33 research outputs found

    Koncepcja walidacji efektów uczenia się: obszary pedagogicznych redukcji i ich (nie)zamierzonych skutków

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    The paper is an attempt to problematize the concept of the validation of learning outcomes, which is a component of the process of recognition of qualifications. Viewing itfrom the perspective of the policy of simplicity (Krajewski 2013) makes it possible to trace areas, generated by its subject matter and practical applications, of utilitarian reductions of complex educational and social reality. The recognition of the character of these reductions and their potential consequences have been subjected to the sequential logic of analytic categories derived from the unitary theory of validity by Samuel Messick (1989). The analyses conducted unravel superficial atheoreticalness and neutrality of validation and the role which in the process of its implementation and popularisation is played by creation of a “new” language, essentially tainted with liberal newspeak (Bihr 2008). The reflections undertaken confirm that effects possible to observe and anticipate of numerous simplifications, exclusions and concealments have generated a procedurally complex and unclear picture of social knowledge and educational action, in which only a group of narrowly specialised experts efficiently move. The conclusion contains the thesis that the fact of the concept of the validation of learning outcomes being appropriated by one discourse ideologically subservient to the neoliberal concept of education creates conditions favouring construction of a world of pretences and axiological relativism, which can be prevented by multi-faceted and critical reflection on it, open to reality.Artykuł jest próbą sproblematyzowania koncepcji walidacji efektów uczenia się będącej częścią procesu uznawania kwalifikacji. Spojrzenie na nią z perspektywy polityki prostoty (Krajewski 2013) pozwala śledzić wytwarzane przez jej merytoryczną koncepcję i praktyczne aplikacje obszary utylitarnego redukowania złożonej rzeczywistości edukacyjnej i społecznej. Rozpoznanie charakteru tych redukcji oraz ich możliwych konsekwencji zostało podporządkowane logice następstwa kategorii analitycznych zaczerpniętych z unitarnej teorii trafności Samuela Messicka (1989). Przeprowadzone analizy ujawniają pozorną ateoretyczność i neutralność walidacji oraz rolę, jaką w procesie jej wdrażania i popularyzowania odgrywa kreowanie „nowego” języka, w gruncie rzeczy skażonego liberalną nowomową (Bihr 2008). Podjęte rozważania potwierdzają, że możliwe do zaobserwowania i antycypowane skutki rozlicznych uproszczeń, wykluczeń i przemilczeń wygenerowały złożony proceduralnie i niejasny obszar społecznej wiedzy oraz edukacyjnego działania, w którym sprawnie porusza się tylko grupa wąsko wyspecjalizowanych ekspertów. W konkluzji sformułowano tezę, że zawłaszczenie koncepcji walidacji efektów uczenia się przez jeden dyskurs, ideologicznie podporządkowany neoliberalnej koncepcji edukacji, stwarza warunki sprzyjające budowaniu świata pozorów i aksjologicznego relatywizmu, czemu zapobiec może wieloaspektowy i krytyczny nad nią namysł, otwarty na realność

    The Hybrid-like Character of School Assessment in Early Education: State of the Art and Challenges

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    The review of early-education assessment presented in this text is derived from the conviction that the traditional concept of system is not suffi cient to explain the phenomena occurring within the area in question, an indispensable quality of which is ambivalence. As the study results show, the assessment of pupils’ achievements arises within a fi eld of changeable tension between what is deemed as offi cially binding (educational norms, central and local systems regulations) and what is reliant on the local context of education and individual properties of the learner and the teacher. Accordingly, school assessment gains hybrid-like features regardless of the intentions of the people and institutions implicated in establishing it. Reducing any of its dimensions (be it instructional, social or axiological) with a view to preserving a stable and hierarchical order results in introducing obscurity into the assessment processes and thus turning assessment into an area of misunderstandings. Undertaken with such a perspective, the analyses of early-education assessment unravel its weaknesses, which are brought out thanks to the use of semantic associations derived from the senses given to the concept of hybrid by sciences other than pedagogy. The early-education status quo comes down to the diversity of meanings of assessment being radically reduced, to the assessment being conventionalized, to it being seemingly obvious and subjected to narrow instrumental objectives, especially to the motivation to learn being construed in behavioural terms. These phenomena, however, do not lead to the system being put in order, but they introduce into assessment new types of tensions, which intensify effects unfavourable to the pupil. What in this context I interpret as a challenge for teachers’ vocational training in assessment practices is taking into account – when establishing assessment – learners’ increasing independence as well as the pupils’ growing ability to assess themselves or others. This can be supported by the hybrid concept of combining throughout the teacher’s work two different types of assessment: the formative and summative one, with the two types referring to opposing systems of values. I do not see this solution as a panacea but rather as an opening of the discussion on the state of early-education assessment and on tendencies in the way it is changing

    Dwa wymiary studiowania w opiniach studentów. Rozpoznanie zjawiska

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    The paper presents results of a study of students’ opinions on the issue of studying understood widely, as a socially and individually conditioned phenomenon. A description of the former has been derived from the concept of meritocratism and a discussion undertaken on its premises, whilst for the definition of the latter the psychological typology of orientations to learning aims has been applied. On the basis of the research model adopted an authorial questionnaire has been constructed and the data collected has been subjected to correlation analyses. The data obtain confirms “the diploma sickness”. There emerges a student approval for selection of various survival strategies at university and lack of unequivocal objection to dishonest behaviours. The results of the study do not allow for an optimistic approach to the possibility of a rapid “paradigmatic change” in higher education.W tekście przedstawiono wyniki badania opinii studentów na temat studiowania, rozumianego szeroko – jako zjawisko uwarunkowane społecznie i jednostkowo. Charakterystykę pierwszego z nich wyprowadzono z koncepcji merytokratyzmu i dyskusji podejmowanej z jego założeniami, natomiast do zdefiniowania drugiego wykorzystano psychologiczną typologię orientacji na cele uczenia się. W oparciu o model badawczy zbudowano autorski kwestionariusz, a zgromadzone dane poddano analizom korelacyjnym. Uzyskane wyniki potwierdzają występowanie wśród studentów „choroby dyplomu”. Wyraźna jest studencka aprobata dla przyjmowania różnych strategii przetrwania na uczelni i brak jednoznacznego sprzeciwu wobec nieuczciwych zachowań. Wyniki badania nie pozwalają optymistycznie podejść do możliwości szybkiej „zmiany paradygmatycznej” w szkolnictwie wyższym

    Hydroelementation of diynes

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    This review highlights the hydroelementation reactions of conjugated and separated diynes, which depending on the process conditions, catalytic system, as well as the type of reagents, leads to the formation of various products: enynes, dienes, allenes, polymers, or cyclic compounds. The presence of two triple bonds in the diyne structure makes these compounds important reagents but selective product formation is often difficult owing to problems associated with maintaining appropriate reaction regio- and stereoselectivity. Herein we review this topic to gain knowledge on the reactivity of diynes and to systematise the range of information relating to their use in hydroelementation reactions. The review is divided according to the addition of the E–H (E = Mg, B, Al, Si, Ge, Sn, N, P, O, S, Se, Te) bond to the triple bond(s) in the diyne, as well as to the type of the reagent used, and the product formed. Not only are the hydroelementation reactions comprehensively discussed, but the synthetic potential of the obtained products is also presented. The majority of published research is included within this review, illustrating the potential as well as limitations of these processes, with the intent to showcase the power of these transformations and the obtained products in synthesis and materials chemistry

    Dydaktyki stabilne, pogranicze oraz in statu nascendi. Rozważania o książce Doroty Klus-Stańskiej: Paradygmaty dydaktyki. Myśleć teorią o praktyce

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    The key aim of the paper is to present a scientific review of Dorota Klus-Stańska’s book, Paradygmaty dydaktyki. Myśleć teorią o praktyce. The conducted analysis was subjected to unravelling these substantive and structural aspects of the textbook which reinvigorate the understanding of didactics as a scientific discipline, violate the matrices-based typologies and knock the reader out of automatisms. Conclusions from the analysis provided substantiation for proposing a classification of didactics reaching beyond their paradigmatic assignment, yet not discordant with it. Taking advantage of the relationship of particular types of didactics with their (a) paradigmatic assignment and (b) educational practice, the author distinguished stable, borderline and in statu nascendi didactics, posing at the end a question as to them being open to interparadigmatic translation

    O informacji zwrotnej i jej relacjach z uczeniem się. Ku dydaktycznej refleksji nad perspektywą zmiany w kształceniu akademickim w Polsce

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    In the considerations undertaken in the text I focus on the popular model of feedback, which is assigned the power of transforming teaching into effective learning. I assume that feedback – similarly to each didactic activity or means – is a social and cultural construct, and this is why in the analyses I refer to the multiplicity of theoretical educational concepts and the practical dimension and social context of tertiary education. This embeds the approach taken in the interpretative reasoning on didactics and the critical view on the considerations implemented. Results from the analyses problematise many didactic issues related to feedback, particularly the fact that they reflect its complex relationships with the establishment of educational objectives and limitations in it being associated with the creation of students’ cognitive autonomy. I do not determine the direction of changes that might occur in the Polish tertiary education, yet I draw attention to it being strongly rooted in normative didactics, solidified by adopted system solutions

    Problems with “a Surplus of Knowledge” in a Diagnosis Conducted from a Close Perspective

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    W wielu koncepcjach nauczycielskiego profesjonalizmu podkreśla się rolę kompetencji diagnostycznych w odpowiedzialnym projektowaniu procesu kształcenia. Jednocześnie diagnozowanie prowadzone z bliskiej perspektywy poznawczej nieuchronnie obarczone jest nie tylko subiektywizmem, ale też schematycznością oraz pewną niestabilnością indywidualnych sądów nauczyciela. Przyjmuje się, że podniesieniu trafności edukacyjnego badania diagnostycznego służy zastosowanie metodologicznej triangulacji, która umożliwia uzyskanie swoistej „nadwyżki wiedzy”, pozwalającej nadać zgromadzonym wynikom sens wykraczający poza doraźne decyzje dydaktyczne. W niniejszym tekście analizuję różne aspekty nieformalnych diagnoz, w których zastosowano strategię triangulacji, ujawniając problemy stojące na drodze do zgromadzenia w nich wiedzy o większym potencjale niż prosta suma różnych danych uzyskanych różnymi metodami. Wśród nich najbardziej znaczące są różne rodzaje redukcji o złożonej etiologii, które prowadzą do uzyskania nieproblematycznego i spójnego obrazu codzienności edukacyjnej. Z analiz wynika też, że o możliwości osiągnięcia lub tylko poszukiwania „nadwyżki wiedzy” decyduje osobiste zainteresowanie diagnosty światem szkoły, zaliczane przez psychologów do poznawczych mechanizmów motywacyjnych. Podjęte przeze mnie rozważania obejmują metodologiczny, pragmatyczny i refleksyjny wymiar diagnozowania edukacyjnego, dlatego z jednej strony ujawniają rolę ciekawości diagnosty oraz teorii pedagogicznej w poznawaniu i intepretowaniu sytuacji szkolnych, a z drugiej – dostarczają empirycznych danych do namysłu nad sformułowaną przez M. Czerepaniak-Walczak koncepcją praktyki typu praxis w kształceniu nauczycieli.In many theories on teacher professionalism the role of diagnostic competencies for the responsible construction of the educational process is emphasised. On the other hand, if conducted from a close cognitive perspective, the diagnosing is inevitably burdened not only with subjectivism but also with the schematic character and certain instability of the teacher’s judgments. It is assumed that the validity of diagnostic tools is supported by employing methodological triangulation making it possible to arrive at something of “a surplus of knowledge” and to grant the collected results a meaning that goes beyond short-term instructional decisions. In this text I analyse various aspects of informal diagnoses, in which the triangulation strategy was applied, thus unravelling issues that hinder the collection of knowledge of a potential greater than just the sum of various data obtained through different methods. Among them, the most significant are different forms of reduction of complex aetiology leading to a non-problematic and coherent picture of educational reality. What also results from the analyses is the fact that the possibility of achieving or only seeking “the surplus of knowledge” is determined by a diagnostician’s personal interest in the school world, put by psychologists among cognitive motivation mechanisms. The undertaken reflections cover the methodological, pragmatic and reflexive dimensions of educational diagnosis, and this is why, on the one hand, they reveal the role of the diagnostician’s curiosity and pedagogical theory in recognising and interpreting school situations, and, on the other hand, they provide empirical data for rumination on the concept of praxis in teacher education as formulated by M. Czerepaniak-Walczak

    Overlooked discourse, that is a piece on constructivism and the chances of early school assessment (being) wasted

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    The aim of the paper is to reconstruct the (un)used chances which are generated for early education assessment by the constructive paradigm. In my reflections I take into account two complex and interpermeating perspectives: the premises of educational theory and educational practice. I order the area of reflection thus created by means of the assessment categories present in the language of practicalised didactics and colloquial assessment discourses. The analysis of declared assumptions, tacitly adopted or overlooked in various concepts and solutions, leads to the conclusion that in early education assessment constructivism is not so much an overlooked discourse, but distorted by normative convictions and educational practices