16 research outputs found

    HERRING Governance Report Herring network institutions and governance

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    The Governance Report presents the research about the governance framework in which the various aspects and sectors that are relevant for spawning ground management are embedded.https://commons.wmu.se/herring/1002/thumbnail.jp

    Upwelling events, coastal offshore exchange, links to biogeochemical processes - Highlights from the Baltic Sea Sciences Congress at Rostock University, Germany, 19-22 March 2007

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    The Baltic Sea Science Congress was held at Rostock University, Germany, from 19 to 22 March 2007. In the session entitled"Upwelling events, coastal offshore exchange, links to biogeochemical processes" 20 presentations were given,including 7 talks and 13 posters related to the theme of the session.This paper summarises new findings of the upwelling-related studies reported in the session. It deals with investigationsbased on the use of in situ and remote sensing measurements as well as numerical modelling tools. The biogeochemicalimplications of upwelling are also discussed.Our knowledge of the fine structure and dynamic considerations of upwelling has increased in recent decades with the advent ofhigh-resolution modern measurement techniques and modelling studies. The forcing and the overall structure, duration and intensity ofupwelling events are understood quite well. However, the quantification of related transports and the contribution to the overall mixingof upwelling requires further research. Furthermore, our knowledge of the links between upwelling and biogeochemical processes is stillincomplete. Numerical modelling has advanced to the extent that horizontal resolutions of c. 0.5 nautical miles can now be applied,which allows the complete spectrum of meso-scale features to be described. Even the development of filaments can be describedrealistically in comparison with high-resolution satellite data.But the effect of upwelling at a basin scale and possible changes under changing climatic conditions remain open questions

    HERRING : An analysis of spawning ground management, ecological conditions and human impacts in Greifswald Bay, Vistula Lagoon and Hanö Bight.

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    This book compiles the findings of the HERRING project which was conducted from 2012 until 2015 and part-financed by the EU South Baltic Programme. The main objective of the HERRING project is to improve the consideration of including herring spawning grounds in coastal management. Herring as a resource recourse would be part of the economic development of coastal areas, and HERRING strongly emphasizes the importance of foster an integrated coastal management in the South Baltic Sea. Three case study areas in Germany, Poland and Sweden serve as the basis of the approach, which can be roughly distinguished in two parts. The analysis of the ecological parameters and conditions as well as the impacts of present and future human activities, spatial uses and natural changes The analysis and compilation of the multi-level institutions and manage- ment instruments that govern the use and protection of coastal herring spawning grounds. The management of coastal spawning areas can function as an example to show the huge diversity of interest, demands and actors that need to be considered for the sustainable use of resources and ecosystems.https://commons.wmu.se/mer_book/1002/thumbnail.jp

    Parametry zespołu wysadzającego do wysadek buraka cukrowego

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    For seed production of sugar and fodder beet, the creation of machines and working bodies for planting root crops on testes and pollinators is of current importance. It was found out that the seed-and-water production was spreading with the use of ”schteklings” [sugar beet roots]. In the countries with minus temperatures between the vegetation seasons it is necessary to dig out beets and plant them again at the beginning of the vegetation season. Advantages and disadvantages of machines and apparatus for disembarking the schteklings were determined. Under the conditions of applicability, we chose a design scheme and a type of landing gear. With the use of mathematical expressions and standards for the labor intensity of the operator of the above machine, the optimal parameters of its planting apparatus were determined. It was determined that the work of the operator of the schteklings planting machine's stem will meet the safety standards for the intensity of labor if the planting unit of this machine is a rotor-type. It should be equipped with planting cones and a charging device, a conveyor type. The number of holders of landing cones should be 6-8 pieces, and the radius of the rotor is within the range of 0.344 ... 0.382 m. Such a scheme, type and parameters of the landing gear will allow operators to work at the speed of the planter of up to 1.2 m·s -1.Dla produkcji nasion buraków cukrowych i pastewnych aktualnie znaczenie ma stworzenie maszyny do wysadzania wysadek. W krajach, w których między sezonami wegetacyjnymi panują ujemne temperatury konieczne jest wykopanie buraków i ponowne ich posadzenie na początku kolejnego sezony wegetacyjnego. Zaobserwowano rozprzestrzenianie się technologii upraw nasiennych buraków wykorzystujących wysadki. Analizując warunki sadzenia wysadek wybrano konstrukcję i rodzaj aparatu wysadzającego. Z wykorzystaniem matematycznych wzorów i norm intensywności pracy operatora danej maszyny dokonano charakterystyki optymalnych parametrów aparatu wysadzającego. Aparat wysadzający powinien być wyposażony w stożki (uchwyty) do sadzenia i ładowarkę. Ilość stoż- ków (uchwytów) do sadzenia powinna wynosić 6-8 sztuk, a promień wirnika w granicach 0,344…0,382 m. Parametry te pozwolą pracować operatorowi sadzarki z prędkością do 1,2 m·s-1

    Wykorzystanie ciepła wywaru gorzelniczego w procesie produkcji spirytusu etylowego

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    Article contains materials on increase of power efficiency of use of spirit bards in republic Belarus.Artykuł zawiera materiały o podwyższeniu energetycznej wydajności wykorzystania wywaru gorzelniczego w Republice Białoruskiej. Jednym z najbardziej efektywnych sposobów podwyższenia sprawności energetycznej przetwarzania wywaru gorzelniczego jest wykorzystanie ciepła wewnętrznego wywaru przed jego obróbką do podgrzewania zacieru

    Directions of development of the logistic systems in the forest complex of Belarus

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    В публикации представлено анализ логистической деятельности предприятий лесного комплекса . Рассмотрено концепцию формирования модели возникновения и функционирования промышленной логистики в лесных комплексах , содержащей макрологические и микрологические подсистемы , построенные на методологических основах (согласованности , полноты и целостности , способность к адаптации , надежность). Разрешение связанных с етим проблем требует совершенствования и интеграции логистической деятельности предприятий на основе формирования эффективно функционирующих логистических систем.The article suggests a conceptual model of the formation and effective functioning of the forest complex enterprise logistics, consisting of macro-and micrologistics subsystems, which are built on the methodological principles (consistency, completeness and integrity, adaptability, specificity, reliability), forestry peculiarities (available sources of raw materials on the territory of Belarus, seasonal variations in timber harvesting and selling of finished products, a full cycle of timber processing, the possibility of non-waste production). The model includes the organizational-economic mechanism of logistics systems formation (including logistics management techniques, the strategy of the logistics system, formation of relationships between items), tools to enhance the system functioning (evaluation of its operations effectiveness, modeling different versions of production supply and distribution of finished products, the product line planning methodology). The authoring allows you to take into account the interests of all distribution participants (providers, enterprises, consumers) and aims to increase the effectiveness of materials management and relevant information and financial flows

    Environment changes during Middle to Upper Palaeolithic transition in southern Poland (Central Europe). A multiproxy approach for the MIS 3 sequence of Koziarnia Cave (Kraków-Częstochowa Upland)

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    Marine Isotope Stage 3 is considered a period with several climate oscillations that drove the environments to rapid changes. To understand how these stadial-interstadial cycles affected southern Poland, we combined the results of eight proxies analysed in the samples from the old excavations and a new 2017 trench of Koziarnia Cave (Ojców National Park, Kraków-Częstochowa Upland, Poland) in layers related to Middle Palaeolithic, Jerzmanowician, and Early Gravettian. Among the studied proxies were charcoals, pollen record, remains of malacofauna, and vertebrates (including rodents, birds and large mammals, and ZooMS analysis of fragmented bones). Moreover, sediment samples have been analysed for lipid composition (by Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry, GC–MS).Despite several taphonomic issues, it was possible to recognise two oscillations. The first one, reflected in pollen record and lipid analysis, took place during Dansgaard-Oeschger (DO) 14 to 8 and included Heinrich Stadial (HS) 4. The second one, recorded by rodents and bird proxies, was related to DO 8/7 to DO 6 and included HS 3. Charcoal and large mammal proxies provided the broad context of our study. The Jerzmanowician occupation was connected with a relatively cold episode in a landscape characterized mainly by grassland and periglacial environments, while the Late Middle Palaeolithic and Early Gravettian groups settled the cave during milder climatic conditions, where environments were open with sparse boreal woodlands. Such trends provide additional arguments in a broad discussion on Middle-Upper Palaeolithic transition in Central Europe