46 research outputs found

    Současná ekonomická krize v dílech Paula R. Krugmana a Josepha E. Stiglitze

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    V bakalářské práci se zabývám myšlenkami Josepha E. Stiglitze a Paula R. Krugmana v souvislosti se současnou ekonomickou krizí. Práce začíná výběrem současných kritik a komentářů obou autorů ke dvěma tématům - ideologii deregulace která byla dominantní hybnou silou ekonomických politik ve Spojených Státech Amerických v posledních 20 letech, a způsobu, jakým se vláda s krizí vypořádává a který podle obou ekonomů podceňuje dlouhodobé problémy, které ke krizi vedly. Práce pokračuje popisem těchto problémů a propojuje je s dřívějšími pracemi obou ekonomů. Jedním z cílů práce je ukázat, že tyto problémy byly v pracech Krugmana a Stiglitze z velké části identifikovány již před krizí a mohly být řešeny včasnými regulatorními zásahy. Poslední kapitola pak obsahuje několik krátkých úvah o tématech, které s krizí a pracemi Krugmana a Stiglitze souvisí na vyšší úrovni obecnosti.This bachelor thesis deals with the thoughts on current economic crisis in works of Paul Krugman and Joseph Stiglitz. It starts with an overview of their current criticisms and comments on the deregulatory policies that took place in the U.S. for almost 20 years and the government stimulus and bailout bills that according to Krugman and Stiglitz do not sufficiently reflect the underlying issues that causes the crisis in the first place. Thesis continues with identification of these issues in works of both economists and links them to their previous works. I argue, that many of these issues have been identified long before the crisis and could be dealt with in time by proper regulatory measures. The last chapter contains several thoughts on issues I believe represent a more general layer of what lead to the current economic crisis.Institute of Economic StudiesInstitut ekonomických studiíFaculty of Social SciencesFakulta sociálních vě

    Tribological test of compressor used in the refrigeration industry

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    The article describes the analytical procedures and acceptance criteria for analysis of compressor and components with a focus to tribological aspects. In the introduction, the article deals with tribology as a scientific discipline. Subsequently, the article describes different kinds of wear, which may occur during the operation of compressor at different levels. Subsequently, the article mentions the equipment used in the test. At the end the results of the test are summarized with complete photo-documentation

    Possibilities of utilization of waste heat of synthesis gas

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    The paper discusses possibilities of energetic utilization of waste heat from synthesis gas, which worsens possibilities of its further utilization. In this case, it is the recovery of synthesis gas with a high proportion of hydrogen produced by the thermal recovery of municipal waste by means of a plasma reactor. High temperatures deteriorate its recovery potential by separating hydrogen from the gas mixture and its subsequent use in fuel cells. Hydrogen separation takes place in the plant using metal hydride materials

    The impact of metal hydride material activation to storage percentage of hydrogen in this material

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    Currently, a lot of focus is dedicated to metal hydride alloy and options of their utilization. Mankind must solve energy problems due to constant population growth and use of non-renewable energy sources. The World resources of oil are limited and therefore the mankind must start utilizing the alternative energy sources for example hydrogen. Its known that the hydrogen can be stored by metal hydride alloys what it represents the safety way of storage with absence high pressure and temperature. The process by produce of the alloy with good absorption properties the research does not end. Some alloy absorbs the hydrogen after they produce immediately, however a lot of them need the activation for improvement or starting absorption process. Process of activation is very important for achieving the maximum capacity at moderate temperature

    Design of Metal Hydride Pressure Vessel

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    This article describes the issue of hydrogen storage in the structure of metallic alloys and then solves the design and structural analysis in ANSYS Static Structural of low-pressure metal hydride steel vessel for hydrogen storage in metallic alloy based on MnTiVFeZr used for mobile applications

    Preparation for Old Age and Ageing in the Time of the First Czechoslovak Republic: The Professional Discourse on Old Age at the Time

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    Old age and ageing are part of everyday life. Healthy ageing and population health have been essential issues throughout history. After the First World War, in the newly founded First Czechoslovak Republic, this topic was also important. This young republic had a lot of difficulties. It was a multi-ethnic state with substantial consequences of war. The republic\u27s infrastructure was damaged, the population’s health condition could have been better, the incidence of infectious diseases was very high while health literacy was very low. It was necessary to take care of the population’s health and adopt laws on health, old age and disability insurance. Basic and modern policies were developed in the First Czechoslovak Republic in 1918–1938, to advance the society\u27s development in virtually all areas of life. Interest in the quality of life of the state\u27s inhabitants, including the elderly, increased. Educational activities were implemented to improve the population’s knowledge and attitudes. The idea of proactive living and preparation for old age was essential for building a healthy society. The role of family members was also highlighted in the preparation for old age. In present-day Czech Republic, as in the past, we put an emphasis on pension insurance and taking responsibility for one’s health

    Experimental Measurement of a UAV Propeller\u27s Thrust

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    At present, there are several types of propellers in the field of the use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) with unknown parameters, where it is necessary to provide information about their thrust, current consumption and maximal rotational speed (RPM). Commonly used methods for measurement of a propeller\u27s thrust are mostly based on the usage of a single purpose system, on short measurements without data storage or on inaccurate sensors. The goal of this article is to develop a universal experimental measuring system for more accurate measurement of propeller\u27s parameters (thrust, current consumption, maximal RPM). For more accurate measurement, the battery voltage, temperature and humidity of the environment were also measured. To acquire, measure and store the data safely on a micro SD card, a processing circuit based on an ATmega2560 microcontroller was developed. This innovative approach allowed to analyse the behaviour of the propeller and to measure the dependencies of the RPM on pulse width, of the current on RPM and of the thrust on RPM at different input conditions. The measurements have shown that the dependencies can be approximated by cubic functions. The mathematical description allows predicting the behaviour of the propeller in unmeasurable conditions

    Promoting diversity and national minority education in midwifery and nursing in the First Czechoslovak Republic (1918–1938): A historical analysis

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    Introduction: The independent Czechoslovak state, established in 1918, had to cope with the multi-ethnic aspect of its many areas. Only 65% of the population belonged to the state that made up the Czechoslovak nation; the rest were national minorities, most of whom were Germans (24%). The multi-ethnic aspect of the state affected all aspects of state life, including health care and medical education. Aim: The aim of this study was a historical analysis of contemporary primary and secondary sources dealing with the issue of education of national minorities in selected non-medical professions in the period of the First Czechoslovak Republic (during the 1920s). Methods: Historical data were collected in the archives of Most, Děčín, Karlovy Vary, Opava, Cheb, Košice–Rožňava selected monastic archives, the National Archives, and the Kramerius digital library of the National Library of the Czech Republic. Results: The new Czechoslovak Republic made it possible for members of the national minority to receive full training in midwifery and nursing in their native language, thus ensuring full linguistic access to midwifery and nursing care. Conclusions: Midwifery education in the First Czechoslovak Republic was conducted in Czech, Slovak, German and Hungarian, at separate midwifery schools. In the case of nursing education, even more space was offered to members of the national minority, mainly thanks to private order nursing schools

    Care for children with physical disabilities in the First Czechoslovak Republic

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    Zdravotně sociální péče o tělesně postižené děti a mládež v době vzniku první Československé republiky (1918) byla na samém počátku svého rozvoje. Této oblasti péče byla v Rakousko-Uhersku věnována pozornost pouze okrajově. Cílem příspěvku je seznámit čtenáře se začátkem vývoje poskytování péče a zajištění vzdělávání tělesně postiženým dětem a mládeži v nové republice, která tehdy ještě zdaleka nepatřila k samozřejmým záležitostem tehdejší zdravotní péče. K naplnění cíle byla použita historická analýza převážně dobových sekundárních a primárních zdrojů k dané problematice.At the establishment of the First Czechoslovak Republic (1918–1938), the fields of health care, social care, and education for physically disabled children were in their infancy. These fields had received only marginal attention in the previous Austria-Hungary. This paper aims to acquaint the reader with the development of health and social care and the provision of education to physically disabled children during the First Czechoslovak Republic, which, at that time, was far from routine. The health and social care of disabled children, as well as their education, during the First Czechoslovak Republic, were analyzed using primary and secondary historical sources