512 research outputs found

    Media Center sebagai Pusat Pelayanan Informasi Publik dalam Penyebarluasan Aktivitas Pemerintahan Kepada Masyarakat di Kabupaten Pinrang

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    This study aims to find out and analysis the role and functions of Media Center as .public service in the dissemination on government activities at Pinrang, and also the benefits of Media Center as public center in the dissemination information on Pinrang. This research was conducted in the Media Center of Pinrang using a qualitative approach. Subjects were selected by using purposive sampling technique, 5 from manager of the Media Center, 5 from NGO boad and 7 from public who visit the Media Center of Pinrang. Data analysis was performed using data analysis techniques Miles and Huberman. The results indicate the Media Center of Pinrang acts as a medium of coordination between agencies and also as a medium of exchange information between local and central, and vice versa.Media Center of Pinrang provide and disseminate information include government activities, regulation, public facilities, anf information about tourist destinations. Media Center is a form of convergence of elelctronic media and print media and provide a lot of convenience for the public and journalists to released news. Media Center of Pinrang have characteristic digitalization and interactive, which can be accesed anywhere and anytime, and provide space for the public to give feed back. Media Center of Pinrang has carried out the role and function for dissemination of government activity, however, need to providing internet outlets at districts and village levels, and increase in internet networks, public relations training regularly, and presenting information that is really useful straight

    Optimal Robotic Path Planning Using Intlligents Search Algorithms

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    This investigation investigates the application of Adjusted Fuzzy Molecule Swarm Optimization (FPSO) to the versatile robot route issue in arrange to decide the briefest conceivable course with the least time required to travel from a beginning area to a goal area in a deterrent working zone. MPSO is being created in this ponder to progress the capability of customized calculations for a worldwide course. The proposed calculations decipher the environment outline spoken to by the framework show and develop an idea or nearly ideal collision-free way. Reenactment tests appear the viability of the most recent organized calculation for portable robot course arranging. The programs are composed in MATLAB R2019a and run on 2.65 GHz Intel Center i5 and 7 GB Smash computers. Changes proposed in MPSO and cuckoo look calculation fundamentally point to resolve the untimely merging issue related to the beginning PSO. A mistake calculate is demonstrated within the MPSO to guarantee the meeting of the PSO. FPSO points to handle another issue which is the populace may incorporate a few infeasible ways; an updated strategy is tired the FPSO to fathom the issue of the infeasible street. The discoveries illustrate that this calculation has huge potential to fathom the course arranging with satisfactory comes about in terms of decreasing remove and time for execution

    Work Motivation in Government Bureaucracy: Psychological Factors Affecting Employee Performance

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    This article investigates the psychological factors that contribute to the work motivation of government employees, with a focus on perceptions of autonomy in work, satisfaction with working conditions, satisfaction of intrinsic needs, and social support and work relationships. The research was conducted through an online survey involving employees at various levels and departments. The questionnaire is designed to measure psychological variables that have the potential to influence work motivation, such as perception of autonomy in work, level of satisfaction with working conditions, and level of satisfaction with intrinsic needs. In addition, demographic data such as age, gender, and position level were also collected for further analysis. Data analysis was carried out with the help of statistical software, including regression analysis, to identify the relationship between psychological variables and work motivation. The results of this research present significant findings that illustrate how these psychological factors influence work motivation in government bureaucracy

    The Analysis of Asymetric Dimethylarginine and Homocysteine in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease

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    BACKGROUND: Asymmetric dimethylarginine (ADMA) is a competitive inhibitor of nitric oxide synthase (NOS). ADMA reduces NO synthesis when its concentration elevates. ADMA is a novel risk factor for cardiovascular disease. Plasma ADMA accumulates in patients with endstage renal disease, due to reduced renal clearance. Hyperhomocysteinemia is often found in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD). Homocysteine may cause ADMA to accumulate; however, the mechanism by which ADMA level elevates in hyperhomocysteinemia is still unclear. Objective of this study was to analyze the concentrations of homocysteine and ADMA and to assess the correlation between homocysteine and ADMA concentrations with the severity of chronic kidney disease.METHODS: This was a cross-sectional study on 75 patients with CKD, comprising men and women aged 40-70 years. Assessments were done on the concentrations of creatinine, homocysteine, ADMA, fasting blood glucose, cholesterol HDL and triglyceride.RESULTS: In later stage of CKD there was significantly higher tHcy concentration as compared with the earlier stage of CKD (p=0.0000). In CKD stage 2 to 4 there was a tendency for ADMA concentration to increase to a significant average (p=0.210), but ADMA concentration was lower at stage 5. There was increased ADMA along with increased tHcy concentration of around 20μ mol/L, and this then decreased. The inverse correlation between tHcy and ADMA concentrations started to appear in CKD stage 4, but this correlation was statistically insignificant (r2 =0.19; p=0.499).CONCLUSIONS: This study showed there was a correlation between homocysteine and ADMA concentrations in patients with CKD stage 2 to 5, although statistically not significant

    Degradasi Fotokatalitik Zat Warna Direct Yellow Dan Direct Violet Dengan Katalis TiO2/AgI - Sinar UV

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    Industri tekstil di Indonesia telah berkembang semakin pesat. Mengakibatkan kebutuhan akan zat warna semakin bertambah. Zat warna yang sering digunakan merupakan golongan azo yang mempunyai sifat non-biodegradable, diantaranya adalah Direct Yellow dan Direct Violet. Limbah zat warna harus diolah terlebih dahulu sebelum dibuang ke perairan. Salah satunya dengan menggunakan radiasi sinar UV dan katalis TiO2/AgI yang sangat menjanjikan dalam mendegradasi senyawa zat warna, hal ini disebabkan oleh kehadiran senyawa AgI yang mempunyai sifat fotosensitif. Hasil penelitian diperoleh kondisi optimum pada pH 5, waktu optimum 90 menit dan kosentrasi zat warna 40 ppm untuk Direct Yellow sedangkan untuk Direct Violet pada pH 6, waktu optimum 60 menit dan konsentrasi zat warna 40 ppm. Untuk campuran zat warna 1:1 (Direct Violet : Direct Yellow) didapatkan hasil sebesar 85,43% dengan kondisi optimum Direct Violet dan 91,32% dengan kondisi optimum Direct Yellow. Campuran zat warna 1:2 (Direct Violet : Direct Yellow) didapatkan hasil sebesar 79,04% dengan kondisi optimum Direct Violet dan 89,95% dengan kondisi optimum Direct Yellow. Campuran zat warna 2:1 (Direct Violet : Direct Yellow) didapatkan hasil sebesar 90,28% dengan kondisi optimum Direct Violet dan 95,08% dengan kondisi optimum Direct Yellow

    Pemberdayaan UMKM dan Lembaga Keuangan Syariah melalui Prinsip Bagi Hasil

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    This article describes the micro, small and medium enterprises (SMEs), which has high ability to absorb labor market, as many as 97.3% from the total labor force working. However, the role of micro, small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in the reality have difficulties in some factors, one of the factor is capital issues. This is where Syariah financial institution with the profit sharing principal to be expected become ideal solution, this because on the financing use the profit sharing principal. Observing phenomenon as above it is necessary to have assessment on few point area, first, implementation of financing on Syariah financial institution in the Malang City perceived become ideal solutions. Second, the factors which become the barrier on implementation of financing on Syariah financial institution in Malang City. Third; the right solution to overcome the barrier factors on the implementation at Shariah financial institution in Malang City concerning exact profit sharing principal. Artikel ini membahas tentang kemampuan USAha mikro, kecil dan menengah (UMKM) dalam menyerap tenaga kerja di Indonesia yang cukup besar, yaitu sebanyak 97,3% dari total angkatan kerja yang bekerja. Namun peran tersebut dalam Kenyataannya terkendala oleh beberapa hal, diantaranya permasalahan modal. Disinilah peran Lembaga Keuangan Syari'ah dengan pembiayaan berprinsip bagi hasil sangat diharapkan. Mengamati fenomena yang demikian maka perlu dikaji mengenai beberapa hal; pertama, pelaksanaan pembiayaan pada Lembaga Keuangan Syari'ah di kota Malang yang dirasa ideal bagi USAha mikro, kecil dan menengah (UMKM). Kedua, faktor-faktor penghambat pelaksanaan pembiayaan pada Lembaga Keuangan Syari'ah di Kota Malang berkenaan dengan prinsip bagi hasil, dan ketiga, solusi untuk mengatasi faktor-faktor penghambat pelaksanaan pembiayaan pada Lembaga Keuangan Syari'ah di Kota Malang berkenaan dengan prinsip bagi hasil yang ideal tersebut

    Tourism Companies Assessment via Social Media Using Sentiment Analysis

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    ازدادت وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي بشكل كبير وواضح لانها وسيلة إعلام للمستخدمين للتعبير عن مشاعرهم من خلال آلاف المنشورات والتعليقات حول شركات السياحة. وبالتالي ، يصعب على السائح قراءة جميع التعليقات لتحديد ما إذا كانت تلك الآراء إيجابية أم سلبية لتقييم نجاح الشركة. في هذه البحث,تم استخدام التنقيب عن النص لتصنيف المشاعر من خلال جمع مراجعات اللهجة العراقية حول شركات السياحة من الفيس بوك لتحليلها باستخدام تحليل المشاعر لتتبع المشاعر الموجوده في المنشورات والتعليقات. ثم تم تصنيفها إلى تعليق إيجابي أو سلبي أو محايد باستخدام Naïve Bayes, Rough Set Theory , K-Nearest Neighbor. من بين 71 شركة سياحة عراقية وجدت أن 28٪ من هذه الشركات لديها تقييم جيد جدا ، و 26٪ من هذه الشركات لديها تقييم جيد ، و 31٪ من هذه الشركات لديها تقييم متوسط ​​، و 4٪ من هذه الشركات لديها تقييم مقبول و 11٪ من هذه الشركات لديها تقييم سيء. ساعدت النتائج التجريبية الشركات على تحسين عملها وبرامجها واستجابة كافية وسريعة لمتطلبات العملاءIn recent years, social media has been increasing widely and obviously as a media for users expressing their emotions and feelings through thousands of posts and comments related to tourism companies. As a consequence, it became difficult for tourists to read all the comments to determine whether these opinions are positive or negative to assess the success of a tourism company. In this paper, a modest model is proposed to assess e-tourism companies using Iraqi dialect reviews collected from Facebook. The reviews are analyzed using text mining techniques for sentiment classification. The generated sentiment words are classified into positive, negative and neutral comments by utilizing Rough Set Theory, Naïve Bayes and K-Nearest Neighbor methods. After experimental results, it was determined that out of 71 tested Iraqi tourism companies, 28% from these companies have very good assessment, 26% from these companies have good assessment, 31% from these companies have medium assessment, 4% from these companies have acceptance assessment and 11% from these companies have bad assessment. These results helped the companies to improve their work and programs responding sufficiently and quickly to customer demands

    Pengaruh Perubahan Penggunaan Lahan terhadap Angka Kesakitan Malaria : Studi di Provinsi Lampung

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    Ecological disruption as a result of changes in the area of forest cover to other land uses can affect the microclimate and impact toward malaria morbidity. Malaria is an infectious disease caused by protozoa a genus of Plasmodium that transmitted by female Anopheles sp. mosquito vectors. The environmental factors that play a role in the risk to transmission of malaria related to vector breeding places. The purpose of this research is establish the impact of land use changes toward malaria morbidity. This study was conducted from March to September 2015. Dynamics of land use changes in regency/city be identified through interpretation of landsat imagery in 2002, 2009, and 2014 with supervised classification and resulted in percentage of land use, the influence of impact toward malaria morbidity processed using multiple linear regression models. Parameter optimization using statistic software. The result showed that the impact of positive variable that significant toward malaria morbidity are mangrove forest and total population, while impact of negative variable that significant are extensive swamp and health personnel. Variable which not impact that significant toward malaria morbidity are forests, community forests, undeveloped land, dry land, other land uses, population density, precipitation, unhealthyhousing, urban, and physiographic