3,953 research outputs found

    Blood volume changes

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    Analysis of radionuclide volume determinations made for the crewmembers of selected Gemini and Apollo missions showed that orbital spaceflight has an effect on red cell mass. Because the methods and the protocol developed for earlier flights were used for the crews of the three Skylab missions, direct comparisons are possible. After each Skylab mission, decreases were found in crewmembers' red cell masses. The mean red cell mass decrease of 11 percent or 232 milliliters was approximately equal to the 10 percent mean red cell mass decrease of the Apollo 14 to 17 crewmembers. The red cell mass drop was greatest and the postrecovery reticulocyte response least for crewmembers of the 28-day Skylab 2 mission. Analyses of data from the red cell mass determinations indicate that the red cell mass drops occurred in the first 30 days of flight and that a gradual recovery of the red cell mass deficits began approximately 60 days after launch. The beginning of red cell mass regeneration during the Skylab 4 flight may explain the higher postmission reticulocyte counts

    Multiple layer local oxidation for fabricating semiconductor nanostructures

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    Coupled semiconductor nanostructures with a high degree of tunability are fabricated using local oxidation with a scanning force microscope. Direct oxidation of the GaAs surface of a Ga[Al]As heterostructure containing a shallow two-dimensional electron gas is combined with the local oxidation of a thin titanium film evaporated on top. A four-terminal quantum dot and a double quantum dot system with integrated charge readout are realized. The structures are tunable via in-plane gates formed by isolated regions in the electron gas and by mutually isolated regions of the Ti film acting as top gates. Coulomb blockade experiments demonstrate the high quality of this fabrication process.Comment: 3 pages, 3 figure

    In Situ Treatment of a Scanning Gate Microscopy Tip

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    In scanning gate microscopy, where the tip of a scanning force microscope is used as a movable gate to study electronic transport in nanostructures, the shape and magnitude of the tip-induced potential are important for the resolution and interpretation of the measurements. Contaminations picked up during topography scans may significantly alter this potential. We present an in situ high-field treatment of the tip that improves the tip-induced potential. A quantum dot was used to measure the tip-induced potential.Comment: 3 pages, 1 figure, minor changes to fit published versio

    Local density of states at polygonal boundaries of d-wave superconductors

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    Besides the well-known existence of Andreev bound states, the zero-energy local density of states at the boundary of a d-wave superconductor strongly depends on the boundary geometry itself. In this work, we examine the influence of both a simple wedge-shaped boundary geometry and a more complicated polygonal or faceted boundary structure on the local density of states. For a wedge-shaped boundary geometry, we find oscillations of the zero-energy density of states in the corner of the wedge, depending on the opening angle of the wedge. Furthermore, we study the influence of a single Abrikosov vortex situated near a boundary, which is of either macroscopic or microscopic roughness.Comment: 10 pages, 11 figures; submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Time-Resolved Detection of Individual Electrons in a Quantum Dot

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    We present measurements on a quantum dot and a nearby, capacitively coupled, quantum point contact used as a charge detector. With the dot being weakly coupled to only a single reservoir, the transfer of individual electrons onto and off the dot can be observed in real time in the current signal from the quantum point contact. From these time-dependent traces, the quantum mechanical coupling between dot and reservoir can be extracted quantitatively. A similar analysis allows the determination of the occupation probability of the dot states.Comment: 3 pages, 3 figure

    Finite bias charge detection in a quantum dot

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    We present finite bias measurements on a quantum dot coupled capacitively to a quantum point contact used as a charge detector. The transconductance signal measured in the quantum point contact at finite dot bias shows structure which allows us to determine the time-averaged charge on the dot in the non-blockaded regime and to estimate the coupling of the dot to the leads.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Local oxidation of Ga[Al]As heterostructures with modulated tip-sample voltages

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    Nanolithography based on local oxidation with a scanning force microscope has been performed on an undoped GaAs wafer and a Ga[Al]As heterostructure with an undoped GaAs cap layer and a shallow two-dimensional electron gas. The oxide growth and the resulting electronic properties of the patterned structures are compared for constant and modulated voltage applied to the conductive tip of the scanning force microscope. All the lithography has been performed in non-contact mode. Modulating the applied voltage enhances the aspect ratio of the oxide lines, which significantly strengthens the insulating properties of the lines on GaAs. In addition, the oxidation process is found to be more reliable and reproducible. Using this technique, a quantum point contact and a quantum wire have been defined and the electronic stability, the confinement potential and the electrical tunability are demonstrated to be similar to the oxidation with constant voltage.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figures, accepted by J. Appl. Phy

    Improved Current Densities in MgB2 By Liquid-Assisted Sintering

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    Polycrystalline MgB2 samples with GaN additions were prepared by reaction of Mg, B, and GaN powders. The presence of Ga leads to a low melting eutectic phase which allowed liquid phase sintering and produces plate-like grains. For low-level GaN additions (5% at. % or less), the critical transition temperature, Tc, remained unchanged and in 1T magnetic field, the critical current density, Jc was enhanced by a factor of 2 and 10, for temperatures of \~5K and 20K, respectively. The values obtained are approaching those of hot isostatically pressed samples.Comment: 12 pages, 1 table, 4 figures, accepted in Applied Physics Letter