363 research outputs found

    Modified Gravity Away from a Λ\LambdaCDM Background

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    Within the effective field theory approach to cosmic acceleration, the background expansion can be specified separately from the gravitational modifications. We explore the impact of modified gravity in a background different from a cosmological constant plus cold dark matter (Λ\LambdaCDM) on the stability and cosmological observables, including covariance between gravity and expansion parameters. In No Slip Gravity the more general background allows more gravitational freedom, including both positive and negative Planck mass running. We examine the effects on cosmic structure growth, as well as showing that a viable positive integrated Sachs-Wolfe effect crosscorrelation easily arises from this modified gravity theory. Using current data we constrain parameters with a Monte Carlo analysis, finding a maximum running αM0.03|\alpha_M|\lesssim 0.03. We provide the modified {\tt hi\_class} code publicly on GitHub, now enabling computation and inclusion of the redshift space distortion observable fσ8f\sigma_8 as well as the No Slip Gravity modifications.Comment: 14 pages, 13 figures. Matches published version in JCAP, LCDM discussion adde

    Quantum Griffiths phase in CePd(1-x)Rh(x) with x ~ 0.8

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    The magnetic field dependence of the magnetisation (MM) and the temperature dependence of the ac susceptibility (χ=dM/dH\chi' = dM/dH) of CePd(1-x)Rh(x) single crystals with 0.80x0.860.80 \leq x \leq 0.86 are analysed within the frame of the quantum Griffiths phase scenario, which predicts MHλM \propto H^{\lambda} and χTλ1\chi' \propto T^{\lambda-1} with 0λ10 \leq \lambda \leq 1. All MM vs HH and χ\chi' vs TT data follow the predicted power-law behaviour. The parameter λ\lambda, extracted from χ(T)\chi'(T), is very sensitive to the Rh content xx and varies systematically with xx from -0.1 to 0.4. The value of λ\lambda, derived from M(H)M(H) measurements on a \cpr single crystal, seems to be rather constant, λ0.2\lambda \approx 0.2, in a broad range of temperatures between 0.05 and 2 K and fields up to about 10 T. All observed signatures and the λ\lambda values are thus compatible with the quantum Griffiths scenario.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Reef Rescue Marine Monitoring Program: Using remote sensing for GBR-wide water quality. Final report for 2012/13 activities

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    This report delivers management relevant information of flood events and inshore water quality compliance based on tailored temporal and spatial analysis of remote sensing data, carried out by CSIRO as part of the Reef Rescue Marine Monitoring Program (MMP) from 2005 to 2013


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    Untuk memulai suatu pekerjaan konstruksi tentunya kita perlu perencanaan yang matang agar supaya pekerjaan tersebut dapat berjalan lancar, mulai dari tahapan Feasibility Study (Studi Kelayakan), Detail Engineering Design (DED), sampai dengan Tahap Pelaksanaan, yang semuanya itu harus dilakukan dalam rangka mencapai output suatu pekerjaan. Tujuan dan pemilihan alat berat yang benar tentunya menjadi salah satu kelancaran dalam pembangunan konsrtuksi, apalagi untuk pembangunan bendungan, apalagi untuk pekerjaan penggalian dan penimbunan.Tugas Akhir ini memiliki pokok pembahasan, yaitu untuk mengetahui produktifitas alat berat, jumlah alat berat yang dibutuhkan dan waktu pelaksanaan pekerjaan, dalam pembangunan bendungan lolak. Penelitian ini dibatasi pada masalah produktivitas alat berat, dan jumlah alat yang akan digunakan dalam pekerjaan penimbunan bendungan, yang berkaitan dari kombinasi alat barat excavator VOLVO EC480D, dump truck isuzu FVZ 285, bulldozer D85, sheep foot roller SAKAI SV520T, vibration roller CATERPILLAR CS533E.Adapun jumlah alat dan tipe alat yang akan digunakan dari hasil perhitungan untuk timbunan bendungan utama pada zona 1-4 adalah : untuk zona 1 dengan volume 196,856,69  m3 didapat 1 unit bulldozer D85, 1 unit sheep foot roller SAKAI SV520T, dan 1 unit vibration roller CATERPILLAR CS533E. untuk zona 2 dengan volume 86,805,33 m3 didapat 1 unit vibration roller CATERPILLAR CS533E. untuk zona 3 dengan volume 77,333,12 m3 didapat 1 unit vibration roller CATERPILLAR CS533E. untuk zona 4 dengan volume 141,173,84 m3 didapat 1 unit bulldozer D85, 1 unit sheep foot roller SAKAI SV520T, 1unit vibration roller CATERPILLAR CS533E.dengan lama waktu penyelesaian 300 hari kalender..Kata Kunci: Bendungan Lolak, Produktivitas, Excavator, Dump Truck, Bulldozer, Compacto


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    Abstrak Kepariwisataan merupakan salah satu faktor pendorong ekonomi terkuat di Indonesia terlebih khusus pariwisata maritim, berhubung Indonesia merupakan suatu negara kepulauan sehingga pengadaan sarana dan prasarana transportasi laut berupa terminal pelabuhan menjadi sangat penting baik sebagai fungsi perhubungan transportasi orang antar pulau, pengembangan ekonomi daerah, serta sebagai pendukung berlangsungnya kegiatan pariwisata. Melihat kondisi terminal pelabuhan Manado sekarang, masih terdapat beberapa kekurangan yang masih dapat dioptimalkan terkait pengelolaan terminal penumpang serta fasilitas – fasilitas pendukung pada objek tersebut berupa lahan parkir, pola sirkulasi kendaraan yang terkesan tidak teratur, serta pengorganisasian ruang dalam. Terminal penumpang pelabuhan Manado juga memiliki banyak potensi yang masih dapat dimanfaatkan, salah satunya adalah nilai historik yang terkandung pada lokasi tersebut berupa bangunan eks belandayang dapat meningkatkan nilai historik tapak sebagai suatu tujuan pariwisata, sehingga arsitektur vernakular dapat digunakan untuk mempertahankan nilai tersebut serta dapat mempresentasikan budaya – budaya rumah adat Walewangko. Namun melihat perkembangan jaman sekarang, gaya arsitektur yangsering digunakan adalah modern, serta pada masa kini sudah terdapat berbagai macam teknologi, bahan dan material yang lebih maju, sehingga arsitektur vernakular akan mudah dianggap kuno. Maka dari itu, arsitektur neo vernakular akan diterapkan agar objek dapat beradaptasi dengan perkembangan jaman terkait bangunan bangunan modern. Dalam perancangan ini, metode perancangan yang digunakan adalah metode “glassbox” yang merupakan metode perancangan yang tidak timbul secara spontan melainkan dilakukan secara bertahap, dengan memperhatikan serta mempertimbangkan hal-hal tertentu berupa data, analisa dan sintesis.  Kata Kunci – Pelabuhan, Terminal, Arsitektur, Kepariwisataan, Manado.   Abstract Tourism is one of the strongest economic driving factors in Indonesia, especially maritime tourism, because Indonesia is an archipelagic country so that the procurement of marine transportation facilities and infrastructure in the form of port terminals is very important both as a function of inter-island transportation for people, regional economic development, and as a support to the ongoing tourism activities. Looking at the current condition of the Manado port terminal, there are still some deficiancy that can still be optimized related to the management of the passenger terminal and the supporting facilities on the object in the form of parking lots, vehicle circulation patterns that seem irregular, and the organization of indoor space. Manado Port Passenger Terminal also has a lot of potential that can still be utilized, one of which is the historical value contained at the location in the form of ex-Dutch buildings which can increase the historical value of the site as a tourism destination, therefore vernacular architecture can be used to maintain the historical value also can represent some of the traditional house Walewangko. Looking at current developments of time, the architectural style that is often used is the modern style, and nowadays there are various kinds of technology, tools and materials that are more advanced, so that vernacular architecture will easily be considered ancient. Therefore, neo vernacular architecture will be applied so that objects can adapt to the developments of the times related to modern buildings. In this design, the design method used is the "glassbox" method, which is a design method that does not arise spontaneously but is carried out in stages, taking into account and considering certain things in the form of data, analysis and synthesis.  Keywords – Port, Terminal, Architecture, Tourism, Manado

    Reef Rescue Marine Monitoring Program: Assessment of terrestrial run-off entering the Reef and inshore marine water quality monitoring using earth observation data. Final report for 2010/11 activities

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    This report delivers management relevant information of flood events and inshore water quality compliance based on tailored temporal and spatial analysis of remote sensing data, carried out by CSIRO as part of the Reef Rescue Marine Monitoring Program (MMP) from 2005 to 2010

    Quantum Tricritical Points in NbFe2_2

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    Quantum critical points (QCPs) emerge when a 2nd order phase transition is suppressed to zero temperature. In metals the quantum fluctuations at such a QCP can give rise to new phases including unconventional superconductivity. Whereas antiferromagnetic QCPs have been studied in considerable detail ferromagnetic (FM) QCPs are much harder to access. In almost all metals FM QCPs are avoided through either a change to 1st order transitions or through an intervening spin-density-wave (SDW) phase. Here, we study the prototype of the second case, NbFe2_2. We demonstrate that the phase diagram can be modelled using a two-order-parameter theory in which the putative FM QCP is buried within a SDW phase. We establish the presence of quantum tricritical points (QTCPs) at which both the uniform and finite qq susceptibility diverge. The universal nature of our model suggests that such QTCPs arise naturally from the interplay between SDW and FM order and exist generally near a buried FM QCP of this type. Our results promote NbFe2_2 as the first example of a QTCP, which has been proposed as a key concept in a range of narrow-band metals, including the prominent heavy-fermion compound YbRh2_2Si2_2.Comment: 21 pages including S

    Magnetism in Nb(1-y)Fe(2+y) - composition and magnetic field dependence

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    We present a systematic study of transport and thermodynamic properties of the Laves phase system Nb1y_{1-y}Fe2+y_{2+y}. Our measurements confirm that Fe-rich samples, as well as those rich in Nb (for y0.02\mid y\mid\geq 0.02), show bulk ferromagnetism at low temperature. For stoichiometric NbFe2_2, on the other hand, magnetization, magnetic susceptibility and magnetoresistance results point towards spin-density wave (SDW) order, possibly helical, with a small ordering wavevector Q0.05Q \sim 0.05 \AA1^{-1}. Our results suggest that on approaching the stoichiometric composition from the iron-rich side, ferromagnetism changes into long-wavelength SDW order. In this scenario, QQ changes continuously from 0 to small, finite values at a Lifshitz point in the phase diagram, which is located near y=+0.02y=+0.02. Further reducing the Fe content suppresses the SDW transition temperature, which extrapolates to zero at y0.015y\approx -0.015. Around this Fe content magnetic fluctuations dominate the temperature dependence of the resistivity and of the heat capacity which deviate from their conventional Fermi liquid forms, inferring the presence of a quantum critical point. Because the critical point is located between the SDW phase associated with stoichiometric NbFe2_2 and the ferromagnetic order which reemerges for very Nb-rich NbFe2_2, the observed temperature dependences could be attributed both to proximity to SDW order or to ferromagnetism.Comment: 13 pages, 20 figure