31 research outputs found

    Pojemniki i rośliny kubłowe w historycznych parkach i ogrodach

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    Containers are an important part of the historic garden equipment. The flowers were planted in pots and bowls in the times of Homer. In the gardens of the historic seventeenth, eighteenth and nineteenth centuries containers erected at points that they wanted to emphasize one formed rows and rhythmic compositions. Pots erected on the banks of reservoirs, the balustrades, terraces and stairs.Pojemniki są ważnym elementem wyposażenia zabytkowego ogrodu. Kwiaty były uprawiane w donicach i misach już w czasach Homera. W ogrodach historycznych XVII, XVIII i XIX wieku pojemniki ustawiano w punktach, które chciano podkreślić, formowano z nich rzędy i rytmiczne kompozycje. Donice ustawiano nad brzegami zbiorników wodnych, na balustradach, tarasach i schodach

    Tribological Properties of Medical Material (MED610) Used in 3D Printing PJM Technology

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    The development of modern manufacturing technologies related to the ongoing industrial revolution Industry 4.0, is largely related to the dynamic development of materials chemistry. This means that currently 3D printing technologies allow the production of physical models using newer materials with better properties and application in new industrial sectors. The article presents the results of tribological tests of the bio-medical material under the trade name MED610, which shows biocompatibility for medical and dental purposes. The paper presents the results of measurements of tribological models of samples designed and manufactured in the shape of rings. Using the variable friction parameters, the wear process was described in the pressure-rotational speed (P-V) system. Moreover, the friction coefficient and wear measured by using the linear method were analyzed. The paper also presents a metrological analysis carried out with the application of an optical profilometer on the surface of the samples after pressing at the contact point of the surface during the test. The preliminary review of the test results showed that the MED610 material exhibited relatively good abrasion resistance. However, it cannot be employed for heavily loaded friction nodes, and in the PV diagram even at a relatively small value, the sample models were destroyed

    Spectrum of transthyretin gene mutations and clinical characteristics of Polish patients with cardiac transthyretin amyloidosis

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    Background: Transthyretin amyloidosis (ATTR) is a rare, life-threatening systemic disorder. We present first findings on the cardiac hereditary ATTR in Poland.Methods: Sixty-eight consecutive patients with suspected or known cardiac amyloidosis were evaluated, including blood tests, standard 12-lead electrocardiography (ECG) and transthoracic echocardiography. ATTR was confirmed histologically or non-invasively using 99mTc-DPD scintigraphy. Transthyretin (TTR) gene sequencing was performed.Results: In 2017–2019, 10 unrelated male patients were diagnosed with hereditary ATTR. All patients had very uncommon TTR gene mutations: 7 patients had p.Phe53Leu mutation, 2 patients had p.Glu109Lys mutation and 1 patient had p.Ala101Val mutation. The age of onset ranged from 49 to 67 years (mean [SD] age, 58.7 [6.4] years). On ECG, most patients (70%) had pseudoinfarct pattern and/or low QRS voltage. The maximal wall thickness (MWT) on echocardiography varied considerably among the patients from moderate (16 mm) to massively increased (30 mm). Most patients (90%) had decreased left ventricular ejection fraction (mean [SD], 43 [11] %). On follow-up, we observed progressive heart failure in almost all cases. The first patient with p.Phe53Leu mutation died of heart failure, the second died suddenly, the third successfully underwent combined heart and liver transplant with 15 months survival from the surgery. The patient with p.Ala101Val mutation died of stroke.Conclusions: According to available data, this is the first time that the types of TTR mutations and the clinical characteristics of Polish patients with cardiac hereditary ATTR have been described. Previous literature data about Polish background in families with p.Phe53Leu mutation and the present results, suggest that this TTR mutation might be endemic in the Polish population

    Nowe metody diagnostyki amyloidozy serca. Seria przypadków amyloidozy transtyretynowej

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    The systemic amyloidosis are diseases induced by misfolded proteins. These insoluble proteins deposit in extracellular space. Infiltration the heart by amyloid can result in progressive diastolic and systolic dysfunction and restrictive cardiomyopathy phenotype – left ventricle hypertrophy and stiffness. More than 20 different precursor proteins have the propensity to form amyloid fibrils. One of the most common amyloid infiltrating the heart is transthyretin amyloid (ATTR) - mostly inherited disease. ATTR is generally considered a mainly neurological disease, but it is phenotypically heterogeneous and the clinical spectrum of the disease varies widely, which makes the diagnosis a real challenge. Although, the early diagnosis improve the prognosis, especially due to new drug introduced in ATTR - tafamidis. In this article we would like to present the case series of transthyretin amyloidosis, which was diagnosed by heart scintigraphy or genetic testing.Amyloidozy to heterogenna grupa chorób wywołanych polimeryzacją nieprawidłowo sfałdowanych białek, które odkładają się w macierzy zewnątrzkomórkowej wielu organów. Odkładanie amyloidu w przestrzeni zewnątrzkomórkowej miokardium powoduje stopniowe pogarszanie funkcji rozkurczowej, a na późniejszych etapach także funkcji skurczowej, co prowadzi do rozwoju fenotypu kardiomiopatii restrykcyjnej. Znanych jest co najmniej 36 białek, które mogą tworzyć złogi amyloidu. Jedną z częstszych sercowych postaci amyloidozy jest amyloidoza transtyretynowa (ATTR), nabyta lub dziedziczna wywołana mutacją w genie transtyretyny. Amyloidoza transtyretynowa jest głównie postrzegana jako choroba neurologiczna, jednak spektrum narządów dotkniętych chorobą, a tym samym możliwych zaburzeń, jest bardzo zróżnicowane, co utrudnia jej diagnostykę. Natomiast, ze względu na wprowadzenie nowego leku — tafamidisu, wczesne rozpoznanie choroby staje się kluczowe dla leczenia chorych na ATTR, szczególnie z zajęciem serca. W niniejszej pracy przedstawiono serię 4 przypadków pacjentów z potwierdzoną ATTR

    Characteristics of the gut microbiome in esports players compared with those in physical education students and professional athletes

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    IntroductionEsports is a category of competitive video games that, in many aspects, may be similar to traditional sports; however, the gut microbiota composition of players has not been yet studied.Materials and methodsHere, we investigated the composition and function of the gut microbiota, as well as short chain fatty acids (SCFAs), and amino acids, in a group of 109 well-characterized Polish male esports players. The results were compared with two reference groups: 25 endurance athletes and 36 healthy students of physical education. DNA and metabolites isolated from fecal samples were analyzed using shotgun metagenomic sequencing and mass spectrometry, respectively. Physical activity and nutritional measures were evaluated by questionnaire.ResultsAlthough anthropometric, physical activity and nutritional measures differentiated esports players from students, there were no differences in bacterial diversity, the Bacteroidetes/Firmicutes ratio, the composition of enterotype clusters, metagenome functional content, or SCFA concentrations. However, there were significant differences between esports players and students with respect to nine bacterial species and nine amino acids. By contrast, all of the above-mentioned measures differentiated professional athletes from esports players and students, with 45 bacteria differentiating professional athletes from the former and 31 from the latter. The only species differentiating all three experimental groups was Parabacteroides distasonis, showing the lowest and highest abundance in esports players and athletes, respectively.ConclusionOur study confirms the marked impact of intense exercise training on gut microbial structure and function. Differences in lifestyle and dietary habits between esports players and physical education students appear to not have a major effect on the gut microbiota

    Overview of selected functional tests used in assessment of the risk of falls of older persons

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    U osób starszych wraz z wiekiem wzrasta liczba występowania upadków, prowadzących niejednokrotnie do poważnych następstw zdrowotnych i społecznych. Wynika to niewątpliwie z występowania różnych czynników ryzyka, z których większość jest powiązana ze zmianami inwolucyjnymi, typowymi dla procesu starzenia się organizmu ludzkiego. Duże znaczenie przypisuje się w tym zjawisku zaburzeniom chodu i równowagi. Powszechnie stosowane i proste w wykonaniu testy funkcjonalne umożliwiają ich badanie pod kątem ryzyka upadków. Celem pracy jest dokonanie charakterystyki wybranych testów funkcjonalnych stosowanych w ocenie ryzyka upadków u osób starszych, czyli: The Timed Get-Up & Go Test, The Dynamic Gait Index, The Step Test, Stops Walking When Talking, The Performance-Oriented Mobility Assessment, The Four Square Step Test, The One Leg Standing Test, Functional Reach Test, Test Berg.The number of falls of older persons is increasing as they age, leading many times to serious health and social consequences. It results undoubtedly from the presence of various risk factors, most of which are related to involutonary changes typical for the aging process of the human body. Huge importance is attributed in the context to gait and balance disorders. Studying them from the point of view of the risk of falls is enabled by the commonly used and simple to implement functional tests. This study is aimed at developing the characteristics of selected functional tests used in assessment of the risk of falls of older persons, i.e.: The Timed Get-Up & Go Test, The Dynamic Gait Index, The Step Test, Stops Walking When Talking, The Performance-Oriented Mobility Assessment, The Four Square Step Test, The One Leg Standing Test, Functional Reach Test, Test Berg