering more than 2 feature dimensions. Our numerical results support the view that neither minimal energy states nor intermediate transient states of our coordinated optimization models successfully explain the spatially irregular architecture of the visual cortex. We discuss several alternative scenarios and additional factors that may improve the agreement between model solutions and biological observations.Comment: 55 pages, 11 figures. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1102.335

    Government policy failure in public support for research and development

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    peer-reviewedPromoting Research and Development (R&D) and innovative activity is a key element of the EU Lisbon Agenda and is seen as playing a central part in stimulating economic development. In this paper we argue that, even allowing for benevolent policy-makers, informational asymmetries can lead to a misallocation of public support for R&D, hence government policy failure, with the potential to exacerbate preexisting market failures. Initially, we explore alternative allocation mechanisms for public support, which can help to minimize the scale of these government policy failures. Of these mechanisms (grants, tax credits, or allocation rules based on past performance), our results suggest that none is universally most efficient. Rather, the effectiveness of each allocation rule depends on the severity of financial constraints and on the level of innovative capabilities of the firms themselves.ACCEPTEDpeer-reviewe

    Thermodynamics of SU(N) Yang-Mills theories in 2+1 dimensions II - The deconfined phase

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    We present a non-perturbative study of the equation of state in the deconfined phase of Yang-Mills theories in D=2+1 dimensions. We introduce a holographic model, based on the improved holographic QCD model, from which we derive a non-trivial relation between the order of the deconfinement phase transition and the behavior of the trace of the energy-momentum tensor as a function of the temperature T. We compare the theoretical predictions of this holographic model with a new set of high-precision numerical results from lattice simulations of SU(N) theories with N=2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 colors. The latter reveal that, similarly to the D=3+1 case, the bulk equilibrium thermodynamic quantities (pressure, trace of the energy-momentum tensor, energy density and entropy density) exhibit nearly perfect proportionality to the number of gluons, and can be successfully compared with the holographic predictions in a broad range of temperatures. Finally, we also show that, again similarly to the D=3+1 case, the trace of the energy-momentum tensor appears to be proportional to T^2 in a wide temperature range, starting from approximately 1.2 T_c, where T_c denotes the critical deconfinement temperature.Comment: 2+36 pages, 10 figures; v2: comments added, curves showing the holographic predictions included in the plots of the pressure and energy and entropy densities, typos corrected: version published in JHE

    The structure of the Yang-Mills spectrum for arbitrary simple gauge algebras

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    The mass spectrum of pure Yang-Mills theory in 3+1 dimensions is discussed for an arbitrary simple gauge algebra within a quasigluon picture. The general structure of the low-lying gluelump and two-quasigluon glueball spectrum is shown to be common to all algebras, while the lightest C=−C=- three-quasigluon glueballs only exist when the gauge algebra is Ar≥2_{r\geq 2}, that is in particular su(N≥3)\mathfrak{su}(N\geq3). Higher-lying C=−C=- glueballs are shown to exist only for the Ar≥2_{r\geq2}, Dodd−r≥4_{{\rm odd}-r\geq 4} and E6_6 gauge algebras. The shape of the static energy between adjoint sources is also discussed assuming the Casimir scaling hypothesis and a funnel form; it appears to be gauge-algebra dependent when at least three sources are considered. As a main result, the present framework's predictions are shown to be consistent with available lattice data in the particular case of an su(N)\mathfrak{su}(N) gauge algebra within 't Hooft's large-NN limit.Comment: 21 pages, 4 figures; remarks added, typos corrected in v2. v3 to appear in EPJ

    Fractal analyses reveal independent complexity and predictability of gait

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    Locomotion is a natural task that has been assessed for decades and used as a proxy to highlight impairments of various origins. So far, most studies adopted classical linear analyses of spatio-temporal gait parameters. Here, we use more advanced, yet not less practical, non-linear techniques to analyse gait time series of healthy subjects. We aimed at finding more sensitive indexes related to spatio-temporal gait parameters than those previously used, with the hope to better identify abnormal locomotion. We analysed large-scale stride interval time series and mean step width in 34 participants while altering walking direction (forward vs. backward walking) and with or without galvanic vestibular stimulation. The Hurst exponent α and the Minkowski fractal dimension D were computed and interpreted as indexes expressing predictability and complexity of stride interval time series, respectively. These holistic indexes can easily be interpreted in the framework of optimal movement complexity. We show that α and D accurately capture stride interval changes in function of the experimental condition. Walking forward exhibited maximal complexity (D) and hence, adaptability. In contrast, walking backward and/or stimulation of the vestibular system decreased D. Furthermore, walking backward increased predictability (α) through a more stereotyped pattern of the stride interval and galvanic vestibular stimulation reduced predictability. The present study demonstrates the complementary power of the Hurst exponent and the fractal dimension to improve walking classification. Our developments may have immediate applications in rehabilitation, diagnosis, and classification procedures
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