38 research outputs found
Current Oscillations, Interacting Hall Discs and Boundary CFTs
In this paper, we discuss the behavior of conformal field theories
interacting at a single point. The edge states of the quantum Hall effect (QHE)
system give rise to a particular representation of a chiral Kac-Moody current
algebra. We show that in the case of QHE systems interacting at one point we
obtain a ``twisted'' representation of the current algebra. The condition for
stationarity of currents is the same as the classical Kirchoff's law applied to
the currents at the interaction point. We find that in the case of two discs
touching at one point, since the currents are chiral, they are not stationary
and one obtains current oscillations between the two discs. We determine the
frequency of these oscillations in terms of an effective parameter
characterizing the interaction. The chiral conformal field theories can be
represented in terms of bosonic Lagrangians with a boundary interaction. We
discuss how these one point interactions can be represented as boundary
conditions on fields, and how the requirement of chirality leads to
restrictions on the interactions described by these Lagrangians. By gauging
these models we find that the theory is naturally coupled to a Chern-Simons
gauge theory in 2+1 dimensions, and this coupling is completely determined by
the requirement of anomaly cancellation.Comment: 32 pages, LateX. Uses amstex, amssymb. Typos corrected. To appear in
Int. J. Mod. Phys.
Current Algebra and Conformal Field Theory on a Figure Eight
We examine the dynamics of a free massless scalar field on a figure eight
network. Upon requiring the scalar field to have a well defined value at the
junction of the network, it is seen that the conserved currents of the theory
satisfy Kirchhoff's law, that is that the current flowing into the junction
equals the current flowing out. We obtain the corresponding current algebra and
show that, unlike on a circle, the left- and right-moving currents on the
figure eight do not in general commute in quantum theory. Since a free scalar
field theory on a one dimensional spatial manifold exhibits conformal symmetry,
it is natural to ask whether an analogous symmetry can be defined for the
figure eight. We find that, unlike in the case of a manifold, the action plus
boundary conditions for the network are not invariant under separate conformal
transformations associated with left- and right-movers. Instead, the system is,
at best, invariant under only a single set of transformations. Its conserved
current is also found to satisfy Kirchhoff's law at the junction. We obtain the
associated conserved charges, and show that they generate a Virasoro algebra.
Its conformal anomaly (central charge) is computed for special values of the
parameters characterizing the network.Comment: 39 pages; Latex with 1 figure included in encapsulated postscript
format. psbox.tex require
The impact of oil prices on soybeans commodity prices: asymmetric cointegration evidence
The increases in soybean commodity prices are attributed to increase in oil prices which have affected the prices of agricultural grains commodity products such as soybean oil price. The study investigates asymmetric relationship between soybeans commodity price and crude oil price using most recent data. In order to account for possible asymmetric effect of oil price on soybeans commodity price, the paper uses momentum threshold autoregressive (MTAR) models, developed by Enders and Siklos (2001). Empirical results reveal that soybeans commodity prices and crude oil prices are cointegrated and the adjustment process is asymmetric in MTAR-consistent result. Our findings confirm that increase in crude oil prices affects the soybeans commodity prices in an asymmetric ways. Specifically, soybeans commodity prices rise faster when crude oil price increases but there is no immediate offsetting effect when the crude oil prices decrease. In other words, the asymmetric effect of oil price-shocks is greater when oil price increases than when oil price decreases. Policymakers may use these results to design appropriate policies to curb the inflationary consequences of oil prices
Enhanced polysulphide redox reaction using a RuO₂ nanoparticle-decorated mesoporous carbon as functional separator coating for advanced lithium–sulphur batteries
A multi-functional RuO₂ nanoparticle-embedded mesoporous carbon-coated separator is used as an electrocatalytic and adsorbing polysulphide-net to enhance the redox reaction of migrating polysulphides, to improve active material utilization and boost the electrochemical performance of lithium–sulphur batteries
This paper reports on conceptual development in the areas of database mining, and knowledge discovery in databases (KDD). Our efforts have also led to a prototype implementation, called MOTC, for exploring hypothesis space in large and complex data sets. Our KDD conceptual development rests on two main principles. First, we use the crosstab representation for working with qualitative data. This is by now standard practice in OLAP (on-line analytical processing) applications and we reaffirm it with additional reasons. Second, and innovatively, we use Prediction Analysis as a measure of goodness for hypotheses. Prediction Analysis is an established statistical technique for analysis of associations among qualitative variables. It generalizes and subsumes a large number of other such measures of association, depending upon specific assumptions the user is willing to make. As such, it provides a very useful framework for exploring hypothesis space in a KDD context. The paper illustrates these points with an extensive discussion of MOTC