21 research outputs found

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    The Budapest School of Russian Studies: Results and Prospects

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    The article was submitted on 10.12.2013.The article describes the history of the Budapest School of Russian Studies and analyzes its present-day state. The author outlines the main directions of research carried out by the leading Hungarian scholars of Russia in different spheres of the humanities (György Ránki, Emil Niederhauser, Miklós Kun, Márta Font, Tamás Krausz, etc.) and examines the connections Hungarian scholars have with Soviet and post-Soviet academic schools, as well as speaks about personal contacts among international scholars that have turned out to be beneficial for research. The article is accompanied by a substantial bibliography and detailed information on conferences and publications released by both Russian and Hungarian scholars of Russia.Представлена история возникновения будапештской школы русистики и анализ ее современного состояния. Очерчиваются научные направления ведущих венгерских русистов в различных сферах гуманитаристики (Дёрдь Ранки, Эмиль Нидерхаузер, Миклош Кун, Марта Фонт, Тамаш Краус), рассматриваются линии связи с советской и постсоветской наукой, приводятся примеры продуктивных личных отношений исследователей различных национальных научных школ. Статья сопровождается обширной библиографией и подробной информацией о конференциях, публикациях трудов и научных проектах венгерских русистов


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    No summary or monographical treatment exists of Hungarian Russophobia, nor even of the picture Hungarians have of the Russians in general. In providing glimpses, with the help of illustrations, of a few of the key moments in the history of Russophobia in Hungary, this article urges the continuation of research into this area and the writing of an overview of it. The first “moment” featured in the article is the 1581 Siege of Pskov, conducted under the leadership of István Báthory, and the final date is 2017, but the story could be carried forward up to the present day. Through analysis of the particulars, this study attempts to distinguish in every case between Russophobia par excellence and the anti-Russian stereotypes of the Middle Ages, and between censure directed not at the entire Russian people, but at the autocratic regime, and based not on xenophobia, but on criticism of the system

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