51 research outputs found

    Development of the 500 kW and 1 MW ORC turbine flow parts

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    There paper presents two types of developed ORC turbines. The silica oil (MDM) is used as the working media. Proposed turbines are developed for electric power in 500 kW and 1 MW. For the designing of that turbines there were only one geometric constraint: the minimum height of the blade – 20 mm. The final 3D calculations of all turbine stages are provided with accounting the real properties of working media. Gasdynamic efficiency of the developed turbine flow parts is adequate for the such type of power machines.Рассмотрены несколько вариантов проточных частей осевых турбин мощностью 500 кВт и 1 МВт для когенерационной установки, использующей в качестве рабочего тела силиконовое масло (MDM). Единственным геометрическим ограничением для проектирования этих турбин было минимальная высота лопатки – 20 мм. Окончательные трехмерные расчеты всех ступеней турбины проведены с учетом реальных свойств рабочего тела на основе модифицированного уравнения состояния Бенедикта-Вебба-Рубина. Газодинамическая эффективность разработанных проточных частей турбин удовлетворяет требованиям, предъявляемым к энергетическим машинам подобного рода.Розглянуто декілька варіантів проточних частин осьових турбін потужністю 50 кВт та 1 МВт для когенераційної установки, що використовує як робоче тіло силіконове масло (MDM). Єдиним геометричним обмеженням для проектування цих турбін було мінімальна висота лопатки – 20 мм. Остаточні тривимірні розрахунки всіх ступенів турбіни проведено з урахуванням реальних властивостей робочого тіла на основі модифікованого рівняння стану Бенедикта-Вебба-Рубіна. Газодинамічна ефективність розроблених проточних частин турбін задовольняє вимоги, що ставляться до енергетичних машин подібного роду

    Determination of Real-Time Efflux Phenotypes in Escherichia coli AcrB Binding Pocket Phenylalanine Mutants Using a 1,2′-Dinaphthylamine Efflux Assay

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    To evaluate the importance of phenylalanine residues for substrate transport in the Escherichia coli efflux pump protein AcrB, we subjected Phe-to-Ala binding pocket mutants to a real-time efflux assay with the novel near-infrared lipophilic membrane probe 1,2′-dinaphthylamine (1,2′-DNA). All mutations, with the exception of F617A, led to considerable retardation of efflux. F610A was the point mutation with the most pronounced impact, followed by F628A, F615A, F136A, and F178A. This is the first study to demonstrate the importance of single phenylalanine residues within the AcrB binding pocket for real-time substrate transport

    Modernisation of steam turbine construction at regenerative steam extraction point

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    The paper presents a methodology which has led to improvement of the turbine stage performance in the regenerative steam extraction chamber area by introducing a ring which collects the leakage flow from the gaps over unshrouded rotor blade tips and directs it to the extraction chamber. A comparison is made between the results obtained for the initial design (without a ring) and the design with the ring mounted. The results obtained for the construction were calibrated using the data measured on a real turbine in a Polish power plant

    GMDSS - system for operational work OE_GMDSS in Polish Rescue Radio

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    Officially, at the end of 2019, a correction of the Baltic Sea Location was published in the Sailing News, which at the same time informed about the change of the operator of the Polish GMDSS Responsibility Zone, excluding Witowo Radio so far and transferring the Polish Rescue Radio (SPL) service. Starting from 2020. PSL began operational service of GMDSS in Poland. This article is the first presentation of the experience from the implementation of this project “Construction of maritime communication system in danger, GMDSS-PL”. mainly focusing on the OpenEye_ GMDSS operating system. In addition to the technological layer of the project, the procedural and organizational part of the GMDSS service has been equally important. The maritime emergency response system can be compared to the operation of 112 on land. The operation and efficiency of this system directly translates into human health and life as well as the quality of the marine environment around us. The technical means provide a high quality and certainty of business continuity. Communication in danger is one of the basic and most important tasks of the Polish maritime service. At this point, all operators and GMDSS services in the Maritime Office in Gdynia and Szczecin deserve praise

    Research of identyfication and the inspection of the wreck "Graf Zeppelin"

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    W lipcu 2006 roku ORP "Arctowski" z dZH MW dokonał identyfikacji zalegającego na dnie Bałtyku od prawie 60- ciu lat wraka niemieckiego lotniskowca "Graf Zeppelin". Na wraku przeprowadzono szereg prac hydrograficznych z wykorzystaniem opuszczanych i holowanych urządzeń pomiarowych. W roku 2007 ORP "Lech" z dOW 3 FO dokonał nurkowej inspekcji tego wraku na prośbę Urzędu Morskiego w Gdyni. W artykule przedstawiono przebieg i wyniki realizacji powyższych prac.In July 2006, ORP "Arctowski" from Hydrographic Suport Squadron of the Polish Navy made the identification of the German aircraft carrier "Graf Zeppelin" wreck, that has been laying on the Baltic bottom for 60 years. The wreck was surveyed with several towed and lowered measuring equipment. In 2007, ORP "Lech" from dOW ( 3 FO) carried out a diver inspection at request of The Maritime Office in Gdynia. The process of surveying and its final results have been presented in this article

    Polish aspects in the modern design solutions of steam turbine flow systems

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    This paper presents new solutions of turbine stages which have been applied to high-power steam turbine flow systems. The structures, elaborated in Poland, were designed with the use of the authors’ original computational software and verified by measurements performed on real turbine sets