96 research outputs found

    Influencia de un injerto en el perfil de ácidos grasos y algunas propiedades fisicoquímicas de la semilla y el aceite de semillas de sandía

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    This study aimed to investigate the effects of grafting on the fatty acid profile and some physicochemical properties of watermelon seed and seed oil. The ‘Crimson Tide’ cultivar was used as the scion while two wild watermelon (Citrullus lanatus var. citroides (A1 and A2)), one Lagenaria siceraria (A3) and one Cucurbita maxima Duchesne x Cucurbita moschata Duchesne (A4) were used as rootstocks. The use of rootstock significantly influenced the fatty acid profile and the physical parameters of seeds and seed oils. The highest linoleic acid ratio was found in the seed oil from A1 and A2, the oil from A3 had the highest oleic acid ratio. The results showed that the content and acid value in seed oils were improved, and that total phenolic compounds and antioxidant activity of both seed and oil were decreased by grafting. Wild rootstocks can be used in watermelon cultivation to obtain a watermelon seed which is rich in linoleic acid.El objetivo de este estudio fue investigar los efectos del injerto en el perfil de ácidos grasos y algunas propiedades fisicoquímicas de la semilla y el aceite de semillas de sandía. El cultivar ‘Crimson Tide’ se utilizó como vástago, mientras que dos sandías silvestres (Citrullus lanatus var. Citroides (A1 y A2)), una Lagenaria siceraria (A3) y una Cucurbita maxima Duchesne x Cucurbita moschata Duchesne (A4) se utilizaron como portainjertos. El uso de portainjertos influyó significativamente en el perfil de ácidos grasos y los parámetros físicos de semillas y aceites de semillas. La proporción de ácido linoleico más alta se encontró en el aceite de semillas de A1 y A2, el aceite de A3 tuvo la proporción de ácido oleico más alta. Los resultados mostraron que el contenido de aceite y el índice de acidez mejoró y los compuestos fenólicos totales y la actividad antioxidante tanto de la semilla como del aceite se redujeron mediante el injerto. Para obtener un aceite de semillas de sandía rico en ácido linoleico, se pueden utilizar portainjertos silvestres en el cultivo de sandía

    Učinak formulacijskih parametara na oslobađanje lijeka i svojstva dvoslojnih tableta koje plutaju u želucu

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    Floating dosage forms of acetylsalicylic acid, used for its antithrombotic effect, were developed to prolong gastric residence time and increase bioavailability. In the two-layer tablet formulation, hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC) of high viscosity and an effervescent mixture of citric acid and sodium bicarbonate formed the floating layer. The release layer contained the drug, direct tableting agent and different types of matrix-forming polymers such as HPMC of low viscosity, sodium carboxymethylcellulose and chitosan. Tablets were prepared using a direct compression technique. The effect of formulation variables on physicochemical and floating properties and the drug release from tablets were investigated. Floating ability was dependent on the amount of effervescent agent and gel-forming polymer of the floating layer. Drug release was prolonged to 8 hours by changing the type and viscosity of the matrix-forming polymer in the drug-loading layer and all formulations showed a diffusion release mechanism.U radu su opisane plutajuće tablete acetilsalicilne kiseline za antikoagulacijsku upotrebu s produljenim zadržavanjem u želucu i većom bioraspoloživošću. Plutajući dio tih dvoslojnih tableta sadržavao je hidroksipropil metilcelulozu (HPMC) visoke viskoznosti i efervescentnu smjesu limunske kiseline i natrijevog hidrogenkarbonata. Drugi sloj sadržavao je ljekovitu tvar, sredstvo za izravno tabletiranje i različite vrste matriksnog polimera poput HPMC niske viskoznosti, natrij-karboksimetilceluloze i kitozana. Tablete su pripravljene metodom izravne kompresije. Ispitivan je utjecaj formulacijskih varijabli na fizikokemijska i plutajuća svojstva, te oslobađanje ljekovite tvari. Plutajuća svojstva ovise o količini efervescentnih tvari i gelirajućeg polimera u plutajućem sloju. Promjenom vrste i viskoznosti polimera u matriksnom sloju s lijekom produljeno je oslobađanje ljekovite tvari na 8 sati. Iz svih formulacija ljekovita tvar oslobađala se difuzijom

    CA8 Mutations Cause a Novel Syndrome Characterized by Ataxia and Mild Mental Retardation with Predisposition to Quadrupedal Gait

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    We describe a consanguineous Iraqi family in which affected siblings had mild mental retardation and congenital ataxia characterized by quadrupedal gait. Genome-wide linkage analysis identified a 5.8 Mb interval on chromosome 8q with shared homozygosity among the affected persons. Sequencing of genes contained in the interval revealed a homozygous mutation, S100P, in carbonic anhydrase related protein 8 (CA8), which is highly expressed in cerebellar Purkinje cells and influences inositol triphosphate (ITP) binding to its receptor ITPR1 on the endoplasmatic reticulum and thereby modulates calcium signaling. We demonstrate that the mutation S100P is associated with proteasome-mediated degradation, and thus presumably represents a null mutation comparable to the Ca8 mutation underlying the previously described waddles mouse, which exhibits ataxia and appendicular dystonia. CA8 thus represents the third locus that has been associated with quadrupedal gait in humans, in addition to the VLDLR locus and a locus at chromosome 17p. Our findings underline the importance of ITP-mediated signaling in cerebellar function and provide suggestive evidence that congenital ataxia paired with cerebral dysfunction may, together with unknown contextual factors during development, predispose to quadrupedal gait in humans

    Integration of Hi-C with short and long-read genome sequencing reveals the structure of germline rearranged genomes

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    Structural variants are a common cause of disease and contribute to a large extent to inter-individual variability, but their detection and interpretation remain a challenge. Here, we investigate 11 individuals with complex genomic rearrangements including germline chromothripsis by combining short- and long-read genome sequencing (GS) with Hi-C. Large-scale genomic rearrangements are identified in Hi-C interaction maps, allowing for an independent assessment of breakpoint calls derived from the GS methods, resulting in >300 genomic junctions. Based on a comprehensive breakpoint detection and Hi-C, we achieve a reconstruction of whole rearranged chromosomes. Integrating information on the three-dimensional organization of chromatin, we observe that breakpoints occur more frequently than expected in lamina-associated domains (LADs) and that a majority reshuffle topologically associating domains (TADs). By applying phased RNA-seq, we observe an enrichment of genes showing allelic imbalanced expression (AIG) within 100 kb around the breakpoints. Interestingly, the AIGs hit by a breakpoint (19/22) display both up- and downregulation, thereby suggesting different mechanisms at play, such as gene disruption and rearrangements of regulatory information. However, the majority of interpretable genes located 200 kb around a breakpoint do not show significant expression changes. Thus, there is an overall robustness in the genome towards large-scale chromosome rearrangements