352 research outputs found

    Hyperbaric oxygen prevents early death caused by experimental cerebral malaria

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    Background: Cerebral malaria (CM) is a syndrome characterized by neurological signs, seizures and coma. Despite the fact that CM presents similarities with cerebral stroke, few studies have focused on new supportive therapies for the disease. Hyperbaric oxygen (HBO) therapy has been successfully used in patients with numerous brain disorders such as stroke, migraine and atherosclerosis. Methodology/Principal Findings: C57BL/6 mice infected with Plasmodium berghei ANKA (PbA) were exposed to daily doses of HBO (100% O-2, 3.0 ATA, 1-2 h per day) in conditions well-tolerated by humans and animals, before or after parasite establishment. Cumulative survival analyses demonstrated that HBO therapy protected 50% of PbA-infected mice and delayed CM-specific neurological signs when administrated after patent parasitemia. Pressurized oxygen therapy reduced peripheral parasitemia, expression of TNF-alpha, IFN-gamma and IL-10 mRNA levels and percentage of gamma delta and alpha beta CD4(+) and CD8(+) T lymphocytes sequestered in mice brains, thus resulting in a reduction of blood-brain barrier (BBB)dysfunction and hypothermia. Conclusions/Significance: The data presented here is the first indication that HBO treatment could be used as supportive therapy, perhaps in association with neuroprotective drugs, to prevent CM clinical outcomes, including death39CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO - CNPQCOORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL DE NÍVEL SUPERIOR - CAPESFUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO - FAPESPsem informaçãosem informação2004/00638-

    Quantitative measurement of thyroglobulin mRNA in peripheral blood of patients after total thyroidectomy

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    Previous studies have reported the clinical usefulness of reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) detection of thyroglobulin (TG) mRNA in the peripheral blood of patients with differentiated thyroid carcinoma. To evaluate this usefulness, we measured TG mRNA in the peripheral blood of patients diagnosed with thyroid carcinoma after total thyroidectomy by real-time quantitative RT-PCR using glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) mRNA as an internal control. Surprisingly, we detected TG mRNA in all samples obtained after total thyroidectomy, including those from 4 medullary carcinomas. Further, there was no statistical difference in expression levels of TG mRNA in the patients with or without metastasis, and no significant correlation was found between serum TG concentrations and the expression levels of TG mRNA. These results give rise to a question regarding the clinical applications of not only RT-PCR detection but also quantitative measurement of TG mRNA in peripheral blood. © 2001 Cancer Research Campaign http://www.bjcancer.co

    Analysis of an insertion mutation in a cohort of 94 patients with spinocerebellar ataxia type 31 from Nagano, Japan

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    Spinocerebellar ataxia type 31 (SCA31) is a recently defined subtype of autosomal dominant cerebellar ataxia (ADCA) characterized by adult-onset, pure cerebellar ataxia. The C/T substitution in the 5â€Č-untranslated region of the puratrophin-1 gene (PLEKHG4) or a disease-specific haplotype within the 900-kb SCA31 critical region just upstream of PLEKHG4 has been used for the diagnosis of SCA31. Very recently, a disease-specific insertion containing penta-nucleotide (TGGAA)n repeats has been found in this critical region in SCA31 patients. SCA31 was highly prevalent in Nagano, Japan, where SCA31 accounts for approximately 42% of ADCA families. We screened the insertion in 94 SCA31 patients from 71 families in Nagano. All patients had a 2.6- to 3.7-kb insertion. The size of the insertion was inversely correlated with the age at onset but not associated with the progression rate after onset. (TAGAA)n repeats at the 5â€Č-end of the insertion were variable in number, ranging from 0 (without TAGAA sequence) to 4. The number of (TAGAA)n repeats was inversely correlated to the total size of the insertion. The number of (TAGAA)n repeats was comparatively uniform within patients from the three endemic foci in Nagano. Only one patient, heterozygous for the C/T substitution in PLEKHG4, had the insertions in both alleles; they were approximately 3.0 and 4.3 kb in size. Sequencing and Southern hybridization using biotin-labeled (TGGAA)5 probe strongly indicated that the 3.0-kb insertion, but not the 4.3-kb insertion, contained (TGGAA)n stretch. We also found that 3 of 405 control individuals (0.7%) had the insertions from 1.0 to 3.5 kb in length. They were negative for the C/T substitution in PLEKHG4, and neither of the insertions contained (TGGAA)n stretch at their 5â€Č-end by sequencing. The insertions in normal controls were clearly detected by Southern hybridization using (TAAAA)5 probe, while they were not labeled with (TGGAA)5 or (TAGAA)5 probe. These data indicate that control alleles very rarely have a nonpathogenic large insertion in the SCA31 critical region and that not only the presence of the insertion but also its size is not sufficient evidence for a disease-causing allele. We approve of the view that (TGGAA)n repeats in the insertion are indeed related to the pathogenesis of SCA31, but it remains undetermined whether a large insertion lacking (TGGAA)n is nonpathogenic

    The Puf-Family RNA-Binding Protein Puf2 Controls Sporozoite Conversion to Liver Stages in the Malaria Parasite

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    Malaria is a vector-borne infectious disease caused by unicellular, obligate intracellular parasites of the genus Plasmodium. During host switch the malaria parasite employs specialized latent stages that colonize the new host environment. Previous work has established that gametocytes, sexually differentiated stages that are taken up by the mosquito vector, control expression of genes required for mosquito colonization by translational repression. Sexual parasite development is controlled by a DEAD-box RNA helicase of the DDX6 family, termed DOZI. Latency of sporozoites, the transmission stage injected during an infectious blood meal, is controlled by the eIF2alpha kinase IK2, a general inhibitor of protein synthesis. Whether RNA-binding proteins participate in translational regulation in sporozoites remains to be studied. Here, we investigated the roles of two RNA-binding proteins of the Puf-family, Plasmodium Puf1 and Puf2, during sporozoite stage conversion. Our data reveal that, in the rodent malaria parasite P. berghei, Puf2 participates in the regulation of IK2 and inhibits premature sporozoite transformation. Inside mosquito salivary glands puf2(-) sporozoites transform over time to round forms resembling early intra-hepatic stages. As a result, mutant parasites display strong defects in initiating a malaria infection. In contrast, Puf1 is dispensable in vivo throughout the entire Plasmodium life cycle. Our findings support the notion of a central role for Puf2 in parasite latency during switch between the insect and mammalian hosts

    Prevalence of pre- and postpartum depression in Jamaican women

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    BACKGROUND: Maternal depression during pregnancy has been studied less than depression in postpartum period. The aims of this study were to find out the prevalence of prepartum and postpartum depression and the risk factors associated in a cohort of Afro-Jamaican pregnant women in Jamaica. METHODS: The Zung self-rating depression scale instrument was administered to 73 healthy pregnant women at 28 weeks gestation and at 6 weeks postpartum for quantitative measurement of depression. Blood samples were collected at 8, 28, 35 weeks gestation and at day 1 and 6 weeks postpartum to study the thyroid status. RESULTS: Study demonstrated depression prevalence rates of 56% and 34% during prepartum and postpartum period, respectively. 94% women suffering depression in both periods were single. There were significant variations in both FT(3 )and TT(4 )concentrations which increased from week 8 to week 28 prepartum (p < 0.05) and then declined at the 35(th )week (p < 0.05 compared with week 28) and 1 day post delivery study (p < 0.05 compared with week 35). The mean values for TSH increased significantly from week 8 through week 35. The mean values at 1 day postpartum and 6 week postpartum were not significantly different from the 35 week values. For FT(3), TT(4 )and TSH there were no significant between group differences in concentrations. The major determinants of postpartum depression were moderate and severe prepartum depression and change in TT(4 )hormone concentrations. CONCLUSION: High prevalence of depression was found during pre- and postpartum periods. Single mothers, prepartum depression and changes in TT(4 )were factors found to be significantly associated with postpartum depression

    Exoerythrocytic Plasmodium Parasites Secrete a Cysteine Protease Inhibitor Involved in Sporozoite Invasion and Capable of Blocking Cell Death of Host Hepatocytes

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    Plasmodium parasites must control cysteine protease activity that is critical for hepatocyte invasion by sporozoites, liver stage development, host cell survival and merozoite liberation. Here we show that exoerythrocytic P. berghei parasites express a potent cysteine protease inhibitor (PbICP, P. berghei inhibitor of cysteine proteases). We provide evidence that it has an important function in sporozoite invasion and is capable of blocking hepatocyte cell death. Pre-incubation with specific anti-PbICP antiserum significantly decreased the ability of sporozoites to infect hepatocytes and expression of PbICP in mammalian cells protects them against peroxide- and camptothecin-induced cell death. PbICP is secreted by sporozoites prior to and after hepatocyte invasion, localizes to the parasitophorous vacuole as well as to the parasite cytoplasm in the schizont stage and is released into the host cell cytoplasm at the end of the liver stage. Like its homolog falstatin/PfICP in P. falciparum, PbICP consists of a classical N-terminal signal peptide, a long N-terminal extension region and a chagasin-like C-terminal domain. In exoerythrocytic parasites, PbICP is posttranslationally processed, leading to liberation of the C-terminal chagasin-like domain. Biochemical analysis has revealed that both full-length PbICP and the truncated C-terminal domain are very potent inhibitors of cathepsin L-like host and parasite cysteine proteases. The results presented in this study suggest that the inhibitor plays an important role in sporozoite invasion of host cells and in parasite survival during liver stage development by inhibiting host cell proteases involved in programmed cell death

    Environmental Constraints Guide Migration of Malaria Parasites during Transmission

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    Migrating cells are guided in complex environments mainly by chemotaxis or structural cues presented by the surrounding tissue. During transmission of malaria, parasite motility in the skin is important for Plasmodium sporozoites to reach the blood circulation. Here we show that sporozoite migration varies in different skin environments the parasite encounters at the arbitrary sites of the mosquito bite. In order to systematically examine how sporozoite migration depends on the structure of the environment, we studied it in micro-fabricated obstacle arrays. The trajectories observed in vivo and in vitro closely resemble each other suggesting that structural constraints can be sufficient to guide Plasmodium sporozoites in complex environments. Sporozoite speed in different environments is optimized for migration and correlates with persistence length and dispersal. However, this correlation breaks down in mutant sporozoites that show adhesion impairment due to the lack of TRAP-like protein (TLP) on their surfaces. This may explain their delay in infecting the host. The flexibility of sporozoite adaption to different environments and a favorable speed for optimal dispersal ensures efficient host switching during malaria transmission

    Engineering self-organising helium bubble lattices in tungsten

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    The self-organisation of void and gas bubbles in solids into a superlattices is an intriguing nanoscale phenomenon. Despite the discovery of these lattices 30 years ago, the atomistics behind the ordering mechanisms responsible for the formation of these nanostructures are yet to be fully elucidated. Here we report on the direct observation via transmission electron microscopy of the formation of bubble lattices under He+ ion bombardment. By careful control of the irradiation conditions, it has been possible to engineer the bubble size and spacing of the superlattice leading to important conclusions about the significance of vacancy supply in determining the physical characteristics of the system. Furthermore, no bubble lattice alignment was observed in the directions pointing to a key driving mechanism for the formation of these ordered nanostructures being the two-dimensional diffusion of self-interstitial atoms
