14 research outputs found

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    Publikacja doskonale wpisuje się w klimat „protwórczości i prozdolności” dzisiejszych czasów. Powstała jako projekt teoretyczno-badawczy, który w swoich założeniach integruje dwa zespoły pracowników naukowych, przedstawicieli pedagogiki twórczości oraz edukacji artystycznej. Autorzy postawili sobie nader ambitne zadanie, związane z przedstawieniem podstaw pedagogiki pozytywnej, w oparciu o zgromadzoną wiedzę teoretyczną jak i wyniki badań własnych. Istotnym walorem poznawczym książki jest sposób narracji, jakim posługują się Autorzy. Z jednej strony mamy do czynienia z naukowym i rzetelnym wykładem, z drugiej strony autorzy w żywy i lekki sposób omawiają problematykę, która skłania czytelnika do własnych refleksji i przemyśleń, zachęca do projektowania własnych działań pedagogicznych. Wydaje się zatem, że Autorom doskonale znana jest koncepcja refleksyjnego praktyka, skoro prezentując swoje wywody sprawiają, iż odbiorca staje się refleksyjnym czytelnikiem.Udostępnienie publikacji Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego finansowane w ramach projektu „Doskonałość naukowa kluczem do doskonałości kształcenia”. Projekt realizowany jest ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Wiedza Edukacja Rozwój; nr umowy: POWER.03.05.00-00-Z092/17-00

    Introduction. Abilities – Talent – Creativity. Very „Present” Discourses

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    The text offers an introduction into the sixteenth issue of “Educational Sciences. Interdisciplinary Studies,” which is dedicated to the topic of educational, family, and cultural conditions for recognizing and supporting abilities, talent, and creativity. In the introduction, the authors emphasize that the topic of abilities and talents has become an important subject in contemporary studies in pedagogy and psychology. The sixteenth issue of the journal consists of both theoretical and empirical articles, which present the results of the authors’ research projects.Tekst wprowadza do problematyki szesnastego numeru „Nauk o Wychowaniu. Studia Interdyscyplinarne”, który poświęcony został problematyce edukacyjnych, rodzinnych oraz kulturowych uwarunkowań rozpoznawania i wspierania zdolności, talentu oraz kreatywności. Autorzy we wprowadzeniu podkreślają, iż tematyka zdolności i uzdolnień stała się współcześnie znaczącym problemem w badaniach pedagogicznych i psychologicznych. W numerze szesnastym znalazły się artykuły o charakterze zarówno teoretycznym, jak i w ujęciu empirycznym, w których autorzy prezentują wyniki badań własnych

    Walidacja komunikacyjna w analizie wyników badań pedagogicznych

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    The article touches upon the subject of communicative validation. In the first part, the authors provide an insight into methodological literature discussing communicative validation as a means of assessing the accuracy of data, basing on the estimation provided by people who participated in quality tests. The second part presents examples of communicative validation application in research into everyday activities and the role of key people in developing directional capabilities. In the summary, the authors ask about the accuracy and purposefulness of validation.The article touches upon the subject of communicative validation. In the first part, the authors provide an insight into methodological literature discussing communicative validation as a means of assessing the accuracy of data, basing on the estimation provided by people who participated in quality tests. The second part presents examples of communicative validation application in research into everyday activities and the role of key people in developing directional capabilities. In the summary, the authors ask about the accuracy and purposefulness of validation

    Treatment of External Cervical Resorption and Its Late Complication: A Case Report

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    External cervical resorption is a type of pathological root resorption that is often asymptomatic. It leads to progressive loss of dental hard tissues while the pulp usually remains vital. The first symptom reported by a patient may be a pink shadow at an esthetic zone. This case report describes the treatment of external cervical resorption of a first upper incisor according to the new classification, treatment and management methods introduced in 2018. After 30 months the endodontic treatment was performed due to pulp necrosis and symptomatic apical periodontitis

    Fluorosis in humans and animals

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    Fluorine compounds occur quite commonly in nature. They are exist in water, in soil, in geological decks, in living organisms. On human and animal bodies can influence moderately preferably or more often unfavorably. The deficiency or excess of this element results in undesirable effects in hard tissue, nervous tissue and other organs. Due to adverse effect of this element to a living organism it comes to fluorosis. The aim of the study was to determine the influence of the toxic effect of fluoride compounds on the human and other vertebrate animals depending on the time and dosage F- and the type of tissue and / or organ on the basis of the scientific literature. On the basis of the available publications, it was revealed that F- toxicity substantially depends on time and dose exposure on these element. Chronic fluorosis, more often than acute is observed in human and animals. Biological factors (including species differences) susceptibility, metabolic activity of tissue and environmental factors can accumulate, which increases probability of F- toxicity for living organisms.Związki fluoru w przyrodzie występują dość powszechnie. Obecne są w wodzie, w glebie, w głębokich pokładach geologicznych i żywych organizmach. Na człowieka i zwierzęta mogą oddziaływać w umiarkowany sposób korzystnie lub znacznie częściej niekorzystnie. Zarówno niedobór, jak i nadmiar fluorków powoduje niepożądane efekty w tkankach twardych, tkance nerwowej i innych narządach. W wyniku niekorzystnego oddziaływania tego pierwiastka na organizm żywy dochodzi do fluorozy. Celem pracy było określenie toksycznego efektu oddziaływania związków fluoru na organizm człowieka i innych zwierząt kręgowych w zależności od czasu i ilości dawki pobieranych F- oraz rodzaju tkanki i/lub narządu kumulującego F- na podstawie dostępnego piśmiennictwa naukowego. Na podstawie przeanalizowanych publikacji stwierdzono, że toksyczność F- w znacznym stopniu zależy od czasu ekspozycji i dawki narażenia na ten pierwiastek. U ludzi i zwierząt częściej obserwuje się fluorozę przewlekłą niż ostrą. Czynniki biologiczne (w tym różnice gatunkowe), wrażliwość i aktywność metaboliczna tkanek oraz czynniki środowiskowe mogą się kumulować, co zwiększa prawdopodobieństw

    Oral Health Related Behaviors in Relation to DMFT Indexes of Teenagers in an Urban Area of North-West Poland—Dental Caries Is Still a Common Problem

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    Caries has a negative influence on health and is still a public health problem among children and adolescents in Poland. The aim of this study was to analyze the association of dietary habits, oral hygiene behaviors and the frequency of usage of dental services with the dental caries index in teenagers in North-West Poland. The study enrolled 264 children (147M/117F) aged 15. Participants filled out a questionnaire regarding age, sex, frequency of visits to the dentist, dietary habits and oral hygiene behaviors, and the Decayed Missing Filled Teeth Index (DMFT) was calculated. Caries was found in 88.6% of subjects. The lower or no caries experience group (DMFT ≤ 5) comprised of 180 subjects, while higher caries experience (DMFT > 5) was found in 84 teenagers and was significantly inversely associated with tooth brushing after the last meal (OR = 0.45; 95% CI:0.21–0.97; p = 0.04) and the daily use of dental floss (OR = 0.12; 95% CI:0.01–0.92; p = 0.04). There is an emerging need for the implementation of effective caries prevention and recovery programs in Poland. Health promotion focusing on oral hygiene behaviors should be disseminated more widely because lower caries experience was demonstrated in teenagers declaring healthy oral habits. Another important need is the development of multi-sectorial actions aiming at the improvement of dietary habits

    BdGUCD1 and Cyclic GMP Are Required for Responses of Brachypodium distachyon to Fusarium pseudograminearum in the Mechanism Involving Jasmonate

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    Guanosine 3′,5′-cyclic monophosphate (cGMP) is an important signaling molecule in plants. cGMP and guanylyl cyclases (GCs), enzymes that catalyze the synthesis of cGMP from GTP, are involved in several physiological processes and responses to environmental factors, including pathogen infections. Using in vitro analysis, we demonstrated that recombinant BdGUCD1 is a protein with high guanylyl cyclase activity and lower adenylyl cyclase activity. In Brachypodium distachyon, infection by Fusarium pseudograminearum leads to changes in BdGUCD1 mRNA levels, as well as differences in endogenous cGMP levels. These observed changes may be related to alarm reactions induced by pathogen infection. As fluctuations in stress phytohormones after infection have been previously described, we performed experiments to determine the relationship between cyclic nucleotides and phytohormones. The results revealed that inhibition of cellular cGMP changes disrupts stress phytohormone content and responses to pathogen. The observations made here allow us to conclude that cGMP is an important element involved in the processes triggered as a result of infection and changes in its levels affect jasmonic acid. Therefore, stimuli-induced transient elevation of cGMP in plants may play beneficial roles in priming an optimized response, likely by triggering the mechanisms of feedback control

    Graphene oxide down-regulates genes of the oxidative phosphorylation complexes in a glioblastoma

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    Abstract Background Recently different forms of nanographene were proposed as the material with high anticancer potential. However, the mechanism of the suppressive activity of the graphene on cancer development remains unclear. We examined the effect of oxygenated, reduced and pristine graphene on the gene expression in glioblastoma U87 cell line. Results Conducting microarrays and RT-qPCR analysis we explored that graphene oxide (rather than reduced graphene oxide and pristine graphene) down-regulates the mRNA expression of mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS) nuclear genes of complexes I, III, IV and V. The presented results provide first evidence for the hypothesis that the suppressed growth of GBM can be the consequence of down-regulation of OXPHOS protein expression and decreased ATP level. Conclusions We suggest that changes in the expression of OXPHOS genes identified in our study may mediate the anti-proliferative and anti-migratory effects of graphene oxide in glioblastoma cells. However, further investigations with different cell lines, regarding expression, regulation and activity of OXPHOS genes identified in our study is necessary to elucidate the mechanism mediating the anti-proliferative and anti-migratory effects of graphene oxide in glioblastoma cells