385 research outputs found

    2,2â€Č,2″-Thiotris(acetic acid) betaine, S(CH 2 COOH) 2 (CH 2 COO), and 2,2â€Č,2″-selenotris(acetic acid) betaine, Se(CH 2 COOH) 2 (CH 2 COO)

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    TThe title compounds, X(CH2COOH)2(CH2COO), X = S, 1, and X = Se, 2, have been characterised by FTIR, NMR and MS and by their crystal structures at 123(2) K. The FTIR spectra show two major peaks, at 1396 and 1731 cm−1 in 1 and at 1390 and 1721 cm−1 in 2. The 77Se NMR signal of 2 at 325.5 ppm is 83.4 ppm downfield from the signal of Se(CH2COOH)2 indicating a substantial selenonium character of 2. The two compounds are isostructural and have a pyramidal configuration. The C—X—C bond angles range from 99.29 to 103.14° in 1 and from 97.56 to 99.87° in 2. The Xsingle bondCsingle bondCdouble bond; length as m-dashO torsion angles for the three substituents are most different; one of the carboxylic acid groups attains the anti-conformation with rather short S⋯O(H) and Se⋯O(H) distances, 2.744 and 2.750 Å, the other acid group is synclinal and with longer S⋯Odouble bond; length as m-dashC and Se⋯Odouble bond; length as m-dashC distances, 3.063 and 3.090 Å, whereas the carboxylate group is in the Xsingle bondCsingle bondC plane with X⋯Osingle bondC distances of 2.869 and 2.908 Å in 1 and 2. The presence of these strong X⋯O interactions is suggested to be the cause for the very low Bronsted basicity of this class of betaines preventing salts of the corresponding acids, the presently unknown [X(CH2COOH)3]+ - cations, to be isolated. The molecules are linked together with two fairly strong but different hydrogen bonds to the carboxylate oxygen atoms with O⋯O distances of 2.493 and 2.580 Å in 1 and 2.489 and 2.581 Å in 2 and with one X⋯Odouble bond; length as m-dashC contact, 3.244 Å in 1 and 3.209 Å in 2. The carbonyl oxygen atoms do not participate significantly in intermolecular hydrogen bonding and there are no contacts between the heteroatoms

    Understanding Event-based Business Networks

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    This article deals with the temporality in business networks. Marketing as networks approach stresses interaction processes and interdependence among actors noting that business markets are mainly socially constructed. The approach has increased our understanding of business marketing but further attention for theory development and empirical validation is needed. Theoretical foundations of the approach are conceptually analysed here, taking time and timing into particular consideration. A model of event networks is developed as an approach to understand temporality in business networks. The event network perspective is exemplified using practical cases. It is argued that extensions of network theory, methods and models can be approached using connected events as a base

    The relationship between personality and job satisfaction across occupations

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    Research shows that people select themselves and are selected into occupations, partly because of their personality, and this has implications for their person-environment fit. Although it has been shown that personality congruence between the individual and the environment is important to job satisfaction, the effect of personality congruence in occupations on job satisfaction is not well understood. In a sample of 22,787 individuals, nested within 25 occupational groups from the British Household Panel Survey and the UK Household Longitudinal Study, we examined (1) whether average levels of personality vary across occupational groups, and (2) whether there is a cross-level interaction between the occupational mean personality and the individual's personality, with job satisfaction. We found there were modest differences across occupational groups in all FFM traits. Neuroticism and openness interacted with the corresponding mean personality, showing that for these traits the fit between an individual's personality and the average personality of the occupation makes a difference for job satisfaction.Peer reviewe

    3,3'-Selenobis(propionic acid)

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    In contrast to Se[CH2C(O)OH]2 versus S[CH2C(O)OH](2), the title compound, Se[CH(2)CH(2)C(O)OH]2 or C6H10O4Se, is structurally quite similar to its sulfur analogue. The molecule has twofold symmetry. The C-Se-C bond angle is 96.48 (8) degrees and the Se-C bond lengths are 1.9610 (14) Å. The shortest SeO intermolecular distance is 3.5410 (11) Å. The  OO distances in the carboxylic acid dimers are 2.684 (2) Å. The temperature dependence of the IR spectrum suggests tautomerism in the solid state. Formula: C6H10O4S

    Dimensions of space in business network research

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    Available online 23 June 2016Abstract not availableJan-Åke Törnroos, Aino Halinen, Christopher J. Medli

    Corporate environmental reporting : suggestions for an incremental and standardised framework applicable to a variety of companies especially small and medium-sized enterprises

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    Corporate environmental reporting is examined with the objective of contributing to the development of a commonly agreed framework and guidelines for environmental reporting. The framework is intended to be applicable to all kind of companies. However, the study considers the needs of reporting beginners and companies lacking resources for comprehensive reporting practices. The study includes environmental reporting on a generic level. The study pays attention to reporting practices in the Nordic countries and especially in Finland. A survey of 16 randomly selected Finnish companies, most of which are SMEs, was performed. Only a small number of the Finnish SMEs questioned had issued an environmental report or planned to do so. Lack of human resources in terms of time and expertise was one of the main reasons for not reporting. The companies were not motivated to report if stakeholders did not ask for reports. However, the companies were interested in environmental and in some cases social issues. They expressed the view that the guidelines should be brief, practical, concrete and sector specific. Comprehensiveness and complexity should be avoided. The study results on Finnish SMEs generally agree with previous studies on SMEs. A survey of the development of environmental reporting in seven selected Nordic companies showed that environmental information issued by the selected companies has decreased but reporting on social issues expanded which can probably be explained by the influence of the Global Reporting Initiative. The study shows that the Global Reporting Initiative guidelines have some weaknesses. There is a trend towards sustainability reporting though the concept of sustainability is not clear and is differently interpreted by the companies. No clear changes in reported environmental indicators can be seen. The empirical studies were complemented by a visit to the companies' websites. Though some of the companies provided comprehensive environmental information on the web pages information was seldom clearly structured. The results of the study show that there do not exist commonly accepted and standardised definitions of terms used for environmental reports. It is therefore suggested that vague wordings should be avoided and the terminology could be based on previous work in the environmental area. The reports could thus be titled "Environmental reports" with a clarification e.g. "Environmental report - Social aspects included". A model for a commonly accepted environmental reporting framework is suggested. The framework should be a standard. The framework offers reporting on defined levels where the lowest level is designed for SMEs or other companies lacking resources or interest for comprehensive reporting. The brief model is in its first stage and can only be characterised as an outline and an example to serve as input to further discussions. A common framework for providing environmental information on the web pages is also suggested.reviewe

    Miljöförstöring och ekonomisk tillvĂ€xt: Leder ekonomisk tillvĂ€xt till en minskning av plastavfall? : En paneldataanalys av lĂ€nder i Europa för perioden 2000–2020

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    Till följd av snabb ekonomisk tillvĂ€xt och en ökad konsumtion av plast har plastavfall blivit en allt större global utmaning och i dagens vĂ€rld Ă€r det nĂ€stintill omöjligt att tĂ€nka sig en vĂ€rld utan plast. Den snabba tillvĂ€xten av plastproduktionen har lett till att miljontals ton plastavfall produceras varje Ă„r och om produktionen av plast fortsĂ€tter i samma takt förutspĂ„s den globala produktionen av plast nĂ„ 2 600 miljoner ton Ă„r 2050. Den omfattande avfallsgenereringen, havsföroreningar och ökade utslĂ€pp av vĂ€xthusgaser har lett till att plastavfall har identifierats som ett allvarligt globalt problem. Syftet med denna avhandling Ă€r att undersöka sambandet mellan ekonomisk tillvĂ€xt och mĂ€ngden plastavfall som genereras samt att ge en fördjupad förstĂ„elsen för hur olika faktorer kan pĂ„verka genereringen av plastavfall. För att undersöka hur ekonomisk tillvĂ€xt pĂ„verkar mĂ€ngden plastavfall som genereras anvĂ€nds paneldata för 29 europeiska lĂ€nder under tidsperioden 2000–2020. Hypotesen om miljökuznetskurvan anvĂ€nds som teoretiskt ramverk för avhandlingen. Om miljökuznetskurvan Ă€r giltig kan miljöproblem, som till största delen beror pĂ„ ekonomisk utveckling, undvikas med hjĂ€lp av tillrĂ€cklig ekonomisk tillvĂ€xt. En modell med landfixa och tidsfixa effekter anvĂ€nds för att undersöka sambandet. Resultaten stöder inte hypotesen om miljökuznetskurvan och ekonomisk tillvĂ€xt leder inte till en minskning av mĂ€ngden plastavfall som genereras i Europa. Enligt resultaten har befolkningsmĂ€ngden och befolkningstĂ€theten största inverkan pĂ„ mĂ€ngden plastavfall som genereras i Europa. DĂ„ vi inte kan förlita oss pĂ„ att den ekonomiska tillvĂ€xten automatiskt kommer lösa problemen med plastavfall behövs Ă„tgĂ€rder för att vĂ€nda trenden och minska miljöförstöringen orsakad av plastavfall
