363 research outputs found

    FAST-NMR - Functional Annotation Screening Technology Using NMR Spectroscopy

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    An abundance of protein structures emerging from structural genomics and the Protein Structure Initiative (PSI) are not amenable to ready functional assignment because of a lack of sequence and structural homology to proteins of known function. We describe a high-throughput NMR methodology (FAST-NMR) to annotate the biological function of novel proteins through the structural and sequence analysis of protein-ligand interactions. This is based on basic tenets of biochemistry where proteins with similar functions will have similar active sites and exhibit similar ligand binding interactions, despite global differences in sequence and structure. Protein-ligand interactions are determined through a tiered NMR screen using a library composed of compounds with known biological activity. A rapid co-structure is determined by combining the experimental identification of the ligand-binding site from NMR chemical shift perturbations with the proteinligand docking program AutoDock. Our CPASS (Comparison of Protein Active Site Structures) software and database is then used to compare this active site with proteins of known function. The methodology is demonstrated using unannotated protein SAV1430 from Staphylococcus aureus

    FAST-NMR - Functional Annotation Screening Technology Using NMR Spectroscopy

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    An abundance of protein structures emerging from structural genomics and the Protein Structure Initiative (PSI) are not amenable to ready functional assignment because of a lack of sequence and structural homology to proteins of known function. We describe a high-throughput NMR methodology (FAST-NMR) to annotate the biological function of novel proteins through the structural and sequence analysis of protein-ligand interactions. This is based on basic tenets of biochemistry where proteins with similar functions will have similar active sites and exhibit similar ligand binding interactions, despite global differences in sequence and structure. Protein-ligand interactions are determined through a tiered NMR screen using a library composed of compounds with known biological activity. A rapid co-structure is determined by combining the experimental identification of the ligand-binding site from NMR chemical shift perturbations with the proteinligand docking program AutoDock. Our CPASS (Comparison of Protein Active Site Structures) software and database is then used to compare this active site with proteins of known function. The methodology is demonstrated using unannotated protein SAV1430 from Staphylococcus aureus

    Pharmacological inhibition of Bcl-xL sensitizes osteosarcoma to doxorubicin

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    High-grade conventional osteosarcoma is the most common primary bone tumor. Prognosis for osteosarcoma patients is poor and resistance to chemotherapy is common. We performed an siRNA screen targeting members of the Bcl-2 family in human osteosarcoma cell lines to identify critical regulators of osteosarcoma cell survival. Silencing the anti-apoptotic family member Bcl-xL but also the pro-apoptotic member Bak using a SMARTpool of siRNAs as well as 4/4 individual siRNAs caused loss of viability. Loss of Bak impaired cell cycle progression and triggered autophagy. Instead, silencing Bcl-xL induced apoptotic cell death. Bcl-xL was expressed in clinical osteosarcoma samples but mRNA or protein levels did not significantly correlate with therapy response or survival. Nevertheless, pharmacological inhibition of a range of Bcl-2 family members showed that inhibitors targeting Bcl-xL synergistically enhanced the response to the chemotherapeutic agent, doxorubicin. Indeed, in osteosarcoma cells strongly expressing Bcl-xL, the Bcl-xL-selective BH3 mimetic, WEHI-539 potently enhanced apoptosis in the presence of low doses of doxorubicin. Our results identify Bcl-xL as a candidate drug target for sensitization to chemotherapy in patients with osteosarcoma

    Geometric control of vascular networks to enhance engineered tissue integration and function

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    Tissue vascularization and integration with host circulation remains a key barrier to the translation of engineered tissues into clinically relevant therapies. Here, we used a microtissue molding approach to demonstrate that constructs containing highly aligned “cords” of endothelial cells triggered the formation of new capillaries along the length of the patterned cords. These vessels became perfused with host blood as early as 3 d post implantation and became progressively more mature through 28 d. Immunohistochemical analysis showed that the neovessels were composed of human and mouse endothelial cells and exhibited a mature phenotype, as indicated by the presence of alpha-smooth muscle actin–positive pericytes. Implantation of cords with a prescribed geometry demonstrated that they provided a template that defined the neovascular architecture in vivo. To explore the utility of this geometric control, we implanted primary rat and human hepatocyte constructs containing randomly organized endothelial networks vs. ordered cords. We found substantially enhanced hepatic survival and function in the constructs containing ordered cords following transplantation in mice. These findings demonstrate the importance of multicellular architecture in tissue integration and function, and our approach provides a unique strategy to engineer vascular architecture.National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant EB08396)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant EB00262)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (National Research Service Award 1F32DK091007

    Electrochemistry at nanoscale electrodes : individual single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) and SWNT-templated metal nanowires

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    Individual nanowires (NWs) and native single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) can be readily used as well-defined nanoscale electrodes (NSEs) for voltammetric analysis. Here, the simple photolithography-free fabrication of submillimeter long Au, Pt, and Pd NWs, with sub-100 nm heights, by templated electrodeposition onto ultralong flow-aligned SWNTs is demonstrated. Both individual Au NWs and SWNTs are employed as NSEs for electron-transfer (ET) kinetic quantification, using cyclic voltammetry (CV), in conjunction with a microcapillary-based electrochemical method. A small capillary with internal diameter in the range 30–70 μm, filled with solution containing a redox-active mediator (FcTMA+ ((trimethylammonium)methylferrocene), Fe(CN)64–, or hydrazine) is positioned above the NSE, so that the solution meniscus completes an electrochemical cell. A 3D finite-element model, faithfully reproducing the experimental geometry, is used to both analyze the experimental CVs and derive the rate of heterogeneous ET, using Butler–Volmer kinetics. For a 70 nm height Au NW, intrinsic rate constants, k0, up to ca. 1 cm s–1 can be resolved. Using the same experimental configuration the electrochemistry of individual SWNTs can also be accessed. For FcTMA+/2+ electrolysis the simulated ET kinetic parameters yield very fast ET kinetics (k0 > 2 ± 1 cm s–1). Some deviation between the experimental voltammetry and the idealized model is noted, suggesting that double-layer effects may influence ET at the nanoscale

    The use of communal rearing of families and DNA pooling in aquaculture genomic selection schemes

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Traditional family-based aquaculture breeding programs, in which families are kept separately until individual tagging and most traits are measured on the sibs of the candidates, are costly and require a high level of reproductive control. The most widely used alternative is a selection scheme, where families are reared communally and the candidates are selected based on their own individual measurements of the traits under selection. However, in the latter selection schemes, inclusion of new traits depends on the availability of non-invasive techniques to measure the traits on selection candidates. This is a severe limitation of these schemes, especially for disease resistance and fillet quality traits.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Here, we present a new selection scheme, which was validated using computer simulations comprising 100 families, among which 1, 10 or 100 were reared communally in groups. Pooling of the DNA from 2000, 20000 or 50000 test individuals with the highest and lowest phenotypes was used to estimate 500, 5000 or 10000 marker effects. One thousand or 2000 out of 20000 candidates were preselected for a growth-like trait. These pre-selected candidates were genotyped, and they were selected on their genome-wide breeding values for a trait that could not be measured on the candidates.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A high accuracy of selection, i.e. 0.60-0.88 was obtained with 20000-50000 test individuals but it was reduced when only 2000 test individuals were used. This shows the importance of having large numbers of phenotypic records to accurately estimate marker effects. The accuracy of selection decreased with increasing numbers of families per group.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>This new selection scheme combines communal rearing of families, pre-selection of candidates, DNA pooling and genomic selection and makes multi-trait selection possible in aquaculture selection schemes without keeping families separately until individual tagging is possible. The new scheme can also be used for other farmed species, for which the cost of genotyping test individuals may be high, e.g. if trait heritability is low.</p
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